Obama’s ‘Free Pass’ is What’s Killing America, Not President Trump!

Republicans are now showing their hidden but true disdain for President Trump for showing them all from both sides of the aisle up, and doing it by just fulfilling his campaign promises! President Trump has basically eliminated the ‘Swamp’s bipartisan plans to create a New World Order! This was set into motion starting with Bush 41 and continuing on over the last 4 Administrations! The plan was to use ‘Climate Change,’ once known as ‘Global Warming,’ as the ‘fear factor’ hoax that will rally the 7.7 Billion people of the world around this common cause threat that will end the world in just 12 years! Now we should all understand, and be comforted by, as concerned members of the world, that this can be prevented if and only if the American taxpayer ponies up the funds needed to stop this threat before the 12 years is up! …But it’s Trump, right?

The one problem with their ‘Plan,’ and the reason the American people have been kept in the dark about their ‘Plan,’ is because the 325-350 Million Americans out of the 7.7 Billion have Constitutional guaranteed individual rights, free speech, and the right to bear arms! This is ‘why’ the New World Order can’t allow anyone that’s free thinking, openly speaking their minds, or opposing and not settling for the idea that ‘one size fits all be allowed to rally these Climate fearing ‘Sheeple’ against these Progressive Socialist ringleaders who are pushing for the creation of their New world Order!

The ‘Swamp’s’ payback is now to accuse this America First President of Botching the withdrawal of American troops (28 Advisers) from Northern Syria to get them out of harm’s way, which by the way he was advised to do by his Military advisers who are the people in the know!  I see a lot of assumptions based on these ‘Never Trumper’s perception of the facts which at this time aren’t fully known, which proves just how bipartisan the ‘Deep State’ truly is!  …But its’s Trump, right?

Wasn’t it Obama who declared that he wouldn’t put boots on the ground in Syria? Talk about an obvious ‘Double Standard!!’

Obama Promised 16 Times That There Would be ‘NO’ Boots on the Ground in Syria!

This should show all Americans that the double standard that the ‘Deep State’ Press holds regarding the Obama White House versus the Trump White House is not only hurting their case of impeachment, but that any of these Democratic candidates who think they have a shot at winning the Presidency is not only a long shot, but more than likely will result in their candidate for 2020 has yet to declare his or her intentions to run. When President Trump wants to get troops out of Syria he is evil. When Obama says ‘No’ boots on the ground 16 times he’s a hero.

The Mainstream Press is a complete joke!!

With Obama’s declaration of ‘No Boots’ on the Ground came his firing of ‘Hawks’ like Mad Dog Mattis who President Trump pulled off the Obama forced to retire pile to do what he does best, and under President Trump’s lead, eliminate ISIS and the caliphate in less then a year! Now, that’s the same ISIS that was given life by President Obama and his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pulled all of our troops out of Iraq, and I dare say slightly more than the 28 advisory personnel that were training the Turks, and was President Trump’s advisers that advised him to get these American citizens out of harms way! The common sense actions and recommendations of the advisers, and then President Trump acting on that advice, is what saved these people from harm, and this is because of Trump actually listening to his advisers, right?

If you want want to know why the ‘Swamp’ needs to be drained, then check out this article I posted just a couple of days ago, and remember that most if not all of the ‘Deep State’ Progressive Democrats and RINO’s (Republican In Name Only) had a ringside seat while holding their oath to protect and defend the Constitution in their back pockets, but chose instead to look the other way as this illegal and unconstitutional President went on with his mission to destroy America from within! …But it’s Trump, right?

Let’s not forget that Obama and Hillary that while they were at the helm of the State Department and couldn’t find an Inspector General to watch over the way the American taxpayer dollars were spent at Hillary’s State Department! Did you know that that position was open for over 1,400 days, and during that same period of time just happen to lose or misplace $6 Billion dollars while accidentally giving ISIS $400 Million dollars worth of Weaponry which was confirmed to have happened by the Obama ‘White House!’ Pay back is a bitch, and as a result Obama spent the remainder of his second term fighting against what he created, and in the American people’s eyes should prove that Obama either didn’t know or knew exactly what he was doing! …But it’s Trump, right?

How can we forget, or should I say not informed by the ‘Deep State’ run ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream about what Obama did to take down our military?

Obama Fired 197 US Senior Military Commanders in 5 years? (nine Generals in 2013) BELOW ARE THREE NEWS ITEMS (You will never see in the lame stream media)




What the president Obama calls “my military” is being cleansed of any officer suspected of disloyalty to or disagreement with the administration on matters of policy or force structure, leaving the compliant and fearful.

We recognize that President Obama was the commander-in-chief and that throughout history presidents from Lincoln to Truman have seen fit to remove military commanders they view as inadequate or insubordinate. Turnover in the military ranks is normal, and in these times of sequestration and budget cuts the numbers are expected to tick up as force levels shrink and missions change.

Yet what has happened to our officer corps since President Obama took office is viewed in many quarters as unprecedented, baffling and even harmful to our national security posture. We have commented on some of the higher profile cases, such as Gen. Carter Ham. He was relieved as head of U.S. Africa Command after only a year and a half because he disagreed with orders not to mount a rescue mission in response to the Sept. 11, 2012, attack in Benghazi.

President Obama, “I will end it,”

No one likes war: especially those who must do the fighting and dying. Yet, our military leaders make clear that the consequences of a rapid withdrawal from Iraq as Obama seeks would be disastrous not only for American interests in the region but for Iraq itself. It would provide a propaganda victory for al Qaeda and Iran because they will be able to claim they defeated America. Further, it could worsen the Iraqi civil war, create an unstable Mideast and further spike oil prices.

