Those Who Would Give up Liberty for a Little Temporary Safety Deserve Neither Liberty Nor Safety!

Just because there were 63 million Americans that voted for Trump to be President the ‘Left’ believes that the American people can’t be trusted to do the right thing when it comes to what’s best for the future of the world over what’s best for the future of America!

Right now it’s about ‘Vote By Mail and keep applying pressure to keep America’s economy shut down, keeping the American people from assembling for any reason, but especially religion, and keeping Joe Biden hidden away in his own basement so that he won’t have to answer the tough questions about his plans to rebuild the America and the economy!

What are Joe’s plans for Healthcare this week, and what are his plans this week when it comes to rebuilding the economy, trade, foreign policy, domestic policy, and getting back to enforcing our founders constitutional ‘Bill of Rights’ and ‘Rule of Law’ that he completely abandoned for the 8 years when he was number 2 who had a ring side seat while number 1, Barack Obama, walked all over every law, every right, while he systematically spent 8 years intentionally destroying America from within?

Speaking to a group of iron-workers just outside his hometown of Scranton, Joe Biden promised to be a true champion of the working class as he laid out a plan to reverse the country’s devastating economic decline caused by the timely spread of a virus that was intentionally aimed at taking out America’s economy because they realized that the American made minorities they once relied on to take them the finish line ever 2 to 4 years finally realized that they didn’t need the government to lift them up, but only needed the guarantees that the Constitution given every American if they are willing to work hard for their dreams!

Another Biden lie that you can just add to the list of both Obama and Biden that started with if you wanted to keep your doctor and health plan you could, and then the one that goes he can’t do anything when it comes to immigration without congress 22 times before creating the same dash to American borders as did the people who crashed the borders and destroyed the sovereignty with no warning of the nations of the European Union, and would have been America’s fate if Hillary instead of President Trump won the 2016 elections because everything that Hillary needed to pull off the EU, North American Union two step was on the runway and ready to take off the minute the first waltz was announced at Hillary’s Coronation Ball, and the same reason why the colluding McConnell’s GOP RINO’s had nothing ready on the runway to take off to repeal and replace Obamacare when now President Trump won!

Biden continued with this is our moment to imagine and to build a new American economy for our families and for our communities. An economy where every American, every American, has a chance to get a fair return for the work they put in,” Biden said, describing a $700 billion recovery plan aimed at the middle class and accusing President Donald Trump of favoring the wealthy despite promises to help everyday workers. Really?

Obama and Biden blamed both Bush and Cheney for crushing the Middle Class, but how many of you know that Obama’s Socialism, or Socialism as a whole, doesn’t believe or have a Middle Class! In a capitalist system the poor have an opportunity to move up to the middle class. In a socialist system the middle class is destroyed. In a socialist system all that exists are the poor and a tiny number of rich bureaucrats. So, it’s Bush and Cheney and not Obama and Hillary’s Alinsky based philosophy to destroy America from within and using political correctness and implicit bias to divide and conquer the ‘in hiding’ American people after 911, and then using the campaign rallying cry of ‘Hope and Change’ to usher Socialism in the back door to assist in erasing the Middle Class, then why is Biden now claiming he’s looking to prop up the Middle Class?

If you think that’s just a little strange, then why is he speaking to Union workers for any other reason then hoping to get more votes for telling more lies. Obama and Biden, or should that be ‘China Biden’ who with his partner and mentor Barack Obama fought for open borders, forcing American made manufacturing companies out of America to seek out lower tax advantages, less EPA mandated unobtainable regulations, and definitely cheaper labor where Unions, if they even exist at all, aren’t receiving the highest pay in the world, the most guaranteed healthcare and benefits, the ‘Golden Parachute ‘ guaranteed retirement plans, and last the security it gives to his or her family and their future?

In January of 2009 Obama was inaugurated for his first term as President, and than in 2009 Obama’s mentor and financier George Soros came out with this proclamation for all the world to hear and see…..

For all of you Union Workers thinking about voting for home grown Joe Biden you should think about contradictions in his comments and actions while he was 2nd in command of the greatest country in the history of the world! He sat there watching as Obama suggested that President Trump would need a magic wand if he expected to bring any manufacturing jobs home, and then he sat there and watched as Obama did nothing to level the playing field when it came to foreign trade with China and saving the taxpayer the $500 billion dollars they had to spend to recoup the $500 Billion dollar trade deficit with China!

