Biden Takes 5th on Court Packing, Prez Tests + for COVID! Time For All Americans to ‘Error’ on the Side of the Constitution!

These ‘End Game’ threats to our Democracy by Biden and Kamala Harris taking the 5th on Questions about stacking the Supreme Court, should give every American, wannabe American, and the future of America’s Leadership more than a good enough reason to ‘error on the side of caution’ on election day 2020, especially now with the President and first lady testing positive for China’s intentionally released on the world, COVID-19 virus!

The even more important aspect of erroring on the side of caution, and voting for the best way to ensure that our founder’s  guaranteed Constitutional rights are intact after the election, is knowing that you can go back, if this applies to you, to your right to hate, take sides, but definitely guarantee’s that your today’s and future children, along with their children’s children will have the same guaranteed individual rights opportunities that were at your disposal if you had chosen to take advantage of and used them!

What’s going on in America today, at least in my mind after researching all the facts, is the result of the misinterpreted reasons behind the attacks of 9/11! There were no Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD’s), and you know what, it was today’s President Trump who knew, and probably the real reason why today’s ‘Radical Left’ have been on the attack against him being President, and why they’ve have thrown everything they can come up with at him in order to succeed in eliminating those same Constitutionally guaranteed rights because they know, as did Brexit knew, that with those rights being observed throughout the world, that there would be no way in hell that the Leadership of those member nations of the European Union and others would be able to stifle the human heart or all that it craves when it comes to being self-determined and free to follow what’s now known around the world as the ‘American Dream!’

The attacks of 9/11 created and environment of the unknown that Americans on American soil had never experienced in the history of what’s considered today as being modern America! If you think about it you would see that what’s going on in America today coincides with the first graduating class of  9/11’s terrorist attacks, but more than that fulfilled a long time threat to any nation that doesn’t remember this quote…  

“Give me just one generation of youth, and I’ll transform the whole world.”

― Vladimir Lenin

This is the end result of our children being brainwashed by Liberal ‘Progressive’ teachers Unions who are using ‘Common Core’s repetition testing and teaching to get to a desired answer instead of allowing these children to use their god given ability to reason via the real facts and truth about the differences between Socialism and our founder’s Constitutional Republic where Constitutional guaranteed individual rights that might not be in line with today’s ‘Radical Left’s’ agenda that has no interest in making America great again!!

Every generation comes to an age where feeling your oats is considered a right of passage, and there was always a cause that helped rally each generation behind a common bond that keep those friends of those days as kind of a unspoken bond as they went out into the world on their own to discover who they wanted to be or what they wanted to achieve in their individual lives.

But there is one thing every generation obtained even though they went on their own way, and that’s an education of the options that they would use to help formulate those individual goals and dreams! In the Amish Community it was called Rumspringa that normally begins around the ages of 14–16 and ends when a youth chooses either to be baptized in the Amish church or to leave the community, and even though not so defined, in my time was about the Vietnam War, burning draft cards, and for woman burning bras! We also had Woodstock, the peace sign, Hippy’s, the Beatles, Rolling Stones, and in my world, the Mickey Mantle and Roger Marris New York Yankees! Sorry about that, Yankees just swept the Indians and now on their way to the next best out of 5 series against Tampa Bay!

What I’m trying to point out is that every generation had their own thing, but also a fallback position because every generation had been taught two of the biggest pillars in the 244 years of America’s top and respected by the world attreibutes that makes America stand out above every other nation, but unfortunately intentionally not being taught to our older children and young adults, and that’s the values of conservatism and the benefits that have made this country great over those 244 years, and that’s Capitalism!

What today’s BLM, ANTIFA, and all the other future generations have not been equipped with is the how to fend for themselves, a.k.a. make a living when they grow up, but instead have opted to only see what the ‘Radical Left’ wants them to see, and that’s based on ‘Blame’ and than needing to depend on someone or something else to survive on their own, a.k.a. Socialism’s life blood!