Pelosi’s Masked ‘Radical Left’s’ ‘Blue’ State’s ‘Vote-By-Mail’ ‘End Game’ Fraud!

Joseph Stalin — ‘Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.’

“Liberals, and anyone for that matter, who are against voter ID or ID for any reason, either have something to hide, or in this election year they want to win by creating unknown or deceased voters, or allow undocumented people to vote and possibly even one person to vote under other assumed names. ID is like a birth certificate or a graduation diploma–get it, show it, no big deal, unless there is none.” 

~~Rev. Lynn W. Moore

Why are we the most powerful and envied country in the world and our elected officials continue to have no interest in protecting our sovereignty or protecting the Non Hispanic White percentage of 61.3% or the Hispanic White percentage of 76.9% by respecting the peoples mandate to enforce a Federally mandated Photo Voter ID Law as Mexico has had since the late 1990’s?

Mexican citizens are required to have government-issued photo ID cards in order to vote in federal elections.

Since the 1990s, eligible voters in the country of Mexico (i.e., persons of age 18 or greater) have had to visit an electoral office and be registered into the electoral census in order to obtain a voting card issued by the National Electoral Institute (formerly the Federal Electoral Institute). Those voting cards are government-issued photo IDs, credentials that citizens are required to produce at polling stations in order to vote in federal elections in Mexico. But…

As I watched the one sided drilling of AG Barr I noticed one consistency with the questioning, and that was the members of the committee who were from Pelosi’s ‘Radical Left’ had no interest in allowing AG Barr answer any questions first, but then going over their obvious plans to steal the 2020 election with questions to AG Barr about President Trump saying that he didn’t know yet if he would accept the election results, or if President Trump could do to ‘Rig the elections after knowing the Dems rigged the 2018 Midterms, and has a record of doing the same in 2016 and 2012 that the Mainstream refuses to acknowledge!

I couldn’t believe what I was watching when members of the ‘Radical Left’ member of Nadler’s Judiciary Committee refused to allow AG Barr to answer questions and shut him down in the same way they shut down Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearing, any witness for the President during impeachment proceedings, and the same way they shut down conservative and believers in the benefits of Capitalism on College campuses, and then put into evidence facts about voter fraud doesn’t exist that were authored by RINO’s and experts from the ‘Radical Left!’

Well, in the words of just about every one of Nadler’s stacked Cabal that refused to allow AG Barr to answer any questions I say, “I’m reclaiming my time!” to expose the ‘Radical Left’ for what they have planned for the American people after the 2020 elections, and it’s the same fate that the members of the European Union people had done to them by their elected leadership, and that’s the same invasion of illegal immigrants that was supposed to occur when Hillary lost in 2016 that fortunately gave the American people of 4 year reprieve to learn about what would of happened and what would have been hidden if Hillary would had won to not only America, but to the rights of every American!

First of all the elections are run by the individual states, but the Constitution mandates who can vote, especially when it comes to a Federal Election, and that’s ‘legal’ citizens only!!

There were enough members of the ‘Radical Left’ trying to get AG Barr say that illegals based on the constitution and taking a census are counted to get the appropriate funds for the individual ‘Blue’ states who not only shelter illegals, but obviously intend to allow them to vote no matter what the constitution says about who can vote and who can’t!

Illegal and Minorities are being asked to give up the American Dream and their rights without even knowing they were, and as I sit here listening now to Biden telling small business owners that they intend to set up funds for small businesses to rebuild after supporting and defending the first amendment rights of the same BLM and ANTIFA rioters and protesters who destroyed the same small businesses! Biden announced that he will announce his choice for Vice President next week, and with Kamala Harris being another candidate like Barack Obama who is not a ‘Natural Born’ Citizen should just prove that the level of disdain that Pelosi’s ‘Radical Left’ not only has for the Constitution, but for the American people and their future!

