‘Deep State’s’ Mueller Takes Parting Shots at the ‘Rule of Law, the Constitution, and AG Barr!

Mueller declares it’s his way or the highway, and if you think he’s going to answer any question posed to him by Congress, then think again because he’s said that the report says it all, but if that’s the case and the report says it all, why did he feel it was necessary to make any comments at all, that is unless of course he was put up to it by the likes of Jerry Nadler and Adam Schiff who have way too much to lose if the this accusation of obstruction doesn’t stick!

What the American people need to understand here is that when it comes to impeaching President Trump is that it’s the ‘Deep State’ Mainstream Media showcasing the agenda of 40-50 radical Progressive Democrats out of 435 House representatives! Now when you realize that this freshman class headliners that the Mainstream Media also showcases who have been sent to Washington to advance they’re districts Socialist’s beliefs, Sharia Law, anti-Israeli and American ally sentiment, and the call for the death of the world’s greatest country because of its majority of Christian and predominantly White population, then you know that our elected officials, and I’m talking about both sides of the aisle, have joined hands to benefit the World while stripping America of not only it’s assets, but the ‘Will’ of the American people, The peoples Constitutionally Guaranteed Individual rights, and the sovereignty that is supposed to be protected and defended as our Constitution oath of office suggests!    

Mueller has decided to shut off the lights and declare the party over, but not before throwing a few more wrenches into the real Constitutional Crisis, and that has nothing to do with the Russians, but the ‘Deep State’s’ Mainstream Media, and the perfectly placed appointed and not elected Corrupted leadership of America’s most respected National and Intel Agencies of the FBI, DOJ, and of course John Brennan’s CIA!

Mueller either has no ‘Balls,’ or has been a member of the ‘Deep State’s’ for so long that lawlessness has replaced his oath to protect and defend the constitution and follow the ‘Rule of Law!’ Mueller stated that he couldn’t indict a sitting President, but what does that have to do with coming to a conclusion of whether or not President Trump was guilty or not guilty of obstruction, and the answer is…. ‘Nothing!’

President Trump’s new AG William Barr’s investigation into the investigators who created the ‘Fake’ and nonexistent Russians colluding with the Trump Campaign accusations, will give Nancy Pelosi and the Dems, who barely hanging on to stay relevant, put all their eggs in one ‘Hillary winning the 2016 election’ basket, and when that didn’t work went with all the eggs they could beg, borrow, and steal to put in the Mueller and his elite band of ‘Who’s Who’ ‘Never Trump’ Attorneys who would find that guaranteed something on President Trump basket, and with coming up empty again have now gone to DEFCOM 11/3/2020 where anything goes when it comes to taking back the Senate and the White House!

Mueller’s self-serving one-way diatribe followed by his declaration that he wouldn’t need to speak to congress or answer questions because everything that he has to say is laid out in the 400+ page Mueller Report is something that he has no say about, unless of course he chooses to plea the 5th! The Dems were banking on Mueller and his Who’s Who team of ‘Never Trumper’ headhunters would find something that would take down the people’s President, but after 2 and a half years of coming up with nothing Mueller thought that he might be able to get one more shot at the President by trying to pull one over on his friend of many years and President Trump’s new AG, William ‘Bill’ Barr!

What was supposed to be a trap set by Mueller to nail President Trump’s new AG William Barr, turned out to be Barr countering that trap by feeling and then addressing that trap from the very beginning by throwing the ball back into Mueller’s court! Barr’s been watching from afar as the ‘Deep State’ targeted just about anyone and everyone connected to President Trump’s election Campaign or his Presidency, and who all became fair game, no matter if what this witch hunt had anything to do with with the scope of the investigation or not, and just about doing whatever it took to take down this President!

AG Barr had already been to this rodeo before as Bush 41’s AG from 1991-1993, and running elbows and getting to know Robert Mueller within the same social circles!