“Second, I will cut tens of billions of dollars in wasteful spending.” Anyone who has worked with the military for any length of time knows there is waste, often in weapons systems. Recently, the government Accountability Office found that 95 major weapons systems — including the Joint Strike Fighter and the Littoral Combat Ship — have exceeded their original budgets. These cost overruns could be the result of waste or mismanagement or, perhaps, the development and fielding of sophisticated new weapons with constantly changing requirements is difficult and inefficient.

“I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems”

“I will not weaponize space.”

“I will slow our development of future combat systems.”

“… and I will institute an independent defense priorities board to ensure that the Quadrennial Defense Review is not used to justify unnecessary spending.”

“To seek that goal, I will not develop new nuclear weapons.” That’s dangerous.

“I will seek a global ban on the production of fissile material…” Nations capable of producing nuclear weapons produce fissile material for their atomic arsenals.

“… and I will negotiate (Collude) with Russia to take our ICBMs off hair trigger alert…”

(And allow my Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, to sell 20% of our limited supplies of Uranium to Russia, and for brokering the deal, approve of the $140 Million dollar donation to her Clinton Foundation!)

“… and to achieve deep cuts in our nuclear arsenals.”

When ‘Senator’ Obama expressed his National Security Views in his 52-second video reflect that of a knee-jerk liberal academic who thinks that the US is the primary threat to world peace.  His views are dangerously naive, and his statements suggest a shallow understanding of national security issues and in some cases his facts are wrong! …But it’s Trump, Right?

We watched the Obama Administration pull out all the troops from Iraq after Bush 43 warned him of the consequences which turned out to be 100% spot on! We watched the Obama Administration collude to take down the prime minister of Israel by sending his personal staff of campaign officials with $350,000 dollars to sabotage Bibi Netanyahu’s reelection Campaign! We watched a duly elected President make his first international trip as President to apologize for America’s past and declare that the people of America who elected him to office country wasn’t exceptional in his mind!  …But it’s Trump, right?

We had Obama’s first Secretary of State shaking down her foreign connections to have the best year of  the Clinton Foundation’s most successful year for donations in the history of the foundation, and brokered the sale of 20% of America’s, limited at the time, Uranium which netted the Clinton Foundation a hefty sum of $140 Million dollars, and doing it all by the way illegally and unconstitutionally without congressional approval, and then added insult to injury by the same Obama State Department led by Hillary Clinton loose or misplace $6 Billion dollars, with Hillary accidentally giving ISIS $400 Million worth of weaponry!  …But it’s Trump, right?

We had  this illegal and unconstitutional President Obama, who because he didn’t meet the citizenship requirement to be President, intentionally shrink the most powerful military in the world to a level not seen since WWI, and shrunk the once most powerful Navy in the world even further to a  level not seen since WWI! We also had this same President subject our soldiers to political correctness, religious persecution by removing Christian chaplains from the equation and front lines, and killing more American soldiers because of the tools they needed were in such disrepair that as a result ended up being the cause of more deaths of more soldiers then were being killed by our enemies!  …But it’s Trump, right?

If that wasn’t enough, we had Obama intentionally remove America from a leader on the world stage which in the minds of our allies was abandoning them! Is the ‘Swamp’ now trying to tell us that what’s going on in Northern Syria with the Kurd’s is as bad as what Obama caused to happen to the world? Are you trying to tell me that these 354 members of Congress that voted against this President’s action in Northern Syria will have the same effect as Obama pulling America off the world stage when the Russians were allowed to march into Crimea with little to no resistance? How about Syria’s Assad gassing his own people with no follow up repercussions a.k.a., Obama’s ‘Red Line’ pledge he made in the name of the American people that he didn’t honor after Assad murdered thousands more innocent men, women, and children again using gas? …But it’s Trump, right?

Don’t believe your lying eyes. The $400 million payment to Iran was not for hostages even though they were released at the same time. Hmm.

How about the 70% of America when polled that didn’t want to go forward with the Iran Nuclear Deal,  but gave Iran the nuclear capabilities that they longed to have anyway, and received those capabilities by either Russia giving or selling them all or part of the 20% of America‘s limited supply of Uranium that the Obama Administration sold to Russia, and the Secretary  of State Hillary Clinton’s Foundation receiving a $140 Million dollar finder’s fee for Hillary’s illegal and unconstitutional efforts while she was the Secretary of State!  But its Trump, right,  and now violating the Constitution because of the emoluments clause and President Trump’s  willingness to allow the G7/8 to hold their meeting there next June for free, and in the same generous way President Trump works for free and donates his salary to different government based charities and causes!  …But it’s Trump, Right?

The time has come for all Americans to come together as one to take back our country in 2020 and doing it by draining the ‘Swamp’ of every elected official that has been there for more than a total of 12 years! That would equal 2 terms in the Senate and/or 6 terms in the House or a combination of both! These positions were meant to be hog tied by career politicians who have been there so long that their ass prints are embedded in the chairs, and bank accounts and pension plans are 100 times more than what they started at, and started at an income that will never justify the increase in their financial status!

We know two things that need to be accomplished by the next set of elected politicians, and that’s the need to have term limits are established, and that there is a bipartisan agreed upon mandatory Federal Voter Photo ID Law approved and passed ‘by the people, and for the people!