MAGA: Where There’s a ‘Will’ There’s a Way!

President Trump delivered on another promise yesterday by reopening the government, and did it by knowing in advance that 10 U.S. Code § 2808 – Construction authorityin the event of a declaration of war or national emergency was at his finger tips whenever he felt it was necessary to use it, but after giving the ‘Swamp’ a chance for the third time to do their job and open the government, both political parties, and by the way the same two political parties that aren’t in the Constitution or called for to exist in the first place, but beyond that still failed not only the American people again, but have showed all Americans that they have abandoned their oath of office, also again!

What’s missed here is that even though Obama used his famous ‘Phone and Pen’ 7 times before 2014 to ink Executive Orders and Presidential Memorandums to make Law, did it a total of 75 times by the time he was done, which by the way isn’t his job description as laid out in the Constitution! How is it that this outsider non-politician President knows that it’s not his Constitutional job to make Law, but the job of the Congress only, which includes both the House and Senate, and the elected officials the American people send to Washington to take the oath to do what we Americans elected them to do. and if they don’t remember, it goes something like this:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

I’m sure there are a lot of Democrat Representatives of the House in this new freshman class that have a very hard time with “So help me God,” … So help me God!

Draining the ‘Swamp’ comes to mind when I think about the American people being forced to watch this supposedly Political ‘Reality’ Show that is more concerned about ratings and competing with Liberal TV programming that has managed, or should I say tried to manage the optics by canceling what the left thought was immoral programming like ‘Roseanne’ and ‘Last Man Standing,’ because like CNN, MSNBC and other Super Market Tabloids, have lost their credibility and now beginning to live up to the moniker I’ve used for years, the ‘Deep State’ run ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media!

President Trump gave both Political Parties a chance to hang themselves, and they didn’t disappoint! Democrats showed the American people that it’s not about American, but about President Trump, and the American people were shown that the Mainstream Media also hated Trump more than they love America when they never reported on the fact that last week President Trump offered to pay the American workers, but not open the government so that the two parties could do a little negotiating on the Border ‘Crisis, and the 3rd time Dems have decide not to pay the workers which proves the Pelosi and Schumer tenure in office could have been prevented years ago with ‘Term Limits’ instead of giving them the intent and time to build a coalition, starting with Pelosi altering the documents to prove Obama was a Constitutional required ‘Natural Born’ Citizen when he wasn’t, and then assisting Obama and Harry Reid with weaponizing the once, but no longer, reputable leadership of the FBI, DOJ, and yes, even the leader of the CIA that was long time friend of Obama, John Brennan who converted to Islam and supported Communist candidates for office in the past!

…..Did you say supported a Communist candidate and was the head of the CIA? I guess I missed that first ‘Red Flag’ when I saw then candidate and Senator for President Barack Obama rubbing elbows with the other two ‘Red Flags’ Rev. ‘G*d dam America’ Wright, and ‘Weather Underground” bomber William ‘Bill’ Ayres from my generation of the 60’s and 70’s!

When it comes to the Republicans and their ‘Deep State’ RINO’s like Mitt Romney and others who refused back then and now to take the Socialist Bull by the horns, but had no problem hiding in the ‘Swamp’ like the pre-Trump Republicans who decided to either jump ship or retire because Hillary lost and because they reached across the aisle to help out destroying America from within with the men and women s, to work with Congress men and women from both sides of the aisle who have a lot to hide!

The reason for all this panic coming from both sides of the aisle is because Hillary lost in the 2016 Presidential election, and as a result couldn’t bury all that would have buried if she had won! What they fail to recognize, which might have lightened the blow a little, that right before the election the American people, when polled, had given Congress as a whole a stellar 12.8% approval rating, which should of sent up ‘Red Flags’ to most, but with the Progressive ‘egos,’ seemed more confused when the person they lost too was an outsider non-politician who believed in making America great again, and not the 8 year incessant drumming of Socialism and the record breaking negative stats that came with Socialism that could be seen by the example being set by Venezuela’s Socialism effect right before their eyes!

The game, or should I say talking points coming from the only bipartisan actions since sliced bread between these two parties is to hide their individual parts in the corruption of the 8 years of the Obama Administration! I think all of these ‘bad’ peoples action might be revealed with the appointment of more than one Special Prosecutor, and after the 8 years of none being appointed when called for, now all of a sudden both sides of the aisle congress men and women all of a sudden think that a Special Prosecutor should never be used to investigate any and all possible anti-America attacks on our Republic!

For all of you that don’t know what the difference is between a Inspector General, and a Special Prosecutor! A Special Prosecutor has the ability, like we witnessed with the abuse of subpoena Power by Robert Mueller who has more than just strayed from the scope of the Investigation, is using this appointment to hide his part in the sale and cover up of 20% of America’s Uranium to ‘RUSSIA’ without Congressional approval where he and his right hand man Rod Rosenstein who together headed up the Obama FBI, without any fanfare or Media coverage, basically only got their wrists slapped, and hopefully with possibly more to come!