How can we forget the ‘Paris Accord’ that was getting its start up funding for the world from the American taxpayer coffers whole not even running it by congress for an approval? Did you know that China first lied about the C02 emissions that China was putting out, but wasn’t held to any of the C02 guidelines that all other countries were expected to deliver on by 2030?

Now with the recent Coronavirus that found its way throughout the world and specifically to America from Wuhan China, we now know that China allowed international flights to continue to fly from Wuhan to the rest of the world but never to other main cities in China, and if you ask me should raise another ‘Red Flag’ for anyone who has the smallest amount of common sense! Now add that to the fact that all of the medical supplies we needed during this COVID-19 virus to survive are now be manufactured by our American made companies that the Obama Administration forced out using taxes and regulations to do the heavy lifting in China, which should be another ‘Red Flag’ that just proves something isn’t right going on here!   

I remember asking a question in one of my articles back before the 2016 elections about if anybody had heard Hillary mention her plans for rebuilding the once most powerful military in the world, that is of course after watching Obama, and of course with his Vice President Joe Biden, his second in command, intentionally dismantle not only our military to levels not seen since WWII, and the Navy to levels not seen since WWI, but removed the leadership call makers of the world off the world stage so that nations like China, George Soros’s new favorite dictatorship status who uses slave labor to still to this day,make NIKE sneakers while the leadership of the NBA still cater and protect the 2018 self proclaimed lifetime dictator of China Xi Jinping!

I’ve been posting to this one site that goes by #walkaway, and up until today didn’t really know what that was suppose to mean, if anything. Well I’m proud to say I now do, and I’m glad I do, but I have just one request, and that’s you allow the same defecting Republicans as you do Democrats who are beginning to see what’s going on this country is happening because of the partnership and first bipartisan venture that both sides of the aisle have finally agreed upon, unfortunately its not for America or the American people, but instead at the expense to the American people because of the Constitutional guaranteed rights in order for the New World Order to succeed, need to go, or suffer the labeling of being extreme rebels without a cause who the United Nations ‘Strong Cities Network’ are supposed to be fighting against!

Democrats and the once before Democrats who are now members of the Walkaway movement are those Democrats that have had enough with the Democratic Party and as a result now jumping ship in order to be part of the same 20-30% that attend Trump rallies that are Democrats that hope that one day the Democratic Party will revert back to my father and mother’s version of the Democratic Party that will hopefully grow out of the ashes of today’s Progressive version of the same Democratic Party!

Giving up our Founder’s Guaranteed Constitutional ‘Rights’ just to Stay Safe is not only an option but an insult to the Memory of the hundreds of Thousands soldiers who’ve lost their lives defending and fighting for those rights over the last 244 years,but should show just show how cowardly and weak kneed today’s generation is if it ever comes down to needing to step up to the plate and meet their obligation to protect the future of America for future generation as did their past family members have done over the same last 244 since our founder’s laid it all out in what’s known today as the Constitution!

If you are an illegal, a.k.a. undocumented immigrant than know that the lying and promise breaking ‘Left’ that is led by the Pelosi Progressicrats will continue to do the same until they gain the power they need to destroy the country and it’s rights that you thought you were risking your lives for when in reality you’re just being used to recreate the misery and oppression of the country you once called home, but decided it would be a better life if you left to come to America!

Hillary said words matter, but so do the laws of the land that were legislated and passed by those first round of immigrants that came to America that at the time was an undeveloped nation where a civilization could be built out of the wilderness, but not the post-industrial nation that today’s immigrants come to sign up for free benefits and entitlements.

The times may have changed but the message of America being a nation of immigrants still holds true, and in these times you can be the new generation that picks up the baton and help get back to the original priorities that our founder’s constitution and ‘Rule of Law’ that you originally risked your life for to be free! Don’t be played again, and know that Pelosi’s Cabal have no interest of living up their promise again as proven by the ‘Schumer Shutdown’ when after President Trump offered 3 times the number of illegals a path to citizenship that the Pelosi and Schumer didn’t even bother to counter, but walked away without a peep because they knew that if they accepted the offer that the control they had over the illegal vote would be gone and President Trump would of had another win!

