Biden: “I’m not making law. I’m Restoring Obama’s Illegal and ‘Unconstitutional’ Policies!”

Update: Proof that America’s 2020 election stolen!!

President Joe Biden signed a series of illegal immigration executive orders from the White House Tuesday evening, inching the total number of executive actions to nearly 30 since taking office just two weeks ago.

President elect Joe Biden says he want’s to make it clear. There’s a lot of talk, with good reason, about the number of executive orders that I sign. I’m not making the law. I’m eliminating bad policy,” Biden proclaimed, joined by his newly confirmed Department of Homeland Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas in the Oval Office.

Another memorized lie to try and convince the American people that when Obama said 22 times that he couldn’t do anything about Immigration without Congress, and then after Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and now we know the same with Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, is that obstruction was it’s name, and blocking anything and everything that would help make America by not allowing to be submitted on the Senate floor was their game!

I don’t know for sure, but I would have to guess that the one piece of legislation that was probably passed in the House but never made it to the Senate floor for debate and the possibility of passing and being sent on to President Trump to be signed into law, and what every American citizen has wanted for the last 30 years, was a law on a Federally mandated photo Voter ID Law! Hmmm, time frame just became obvious just now, the same now 29 years since Bush 41 signed America up to be one of many nations to join the beginning stages of the United Nations ‘Agenda 21!’

Please note that all of the problems that America faces today all stem from the Obama/BIDEN Administration, and know that the reason why voter fraud was needed to get this yet to be certified by Congress President Elect Joe Biden, because he has Obama’s Alinsky Agenda memorized, and we know that because they used to call him plagiarizing Joe because after his 2 brain surgeries in 1988 he only had 35% to 50% use of his brain’s capabilities!

President Elect told the world yesterday before signing 3 more Executive Orders that “I’m not making the law. I’m eliminating bad policy,” but aren’t those the same Obama/BIDEN policies that were unconstitutional and illegal that their Administration was able to enact only by violating the Constitution? There were a couple of ‘Red Flags that would have given the American People the heads up about the opening of America’s borders and allowing the same flooding of unvetted and illegal immigrants that happened to the people of the member nations of European Union, to happen to the United states of America, and like the people of those EU member nations, wouldn’t have known in advance so that they might have had a chance to do something about it!

The first ‘Red Flag’ that all American’s missed happened back In 2006 when the American people were poo pooed by both sides of the aisle lies when it came to the border wall that all Americans, no matter what their political affiliation wanted to have built.

Over the years the Democratic Party has been slowly moving away from traditional governance to the 3rd world countries progressivism and have doing it for least the last 4 Administrations. What the American people do not realize is that the change has been slow and gradual with just the occasional legislation that would support such a more lenient immigration law without actually passing any legislation that would be blatantly obvious. In 2006 they passed a bill that would build a 700-mile long fence on the southern border but got lost somewhere in the more important financing and support of the same unvetted illegal immigrants and refugees! 

The Feds approved 800 million dollars to be allocated to build 700 miles of fence on our southern border to help Border Patrol agents do their job, but when Obama reported back that 95% of the fence was complete, but when the real number came out to be only 32 miles were completed you have to be asking yourself what happened to the rest of the money:   ~~

The answer is the DHS added an Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R.-Texas) slipped into an omnibus appropriation bill that Congress passed on December 18, 2007.  Hutchison’s amendment put a loophole in the fence law that allowed the secretary of Homeland Security not to build the fence Congress had mandated the year before.

The Secure Fence Act of 2006 specifically ordered DHS to build two layers of reinforced fencing along 700 specific miles of the nearly 2,000-mile U.S.-Mexico border.

“The Secretary of Homeland Security shall provide for at least 2 layers of reinforced fencing, the installation of additional physical barriers, roads, lighting, cameras, and sensors” along 700 miles of designated border areas, the Secure Fence Act said.

Hutchison’s 2007 amendment neutered this language. It said: “Limitation on Requirements.–Notwithstanding subparagraph (A), nothing in this paragraph shall require the Secretary of Homeland Security to install fencing, physical barriers, roads, lighting, cameras, and sensors in a particular location along an international border of the United States, if the Secretary determines that the use or placement of such resources is not the most appropriate means to achieve and maintain operational control over the international border at such location.” This last section was By Ryan Byrnes, a Friend of America! ~~

This action was not only illegal but unconstitutional!

