There is ‘No’ Light at the End of This impeachment Tunnel for Dems!

There is no light at the end of this impeachment tunnel if you choose to follow any Democrat whose made his mind up to follow Adam Schiff, and only that cliff that he is more than willing to lead you off! With Bill Barr’s reveal of what’s to come with his scathing  analysis of the corruption of the DOJ and FBI leadership, and expecting eventually leading directly to the White House steps, you got to believe if you’re ‘Never Trumper’ that you’ve been lied to and all for the sake of destroying America from within! You have to believe from here on out that this Impeachment Inquiry be just another parade of coerced testifiers who have been threatened with jail time if every ‘’T’ isn’t crossed and every ‘I’ isn’t doted to the satisfaction of the inquiring minds that are running this ‘Dog and Pony’ impeachment side show!

I have to believe, after hearing about AG Barr’s recent update of things to come for the ratted out ‘Deep State’ leadership of the FBI, DOJ, and we can’t forget Director John Brennan of the CIA, I have to believe that Adam Schiff is hoping, or should I say banking on that the American people will fall for what Adolf Hitler said, and that is: “If you tell a lie long enough, loud enough, and often enough, the people will believe it?”

Does anybody really believe Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi are only out to get to the truth, and to show that truth to the American people? Does anybody believe Adam Schiff when he says that he hasn’t made up his mind yet on the guilt or innocence yet when it comes to President Trump? Does anybody believe that Adam Schiff isn’t ‘Bias’ when he says….

Adam Schiff Says Democrats Will Send ‘Charlatan’ Trump ‘Back to the Golden Throne He Came From’

What I expect from here from the Dems is their continuing lying to make up for their lack of facts, and again because they believe “If you tell a lie long enough, loud enough, and often enough, the people will believe it”

Do you remember when Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team indicted or got guilty pleas from 34 people and three companies during their lengthy investigation? Do you remember that Mueller did not allege any crimes directly connecting the two — that is, that Trump advisers criminally conspired with Russian officials to impact the election. That means that the ones that pleaded guilty or serving jail time are for things not related to the Russian’s colluding with the Trump Campaign or Administration, Hmmm…

That group is composed of six former Trump advisers, 26 Russian nationals, three Russian companies, one California man, and one London-based lawyer. Seven of these people (including five of the six former Trump advisers) have pleaded guilty.

If you also count investigations that Mueller originated but then referred elsewhere in the Justice Department, you can add a plea deal from one more person to the list.

It’s a sprawling set of allegations, encompassing both election interference charges against overseas Russians, and various other crimes by American Trump advisers.

However, and again, Mueller did not allege any crimes directly connecting the two — that is, that Trump advisers criminally conspired with Russian officials to impact the election.

Other reported focuses of Mueller’s investigation — such as potential obstruction of justice by the Trump administration — also did not result in any charges.

Justice Department officials told reporters Friday that this is the final list, and that no more indictments are coming from the special counsel’s probe.

Should we move on to the double standard that affords the elitist Left’s superstars compared to the rest of us Americans who only want to make America great again? Did any of you happen to catch Tucker Carlson’s show when he pointed out those contrasts in that treatment of American who don’t fall in line with these same elitist Left’s Superstars? Check out the link below to understand what the ‘Double Standard’ by the ‘Left’ is doing to our country!!


I don’t know about you, but I’m getting tired of being labeled and then being told that what I am is based on my  political, physical, financial,  religious preference, sexual preference, and just about everything else  under the sun about who these political Parties, political pollsters, and even close friends with different ideas might consider who and what I am!

The problem with this is that anyone under the same targeted agenda using Political Correctness, Identity Politics, and Implicit Bias to define who you are, and if you listen to what they say, especially if it’s about America and all its flaws, and then given the time to internalize it to a point to where you would rather scrap our founder’s 247 years of success for what would be the opposite reality, but the same 3rd world reality that the rest of the world has been forced to live under, but who also haven’t been given those same constitutionally guaranteed individual rights that our founders have granted every American citizen! I think that our founders bold experiment in governance that was based on the idea that a government can be built on one that would be by and for the people!