An Inspector General has no Subpoena power and basically a token when it comes to the law to make congress look like they are taking care of the ‘Nay’ Sayers who buck the rules and traditions of Congress, but when it comes right down to it the Inspector General can only question members of Congress to get the answers who are within the ‘Walls’ and jurisdiction of Capitol Hill, and that’s all she wrote!

The ones who have something to hide, which appears to be a lot of members of Congress that have decided to leave government by either stepping down or retiring since President Trump came to town, and only God know the secrets that not only go with them, but are buried with them when the time comes! These Republicans for the last 8 years of Obama’s attack on our Republic did nothing to hinder or stop President Obama from bypassing Congress, the Constitution, and the ‘Rule of Law’, and if they did anything at all it was just with token gestures with basically no if any push back at all!  

President Trump didn’t cave but gave both sides the benefit of the doubt one last time, and if they didn’t come through for the American people then all Americans will know, in spite of their political affiliation, that the American people really don’t have a say in the future of America, and both sides of the aisle have been playing the American people like the ‘Useful Idiots’ that Joseph Stalin labeled those people that blindly followed those in charge!

Now what’s amazing is that these same people still think that the ‘Checks and Balances that were set up to protect our Republic’s longevity, and built into our Constitution, will protect our founders dream, but when the ones who are in charge of running those agencies that are supposed to be insuring that those checks and balances are in place no longer choose to being that job, then you got to know that these appointed by Obama and ‘Deep State’ FBI, DOJ, and CIA’s leaders, are intentionally not living up to their oath of office, then you got to know that the American people have been played again, and again what that Stalin’s quote says we are, and that’s those ‘Useful Idiots’ that now keeps on giving, and that’s giving ‘In and giving up on the hope that America can be great again!’

A tit for tat, or just another CNN News breaking Headline being tipped off before the 66 agents broke down the door of another ‘outside the scope’ of the Mueller Investigation by a supposed colluder and insider working with Wikileaks, the Russians, and the Trump Campaign, who is not only 66 years old, but lives with his older wife who deaf, has no guns, lives with cats and dogs, and no longer has an updated pass-port! Oh, like the others before him, will probably have to sell assets to stay afloat and pay his legal fees!

The only question remaining is when the real criminal’s doors are going to be broken down with or without 66 agents, and them tipping off CNN, another one of those ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media lap dog on that early morning raid?

With the continuation of the ‘Witch Hunt’s’ occasional interruption only because of another President Trump’s promise is being fulfilled, appears that these ‘Mueller Investigation’ speed bumps are only to try and keep the American people’s eye ‘off’ what’s important to the American peoples ‘Ball,’ and that’s all, period!

Every American should know that if Mueller’s final report on the investigation into the collusion of the Russians with the Trump Campaign isn’t within the scope of the outlined parameters of the investigation, but filled with only unrelated crimes and indictments that are filled with guilty pleas by financially strapped defendants in the hopes that the Mueller Investigation will be able to get another domino to fall that’s closer to President Trump’s inner circle, but still having absolutely nothing to do with the scope of the original investigation, should be considered:

‘Fake News’ with a little side of nothing there, there, then every American should think if there is ‘0’ in the Mueller Investigation that has to do with the ‘Russian Dossier,’ which unfortunately for the Mueller Investigation was brought to the attention of the American people since the start of the investigation, and the real reason this investigation is nothing more than what President Trump says it is, a Witch Hunt, and that’s why those withheld documents that were first requested and then subpoenaed by the Congressional Oversight Committee, and by the way would had been buried if Hillary would had won the 2016 election, comes under the penalty of another suspicious death by a closely related individual to the Clinton Clan!

When this information is finally released, which I doubt it ever will be because the Dems need that occasional perfectly timed distraction every time President Trump fulfills another promise, to at least the 2020 elections! You have to know that it would be a major blow the Mueller Investigation, let alone the Democratic chances in 2020 if the information that the tag team of Rosenstein and Mueller have been playing hide and go seek with because of their involvement with the sale of 20% of America’s Uranium to Russia when they ran the Obama FBI, that would completely, if released would completely destroy all the enthusiastic perception of what’s behind the Russian investigation’s curtain number one, only to find out that dreaded “ZONK,” which more than likely would result in a complete 180 degree turn ending up with the finger being pointed directly at the Obama ‘Deep State’ Administration’s Oval Office!

This finger pointing not only encompasses the leadership of the FBI, DOJ, and CIA, but all the exiting members of Congress who are hoping that the appointment of another Special Counsel, who has Subpoena power, will never get n opportunity to use it! What you have to understand is this information that is still being held close to the ‘Deep State’s’ vest is about a lot of things, but mostly the ‘First Black President’s Legacy that had more to do with playing the ‘Race Card’ and supporting and protecting illegal immigrants then supporting and protecting our Constitution, the ‘Rule of Law,’ and most of all, trampling all over, while at the same time ignoring the ‘Will’ of the American people!