‘Radical Left’s’ Anti-‘Electoral College’ ‘End Game’ Targets ‘Middle America’s’ Guaranteed Rights!

Let’s get one thing straight here, Pelosi led ‘Radical Left’ who is fighting for ‘Black Lives Matter’ and Antifa’s 1st Amendment rights, and who is being funded by their number one supporter and financier George Soros, is now intentionally trying to enslave ‘Middle America’ using bicoastal Sanctuary ‘Blue’ Cities and States that have given illegal … Read more

‘Freedom’ and ‘Not’ Free is the Key to America’s Success!

Anybody that’s falling for this promise of endless riches if you vote for a Democrat for President has shit for brains and could care less about the Individual Rights that are guaranteed to every American Citizen that’s being provided by our Founder’s Constitution! When it comes to the American Dream there’s a process, and that … Read more

Swallowing the ‘MSM’ BS Hook Line and Sinker?

I thought I was born and raised in a town that believed in common sense and the truth, and not a bunch of lockstep closed minded believers that get their information by reading the Mainstream Media’s constant lies, especially when they can do their own research by just spending minutes a day debunking what the … Read more

‘Be careful what you wish for; you may receive it.’

Democrats are insisting that Robert Mueller testify before Congressional oversight committees, but isn’t that exactly what the American people want? There are more than enough items that weren’t in the Mueller Report that could be answered by Robert Mueller under oath. Why was there a need for Rod Rosenstein to come up with a 2nd … Read more

Is the Founder’s Constitution Being Set up to Fail on November 6, 2018?

Memes like this shows you what the ‘Deep State’ run ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media did for the 8 years under Obama’s intent and interpretation of our Constitution and ‘Rule of Law,‘ and as a result thought that they knew and believed that the ‘Fake News’ that they were creating to cover-up  their Socialist agenda was … Read more