The ‘End Game’: Now Available in eBook Format!

If you found your way here, than you might just be checking out how to get either the Paperback, Hardcover, or just recently available eBook version of ‘The ‘End Game!’ The links to Amazon, Authorhouse, and Barnes and Noble online bookstores are available below, and let’s all come together to ‘right’ this traitorous ‘Voter Fraud’ Election Day ‘wrong’ results and ‘Make America Great Again! The Mainstream Media needs to get on the right side of this ‘Vote by Mail’ Voter Fraud, or have their protected status from liability revoked, and feel the wrath of the American people, along with the same pain they’ve applied to the mental and physical well being of our younger generations!

What I can’t believe is that my ‘Theory’ about what’s going on with this election is playing out as I’ve predicted it would!  The key to what happens next from here on moving forward, is what both Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham do under the circumstances, and my book ‘ The ‘End Game’ lays it all out for you to read with the last Chapter saying:

I think I can now say that when it comes to Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham’s unknown response to what every American just witnessed, and now possibility, or should I say hope, that I will be able to do what my Grandparents were able to do for my parents, and my parents were able to do for myself and my brother and sister, but I feel after watching the first 10 minutes of the News this morning, and now seeing both Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham eliminating that unknown response, as written in the following two paragraphs in the last couple of pages of My Book, ‘The ‘End Game,’ I’m beginning to feel that the odds are looking better for me to be able to do the same for my kids and grandkids, and that’s being able to leave them the same America with all its guaranteed Constitutional Rights that my Grandparents and parents left me and my siblings, that was also included in our founder’s Constitutional Republic form of governance Package, and that came complete with the knowledge that America is the only government in the world that was not only built by the people, but for the People!

“The only thing left to do at this point is to warn President Trump not to listen to political allies who come bearing advice over your own instincts, and I’m talking about both Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham! The major problem as I see it is that they might get in the way should President Trump decides he needs to challenge the election results by wanting to call for a recount of a specific or multiple ‘Red State’ results, especially now if the Supreme Court is needed with 1 of the 9 missing with the death of RBG!

I’m referring to the states that refused to cooperate with President Trump’s committee on voter fraud that had to be shut down because of the lack of cooperation by 44 of the 50 states when he first came into office! President Trump’s instincts, including ‘Tweeting’ is the man that the American people wanted to initiate change in our political systems and country after the status quo decided that the American people can’t be trusted to make the right decision when it came to America and its future, but more than that couldn’t be trusted to make the right choices for the world over America first! I mention this being suspended by ‘Twitter’ again because after the DNC convention was over, and I had ‘tweeted’ my opinion and observations within the word count max allowed, I found myself being suspended, and now because of that now very proud to be considered as honest as they keep saying President Trump is not!”

Please also know that due to the book was supposed to come out Labor Day Weekend, but for some reason wasn’t able to be released until Columbus Day, Hmmmm, and then the eBook not available until around or after Election Day! I had to postpone some of the processes so that I could get the book out before Election Day, but during that waiting period we had the unfortunate passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, which made me think that her death was important enough to add her to the Dedication because of the impact her death would have on the Supreme Court, and with the apparent need for the Supreme Court more than likely being needed to resolve certain legal conundrums over the possibility of ‘Voter Fraud’ being committed again using the same ‘Voter by Mail’ scheme that the Pelosi and Schumer ‘Radical Left’ used to steel the House back in 2018, and then the Biden and Harris ticket not committing to whether or not they would ‘Pack’ the Supreme Court, only furthered the need to fill that RBG vacant Supreme court seat before the election, and the Republican Senate led by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell answered the call with another Original Constitutionalist with a minor in Textualist known as Amy Coney Barrett.

“Dedicated to all those fighting men and women that have no interest in giving up their Constitutional rights for a little temporary safety, and now with the death of Supreme Court Justice RBG, it’s now about understanding that it is not about the next 4 or 8 years, but about a lifetime!”

I consider myself pretty good when it comes to the english language, but even though I’ve been over it more than a few times myself, I’m having it proofread just to make sure of those little things that I might have missed, and at the time would have further pushed the release date further back……

The eBook version that wasn’t available until after Election Day, is now available on Amazon, Authorhouse, and Barnes and Noble online Bookstores for $3.99! I also need to mention that when it comes to the eBook on Amazon that I ordered one a month ago and they’re telling me technical problems, but then again I’m not that all kind to Jeff Bezos or the Washington Post in the Book, no problem with the other 2 though…lol. I would recommend looking for it under Jonathan E P Moore (The ‘End Game’) because there are other books that are using the term ‘End Game, and I hope this is helpful when trying for figure out how we got to where we are in America today, especially politically!

Here is the link to the articles I’ve written since submitting the manuscript to the publisher, and the same link that you will see with the first image in the book of a ‘Magnifying Glass’ that explains what the image means!


(To date 12/15/2020~25 Articles)

5 October 2020 by Jonathan E. P. Moore

Search here for the close to 1,000 articles that I’ve posted on my Blog over the last 10 years for subjects like the ‘Consent Decree,’ the United Nations, the U.N. Agenda 21, Obama’s Economy, Obama’s Military, the TPP Trade Agreement, Alinsky, Cloward and Piven, the Washington Post that was bought by Amazon’s Bezos for $250M only to receive a $600M contract from CIA a year later, Robert Mueller and his investigation, the 2012, 2016, and 2018 never happened Voter Fraud, the Climate Change Hoax, the Impeachment Hoax, the Russian Hoax, and finally Making America Great Again! Oh, did I mention just about any possible thing you can think of?