MSM Claiming Acts to be ‘Bipartisan’ Will Never Fool ‘We the People’ Again!!

(Only 355 Days Until Election 2022) Who’s kidding who here? Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell declared ‘Bipartisanship’ dead, and back in July McConnell returned to the Bluegrass State for the two-week July 4 congressional recess to brag about the money Kentucky would get from the stimulus bill he voted against??? Let me think about … Read more

Bush 41’s ‘Bipartisan’ 1992 Goals Makes ‘We the People’s’ Rights Targeted Today!

(2,181 Words) Surprise, surprise, and I’m not going to tell you I told you so, especially when I’ve been going on about Bush 41, a.k.a. George Herbert Walker Bush and his signing back in 1992 of the United Nations UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development which is the action plan implemented worldwide to inventory and control all land, … Read more

Biden ‘V.P.’ Choice Will Reveal if ‘End Game’ NWO Strategy is Bipartisan and/or Inevitable!

The biggest possible slap to the face of any and every American no matter what their political affiliation, should be that if the Mainstream Media continues to ignore the constitution and the ‘Rule of Law, and Mitch McConnell’s ‘Grand Old Party’ (GOP) continues to do the same, like they did for the 8 years that … Read more

Today’s ‘Bipartisanship’ is Yesterday’s ‘Political Partisanship’s’ divisiveness!

As the weeks, months and years go by its become apparent that the division between Americans today is the mutually agreed upon bipartisanship effort by both sides of the aisle to divide America using partisan politics! It appears we have both Democrats and Republicans willing to do nothing about the Border Crisis, do nothing about … Read more

President Trump Will Never be Politically Correct or Presidential, Either Will Hillary’s Deplorables!

President Trump Will Never be Politically Correct, but Always Correct when it Comes to Making America First and Great Again! President Trump was never labeled a ‘racist’ until he decided to run and then become President of the United States! President Trump was never a member of the Deep State ‘Garden Party’ elites that thought America … Read more