4th of July: The ‘We the People’ Take Back America Celebration!

4th of July: The day to re-introduce America’s Constitution’s ‘Bill of Rights’ to our children first, and then the rest of the World!

It’s time to take another page out Maxine Waters ‘in your face playbook’ and this 4t of July confront everyone of these members of congress, their family members, and their relatives in the same way Biden’s America last policies are affecting every American and their family member’s lives and futures!

Update: Proof that America’s 2020 election stolen!!

It’s time to start being parents to our children again and not trusting these teachers union members to teach our children about the value of our founder’s ‘Bill of Rights’ and all those constitutional guaranteed rights that have always made America not only first and great again, but the envy and intentional destiny of the people of the world who have the same vision of self-determination and following their individual ‘American’ made dreams!

For all you Americans that still believe that our founder’s constitutional ‘Checks and Balances’ are working, then I guess you still believe in the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, and of course this time of year ‘Santa Clause!’ If you also believe that our educational system that’s been using Common Core, which is the science of ‘Brainwashing’ where instead of your children using  deductive reasoning and common sense to come with an answer to a question, they are being taught the answer to the questions without even knowing the whys, the how comes, or even the consequences of those prefabricated and questionable answers!

If you look at the big picture about our children’s future you’ll see them not being taught about American history or the ‘Bill of Rights’ because of what the goals of the United Nations Agenda 21 calls for lowering the standard of living for Americans so that the people in poorer countries will have more, a redistribution of wealth.  Although people around the world aspire to achieve the levels of prosperity we have in our country, and will risk their lives to get here, Americans are cast in a very negative light and need to be taken down to a condition closer to average in the world.  Only then, they say, will there be ‘social justice’ which is a cornerstone of the U.N. Agenda 21 plan.

Does anybody think that possibly that the reason why competitive sports, or cheering for a specific Professional sports team might be considered a dangerous thing if your looking to create a society where one size fits all? Does anybody think that not allowing the teaching of our older and young adult children who might be thinking about going to college so that he or she would have a jump on the rest of the competition when it comes to being an entrepreneur with a dream of one day owning their own business and making a lot of money might be the reason why colleges and university campuses are blocking speakers that have something positive to say about conservative values or the benefits of Capitalism might also be considered a dangerous thing if your looking to create a society where one size fits all? Hmmm….

Common Core uses repetitive testing until the answer is driven into your child’s memory, and if you recall it’s the same process that the ‘Radical Left’ blamed for why every American is a ‘racist,’ and how that was caused by being born with your parents and their parents instilling that ‘Implicit Bias’ against every person who isn’t white or isn’t Christian! I guess you can say that Pelosi’s and Schumer’s ‘Useful Idiots’ actually believe that when it comes to the ‘other’ Americans, it’s their parents that inherited racism from their parents , then passed the hate along to every American child for every one of those years of ‘’See Spot Run’ and ‘Dick and Jane’ children books, which in hindsight should have been confiscated from our children, stacked up in a huge pile, and then set on fire as a warning to the world about allowing 2 white children named ‘Dick and Jane to play together, or permitting a dog who is Black and White’ and named ‘Spot’ to run!

It’s time for local communities to set Labor Day as a goal to fire those killers of the American dream teachers Unions, and give the power back to our local and elected School board members to hire the teachers that will teach are children what they need to know in preparation for their Life, Liberties, and their pursuit of what makes them happy, and not what the government tells you what your Life is going to be, what liberties that you’ll be allowed to have if any, and your pursuit of what’s going to make you happy minus the legalization of marihuana and who knows what else that will also make you happy!

It’s time to call this attempt to shut down the peoples ‘will’ with some facts, and there’s no better time to shut this confessed to be half-wit and his handlers down by taking back your own freedoms this 4th of July and burning those masks in public view as the cancel culture is doing now by canceling generations of common sense, and reclaim the American Peoples Day of Independence!

What ever happened to the Obama/Biden H1N1 Swine Flu that killed 80,000 Americans in the winter of 2018?

