Bernie’s ‘Bait and Switch’ Lies about Scandinavia’s Socialism!

Before I continue with the subject at hand, let’s look at a couple of revealing stats that emerged from yesterday’s New Hampshire Primary!

Bernie received 75,000 fewer votes than he did in 2016, President Trump received 30,000 more votes than Bernie last night in his victory, and New Hampshire’s economy is booming under President Trump to the point of where they can’t find enough qualified employees to fill their jobs! Trump doubles record for most votes cast for incumbent! (Trump 129,000, Obama 49,000, Bush 43′ 52,000, Reagan 64,000 )

I’m beginning to wonder if this Socialist Bernie Boom is just a made for Television Hoax that’s being created by a 24/7 Mainstream Media to draw up some interest to continue to bring in the ‘Big Bucks!’ I have to believe that knowing those numbers from last night that their viewership would take a hit, and when it comes to who’s winning the 2020 election in just 9 months, it’s beginning to look like the writings on the ‘Wall!


Bernie’s ‘Bait and Switch’ Lies about Scandinavia’s Socialism!

No one can be elected to the office of the Presidency by running against our founder’s Constitution, America’s guaranteed individual rights, or thinking that banking on political correctness, Identity Politics, of implicit bias will win the day! Now add to that Hillary’s ‘Hate’ message about anyone that voted for Donald J. Trump in 2016 is now labeled Deplorable, and you have all the reasons you need to know why Hillary lost the election to the now 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump!

You have to know that the real story behind the ‘Hate’ in America today will be revealed when the results of the Barr-Durham criminal investigation into the Obama Administration’s corrupt leadership of the FBI, DOJ, and CIA are released! My hope is that this should be enough for most Americans who want to Hate Trump to step back and reevaluate that position for the future of America, and America’s next generation that will hopefully following in our founder’s footsteps!

The silent majority in 2016 single handedly brought to a halt the last 4 Administrations hidden ‘Deep State’ Globalist coup that needed to be hidden from the keep the American people! The reason why they had to be hidden is because in order for them to be successful in establishing the world’s desire to be a Global community, they would have to do away with the same exceptionalism that Obama claimed America wasn’t during his first term.

This is also the reason Obama set out on his first international trip to apologize for America and America’s past generosity! Obama was apologizing for America aiding other nations in need who reached out to us for help when either ‘Mother Nature having a bad day, or to fight off a neighboring country that just needed a little more land and plunder to add to their already overflowing coffers!

Once the American people understand that this Globalization through Socialism agenda for the world was the goal of outside interests that pushed for the passage of ‘Citizen’s United’ back in 2010 and allowed our elected officials to give themselves a raise! That raise came from setting up shop and selling their votes in Congress to outside interest’s highest bidders, which by the way isn’t ‘Party’ specific, and probably the only major bipartisan effort they’ve done together in the last 10 years!

For Globalism to survive and thrive it’s important for the powers to be to control the masses, and in order to accomplish that mission need to dumb down the exceptionalism status of America and eliminate our  founder’s carefully placed Constitutional ‘Checks and Balances’ that have, until Obama came to town, protected America and it’s Constitutional Republic from exactly what’s happening in America today!   

I have to believe that these ‘Never Trumpers’ developed this misguided ‘Hate’ for this President over his love for America! I also believe that these same ‘Never Trumpers’ have taken their ‘eye off the ball’ when it comes to being loyal to the Constitution and ‘Rule of Law!

These ‘Never Trumper’s are either angry at themselves for their choices in life, or angry at the system that was built on guaranteed individual constitutional rights that they never were taught or never bothered to take the time to learn about! What Obama’s Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Implicit Bias has done to America and it’s people is to make them ‘Victims’ that they believe only government can fix, or another name for that would be Socialism without benefits!

What needs to be understood here is that if you’re poor in America you live better off than 60% of the worlds considered developed countries! If you think Socialism is works for you, then just check out another failed attempt to live by it through Venezuela where just  20 years ago was considered the 4th richest country in the world, but today considered just a another 3rd world nation Socialist failure whose people are starving, being abused, and now at America’s door trying to get in to get a bite of those same guaranteed individual rights apple they’ve heard, dreamed, and read about!