Robert Mueller’s Questionable Past

-By American Free Press Staff

Mueller, himself, is a relative of Richard Bissell, the CIA’s director of plans at the time when it utilized the U-2 spy plane, formed closer ties to the mafia, planned assassination plots against Castro, and directed the Bay of Pigs invasion.

editorial cartoon

During his tenure with the Justice Department under President George H.W. Bush, Mueller supervised the prosecutions of Panamanian leader Manuel Noriega, the Lockerbie bombing (Pan Am Flight 103) case, and Gambino crime boss John Gotti. In the Noriega case, Mueller ignored the ties to the Bush family that Victor Thorn illustrated in Hillary (and Bill): The Drugs Volume, Part Two of the Clinton Trilogy.* Noriega had long been associated with CIA operations that involved drug smuggling, money laundering, and arms running. Thorn significantly links Noriega to Bush family involvement in the Iran-Contra scandal.

Regarding Pan Am Flight 103, the culprit has swayed with the immediate need for a villain. Pro-Palestinian activists, Libyans, and Iranians have all officially been blamed when U.S.  intelligence and the mainstream mass media needed to paint each as the antagonist to American freedom. Mueller toed the line, publicly ignoring rumors that agents on board were said to have learned that a CIA drug-smuggling operation was afoot in conjunction with Pan Am flights. According to the theory, the agents were going to take their questions to Congress upon landing. The flight blew up over Lockerbie, Scotland.

In 1995, Mueller worked under Eric Holder as the senior litigator in the District of Columbia U.S. Attorney’s Office. When Holder was appointed to the position of deputy attorney general under Janet Reno in 1997, he urged President Bill Clinton to make Mueller the U.S. attorney for San Francisco.

As the U.S. attorney for the Northern District of California in 2000, Mueller “strongly opposed” Patty Hearst’s application for a presidential pardon. Mueller wrote, “The attitude of Hearst has always been that she is a person above the law and that, based on her wealth and social position, she is not accountable for her conduct, despite the jury’s verdict.”

As author Brad Schreiber noted in Revolution’s End, the 1974 kidnapping of Hearst was an eventual effect of the CIA-created Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA). By vehemently arguing that Hearst was responsible for her association with the SLA—rather than being a victim in a FBI Counter Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO) operation gone haywire—Mueller protected the FBI from bearing any responsibility for the SLA’s origin or actions.

Shortly after his inauguration, President George W. Bush chose Mueller to head the FBI. As news organizations were vetting Mueller in 2001, The New York Times stumbled upon former associates who remembered Mueller’s reactions to critics who had questioned the FBI’s actions at Ruby Ridge. During an 11-day siege, officers of the U.S. Marshals and FBI killed Randy Weaver’s wife and 14-year-old son.

“Associates recall his anger at members of Congress and others for criticism of the FBI’s 1992 siege of a separatist family at Ruby Ridge in Idaho,” reported Neil A. Lewis. The New York Times further reported the popularity Mueller garnered from officers at both the FBI and the IRS.

Mueller was at the helm of the FBI on Sept. 11, 2001. Many independent researchers have questioned Mueller’s handling of the “five dancing Israelis” who worked for Urban Moving Systems. Callers to the FBI office in New Jersey reported five dancing Middle Eastern men watching and celebrating in clear view as the World Trade Center was destroyed. The Forward, a Jewish weekly publication, later reported that the FBI concluded that at least two of the five Israelis were Mossad agents. It was also concluded that Urban Moving Systems was a Mossad front operation. Unfathomably, the Israeli agents were quietly released from detention.

Also downplayed was the story of the Israelis who claimed to be capitalistic art students. They were traveling the country in hopes of hawking their questionably artistic wares at top-secret facilities and at the homes of those who worked at sensitive security locations. Though the “students” had been reported by the U.S. Marshals, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the Air Force, the Secret Service, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and the FBI itself, the issue was largely ignored in the FBI’s testimony to the 9/11 Commission and by Mueller himself.

Mueller’s history goes deeper than partisanship or personal grudges. He is the consummate establishment insider, a role into which he was born and then married. His résumé has been built upon pleasing those whose career trajectories, family histories, and loyalty to the deep state guide their assignments, associations, and maneuvers. Any hope that Mueller will conduct an impartial investigation of the Trump campaign staff seems whimsical, at best.

