It’s About Counting Legal Votes, Not Moving the ‘Goalposts,’ to 2024!

I decided to pull this article out of a pile of 235 drafts that I’ve written since starting this 2nd version of my Blog back in the Spring of 2017, which I decided to do as a result of being hacked on Facebook that caused me to lose the 5,000 maximum contacts that I was only allowed to have, along with losing contact with all the political pages that I posted on!

Update: Proof that America’s 2020 election stolen!!

The reason I pulled this out of the pile of 235 outdated drafts is because I’m beginning to hear, and because of that hearing now seeing for myself, that state certifiers are beginning to either rescind their forced recommendation to certify the election results for Biden in these very important Swing States, or refusing to certify the election because ‘Vote by Mail’ voter fraud is beginning to pop up all over the place!

One last unrelated thought before moving on, and that’s now knowing that since the Spring of 2017, when my Jonathan E P Moore Facebook page was hacked, and my Jonathan Moore Facebook page started, and that’s because Facebook suggested I start a new one because the old one couldn’t be recovered, that I noticed that the percentage of drafts to the number of articles that actually made it out to the world out of the total number of articles written was 64%! Now I have no clue if that’s a good thing or a bad thing, but just know that I hope that the 367 articles that did make it helped you to answer some questions you might of had on specific issues affecting America and the American People!

The bottom line here is just knowing that there was more than enough time for voters who were concerned about the Coronavirus to request an absentee ballot, and then after that knowing that they would of had received it in more than enough time before the election to vote! To think that anything else is not only considered a lie, but proof that when it comes to voter fraud, it’s the only way that Socialism is going to win an election, especially when you know that Socialism/globalism will never be approved or voted for knowingly by the American People because they hate President Trump more than preserving their constitutional guaranteed rights, liberties and freedoms!

Over the last 20 years I’ve developed this kind of 6th sense that kicks in when common sense is abandoned, and after careful internal deliberation I think I’m beginning to know why! If any of you happened to see my bio on my Blog, I think you’ll see that when it came to my father’s belief in the law that he developed while attending Yale, followed by getting his Law Degree from Harvard Law, that you’ll see how simple it was by just being ‘Black or White!’ I mean either being legal or not being legal without there being a gray area where most, if not all lawyers, make their money charging for those ‘Grey,’ or in layman’s terms, billable hours while stroking the clients misconceived personal grudges and beliefs that only an ‘ego’ could love!

It was because of my father’s simple beliefs about the law that help me to decide not to vote until his time to leave us came about, which as it turns out was in 2001 and at the age of 84! Later on in that same year America was attacked by what everybody believed were that common everyday routine terrorists that do their normal bomb running missions to take down those indadels that are threatening the world! What’s missing is the fact that just maybe the believed to be cause and effect of those 9/11 attacks might have had a different intent, especially after the original interpretation fell flat years later when no ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction’ (WMD’s) materialized during the whole deployment of American troops to the region with all that fire power that they would never really need to get the job done!

My Democratic father and mother’s love for the country is why when called he served and risked his life to protect and defend America’s rights, liberties, and freedoms became obviously real to me when he dropped what he was doing to enlist in the military to serve his country during WWII, which by the way is something all of my friends parents did! The unknown statistic that you should be asking yourself here is how many more friends would I have had if not for WWII, and if Joe Biden wins the reason why we’ll have less guaranteed rights after WWIII, which if you haven’t figured it out yet was election 2020, and for the first time in history being a World War that was fought on American soil!

Thank god for myself, my brother and my sister our father was wounded and not killed during the time when the American forces and Filipino guerrillas under the overall command of General Douglas MacArthur, fought against the Imperial Japanese Army in the Philippines who were led by General Tomoyuki Yamashita.

I know this explanation sounds a little dramatic and possibly over the top, and possibly being a made for TV movie to honor Veterans Day, but in these troubled times, it’s all I got! I guess you could say that it’s quite a bit better, but not as depressing as watching our elected officials from both sides of the aisle, forcing today’s somewhat lazier, and weaker version of the once indivisible American people, to simply give up those same Constitutionally guaranteed rights that my father and other fathers risked their lives for back when, only to see today’s Americans more than willing to give up those same rights for a little temporary safety, and that alone should make every American and every wannabe American, which we are seeing today in just the remarkable flipping of House seats from Blue to Red by those once same American wannabe’s who know what’s going on in the world because they lived it, are proving and now showing that today’s election results don’t show what Americans care about and vote for, and as a result can’t possibly be American made, but more than likely ‘Made in China,’ as was the custom and manmade designer virus COVID-19!