They lied to the DACA recipients and the next wave of illegals not once but three time for the 2016, but for the 2018 midterms and now the 2020 Presidential elections again by making those same promises of being given amnesty if they voted illegally and unconstitutionally for the now Obama ‘Deep State’ after he told the American people 22 times that he couldn’t act on immigration without congress before inking and Executive Order to give those same DACA recipients a promise that he couldn’t legally or constitutionally keep, and never should have made to begin with.

◾Expanded executive action for amnesty to illegal immigrant relatives of DREAM Act beneficiaries. Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress; “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3; Article I Section 8

◾Executive Order Bypassing Congress on immigration – Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress; Article II Section 3; Article I Section 8

◾Used Executive Action in direct opposition to the law, and unilaterally changes the law for at least five million illegal aliens; Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress; “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3; Article I Section 8

Now if that wasn’t bad enough, he than ordered the Border Patrol to stand down and not enforce the laws!

◾Issued directive instructing ICE to NOT enforce immigration laws in certain cases. Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress; “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3; Article I Section 8

If you are considered an illegal immigrant and originally came to America to be part of the greatest experiment in the history of the world, and that being a government that’s ‘By the People and For the People,’ why would you believe proven liars who have screwed you over twice in the last 4 years, but now have a chance to help restore the land of immigrants to it’s historical 244 years of success and unity, especially knowing that by helping the Pelosi Cabal that you are condemning yourself to the same past you’re running from and left behind for a better life with opportunity in what you hope will be your new home?

I walked into my version of ‘Cheers,’ where everybody knows my name, only to hear from who I considered friends try to tell me that the Coronavirus is more ‘contagious’ than the 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Virus, which by the way if you recall is the virus that Obama decided wasn’t important enough to alert the public about until 1,000 Americans died and millions had been infected, but did we hear anything from the Mainstream Media alerting the public either, and since than has any American been made aware of the 80,000 Americans that died in the winter of 2018 from the Obama H1N1 virus?

There were a total of 4 people in the bar and felt it my duty to mention to them that my grandfather was a career Navy man during WWI, and that my father ‘enlisted’ in WWII after he graduated from Yale undergraduate that he followed up with a law degree from Harvard Law! My father played it safe by enlisting in the Army to fight for those same rights! My father was a forward observer in the Leyte Islands in the Philippines where he was only wounded when he could have stayed back home in working for prestigious NYS law firm!

When does choosing life over death considered playing it safe when you’re putting yourself in the line of fire, and when in the history of America was it ever OK to give up your constitutional guaranteed rights in exchange for a little safety? How about telling that to the 620,000 Union Soldiers who lost their lives to free the slaves who to this day having been thanked by the members of BLM who are not only living a lie but being funded by a Nazi sympathizer that goes by the name of George Soros!

George Soros produced and financially sponsored ‘Never Trump’ and ‘Anti-American’ nightmares like Antifa and Black Lives Matter that keeps on giving because Soros is allowed to live ‘Free’ on American soil in the great state of New York, but obviously being protected in the same way the corrupt leadership of the Obama DOJ, FBI, and CIA protected Obama for those 8 years that he spent violating the Constitution, dismantling our military, and then following up with indoctrination of our children by using Common Core, eliminating the teaching of conservative values, and forbidding the Benefits of Capitalism to be taught to our older children and young college aged adults who have been steered away from not only their possible future’s calling, but the chance of realizing that possible American dream that they haven’t been given the chance to hear or even learn about!

The BLM lie I’m referring to is when Black Lives Matter launched its brand during the Ferguson MO. shooting of a Black teen by a White cop, but when Obama and Holder jumped the gun before the facts were released and as a result started the riots! Unfortunately what happened next was learning that the ‘White’ Cop was in the right and the Black teen was in the wrong with a record, but that didn’t stop the Obama and Holder’s racist agenda to undermine the police in order to replace them with an international police force that the United Nations had ready to go!

I don’t know about you, but with a just little hindsight and watching the last 20 years pass me by, I’m beginning to see another possible motive for the terrorist attacks of 9/11, and has to do with all that’s transpired within those 20 years that makes me think again that with what’s going on in America today, that just maybe the first graduating class of 2020 that had to have been born just a little before, on, or after 9/11 might of had an important role in those goings on without even knowing it! do you remember this quote?

“Give me just one generation of youth, and I’ll transform the whole world.”