15 Election Results That Were Thrown Out Because of Fraudulent Mail-In Ballots

“While Left Excoriates Trump for Warning of Voter Fraud, Here’s Nadler Doing the Same in 2004”

As other ‘Blue States’ change their voting rules to mirror California’s success in stealing the 2018 election when they took back the House that gave Pelosi her 2nd Gavel to destroy the once respected House of Representatives when Pelosi changed the House Rules on Impeachment on Day ‘Whistle-blower’ Complaint Filed — Pulled Authority Away from Full House and moved the responsibility and control from the entire House of Representatives to the House Judiciary Committee.

While Brenda Snipes in Broward County Florida couldn’t stuff the ballot box with votes for Liberals because of time deadlines set by the Election Board, California came up with away to get around that and as a result taking back the House in 2018 by allowing ‘Vote-By-Mail’ and absentee ballots to be counted if post marked on election day would be counted if received within 3 days of election day! What resulted was all 7 Republican members of the House representing strong Republican districts in California, and who had won on election day, were all overturned within the next week in favor of Democrats! Also Note that Pelosi won the Speaker position by 4 votes!

But that’s not the end of the story, and as a result or 100,000 votes that couldn’t be counted in those 3 days because they arrived to late…

CA New Mail-in Bill Allows Ballots to be Received Up to 17 Days after Election!

Presidential Elections will be held on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, in every fourth year! Where does it say that it can take 17 days for that vote to be counted, which if allowed should push the inauguration date back the same 17 days!

Can you imagine what Brenda Snipes could have done in Broward County Florida with the same 17 extra days to allow the votes to be counted? In Florida’s Broward County, one of the swing counties, election employees were allegedly caught filling out stacks of stolen absentee ballots. This was described in a Nov. 3, 2016, affidavit filed by Chelsey Marie Smith, a former employee of the Secretary of Elections Department.

June 22, 2020

Governor Gavin Newsom signed a bill into law that requires election administrators to mail ballots to all registered voters across the state. The bill ensures all voters have the option to vote by mail amidst ongoing health concerns related to COVID-19, though some races may take weeks to be officially resolved as ballots can now be received up to 17 days after Election Day.

The following proves Pelosi Democrats who already register illegals to vote in California, and now in New York when they’re granted a illegal drivers licenses by Blue States who are ignoring the ‘Rule of Law and Constitution to gain political power, but now sending mail in ballots to illegal immigrants due to the new changes in the California voting rules again for 2020! Check out number #2 in the following guidelines!

Assembly Bill 860, the bill Newsom signed into law Thursday, makes two significant changes to the California elections code: (1) All active registered California voters will receive a ballot in the mail for the 2020 election.

(2) The grace period for county officials to receive ballots has been extended from 3 days after the election to 17 days.

We already know that New York like California is also registering illegals to vote when they get a ‘Blue State’ approved unconstitutional ‘Driver’s License,’ and like California will more than likely get a Vote-by-Mail ballot automatically sent to their homes!

George Soros’s voting machines have revolutionized stealing elections around the world, and especially when they destroyed Venezuela, the once 4th richest country in the world in just short of 20 years! If you want to know what a voter for Joe Biden will do to America then just ask any legal immigrant or refugee that came from Venezuela to get your answer!

What you also need to understand is that voter fraud incidences are handled by the individual states, so if the winner of that state used voter fraud to win than I’m sure he’s not going to call for an investigation into himself!

I thought I would bring up this one observation before we get started that every American should know because it seems to be driving the ‘Radical Left’s’ only claim to their cause that their followers might believe is part of our founders blueprint for America, and that’s also the one word Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff and Nadler keep throwing out there every time they need an excuse for one of their illegal and unconstitutional proclamations of their misinterpreted intentions, and that word is ‘Democracy!’

Democracy: That Proverbial Wolf in Sheep’s clothing!

What every American needs to know is that in a Democracy, and if you have 100 people that vote, and one side gets 51 votes, that means that the 49 that lost are at the mercy of whatever the 51 want to do! We are a Constitutional Republic where if you lose the election you’re still protected and given the same individual rights and protections that you had before the election, which is why you’re seeing the Dems with under the Obama Administration when Senate Majority leader at the time Harry Reid changed our founder’s 60 vote threshold to pass major legislation to what’s known as the ‘Nuclear Option’ (Simple Majority of 51 votes) which was used only when needed to resolve issue with the budget, but not for major legislation!