For anybody that’s going to say me that I have no proof of that being the case, then I have to ask you in my limited experience with being raised in an era where I lived my entire life through the entire series of ‘Star Wars, Star Trek, and about another 100 more movies alone without the TV Series that will help me make my point, but also telling me that along with Science being able to clone just about anything, and that’s including what I’m hearing about some Dinosaurs, should make creating a virus that can do what both Billionaire Michael Bloomberg and Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel believe should happen to our elderly, but feel Society isn’t ready to make that decision for those elderly when it comes to the timing of that death just quite yet!

I don’t know about you, but since 9/11 it seems like protecting America’s sovereignty while at the same time keeping the American people safe seems to have fallen closer to the bottom of our elected Officials priority list for probably the last 40 years!

What’s next is that every ‘Blue State’ Sanctuary City that harbor illegals and illegal criminals who are in most cases repeat offenders that can’t vote but are, and being protected by these same sanctuary cities and states if they do! What I don’t understand is why the courts who are deciding these challenges from the Trump Campaign when it comes to the evidence that there is voter fraud, is beyond my comprehension when every American knows, no matter what their political affiliation, that historically these ‘Blue City and States that are self-proclaimed Sanctuary Cities and States don’t follow the Constitution, America’s laws, or the ‘Rule of Law’ which should be enough to warrant the continuation of the Trump Administration’s contesting the election results!

The Dems would like you to believe that President Trump disbanded his committee looking into voter fraud after the 2016 election because he couldn’t find any, but the truth of the matter that the Mainstream Media isn’t going to tell you is that it was because 44 of the 50 states refused to cooperate for various reasons, and that President Trump thought it wiser not to waste the money in court fighting their refusal to cooperate, and pushed the responsibility over to the DHS!

What we do know is that these ‘Vote by Mail’ voter signatures weren’t compared to the official signature on the voter rolls, but compared to the two signatures on the same mail in ballot! We also know that the signature verification machines that confirm the signatures on the ballots that are usually set at a probability level of 80% or higher, but now turned down to 40% which would be the same as me writing your signature on anything after just seeing it one time before attempting to sign your whatever myself!

When it comes to these last minute Sanctuary Swing State votes that Chris Stirewalt of ‘FOX News’ knew about in advance, that there is no way of knowing how many votes there were where these illegals either voted using the name of a deceased voter that these ‘Blue’ Sanctuary cities haven’t yet removed/scrubbed from their voter rolls in years, decades, or in some cases over 100 years as was discovered in Broward County Florida when Brenda Snipes was caught for a 2nd time stuffing the Ballot boxe back during the 2018’s Midterm elections!

I have a feeling that with every Police organization endorsing President Trump, and our fighting men and women in the military doing the same, I would have to believe that the left’s targeting of the 2nd Amendment and with the ever increasing membership of legal gun owners who are also standing behind President Trump, that the odds of the American People being scared into submission by the ‘Left’ by using the Coronavirus to control the American people’s right to assemble in groups of more than 10 is not only a pipe dream, but recognized by most Americans to be an attempt to use the Coronavirus’s number of cases, without pointing out the extremely low numbers when it comes to the death rate, which is actually lower than what some of the diseases that Americans have lived with for generations!

I’m tired of hearing the member mouthpieces of the ‘Radical Left’ trying to sell their idea that there is no proof of voter fraud, but have conveniently ignored the obvious preponderance of the evidence that says the only way that the ‘Radical Left’ could possibly win with Socialism as their promise for America’s future, just proves again that voter fraud is the only way possible to get there, think about it!

The light at end of this Biden Predicted dark times with COVID-19 might just be the saving grace that America needs to reunite the America that has never been persuaded by Political correctness or identity politics until Obama and Hillary unleashed their attack on America’s exceptionalism, and thought they could get away with it along with so many obvious lies and ‘Fake’ news that’s intentionally been fabricated to make the American People, and the wannabe American People take their eye off the prize that comes with America’s exceptionalism, which is the chance to preserve our constitutionally guaranteed rights, while at the same time getting back to joining hands as we did for WWI and WWII to fight against this ideological coup that’s out to not only destroy America from within, but doing it by eliminating the Constitution, ignoring the ‘Rule of Law, and not giving a shit about the ‘will’ of the American people!

What’s almost beyond comprehension is having to deal with the Mainstream Media that is continually trying to shove this this phony election down the throats of every American!