― Vladimir Lenin

Let’s look back… first we had the terrorist attacks of 9/11 that led to the possibility of those hidden weapons of mass destruction that either convinced the American people that it was an act against our Republic or an unknown something else that we didn’t know about because we didn’t have any reason to think that it was anything else. To make a long story short there was never any WMD’s found, but it served it’s purpose if you were looking to cause confusion between the effects of the war on the economy, and the toll it was taking on the job situation for American families who stressing out to the max while they were trying to make ends meet by just paying the bills.

Obama inherited Bush 43’s in the tank economy, and Obama took his Cloward and Piven Ivy league education and applied his proverbial knee to the neck of the Middle Class by using the highest corporate tax rate of any comparable nation, and enforcing unobtainable EPA regulations to force our manufacturing supply chains to other nations, and especially China, which we had to learn about just recently with the unfortunate timing of the apparently intentional COVID-19 Virus that Pelosi and company are exploiting to the max in order to get an unfair advantage over the voters who will again vote for President Trump in 2020 in order to steal back the Senate and White House as they did the House in 2018!

While Obama was chalking up the historically highest level of the number of people in poverty. the largest amount of people on Welfare, the largest number of people either out of work or stopped looking for work, and accumulating the highest debt that was more than all the presidents that came before combined, we had families now where both parents were forced to work multiple part-time jobs while the nuclear family dynamic was transformed to children playing video games while that one generation of youth I mentioned earlier who will transform the whole world were all being indoctrinated via being brainwashed by Liberal ‘Progressive’ teachers Unions who are using ‘Common Core’s repetition testing to get to the desired answer instead of allowing these children to use their god given ability to reason via the real facts and truth about the differences between Socialism and our founder’s Constitutional Republic where our founder’s Constitutional guaranteed individual rights just might not be in line with the Progressive agenda that has never had any interest in making America great again!!

Am I wrong about why we are seeing today’s graduating class being born in those terrifying days of 9/11, and then what’s historically occurred over the last 20 years? ...Food for Thought?

I’m tired of hearing about how the number of Americans that are testing positive for the Coronavirus are increasing in America, but not mentioning how the other nations numbers are also proportionately increasing on a much lower scale also but the mortality rate of all the countries is steadily declining! I don’t know about you but when I see statistics that contradict ‘MY’ common sense advance warning system I immediately start doing a little digging to see if I can make any sense of the whole thing!

You see what’s wrong with this picture is how the statistics are being reported, and how in order for any test to show a positive, especially with what I just explained to you, and how dire the situation is for the Pelosi’s Cabal needing to win in 2020 to even stay on the radar of relevancy, and doing it without using ‘Voter Fraud’ as they did to take back the House in 2018, is it at all in the realm of possibility that just maybe a chemical that would test positive in the human body when tested, and has absolutely nothing to do with COVID-19, is all that far fetched as one might think, especially if the Mainstream Media is running with whatever they’re are told about anything the ‘Left’ tells them is true?

There are 23 Toxic Chemicals that a lot Americans come in Contact with on a daily basis that will test as a positive, but at the same time, never harmful to anyone unless of course preexisting conditions that can’t be helped come into play?

It turns out that there is a miniature Chernobyl Hidden around every corner!

Why do I bring this up? Could it be just one of those ‘things’ that I heard about at some stage in my life that my subconscious decided that it was time to wake me up in the middle of the night to force me to look for answers that just might be relevant to what’s going on in America today?

Today’s middle of the night wake up call is being caused by the fact that after day 39 of President Trump being on the job and doing his responsible President ‘Thing,’ and because of that being 38 days ahead of the Coronavirus before the Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff and Nadler ‘Never Trump’ Progressicrats even mentioned the COVID-19 Virus because they were too busy trying to impeach this duly elected President who only mission was to make America great Again!

I began to remember how from day one is that the main focus and complaint coming from the Pelosi led Cabal was the telegraphing history of Chuck-e Schumer, and that his main focus was on testing! I remember the first tweet that I saw every day when getting on ‘Twitter’ was always seeing a Chuck-e Schumer ‘Tweet’ with his bitching about how President Trump wasn’t testing quick enough, even though America was and still is today testing above and beyond any other country by far, why?

Today we have the members of the Left who predominately control the Mainstream Media and the Teacher’s Unions, and with 2 months to go declaring that schools, colleges, and even fall sports for the aforementioned two categories of schooling, they’re predicting that our schools won’t be up and running because of the supposedly expanded testing that is now revealing the true ‘Something’ when it comes to the coronavirus, but what is that ‘Something’ that’s being revealed?