There have been fewer influenza cases in the United States this flu season than in any on record. About 2,000 cases have been recorded since late September, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In recent years, the average number of cases over the same period was about 206,000. Hmmm…?

CDC director acknowledges hospitals have a monetary incentive to overcount coronavirus deaths, Hmmm again….

Did you know that 80,000 Americans died in the Winter 2018 due to the Flu, did you also notice that not one attempt was made to close the economy or Public Schools occurred back in that same Winter of 2018? Now with the COVID-19 virus our children are being kept in the exact proverbial cages that Obama, not Trump, did to immigrant children on our Southern Border!

Keeping our children stuck at home has done more psychological and damage to their very important social skills than what the Covid-19 Virus could have ever done, and when you compare it to the 10 years that we watched what the Obama ‘Swine Flu’ did to America’s children, especially after the Obama Administration intentionally hid it from the American people back in 2009, you have to wonder if the vaccine that Obama’s CDC claims works after the 10 years when more children died within that 80,000 that died in the Winter of 2018 from the Regular Flu, a.k.a. the H1N1 Obama Swine Flu, you have to wonder if there was ever a vaccine for H1N1 at all!

The Biden Administration is continuing to target America’s small business ‘Dreamers’ by continuing to pay unemployment benefits that are higher than what these small businesses can afford to pay their employees, so as a result nobody is working! Gas prices are up an average of 70 cents a gallon because of the Biden Administration is intentionally subsidizing foreign oil that is being sold by our enemies in the Middle East, China, and Russia!

How can we forget the open borders that are being flooded with unaccompanied children and the continued caging of those children who aren’t being tested for COVID but being transported around the country with no one being told where they’re being sent to infect Americans with COVID!

Let’s talk about Biden reentering the Pairs Accord where from the very beginning was another scheme to separate hard working Americans from their tax payer dollars to fund the rest of the world’s failed leadership, and then not holding Communist China, the largest polluter in the world, to have to meet any standards when it comes to C02 emissions or pay a dime toward the ‘Paris Accord’ Agenda until 2030!!

‘Carbon Dioxide Doesn’t Cause Global Warming’

So first let’s see how they’re doing this and selling it. It is imperative that we be so intimidated by their abilities we are silenced by awe. Then in case we lose a little awe, they would throw us in jail simply for doubting them. Certain religions do that, too. Unbelievers can lose their heads for disagreeing. And by the way, there’s no such thing as a ‘Climate Change Denier.’ Even I have hoped for more ‘Global Warming’ in the winter, if that’s what it takes. Now climate change I am forever in favor of. That’s why they renamed it ‘change,’ once it was discovered to be fraudulent, thanks to a Russian hacker who published their crisscrossing emails.

Furthermore, their scientific references never credit names, dates, or places of authorship. They have never yet willingly and freely provided a list of studies we can use to check accuracy and repeat the experiment. Just the opposite. Their foundational studies are always hidden and, in most cases, either do not even exist, or were never actual scientific studies with names attached. Even these documents are so unavailable to those wishing to review their work that it has required an office of lawyers and lawsuits based on FOIA requests, plus years of legal stonewalling and finally either a partly redacted, almost worthless document to begin with, or no way to verify their equipment, the precise locations in detail, re-calibration schedules and repair. Moreover, there is the fact there were no names to connect to all the obvious miscalculations and contradiction of data, not to mention the clearly erroneous algorithms and continuous changes to same which never ended. In other words, all they have left is, “Because we said so, that’s why.” Check this out for more info…

Climate Change: When Push Comes to ‘Shove-ling’ Sh*t!

24 August 2019 by Jonathan E. P. Moore

The ‘Paris Accord’ Scam……


By Erick Erickson

President Trump has decided to remove the United States from the Paris Climate Accord. Given the hysteria over his decision, you would think he just launched a nuclear war. Instead, he exposed how so much of the left’s agenda is meaningless virtue signaling.