*Ignoring Law (2006 Secure Fence Act) “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3

The second ‘Red Flag’ that every American missed was not knowing that on the ‘Globalist’ past 4 Administration’s drawing board for more than a decade was the plan is to submerge the sovereignty of the United States of America and politically integrate the U.S., Canada, and Mexico into a trilateral entity called the North American Union.

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) calls it a “North American Community,” as if the corrupt culture and government of Mexico can be made to mesh with democratic systems in the U.S. and Canada. It means open borders and more criminal aliens in the U.S.

The major media won’t report on this because major Republicans and Democrats are in on it. Much of the scheme was hatched under the Republican administration of George W. Bush, but it is now still to this day being carried forward by ex-President Obama’s Vice President, and who’s yet to be constitutionally certified by Congress President Elect, Joe Biden!

Here’s some examples to what I’m referring to…

The Obama/BIDEN Administrations Violations to the Constitution on Immigration!

 ◾Used Executive Action in direct opposition to the law, and unilaterally changes the law for at least five million illegal aliens; Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress; “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3; Article I Section 8

◾Executive Order Bypassing Congress on immigration – Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress; Article II Section 3; Article I Section 8

◾ Unilaterally issued new exemptions to immigration restrictions law that bars certain asylum-seekers and refugees who provided “limited material support” to terrorists. – Article 1 Section 1; Article I Section 8 Congress shall have the Power. To establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization.

◾Issued directive instructing ICE to NOT enforce immigration laws in certain cases. Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress; “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3; Article I Section 8

◾Release of convicted illegal aliens ordered in direct opposition to Law-Article II Section 3

◾Executive action directing DHS that almost all immigration offenses were unenforceable absent a separate criminal conviction. Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress; “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3; Article I Section 8

◾Used DOJ to prevent Arizona and Alabama from enforcing immigration laws. – 10th Amendment

◾The Senate/Obama immigration bill (approved by both) raises revenue – Section 7. All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives

◾Expanded executive action for amnesty to illegal immigrant relatives of DREAM Act beneficiaries. Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress; “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3; Article I Section 8

**This is the Executive Order that promoted Drug Cartels to buy Children, and use them to get across America’s Southern Border, and ‘THIS’ is why reuniting children with their parents is just another Biden ‘Window Dressing’ lie to flood America with illegals in the same way the borders of the Member Nations of the European Union were eliminated without the people of those nations even knowing what hit them!

Biden wants what, he was ‘THE” part of the reason why the children were separated from their parents long before ex-President Trump came down that escalator in Trump Tower to announce his candidacy to become the 45th President of the United States!

Biden’s first order establishes a task force to “reunite children with their parents” after they were separated at the U.S.-Mexico border. The order does not address the fact that many “parents” traveling across the border with children were being trafficked and not related to the adult accompanying them.

President Elect Joe Biden will just be reestablishing the status quo of when Obama left office at noon on 1/20/2017 and when Hillary was supposed to continue on with Obama’s Alinsky Agenda 2.0, that is until the American People figured out that what was going on with Obama’s ‘Hope and Change’ is not what the American People wanted then, or even in 2021, and why the American people decided to go in a different direction by electing an outsider non-politician Donald J. Trump who wanted to make America first and great again to be their next President!

Fake Illegal Alien Families


Some immigrants rent children & pretend to be families to get better treatment.

Who remembers the hysterical sound and fury of open-borders leftists last summer over President Donald Trump’s detention and enforcement policies at our besieged southern border?

Remember the #FamiliesBelongTogether, #WhereAreTheChildren?

Remember the “Trump Child Abuse,” “Free the Children,” “Save the Children,” and “Americans don’t use children as pawns” posters wielded at protests across the country?

Remember the 24-hour hunger strikes and Instagram-friendly border photo-ops by actresses and supermodels of the anti-Trump resistance who care, care, care, so much more than you do about the suffering of migrant children?

Remember Time magazine’s fake-news “Crying Girl,” promoted in June 2018 as a global symbol of Trump’s heartless “zero tolerance” stance?

Two-year-old Yanela Sanchez was never separated from her mother. In fact, she had been dragged across the border unbeknownst to and against the wishes of her father back in Honduras. He obliterated the “all migrants are simply escaping persecution and violence” narrative by revealing that he had a “good job” and the family’s life was “fine.” He “never got the chance to say goodbye” to his daughter before his wife paid a coyote $6,000 to bring them to the United States.

