‘Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.’ ~Joseph Stalin

Did you know back in 2012 that Obama Lost in Every State that a Photo ID Law? November 7, 2012: Was the election stolen? Remember all those lawsuits by Democrats demanding that any voter identification laws be repealed. Well, now we know why they filed them. They needed to steal the vote in certain key … Read more

MSM: The Real Obstruction of Justice and Abuse of Power Perpetrators!

The Mainstream Media continues to ignore what’s important to the American people while they continue to support the ‘Deep State’ in it’s assertion/narrative that a President Trump acquittal will allow another round of foreign nations interfering in our 2020 election! HELLO!!! Isn’t it amazing how this self-serving President seems to find all these ways to … Read more

Dem’s Lies, Leaks, and a Disgruntled ‘War Monger’ Trying to Sell a Book!

How tired are we all hearing the Pelosi con men of Schiff, Schumer, and Nadler continually trying to get over on these Republican scare crows? John Bolton can go up to any of those many microphones that are hanging out in his front yard to say whatever he wants about whatever he wants and doesn’t … Read more

Here’s Some ‘Impeachment’ Info That You Might Want to Check Out Before 11/3/2020!

Here are a few options that you might want to consider reading before subjecting yourself to the ‘Fake’ intent and the interpretation that’s being spewed by the Pelosi led Democrats and the ‘in the bag’ Mainstream Media, and has nothing to do with President Trump, but the 63 Million people that got tired of the … Read more