The apparent tactics of Mueller’s office seemingly reside in the faulty “There’s the man. . .. Now go find the crime” strategy. If there is fault, it will lie at the feet of individuals, not institutions. This is Mueller’s history and the modus operandi of a career insider who has flourished protecting the interests of his most loyal allies. ~~

Now that we know that Barr knew what Mueller was capable of, we now know why AG Barr dotted every ‘I’ and crossed every ‘T’ when it came to anything to do with whatever Mueller said or did when referring to his faulty and left to speculation report that’s managed to keep feeding and giving life to this false narrative about the Russians colluding with the Trump Campaign and now about obstruction to a non-existing crime that was drummed by the corrupt Deep State because of Hillary’s loss to now President Trump in 2016, and all that’s been exposed about the ‘Deep State’ and the actions and players of who masterminded this attack on our founder’s Constitutional Republic!

Lets start with the first ‘Red Flag’ raised for Barr when Mueller tried to send Barr a note a month prior to Barr’s voluntary appearance before the Senate that by coincidence just happened to be leaked to the Media the night before Barr was due to testify! Mueller said to Barr that he had no problem with Barr’s, Rosenstein’s, and all the other Lawyers of the DOJ that were involved in the final determination on the obstruction charge, but what was obvious to me was that when AG Barr requested that Mueller and his team of ‘Who’s Who’ Lawyers make the redactions before he turning the report over to Barr but didn’t, and that, in my opinion was intentional because Mueller knew that it would take at least 2-3 weeks longer for the report to be released to the public so that those redactions to be made and thought, even though his part was over once he handed the report in though that he might be able to orchestrate how the report was released!

Mueller underestimated AG Barr’s ability to identify a problem, but what Mueller failed to remember is that his recommendations in the note were immediately addressed by AG Barr the minute he received the note with a phone call asking Mueller if there was anything else that needed to be looked into or if Mueller had any second thoughts about the final conclusions that AG Barr, Rosenstein, and all the other Lawyers at the DOJ made when it came to the obstruction portion of the Mueller report, and Mueller told him 3 times after repeatedly being asked that he didn’t! Mueller mission was to either recommend to indict or not, period! which he left open to interpretation intentionally, which wasn’t part of the job description which was to either recommend to indict or not, period!

Mueller’s objective by not doing the redactions was obviously to get ahead of the report so that the ‘Deep State’ Mainstream Media could put their spin on his 19-page summary for the 2-3 weeks before the Mueller report could be released in its entirety.

Mueller was done with his part in the equation in the same way Comey was finished with the Hillary email investigation, but Comey who was supposed to turn over ‘His’ findings to Loretta Lynch of the DOJ for the final decision to indict or not to indict decided to take it upon himself to make the legal determination of Hillary being ‘Extremely Careless’ instead ‘obstructing justice’ that comes with consequences! I guess we now know why Bill Clinton accidentally ran into Obama’s AG Loretta Lynch on the tarmac in Phoenix to discuss the grandchildren just days before Comey announced his findings in the Hillary Email ‘matter’ and why Bill Probably told Lynch just to follow and accept Comey’s lead!

What the American people don’t understand is that Robert Mueller has been playing an important role in the ‘Deep State’ from as far back as the start of the United Nations ‘Agenda 21,’ and its inception with Bush 41 back in 1992, and still doing his thing for the ‘Deep State’ 27 years later. Mueller has announced to Congress that he “WILL NOT” testify because his report speaks for itself and that there is no other questions that need to be answered as far as he’s concerned!

The problem with this is that Jerry Nadler has been re-subpoenaing the same witnesses that Mueller had already questioned without one claim of ‘Privilege’ by President Trump, and with those declarations by Mueller I would think that if anybody should be subpoenaed it should be Robert Mueller who has yet to be questioned about the investigation by congress so that the American people can see why. Common sense should be telling every American that without any mention of the Russian Dossier being part of the Mueller Report that was used to secure warrants from the FISA Courts to spy on American citizens, should nullify the report and deem it invalid and unverifiable!

If Jerry Nadler won’t request Mueller to appear to answer questions by the House’s bipartisan oversight committee than he should be subpoenaed just as every person that testified from the Trump Administration and family without President Trump once using his constitutional privilege that every President is given if he deems it necessary, then Nadler is the one that’s Obstructing Justice while the Dems is the party that is intentionally threatening our sovereignty and the safety of the American people!