How much longer are we going to allow the ‘Radical Left’ and the Mainstream Media think that the American People are to fu*king dumb that they don’t know what’s been going on in this country since Hillary lost, and then on top if that thinking they can convince the American people that this election that they think they’ve won will not only come back to haunt them, but with the findings of the Durham-Barr investigation, along with the crimes of the Obama Administration that Pelosi, and her ‘Radical Leftovers’ from the Obama treasonous 8 years that they believe they got away with, won’t come back to bite them in the ass in the court of Public Opinion when the next election cycle comes back around, and to them I say good luck with that!

America needs to come together as one now, especially when it’s possibly threatening my ability to leave the same America that my parents left me, and their parents left them, to my children, and their children’s children, and so on, and so on, and so on!

These ‘Deep State’ and Globalist New World Order proponents actually believe that via wishful thinking that they won over the American people with their ‘Reset’ platform that benefits the world first over the needs of the American people, while at the same time thinking that the American People are going to sit by silently listening to someone tell them that their constitutional guaranteed rights, liberties, and freedoms that has made America the greatest nation in the history of the world, but now won’t be accepted in the same America that every immigrant and refugee has risked their lives and their family members to be a part of!

With the ‘Cancel Culture’ possibly cancelling Thanksgiving, which is the one holiday that spits in the face of these ‘Reset’ Globalists because it began the world wide exodus from Bloodline ruled dictatorships, that have been ruled by Kings, Queens, emperors, and even these self-proclaimed gods for centuries, and in the words of Joe Biden when trying to convince Americans that it’s time to come together, especially after his family used his Vice Presidential status under the Obama Administration by influence peddling which netted him 3 homes on a salary that couldn’t afford one of those houses based on what he made as a 47 year veteran of Public Service!

Now when it comes to Joe Biden and his word, which he frequently plagiarized throughout his 47 year career, we’re forced to loo9k at his actions over the same 47 years period to see what he’s done to put America first, and to check out the character of the man that is supposed to be the next President. Now when it comes to those actions the only thing I have to say is that “I rest my case!”

What ‘Legal’ Americans Voted for Joe Biden, and What Were the Motivating Factors That Made These ‘Legal ‘Americans to Want to vote for Him!

Let me see if I got this right, there are 180 Million Americans who have personal healthcare insurance that are going to vote for single payer government run healthcare insurance for all, especially when according to the Pelosi ‘Deep State’ Cabal, there are only 20 Million People that don’t have any healthcare at all?

Let’s now talk about the preexisting conditions ‘fear factor’ that the left claims won’t be covered under a Republican healthcare plan when no political party has ever, and would never, deny any American with pre-existing conditions Healthcare coverage, look it the fu*k up!

Let’s talk about the Economy and the Stock Market! I have a feeling with over 200 Million Americans that some either retirement, 401K, or even personal savings, would vote for Joe Biden with his record of his family’s influence peddling and kicking back Joe his fair share!

The biggest problem I have with all of this going on is for the last 12 years watching the willingness of the McConnell led Republicans just sit idly by while the Obama Administration’s corrupt leadership of the FBI, DOJ, and CIA protect the Obama Administration while they violated the constitution at will, and refusing to enforce the ‘Rule of Law!’

Do you want to get sick, and do you care about what the MSM didn’t tell you, then Click here>>


Did you want to know about the record breaking number of accomplishments by the Trump Administration, that the same MSM didn’t share with you that would of had you looking at this outsider non-politician President in a different light, Click here >>


The bottom line here is that President Trump, in spite of what the Mouthpieces on Cable News Network are trying to tell you about President Trump not being able to bypass the voting laws of individual states and therefore has probably lost those challenges, should listen to the People’s voices that got him elected the first time around.

To avoid having to go to the individual states to challenge these election results, there are Presidential Powers that the Progressive Dems who are now the Radical Left Dems, can’t block, especially now that President Trump has gotten his feet now just a little bit more than wet, but after the last 4 years of obstructing and resisting coming from both being out in the open, and also being behind closed doors in order to protect those RINO’s from being officially identified for the court of Public Opinion!

This list is headed by the to do nothing to Protect and Defend the constitution, and who took that oath to abide by, but didn’t, for the Obama 8 years, but now has the ear of the President of the United States of America, and I would predict on a daily basis, and I’m talking about the Republican Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell, who if I were President Trump, and because of McConnell’s earlier track record, and the fact that he got paid handsomely for doing his part in helping to ‘Fast Track’ the TPP Trade Agreement for President Barack Obama where he received for his services $9 Million dollars!

The TPP trade agreement would have killed American jobs until President Trump’s 2016 election victory cancelled the deal that ended up saving the day for the
American workers over the international workforce who were slated to get those jobs if it weren’t for the new President Elect at the time, Donald J. Trump!

