Pelosi as Speaker Could be the last Straw That Gives Trump His Second Term!

My first impression of the Midterm elections is that with both parties getting their fair share of the control of the future of America, that it might be possible to see if the Progressive cancer, which has infected these over the hill leaders of the Ideological Progressive Branch of the Democratic Party, will come together with Republicans to work for the American people! The problem the ‘Hill’ is having is due to the lack of mandatory term limits that have managed to let these Progressive elites to rule the roost when it comes to the the House of Representatives, but that is only until the 2020 elections when these elites will be judged on how far to the left these particular  Progressives are moving their party, and if that happens, then they won’t stand a chance of taking down President Trump when he runs for his second term in 2020!

It appears that Democratic voters and their encouraged to vote illegal immigrant counter part, are willing to just give the House, but not the Senate, to their fearless leaders! They know that if they maintain the same Socialist agenda and strategy as they did while doing nothing for the American people for the last 2 years, other than obstructing and resisting anything and everything that would make America first and great again, that the checks and balances will be there to stop them in the Senate, and as far as their constituency is concerned, and at this time, that’s more then enough power for now! 

What Democrats are doing today, and will continue to do until Progressives give back the power of their party to the believing in bipartisanship traditional/classical Democrats, are jumping ship and join the ranks of the ‘Silent Majority,’ a.k.a. Independents, who’ve always believed that America can still be first and great again!  I don’t know if you know this but Independent voices aren’t part, and probably never will be part, of the selection process due to the two party closed Primaries that are basically put on for the benefit of the individual Parties constituency, but at the same time ignoring the 45% of Americans that call themselves ‘Independent!

What I’m looking for as a registered Independent is for a bipartisan resolution for Immigration, Healthcare, and making America first and great again! I’m looking for a mandatory set of term limits, a mandatory voter ID law, a path to citizenship for illegals through merit and a comprehensive visa programs, and I’m looking for the elimination of Sanctuary Cities and the impeachment and indictment of any politician that believes that our immigration laws don’t apply to their state or city!

The real disconnect here when it comes to our immigration laws, and that’s because as you know, we are a nation of immigrants, is that the left still feels that Obama’s bypassing the constitution and ‘Rule of Law’ set precedent on pretty much a daily basis is more then fine with them, but when those immigration laws were legislated by the same immigrants and refugees that came to America through the legal process and laws from years past, that their actions are fair game for ridicule and attacks on their party affiliation, their whiteness, or their political beliefs!  

When it comes to the lack of employees and the record breaking number of available jobs in America’s markets today, I would start thinking about shrinking the size of the repeating job descriptions that are duplicated by different government agencies, and then allow those individuals to fill those jobs that can’t filled in the private sector!

If you think the approval rating by the American people on Congress before the 2016 of being just 12.8% is low, then know that if these Progressive Dems continue on with their egotistical power play instead of doing anything other than obstructing and resisting everything Trump, as they’ve been only doing for the last 2 years, then know that this 12.8% rating I mentioned before will be far more superior compared to what the next Congressional rating will be! If Democrats don’t start working for the American people and helping to resolve the problems through bipartisan solutions with Republicans that Americans face on a daily basis, then Democrats can kiss the 2020 election good bye, and then expect another ‘Huuuuge’ ‘Red’ wave, like the one in the 2016 election that put the most productive outsider non presidential president on record in the White House!

I guess with the House going to the Democrats that the people might have a chance of getting what all Americans have been wishing for, and that’s  the chance for bipartisanship to reign supreme for the future of America and the generations that will follow! I don’t know if you missed this, but after the tally of votes and the revelation that the Dems have taken back control of the House that Pelosi came out proclaiming blazing with her phony baloney about the believing in the Constitution and the transparency they’ve always portrayed as a party, when she should have just sat back and taken in the moment! 