The Paris Accord is a voluntary agreement to which every nation has joined except Syria and Nicaragua. No nation that signed the Paris Accord can be compelled to do anything and, in fact, not a single nation that has signed the accord has done a thing. You read that right. Though every nation except two have signed the agreement, not a single signatory nation has taken any action to comply with the accord. Every action thus far has been an action already begun before the accord was signed.

What’s more, there is little evidence that the actions President Obama proposed prior to leaving office would have caused us to meet the carbon emission goals of the accord. Concurrently, there is plenty of evidence that even without implementing those actions the United States will follow the accord. The reality is that our national emissions continue to go down and are less than they were a decade ago.

So why the outrage? The left is upset because President Trump has shown the Paris exercise to be meaningless. No country intends to comply with the accord, and most Western nations will meet the emissions goals set in the accord without taking any action. The whole process was an exercise in virtue signaling. By signing the accord, nations were agreeing with each other that climate change is a problem. By not signing, countries are deniers. For an increasingly secular left, the act of signing the Paris Accord is salvific and withdrawing from it could cost us our salvation.

Truth be told, the planet is warming. The science is too consistent to deny that humanity plays some role. We do. But how much of a role do humans play? It is telling that when the scientific community believed the world was cooling, they proposed a series of actions to stop it. Those same actions are now proposed to stop global warming. When the problem changes and the solutions remain the same, the public has a right to be skeptical.

In every case, the environmentalist left insists on a highly regulated command and control economy with abortion on demand and other measures to institute population control. Large families are a blight on the planet as is capitalism. There is a reason so much of the environmentalist movement is referred to as a watermelon movement. They are green on the outside, but still red from their days of communist activism on the inside. Much of the modern environmentalist movement derives from Soviet era funded leftwing movements. Western communists turned into environmentalists after the Soviet Union collapsed. Now, instead of seeking to destroy capitalism in the name of equality, they seek to destroy it in the name of the environment. Instead of targeting large Christian families for ideas, they target them for resource consumption.

The Radical Left’ can only change formulas to verify their lies, change generations of rules and protocols that have been practiced by Congress, or steal elections while having Communist China’s Cyber Attacks on the Peoples 2020 election’s challenges silenced by agents who have been planted in the higher echelons of both the Republican Party in Mitch McConnell and the Supreme Court disguised as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Roberts, and just to get their agenda barely noticed at all!

The credibility of these now proven to be wrong and obviously manufactured ‘Polls’ are in the tank, especially now when the Biden Administration in comparison to the Trump Administration admits running of an America Last Agenda while putting the world’s needs ahead of the American Peoples needs, when the Trump Administration in just a very short 3 years rebuilt our military from levels that the Obama/Biden Administration had taken down to levels that hadn’t been seen since WWII and WWI, to the most highly sophisticated Military in the history of the world!

What came next is that we all got to witness the Obama/Biden Administration tax and regulate our American made companies to the point of where they were intentionally being forced, or should I say being redistributed around the world with America’s intellectual Property, and along with the jobs created by those same American inventors and entrepreneurs also around the world, but then allowing those same what I call ‘stolen’ American made companies to compete on American markets without having to pay the same import fees and taxes that American made products are charged to compete on foreign markets!

The ‘End Game’ fills in the blanks on how America got to where we are starting back in 1992 with the Signing of the United Nations Agenda 21 through all the Robert Mueller years that started with Bush 41, the next 3 Administrations, Obama’s ‘Non-Scandals.’ the United Nations role, the corrupt FBI, DOJ, and CIA, the Obama economy lies, the Obama’s Administrations list of Constitutional violations, being a Natural Born Citizen, George Soros’s history, McConnell and Ryan’s back stabbing of President Trump, Chief Justice Roberts, Obama’s disdain for America’s military, the Climate Change Hoax, the China Virus’s/COVID-19’s history from it’s inception, the 1st Impeachment trial, Immigration, Ukraine, Joe Biden and son’s Quid Pro Quo and more like our children’s Common Core education, and a lot more… Book and Articles Information can be found by clicking this link: The ‘End Game’ Updates