Yanela’s mother, who now bides her time awaiting an immigration-court hearing in migrant housing in Washington, D.C. (most likely subsidized by you and me), abandoned her husband and three other children for a chance to win in the asylum-fraud lottery. She made the decision to tear her own family apart, not Trump.

Here’s my question: Where are all the caring resisters and champions of children now that deplorable human renting/recycling scams involving exploited illegal-immigrant kids are coming to full light?

These horror stories are the unconscionably perverse and utterly predictable consequence of incentivizing families — real and fake — to abuse our suicidal generosity.

The Arizona Daily Star reported this week that a Guatemalan man, Maynor Velasquez Molina, allegedly paid a family the equivalent of $130 to “rent” their eight-year-old son to help him get into the U.S. as a “family.” He and the boy were caught in February. Across Central America, the kiddie catch-and-release regime endorsed by open-borders ideologues is advertised as the hottest ticket to gain entry. Aliens caught illegally crossing the Rio Grande Valley have told Border Patrol agents they surrendered with children because they expected permisos (free passes) to be granted.

“Border Wide,” the Daily Star revealed, “federal officials said they had seen about 3,100 fraudulent family claims since April 2018, alongside about 260,000 migrant family members.”

In another outrageous case disclosed this month, Border Patrol agents discovered a “recycled” illegal-alien child who had been used by at least three “families” of unrelated adults attempting to get into the U.S. from Mexico. The practice is orchestrated by transnational criminal organizations to increase smuggling profits. One Guatemalan woman in South Carolina recycled children 13 times for payments of $1,500 each.

Border-trespassers and smugglers in turn pay drug cartels a tax — derecho de piso — to gain passage through sections of the border controlled by the criminal rackets. The RAND Corporation estimated revenue from derecho de piso at anywhere between $30 million and $180 million in 2017.


If Hillary won, and Dems retook the Senate, you would have to expect Dems to use the Nuclear Option for a Supreme Court nominee!

Harry Reid was the first to use the Nuclear Option, on November 21, 2013, when under his direction, the bare majority of Democrats in the Senate removed the ability to filibuster for judicial nominees below the U.S. Supreme Court level, and we are now witnessing the result of this being imposed and threatening the safety of the American people when Obama appointed judge Derrick Watson, a fellow Harvard graduate who visited Watson within 48 hours of his ruling! Hmmm…!

President Trump and his sole right to protect the American people, has had his revised Executive Order stopped again, and even Throughout the ruling, Judge Watson concedes there’s nothing about the executive order that would be problematic if not for his interpretation of Trump’s statements made in the months and years prior to issuing it. He repeatedly states his feeling that Trump had a bad motive in issuing the order.

Judges using campaign rhetoric to infer intent instead of plainly evaluating the law as written is a dangerous development. Also, because the public can witness the selective use of this trick, it undermines confidence in the judiciary at a time when the judiciary can’t afford too much erosion of trust.

That allowed Obama to stuff the federal courts full of nominees and to alter the balance on some of the crucial federal courts of appeal. By the time the Republicans retook the Senate, it the horses had left the barn.

That use of the Nuclear Option was predicted to be the first step, with the inevitability that if Democrats ever retook the Senate with a Democratic President in place, the Nuclear Option would be used for U.S. Supreme Court vacancies as well. Reid didn’t need to go that far in 2013, because there were no vacancies to be filled on the U.S. Supreme Court at the time.


April 4, 2017, A must read… click on title link below!!


If there were any doubt that Reid took the move with the Supreme Court in mind, he just removed that doubt in an interview with Talking Points Memo, Harry Reid’s Parting Shot: Dems Will Nuke The Filibuster For SCOTUS:

“Outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) said he is confident that he has laid the groundwork for Democrats to nuke the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees if they win back the Senate in November.

March 20, 2017, Another must read, and again just click the title link below…


With Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid announcing that he won’t seek re-election in 2016, this may be a rare instance in which the retirement of an incumbent is a relief to his party.

Now Democrats can run a fresh face unburdened by Reid’s record of political vilification, obstruction and disrespect for the Senate’s traditions.

Enter the new Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell who is not only Supersized with being compromised by Communist China, but made $4 Million dollars a year from 2004 to 2010, and coincidently during the rise of Illinois Senator Barack Obama made his appearance on the political stage after being encouraged by my generation’s and ‘Weather Underground Bomber’ William ‘Bill’ Ayres, who was a fellow ‘Community Organizer’ in Chicago, and from there is has always been Obama and Bill Ayers who would have been together from the Beginning, and as a result a big part behind the reason why Barack Obama ran for the office of the President of the United States!