The only message that I got from her self-proclaimed righteous  ‘Fake’ narrative is that she’s proven again to the American people what her true intentions truly are, especially when it comes to the 8 years Obama could care less about the Constitution, ‘Rule of Law,’ or transparency which has been proven time and time again by the lack of cooperation by the Obama ‘Deep State’ hidden ‘carry overs’ not releasing the subpoenaed FISA Warrant documents to the oversight committee, let alone the role Pelosi’s played in Obama’s cover up when his unconstitutional citizenship status to be President was in question!

What the American need to remember is that there is some unfinished business that needs to be completed over the next 2 months before the seating of the new House and Senate members! The time needs to be used to reveal those hidden secrets behind the unconstitutional FISA warrants that were intentionally used to undermine the Trump campaign and presidency that were pushed back to be released after the Midterms, if ever released at all!

The American people need to see just who and how deeply the individual Democrats were involved in the unverifiable Russian Dossier that was financed by Hillary’s DNC, and used to start the investigation into the collusion between the Trump Campaign and the Russians! It’s also time for Ryan, before he exits stage left, to live up to his promise and draft legislation that will fund the remainder of the 2016 election mandated Trump ‘Wall’ before the Dems regain the House and ‘Ice’ the funding of the ‘Wall, especially if Maxine Waters is going to be the one overseeing the taxpayer’s purse strings!

Now that both Rosenstein and Jeff Sessions have been shown the door it’s time to appoint an AG that will use the appropriate power, which was called for at least 6 times over Obama’s 8 years when he abused his position, to finally appoint those Special Prosecutors needed to investigate those obvious scandals that AG Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch refused to do!

The reason why AG Holder and Lynch didn’t appoint those Special Prosecutors was to protect Obama from the due process that was called for when he bypassed the Constitution and ‘Rule of Law’ without any push back or being exposed by the ‘Deep State’ run, ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media! The American people deserve the truth about the numerous acts of treason by Hillary and her Gestapo, the corrupt and complicit leaders of the FBI, DOJ, and CIA, and the ‘Deep State’ that’s still hiding in the ‘Swamp!

I have a gut feeling that when it comes to the information that the ‘Should have been recused’ Deputy AG Rosenstein, but now more than likely will be coming our for all to see, I have to believe that some of these Midterm elected Democrats might be compromised when the information is revealed about the DNC and Hillary’s financed ‘Russian Dossier’ and that now Special Prosecutors can be appointed to question those quickly exiting Democrats and Republicans that used some excuse to get out of town so that they’d be out of reach for an Inspector General’s investigation jurisdiction because they thought that by not seeking reelection and/or retired from Congress….that they couldn’t be called upon to give their personal observations about what really went on behind those Obama ‘Deep State’ closed doors!

There is one thing that the American people should be aware of, and that’s whether or not they believe bipartisanship can ever exist on the Hill with Nancy Pelosi the speaker, Maxine Waters, a Louis Farrakhan supporter, leading the way with the responsibilities of the House finances, Adam Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee that’s being financed by George Soros, and all the others that are ‘Never Trumpers,’ and should prove to the American people just how important it is that we have our elected officials establish term limits!

Neither you or I know what the future of America brings after the Midterms, but with the past actions of the ‘Bad Actors’ of the left who will be calling the shots over at the House of Representatives, know that they have overstayed their welcome due to the lack of term limits, and continue to be negative when even mentioning the possibility of America being first and great again!

Progressive Democrats will be raising more than a ‘Red Flag’ or two I’m sure when they come off of their taking back the House ‘High’ and return to their agenda of destroying America from within! Democrats will continue to blame Republicans for doing what they’re actually doing themselves while attempting to pass the buck! I believe that the left’s continued pushing of their Socialist agenda, and their willingness to continue to bypass the Constitution and ‘Rule of Law,’ and anything else they choose to use to draw these unvetted illegal immigrants and refugees to America, are now beginning to understand that they’re being used to transform the country they’ve dreamed about and risked their lives and family member’s lives to come to, but now realizing that they’ve actually become those Stalin ‘Useful Idiots’ that are being taken advantage of to spread Progressive’s message of hate, lawlessness, and Socialism!