Harry Reid and Barack Obama used it to pass Obamacare without 1 Republican signing on, and then before leaving office used the same to stuff the lower courts with Progressive judges without 1 Republican‘s approval to block any future President of opposition party member from eliminating  any of President Obama’s unconstitutional successes when he bypassed, violated, or ignored the ‘Rule of Law’ and Constitution which he did frequently, and we witnessed with the 9th circuit court of appeal that blocked President Trump’s Constitutional responsibility, and his alone, to make the call of immigration if there is a threat to America’s sovereignty or to the American people’s safety!


If you recall, the Democrats in the House couldn’t pass their version of a Healthcare law. Because all revenue bills must originate in the House of Representatives, the Senate found a bill that met those qualifications: HR3590, a military housing bill. They took out essentially all of the wording of it and turned it into the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Obamacare. It gets better. The Senate at that time had 60 Democrats, just enough to pass Obamacare.

After the bill passed the Senate, the Democrat Senator Ted Kennedy died. In his place, Massachusetts elected Republican Scott Brown. That meant that, if the House made any changes to the bill, the Senate wouldn’t have the necessary number of votes to pass the corrected bill, since they knew no Republicans would vote for Obamacare. So, they made a deal with the Democrat‐controlled House of Representatives: the House would pass the Senate bill without any changes, IF the Senate agreed to pass a separate bill by the House that made changes to the Senate version of Obamacare. This second bill was called the Reconciliation Act of 2010.

It made a bunch of detail changes and added some things. So, the House passed PPACA, the Senate bill, as well as their Reconciliation Act. So now PPACA was ready for the President to sign, but the Senate still needed to pass the Reconciliation Act from the House. Confused yet?

Now, remember that the Senate only had 59 votes to pass the Reconciliation Act since Republican Scott Brown replaced Democrat Ted Kennedy. To pass the Reconciliation Act, therefore, the Democrats in the Senate DECIDED TO CHANGE THE RULES!

They declared that they could use the “Reconciliation Rule”—this is a different “reconciliation” than the House bill now. This rule was only used for budget item approval, so that budget items could be passed with only 51 votes in the Senate, not the usual 60. This rule was never intended to be used for legislation of the magnitude of Obamacare.

Too bad… they used it anyway. So then both of the “Acts” passed both houses of Congress and were then signed by President Obama.


We are a Constitutional Republic, and the reason the ‘Left’ keeps doubling down of the term ‘Democracy’ is because in a Democracy the majority rules over the minority without the protections granted to the minority by a Constitution…A pure unbridled democracy is a political system in which the majority enjoys absolute power by means of democratic elections.  In an unvarnished democracy, unrestrained by a constitution, the majority can vote to impose tyranny on themselves and the minority opposition.  They can vote to elect those who will infringe upon our inalienable God-given rights. 

Isn’t it funny how these multi-millionaire Progressive  elitists suggest that the American people who are benefiting from the Trump Administration’s tax reform should voluntarily just throw in the towel to bring back Obama’s intentionally established recession for ideological change when they know that the only ones that are going to benefit are the Global Socialist who’s main goal is to wipe out American exceptionalism so that the example it sets won’t influence others in the world to set out on their own to make a better life for themselves, and in the same way our founding fathers did when they abandoned their original homelands in search of the freedoms that they initiated in the new world some 245 years ago when they declared America the first and greatest nation in the world that existed for the people and by the people until Obama, and his Socialist ‘New World Order’ attempted to short circuit everything and anything that had to do with the ‘Rule of Law,’ Constitution, and this outsider non-politician that’s doing everything right, and doing it for the people who elected him to office!

Now the same holds true with the Electoral College!

15 states, and D.C., want to change how the electoral college works


One of the biggest gifts that we received from our founding fathers has to be, after listening to the whining poor losers of the Liberal left, and that’s the ‘one of kind gift’ that is not only priceless, but has been sustaining the blocking power of shysters to prevent our Constitutional Republic from people that believe their way is the only way, and you better like it, and it goes by the name of our ‘Electoral College’

The Electoral College has spoiled many attempts to overthrow America’s Constitutional Republic’s by pretending it doesn’t exist and insisting that the volume of votes outweighs any concoction that our founding fathers put into place to prevent exactly what Obama’s open borders and unconstitutional Executive Orders were trying to do!