President Trump has the ability and the constitutional granted power to ink an Executive Order, that if challenged, and as a result of being challenged/Blocked, and makes it all the way to the Supreme Court for a final decision, will be presented to a New Supreme Court that now consists of 3 new and improved Supreme Court Justices that are considered to be original Constitutionalists that have a tendency of actually following the Founder’s constitutional inten t and interpretation of the written word when making their decisions, go figure!

That Executive Order I’m talking about happens to be the same Executive Order that the stuffed with Progressive Judges and justices 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, whose decision when challenged by the Supreme Court are overturned by a rate of over 80%, were appointed to that lower court without one Republican vote, and that’s because Harry Reid and Barack Obama’s change the rules in the Senate by adjusting the number needed to pass any major legislation from the customary 60 votes to now only 51 votes which is known as the ‘Nuclear Option,’ or simple majority that the Dems first rolled out to pass Obamacare, and again without one Republican vote!

If you forgot what I’m talking about, then also know that the Mainstream Media isn’t going to, especially in this case, remind you of what could be repeated by President Trump that comes under his sole power to declare if need be, and based on our founders constitutionally granted responsibilities that are granted to the the President of the United States of America only, and that has to do with him deciding on his own whether or not immigration is threatening the sovereignty and safety of the American people, and if that’s the case doing whatever it takes to remedy that problem!

Now when you see these ‘Blue’ States over the last 4 years boldly registering illegals to vote when receiving a ‘Blue’ State approved, but federally illegal driver’s license, and then hear these Governors of these ‘Blue’ States swearing up and down that even though they’re registered aren’t voting, and won’t be voting in these elections, but then when the China Virus, a.k.a. ‘The Perfect Storm’ hits, and Nancy Pelosi uses the China virus to hold the American People hostage for an extra 7 days until she got back to congress after conducting a personal tour for the world to see of her collection of gourmet Ice Cream that she keeps in her $24,000 freezer, and then securing the funds to supply those ‘Vote by Mail’ voter fraud aids that she needed to help her and the Radical Left to steal the House back in 2018, and now needing to replenish her supplies before a dime would be approved for the American people would see a dime of what was long overdue and needed badly!

What the American People need to understand is that whether or not we are going to be able to celebrate Thanksgiving in just a week, that the message that’s being sent to the world and the world’s people is that living in poverty in America is living better off than 60% of what the world already considers developed countries, and whose leadership is now, after the unofficial and not yet certified election results some 2 weeks later, are not only prematurely congratulating Biden on his ‘not so fast’ victory while at the same time, and because President Trump made theses same countries pay their fair share when it came to NATO, WHO, and WTO etc., have their arms extended with their hands open looking for money from the ‘Maybe not happening’ Biden and his illegal Vice President’s unconstitutional Administration that used the same ‘Vote by Mail’ voter fraud that they used to steal back the House during the 2018 Midterm elections!

What’s also important for every American to know is the coming of the unexpected but warranted huge and new ‘Red Wave’ that’s taking over the House of Representatives with women, minority woman, woman in general, and newly sworn in Americans who came to America by following the rules and processes to do it legally!

The last thing I would like to mention here is seeing Obama’s financier George Soros’s announcing to the world, and right after President Obama’s first inauguration back in 2009, that it would be China replacing America as his new favorite Economic Superpower Nation of choice, and then ‘lo and behold’ we see China getting a bye on Obama’s nonbinding and not approved by congress ‘Paris Accord’ where China, until the United Nations 2030 deadline to meet C02 requirements, doesn’t have to spend a dime or meet any of the same guidelines for C02 that the other nations, whose startup fee’s were being supplied by the American taxpayer, and spending some $10 Trillion Dollars of the American taxpayer dollars over the Next 10 years!

Is it a coincidence that China’s trade surplus surged to record heights with America after that George Soros announcement in 2009, and that America’s Intellectual Property was being stolen at record speed after George Soros announced his new and favorite pecking order of those nations he considered to be those Economic Superpowers’ in the world, and also after his 2009 announcement?

Do our elected officials who’ve spent the last 28 years playing the Conservative Right’s ‘Deplorables’ and the Progressive Left’s ‘Useful Idiots’ against each other, think that we are all dumb enough to allow President Trump to take his eye off the ‘Make America Great Again’ ultimate prize, but instead giving him the right advice that he’s intentionally not being given by his once considered trusted advisors, especially when you’re seeing once trusted ‘FOX News daytime lineup suggesting that just maybe President Trump should consider moving of the goalposts back to 2024, instead of taking a stand here and now to reverse the obviously flawed and fraudulently altered results of election of 2020!