The ‘Left’ over Socialist pushing candidates who are looking to take on President Trump in 2020 have been lying to those who think they believe, especially Gen Z, iGen, or Centennials: Born 1996 – TBD, and Millennial’s or Gen Y: Born 1977 – 1995 believers in the ‘Socialist’ pot of gold at the end of the rainbow that they claim Scandinavian’s version of Socialism is! What these misguided generations will be getting, and that’s if any of these elevated utopia pushers of Socialism win, will be that hyped up version of Socialism, a.k.a. the pig they put lipstick on!

Scandinavian Socialism: The Bernie Sanders ‘Bait and Switch’ lie that Bernie himself doesn’t believe in as proven by his 3 homes, his book he wrote that made him a millionaire that he refuses to acknowledge is a benefit of Capitalism, and has no intention of setting an example of sharing those profits to validate his dedication to his Socialist dream for America!

Paul: Young People Want ‘Scandinavian Socialism,’ But It’s Welfare, and Middle Class Paid for It!

By Melanie hunter, October. 11. 2019

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) in an interview with “CBS This Morning” said Thursday that young people who support socialism want “Scandinavian socialism,” a “kinder gentler socialism,” but Scandinavia is a welfare state, and the middle class bears the burden, not the rich.

Paul, who was promoting his book, “The Case Against Socialism,” said that young supporters of socialism need to be reminded socialism has always been associated with genocide and famine and led to authoritarianism.

“I want to get to the book because socialism is also in the news these days. You write that people misunderstand it. They throw the term out there, but when you ask them to define it, it’s a much more problematic thing, so these polls that show support are kind of misleading,” CBS’s Tony Dokoupil said.

“I think a lot of this next generation, the young people in our country that may be infatuated with socialism may have forgotten the socialism of the last century has been with almost invariably associated with genocide and famine. People need to be reminded of that. It hasn’t been an accident. It’s been one after another. Socialism has devolved into authoritarianism,” Paul said.

“Nowadays the big thing is, oh, we want this Kinder gentler socialism. We want Scandinavian socialism, but we make the point – I think very clearly and supported by facts – that, one, Scandinavia is not socialist. It is a big welfare state, but the big lie you’re getting from the left in our country, the big lie that Bernie Sanders perpetuates is oh, but the rich people will pay for it. The top 1% will pay for it. That’s not how the way they do it in Scandinavia,” he said.

“The working class and middle class bear a huge burden over there – 25 percent sales tax for everybody. You have an income tax of 60% that starts at $60,000, so they do have a lot of so-called free stuff, socialist kind of stuff, welfare stuff in Scandinavia, but the middle class pay for it. Nothing’s really for free. They have enormous taxes, so it’s a false allure in our country when they say, oh, the top 1%’s going to pay for it. It won’t work. There’s not enough money. The middle class ultimately has to be taxed,” Paul said.

“You also talk a lot in your book about finding common ground. How do you do that? How do you do that when you look at the rhetoric that’s happening and the disposition that you’ve taken with not being able to answer a question directly?” CBS’s Jericka Duncan asked.

“Here’s the thing, I was at Columbia last night, and they asked what things are you like about Bernie Sanders, and the interesting thing is he and I worked together on a lot of things. For example, on war, whether or not the president should be allowed to go to war in Iran without Congress voting on it,” Paul said.

“While you and Bernie Sanders might be able to do that, how do you make sure that the president of the United States and others who are in even more powerful positions find that common ground and have you actually spoken to the president in reference to Syria?” Duncan asked.

“I have not since the decision to move 50 troops around, I have not talked to the president, but I talked to the president about two weeks ago, and every couple of weeks I do talk to the president. What I would say is I think there’s a misreporting of acrimony in our country. There’s a lot of acrimony on the internet. There’s a lot of acrimony actually on television, but when you go to Washington, you’ll be surprised to find that Bernie and I get along,” Paul said.

“I’ve been to his office. He’s been to my office. We talk about things like criminal justice reform. We talk about trying not to go to war without a declaration. We’ve worked together on trying to end the war in Yemen. I don’t like socialism. I think socialism is a disaster, and he’s absolutely wrong, but guess what, when we talk, we don’t bring up socialism. We disagree on that, but we bring up foreign policy and we get on just fine,” he said.

“There are a lot of things that socialism maybe would help with like, paid for leave and health care and all the rest, but maybe there’s another way besides socialism to get to those ends,” Dokoupil said.

“Just where’s the money? Find the money. We’re about a trillion dollars short right now trying to do the things you want from the government. If you want more from the government, I say, tell me where to find the money,” Rand said.