Now let’s add the lack of voter ID, the American taxpayer paying for room and board, healthcare, and walk around money for these unvetted and illegal immigrants, and the biggest ‘Blue’ States having no oversight or control over who can and can’t vote, then you have to be as snug as a bug in rug this Christmas knowing that our Constitution and our founding fathers were, and still are, on the job making sure America remains great as they did in the first place, and always will!

The Left certainly was hammering this point home after President-elect Donald J. Trump’s upset win over Hillary Clinton on November 8 and now The New York Times has joined the “let’s abolish the Electoral College because our gal lost” bandwagon. Again, the op-ed by the publication’s editorial board has no sense of history. Yes, the reasons for changing it are bull. And yes, there is zero chance that the Electoral College will ever be abolished:

By overwhelming majorities, Americans would prefer to elect the president by direct popular vote, not filtered through the antiquated mechanism of the Electoral College.

And so, for the second time in 16 years, the candidate who lost the popular vote has won the presidency. Unlike 2000, it wasn’t even close. Hillary Clinton beat Mr. Trump by more than 2.8 million votes, or 2.1 percent of the electorate.

The Electoral College, which is written into the Constitution, is more than just a vestige of the founding era; it is a living symbol of America’s original sin. When slavery was the law of the land, a direct popular vote would have disadvantaged the Southern states, with their large disenfranchised populations. Counting those men and women as three-fifths of a white person, as the Constitution originally did, gave the slave states more electoral votes.

Today the college, which allocates electors based on each state’s representation in Congress, tips the scales in favor of smaller states; a Wyoming resident’s vote counts 3.6 times as much as a Californian’s. And because almost all states use a winner-take-all system, the election ends up being fought in just a dozen or so “battleground” states, leaving tens of millions of Americans on the sidelines.

Conservative opponents of a direct vote say it would give an unfair edge to large, heavily Democratic cities and states. But why should the votes of Americans in California or New York count for less than those in Idaho or Texas? A direct popular vote would treat all Americans equally, no matter where they live — including, by the way, Republicans in San Francisco and Democrats in Corpus Christi, whose votes are currently worthless. The system as it now operates does a terrible job of representing the nation’s demographic and geographic diversity. Almost 138 million Americans went to the polls this year, but Mr. Trump secured his Electoral College victory thanks to fewer than 80,000 votes across three states: Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

First, let me kill this thing with a sledgehammer—the GOP domination at the state level would almost assure that an amendment to abolish the College would fail the three-fourths threshold. Moreover, with a Republican Congress, there’s no way two-thirds of both houses would ever vote in support of this measure. So, politically, it’s not going to happen.

Second, it’s a rare occurrence that the winner of a presidential election wins the Electoral College and not the popular vote. It’s happened five times in our 240-year history. That’s, uh, not common. The elections of 1824, 1876, 1888, 2000, and 2016 ended this way, so everyone chill out; the country has survived these moments. Also, Clinton will now be in the history books, so you’d think liberals would be happy. In all, expand the timeline—it’s really nothing to fuss about. Also, enough with the slavery talking point. You can talk about it all you want. It won’t change anything; slavery was also never law of the land. Second, Jefferson won 1800 because he won New York state and the cities. If Adams had won the state that has traditionally been the beacon of progressivism and anti-slave, despite New York City being engulfed in what became a race riot over the draft during the Civil War, then he would have won re-election. It wasn’t due to southern skewing.

Also, no one is saying that New York or California voters don’t count, but they’re in states where the concentrations of population and power would overwhelm the rest of the country if it were changed to a direct election. There is no way we can remain a united country if the snobs on the coasts dictate the agenda. The coasts are not the majority of America, though I’m sure they think they are. In the Electoral College, these two deep blue states still have an enormous amount of power. They’re the two largest blocs of guaranteed electoral votes for Democrats—84 in total. These states are powerless now because Clinton showed she was so terrible that she couldn’t win an election. Oh, and The Times cares about Republicans in San Francisco? Don’t make us laugh. In fact, that’s probably one of the most disingenuous claims in the entire op-ed—The Times wanting to give a voice to Republicans in deep blue areas.

