Russia, Racism, Recession, and Now the Trump Tariffs? …Please!

What the American people need to understand is that it’s ‘Congress, Not Trump’s Trade War, that is the Root of Farmers’ Woes!’ They say it’s the president’s tariffs that are hammering agriculture but it’s the annual farm bill that first set this unsustainable course.

-By Gracy Olmstead

It’s not President Trump who makes the laws or determines where the taxpayer dollars are spent, it’s Congress. It’s Congress that continues to spend $200 Billion plus on illegal immigrants, it’s Congress who won’t build the ‘Wall,’ it’s the Obama Congress that Under sequestration cut the military “down to the smallest Army since 1940, the smallest Navy since 1915.” It’s today’s Socialist Democratic candidates who want to spend tens of ‘Trillions’ on both the hoax that is ‘Climate Change,’ the Reparations for all Blacks who had or didn’t have slavery in their family tree from as far back as the civil war back 150 years ago! Let’s not forget Healthcare which is not a right, but a government subsidized safety net for all those who for some reason haven’t figured out that  the Constitutional Guaranteed Individual rights that they are given the day they were born haven’t prevented anyone from finding a scenario that either pays for their private healthcare that 170 Million Americans already enjoy and figured out for themselves!

The Dems, or whatever you want to call them today, are definitely not cut from the same cloth that my father’s Democrats were, and if the American people who believe that today’s Democrats are the future of America, then know that the Dems are weaponizing the farmer’s dilemma against President Trump instead of Congress, a.k.a. themselves correcting and/or fixing the problems facing America today if they chose to!

Bailing out our farmers who might be going bankrupt is a choice only Congress can make, like when Congress decided to bail out the banks, the automobile manufacturers, and just about everything else over the years, but when it comes to our farmers, who are the same middle Americans who live in those inner states that the Dems don’t want to be allowed to be represented or heard when they push for the elimination of the Electoral College in favor of the popular vote, then know that it’s just another Dem lie as was the promise of Amnesty to DACA Recipients if Hillary won the election in 2016, the lie that was the Russians influencing our elections when it was actually the Dems using voter fraud in the Obama 2012 reelection, and the Dems taking back the House and giving Pelosi her second gavel in 2018!

It’s time for America to wake up before the 2020 elections, and it’s time to realize that it’s not President Trump that’s killing the country, but the Obama ‘Deep State,’ the ‘Deep State’ Mainstream Media, and most of all our elected officials who make up Congress! Think about it, there are 535 people out of 325-350 Million people who will decide the path that America will take moving into the future, but when you understand that for the first time in history that there is a President, who because of his Billionaire status had an insider look at exactly what was and is going on behind those closed doors up on Capitol Hill because of the donations that both sides of the aisle are looking to get from him for the last 50 years, you got to know that it’s not Trump who is dividing America, but the Alinskyites Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama who went to school to learn about how to do the dividing!

When President Trump goes to these G7 meeting or any other of these international tea parties, he’s going to work for the American people and what’s best for America, and not the photo ops that past Administration’s Presidents participated in to make the American people feel as if are elected officials are actually doing their jobs! For all of you that want to blame President Trump you’re targeting your anger and assumptions in the wrong direction!

American’s taxpayer dollars seemed to have been rerouted from its intend Congressional purposes to being used by the Outside interests that have been and still are today being fueled by the passage of ‘Citizens United’ back in 2010 when the Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision said that it is OK for corporations and labor unions to band together as one to spend as much as they want to convince people to vote for or against a candidate.

The decision did not affect contributions. It is still illegal for companies and labor unions to give money directly to candidates for federal office. The court said that because these funds were not being spent in coordination with a campaign, they “do not give rise to corruption or the appearance of corruption.”

So, if the decision was about spending, why has so much been written about contributions? Like seven and eight-figure donations from people like casino magnate and billionaire Sheldon Adelson who, with his family, has given about $40 million to so-called “super PACs,” formed in the wake of the decision?

Now enter foreign interest in American companies and the possible influence not by the Russians, but the likes of George Soros who has his fingers in just about everything that’s out to control the American People’s ‘Purse Strings’ to fund the New World Order’ that he and all the other corrupt and colluding participants envision, as Obama has tipped us all off already, occupying the offices of the United Nations, who came out recently to announce the fruition of the New World Order within the next 12 years! Our elected officials have been bribed our to turn not only against the Constitution and the oath they took to support, protect, and defend the Constitution, but also ignore and bypass the ‘Will’ of the American people!

What the American people need to understand is that the outside interest’s financial support has pushed both political parties to their ideological extremes to the point of where only one ideology, and that’s the Dem’s Socialism, that will determine what that ‘one size fits all’ direction for America’s future will be, and how only one Political ideology will be allowed to survive, and that’s Socialism!

Don’t forget that with Socialism comes no middle class, and no Constitutionally guaranteed  individual rights!