The 44% Of America That the Polls and Primaries Ignore!

(Post Labor Day Series Part 7)  **New Poll: Most Say 2020 Election Was Totally Loaded with Fraud! (Townhall/Matt Vespa) First, when it comes to the selection and election process that’s supposed decides who will lead America into the future, just know that 44% of ‘We the People’s’ input into who’s running for the Presidency of … Read more

‘Independents’ Are Left Out of America’s Selection Process!

Do the American people understand that what’s going on in America as reported by the ‘Deep State’ run ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media is pure BS! Do the American people understand, especially after what we’ve witnessed with the selection process where 44% (September 2021 Gallup) of the American people who’ve decided to break away from … Read more

Independents: The 38% That Don’t get a say in the Selection Process! (Update)

In 2016 the Democrats relied largely on opinion polls, as they did ‘Fake’ news, ‘Fake’ Sources, innuendo, half-truths, and outright lies to try and convince the American people to join Hillary’s pro-Socialist team! Election forecasters put Clinton’s chance of winning in 2016 at anywhere from 70% to as high as 99%, and pegged her as … Read more

Where Did Our Founding Fathers Go Wrong, and is the Writing on the Wall?

Did our founding fathers miss something when they outlined the Constitution’s voting procedures and checks and balances? I don’t think so, but if you choose to use the Obama and Holder inspired use of interpretation and intent to over ride our Immigration Laws, as he did when Obama chose to write an unconstitutionally executive order … Read more

“DINO” (Democrat in Name Only) Conor Lamb: A Conservative in Lamb’s Clothing?

“DINO” (DEMOCRAT IN NAME ONLY) CONOR LAMB: A Conservative in lamb’s clothing or the beginning of a cooperating bipartisan Congress that’s not been answering the bell for the American people for a very long time? As Yogi Berra once said “It’s like Déjà vu’ all over again. We have a ‘RINO’ that’s President because in … Read more