The bottom line here is that the Democratic Party is now the ‘Radical Left’ Branch of the Democratic Party wants nothing to do with protecting the 49% of the voters who are on the losing end of a 51% to 49% nail biter election, but to continue doing what the Obama Administration and his corrupt agents did for the 8 years they spent moving America away from our founder’s Constitution and ‘Bill of Rights’  protections and guarantees!

For all of you that have heard about both Pelosi and Schumer’s non-committal  response to questions pertaining to the continuation of the ‘filibuster’ than know that they way they passed Obamacare without 1 Republican voting for it, and then the Progressive Justices  and Justice they flooded the lower courts with before giving up the Majority reins to the Republicans in the 2014 midterms, and then in 2018 taking back the Hose by again changing the rules in California on how votes were cast and counted, and the reason why 6-7 Republican House seats that were won by Republicans in known Republican strongholds were all reversed for Democrats within 2 weeks after election day because of those changes then, and the same reason why Pelosi and company demanded addition voting by mail aids and programs when the American people were in need of both financial and medical aids for 7 days before getting paid their ransom, and the planning for the exact same strategy for 2020!

The ‘Filibuster!’

The ‘filibuster’ is what goes on between the 2 political parties if neither party commands 60 votes in the Senate to single handedly move legislation forward without approval from the other side of the aisle to the President’s desk for the final approval and his signature needed to make it Law! A ‘Filibuster’ is …

Filibuster, in legislative practice, the parliamentary tactic used in the United States Senate by a minority of the senators—sometimes even a single senator—to delay or prevent parliamentary action by talking so long that the majority either grants concessions or withdraws the bill.

Harry Reid changed the rules of the Senate to pass legislation with only a simple majority of just 51 votes and not 60, which eliminates not only the ‘Filibuster’ but the precautions that our founder’s ‘Checks and Balances’ kick in when protecting and defending the constitution and ‘Rule of Law!’

We’ve already heard Schumer threaten both Trump appointed Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh with impeachment if they mess with Roe v. Wade, we watched our elected officials sit by as Obama tore down the proverbial border wall and bypass our immigration laws with DACA awhile telling our Border Patrol Agents not to enforce the laws!

We watched our elected officials do nothing about securing our selection and/or election process, we watched ‘Blue’ States and Cities abuse their citizens safety by declaring themselves ‘Sanctuary’ states and cities and turning away help from the government to stop the anarchy that’s now running their States and cities which are now turning on these same Sanctuary cities and state’s elected officials!

The bottom line here is if we don’t do anything as Americans, and I’m talking about Illegal immigrants looking for a path to citizenship, and the once oppressed American minorities who have been used for over 50 years until they realized that America when the economy is booming no longer need that exploiting Democratic hand out instead of the hand-up that the Trump booming economy gave them a glimpse out before COVID-19 reversed their recently discovered glimpse of light at the end of the tunnel of oppression, and of course every other American that remembers the potential, steps up as one together like we did for WWI and WWII without the pressures of political correctness and Identity Politics that are intentionally being supplied by the ‘Radical Left’ whose only goal is to gain power at all costs!          

I think that we all realize that Google is not an American company!

Unless President Trump has finally adopted the royal first-person plural and owns a significant amount of Google stock, it is hard to know what the president meant when he complained on Thursday that the European Union has slapped a $5 billion fine on “one of our great companies.”

Because whatever else it may be, Google is not an American company.

If you’ve been paying attention lately it seems as if Conservative and Right wing messages that show the COVID-19 is under control and our children’s schools should be opening like other nation’s schools are, are being taken down from groups like Briebart and others on Google, Twitter, and Facebook!

Also know that traffic to these sites have been blocked from seeing the material, which is what I am also experiencing……

Please do all of us on the same side of the tracks and use your email links to share anything that you feel is important to America and our founder’s future if you want it to remain an important part of your future generations lives…..

Thanks for you time in advance and have a great day…..