Soros’s ‘Citizens United’ ‘Big Bucks’ Are Attacking America’s ‘Land of the Free!

There are 3 times in American history that should show every American that ‘Packing the Court’ will be a reality if Pro-Globalist and New World Order advocate Biden and his unconstitutional Vice President Kamala Harris win the 2020 election, and using the Alinsky Blueprint to transform America to Socialism, which if Hillary had won back … Read more

Dem’s ACB’s Confirmation Lies on ACA are Just ‘Cover’ for the ‘Left’s’ True Disdain for the Constitution!

Barrett is an originalist just like the late Justice Antonin Scalia, for whom she clerked 22 years ago. Clerks at the time say she was Scalia’s favorite. She believes in judicial restraint, and looks to the text and original intent of legislators — and the Constitution — when interpreting the law. Scare Tactics, and Lies about Preexisting Conditions Defies ‘Common Sense’ during the … Read more

Not America’s or My Father’s Democratic Party, and that’s ‘Not’ up for Debate!

Fact Check: Democrats Launch Primary Debate by Lying about Trump Economy! Democrat presidential hopefuls on Wednesday night falsely claimed the economy during Donald Trump’s presidency has only benefited the wealthy. “It’s doing great for a thinner and thinner slice at the top,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) said in her answer to the very first question … Read more

Dem’s Talking Points: ‘Manufactured,’ Yesterday, ‘Vanity’ Today.

The other day the Dems word/phrase for the day was ‘manufactured,’ well today it’s ‘Vanity’ as in a campaign promise a.k.a. the ‘Wall,’ but to be more specific, The President’s ‘Wall!’ But wait a minute, isn’t the $90 Billion Dollars that Obama spent without Congressional approval, to shore up Obamacare not the same thing after … Read more

Trump’s ‘Wall’ or Obamacare’s Illegal Bailout?

Is the $5 Billion dollars that President Trump wants to build the ‘Wall’ not as important than the $90 Billion dollars that Obama basically stole from the taxpayers without Congressional approval to shore up his feckless and failing Obamacare, and only done by the way to protect Obama’s nonexistent legacy!  If you want to know … Read more