Mitch McConnell: The Key to the 2020 Election Results, and the future of America!

21 November 2020 by Jonathan E. P. Moore

Nuclear Options: GOP Should Have Called Harry Reid’s Bluff!

November 20, 2013

Despite concerted effort by Democrats to create the impression that there’s something unprecedented going on, none of the above is exactly true. By any standard, government is “functioning” (though, often poorly). The electorate isn’t showing up at Townhall meetings demanding that the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals be fully stocked with progressive judges. And, as Reid well knows, the filibuster comports with the spirit of the Constitution quite well.

It’s worth remembering that in 2005, Reid didn’t merely argue that changing the Senate rules was a “raw abuse of power and will destroy the very checks and balances our founding fathers put in place to prevent absolute power by any one branch of government,” he argued that even the “threat” of the nuclear option would decimate checks and balances. Those comments were made in the context of judges, as well. These days, Reid regularly let’s fly with the nuclear threat – and not only when it comes to judicial nominees.

”The majority party always believes the minority is irrationally obstructionist.  It’s a “different world” because the party administering checks on power happens to be the wrong one. Other than that, the world is very much the same. And it’s going to be much the same moving forward. Which is to say, complicated.

Immigration is anti-America

Ann Coulter points out the absurdity of the recent Federal court rulings on the God-Emperor’s travel ban:

To review:

When the president Obama’s immigration policy is to promote international communism: The president wins.– When the president’s immigration policy is to transform America into a different country: The president wins.– But when the president’s immigration policy is to protect Americans: Some piss-ant judge announces that his authority exceeds that of the president.

This is exactly what I warned you about in “Adios, America: The Left’s Plan to Turn Our Country Into a Third World Hellhole.” Nothing Trump does will be met with such massive resistance as his immigration policies.

The left used to attack America by spying for Stalin, aiding our enemies, murdering cops and blowing up buildings. But, then liberals realized, it’s so much more effective to just do away with America altogether!

Teddy Kennedy gave them their chance with the 1965 immigration act. Since then, we’ve been taking in more than a million immigrants a year, 90 percent from comically primitive cultures. They like the welfare, but have very little interest in adopting the rest of our culture.

In many parts of the country, you’re already not living in America. Just a few more years, and the transformation will be complete. There will be a North American landmass known as “the United States,” but it won’t be our country.

The only thing that stands between America and oblivion is a total immigration moratorium. We are well past the point of quick fixes — as Judge Robart’s delusional ruling proves.

The judiciary, both political parties, the media, Hollywood, corporate America and approximately 1 million lobbying groups are all working frantically to bring the hardest cases to our shores. Left-wing traitors, who used to honeymoon in Cuba and fight with peasant revolutionaries in Peru, toil away, late into the night, to ensure that genocidal Rwandans can move to America and immediately start collecting food stamps, Medicaid and Social Security.

No matter how clearly laws are written, government bureaucrats connive to import people from countries that a majority of Americans would not want to visit, much less become. Federal judges issue lunatic rulings to ensure that there will never be a pause in the transformation of America.

Congress could write laws requiring immigrants to pay taxes, learn English, forgo welfare and have good moral character. It could write laws giving the president authority to exclude aliens in the public interest.

Except it already has. Those laws were swept away by INS officials, federal judges and Democratic administrations — under ferocious pressure from America-hating, left-wing groups.

My Book ‘The End Game’ fills in the missing blanks on how America got to where we are today starting back in 1992 with the Signing of the United Nations Agenda 21, then through all the Robert Mueller years that started with Bush 41, then the next 3 Administrations, Obama’s ‘Non-Scandals.’ the United Nations role, the corrupt FBI, DOJ, and CIA, the Obama economy lies, the Obama’s Administrations list of Constitutional violations, being a Natural Born Citizen, George Soros’s history, McConnell and Ryan’s back stabbing of President Trump, Chief Justice Roberts, Obama’s disdain for America’s military, the Climate Change Hoax, the China Virus’s/COVID-19’s history from it’s inception, the 1st Impeachment trial, Immigration, Ukraine, Joe Biden and son’s Quid Pro Quo and more like our children’s Common Core education, and a lot more… Book and 70+ Articles I’ve written since I handed in the transcript for the book Information in and can be found by clicking this link: The ‘End Game’ Updates!’