What woke my up this time is whether or not what’s coming back as considered being a positive for Coronavirus, especially with the death rate plummeting due to the COVID-19, what is it due to something else that might be man-made that just happens to stay in the body for decades, like ‘Teflon,’ that will more than likely be hanging around after ‘We the People’ are long gone?

Before we move on from here let’s clear two things up here that pertain to the deaths caused by the Coronavirus! First would be that US Hospitals are Getting Paid More to Label Cause of Death as ‘Coronavirus,’ which if you’ve been following me know that I had a friend whose relative died of a heart attack from an already known about heart condition that the Hospital labeled as the cause of death was by virus, and when asked about changing the cause of death was told they would have to take them to court to do so, only to hear two days later that hospitals were getting $14,000 for deaths caused by the Coronavirus and even up to 3X more if they are put on a respirator!

Senator Scott Jensen represents Minnesota. He’s also a doctor. He appeared on Fox News with Laura Ingraham where he revealed a very disturbing piece of information.

Dr. Scott Jensen says the American Medical Association is now “encouraging” doctors to over-count coronavirus deaths across the country.

Jensen received a  7-page document that showed him how to fill out a death certificate as a “COVID-19 diagnosis” even when there isn’t a lab test confirming the diagnosis.

“Right now Medicare is determining that if you have a COVID-19 admission to the hospital you get $13,000. If that COVID-19 patient goes on a ventilator you get $39,000, three times as much. Nobody can tell me after 35 years in the world of medicine that sometimes those kinds of things impact on what we do.” (Dr. Sen. Scott Jensen, from Fox Interview)

This is absolutely bone-chilling, and before you get into the Fact checking on this piece of truth,I just think you should know….. — A Fraudulent “Fact Check” Site Funded By Biased Political Group.

The second Thing I wanted to bring up is….

De Blasio Instructs Tracers Not to Ask New Coronavirus Patients if They Attended Protests

The City reported that New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio instructed “test and tracers” not to ask anyone who tests positive for the Wuhan coronavirus if they attended any of the protests or riots in response to the death of George Floyd.

De Blasio made this decision despite having concerns the protests and riots could spark another wave and his city being the epicenter of America’s outbreak.

So what we have here is more people are testing positive for the coronavirus but the mortality (Death) rate is tanking. You also have hospitals that are being financially incentivised to report death by COVID-19 rather than what the real cause might have been for their death, and you have mayor DiBlasio of the biggest city in the country Instructing his NYC Tracers Not to Ask New Coronavirus Patients if They Attended Protests!

I know you’re thinking that here comes another ‘Conspiracy Theory,’ right? Well with a little common sense and knowing about how Pelosi and her band of ‘Progressicrats’ are at that ‘At all Cost’ mental frame of mind when it comes to regaining the power that Obama had at one time but squandered back in 2009-2011 when they last controlled the House, Senate, and White House, but now with no relative platform that mirrors the people’s mandate or ‘Will,’ will need to cheat using the same ‘voter fraud’ they used in 2018 when they used ‘Vote by Mail!’ Maybe this time they’re using a little chemistry to doctor the COVID-19 testing results that will show a positive for a chemical in the body that is something that’s hidden but harmless in the body, but if prompted will show themselves given the right testing circumstances!

If you think about it you would see that when you add up all the pieces to the puzzle that this is the only possibility that makes sense, and with more people testing positive for the coronavirus but the number of people that are dying tanking, what else is there when it comes to being the most logical! If so….

The Deadly Chemical Now In The Blood of 99.7% of Americans & Chances Are You’ve Never Heard of It!

It has been on Earth for eight or so decades. A man-made compound that didn’t exist a century ago, C8 is in the blood of 99.7% of Americans, according to a 2007 analysis of data from the Centers for Disease Control, as well as in newborn human babies, breast milk, and umbilical cord blood. And we’ve had no choice in the matter. Concerns about the safety of Teflon, C8, and other long-chain perfluorinated chemicals first came to wide public attention more than a decade ago

Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), also known as C8 and perfluorooctanoate, is a synthetic perflourinated carboxylic acid and fluorosurfactant. It has been used in the manufacture of such prominent consumer goods as Teflon.

So now what do you say about the supposedly expanded testing that is now revealing the true ‘Something’ when it comes to the coronavirus, but what is that ‘Something’ that’s being revealed? Hmmm…