If President Trump decided to move those goalposts back to 2024 on the advice of his supposed advisors, and his addiction to watching ‘FOX News’ before America’s equivalent murderer’s row of night time Cable News from 8-12 starting with Tucker Carlson at 8, moving to Sean Hannity at 9, and in the 3rd spot at 10 Laura Ingraham, with Shannon Bream bringing up the rear at 11, and then repeated again from Midnight to 4 in the morning! What President Trump needs to understand on his own without any advice is knowing that the idea of moving the goalposts back to 2024, that there is a better than even chance that if the Democrats steal those 2 Senate seats to make the Senate a 50/50 tie on particular legislation, that it will be Kamala Harris, if she is illegally allowed, and unconstitutionally sworn in as the Vice President, where then ‘Packing’ the court would become a reality, and if that happens there will no longer be a game to be played where goalposts would ever be needed again!

America is tired of the ‘Radical Left’s constantly moving the goalposts when ever they think they are getting an advantage, but after watching the Pelosi cabal keep stalling and moving those same goalpost starting with the Russian Collusion with the Trump Campaign that we’ve learned since then never happened, and then the attempted impeachment of a duly elected President over a phone call with a foreign leader with 13 known to be on the call and listening in independent thinkers who couldn’t come up with a similar conclusion to what all the other listeners heard! What comes last but not least, and only because they couldn’t stretch the impeachment hoax far enough to fill the void before the 2020 election to give Pelosi’s Radical Left’ cabal the time to finish there plans to steal back the White House and Senate as they were able to do in 2018 with the takin back of the House using the same ‘Vote by Mail’ Blueprint! As a result we had the ‘Radical Left’s perfectly timed ‘Perfect Storm’ known as the China Virus that just seemed to have come out of nowhere, and by coincidence just when the Trump Administration’s America was beginning to ‘Boom’ again! A coincidence?

This conundrum here is how President Trump and his advisors are going to find a way to delay the certification portion of the 2020 Elections so that the Trump team’s challenge can continue on! Now this should be a no brainer when you have Blue States automatically registering illegals to vote when they get their only in Blue State’s approved Driver’s License, and then after these same Blue State governors swear up and down that these automatically registered illegals don’t vote, coming out and saying that because of the China Virus that ever ‘AUTOMATICALLY’ Registered illegal along with the legally registered to vote voters will receive an unrequested ‘Vote by Mail’ ballot sent to them in the mail! I hope that the American People remember that President Trump handed out a list of candidates that he would select from if the time came where he would have to nominate a replacement Justice to the Supreme Court. That list was made up of, and what every President’s list for possible candidate replacements for the Supreme Court should contain, and that’s always original constitutionalist that interpret the law based on the text, the intent, and interpretation intended by our founding fathers! President Trump lived up to his commitment and for the first time in American history a 1 term president, but looking for a 2nd term, appointed 3 original constitutionalist, who were then confirmed, and as of today now sitting on the Supreme Court just waiting to do their constitutionally inspired and sworn to uphold our founders directives and mandates that are clearly outlined in the Constitution, the ‘Bill of Rights,’ and the ‘Rule of Law!

It’s all about a provision of federal law — the Immigration and Nationality Act — that gives a president very broad power.

“Whenever the president finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants,” the statute says.

My next question has to be whether or not his advisors who are giving him advice on how to fight against this ‘Vote by Mail’ election fraud, and then dealing with the American people who have been lied to by the Mainstream Media for the last 4 years, are the the same type of advisors that told Jeff Sessions that he should recuse himself from the Russian collusion case as AG because he had a joint encounter with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak that weren’t related to the campaign but to official matters related to his service as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, the problem here is that Sessions trusted those people giving him advice to recuse himself before talking to his boss, President Trump, and today we are seeing those same Session advisors being criminally investigated to see whether or not they are more than orange jumpsuit worthy surprise that consists of spending a part of the rest of their lives behind bars!

The Mainstream Media’s Tech Superpowers are trying to move the ‘Goalposts’ again, and in their mind, for the last time before taking home that long awaited for 28 years prize of their George Soros inspired New World Order! For the last 4 years we’ve watched the Pelosi led ‘Left’ moving from the Progressive, and because of Hillary’s loss, to the Radical Branch of the Democratic Party, and because of Hillary’s loss in 2016 to the now duly elected President Donald J. Trump, that elevated the Democratic Leadership to the level of panic and desperation, especially after spending 28 years of slowly but systematically forcing that impossible Socialist Pill down the throats of every American using Saul Alinsky 8 steps to ‘Socialist Bliss’ using Political Correctness and Identity Politics to drive their intentionally divisive warning message home!