Trump’s ‘Promised’ SCOTUS: The ‘Great Reset’s’ Achilles Heel!’

Who would have ever thought that 5 years ago and before the 2016 elections that an outsider non politician Billionaire candidate for the Presidency of probably the greatest nation in the history of the world give the American people a list of possible candidates for SCOTUS, and the reason I have to believe for his unbelievable landslide victory? In contrast we have the winner of a fixed 2020 election who won’t reciprocate by giving the American People his list of potential candidates for the Supreme Court, but with the election fixed already for Biden, don’t we already have an Idea who will be there in SCOTUS when challenges to this election’s results, and the challenges to Kamala Harris’s unconstitutional and disqualifying citizenship decisions need to be made by the highest court in the land, and not handed back down to the lower courts that both Obama and Reid, using the Nuclear Option,’ ‘Packed’ those same lower courts with Progressive Judges whose job it was to protect Obama’s Anti-America’s violations of the constitution!

Update: Proof that America’s 2020 election stolen!!

I guess insisting that President Trump should release his taxes, which by the way isn’t required by law to be President, and only optional if the candidate chooses to do so, and you already know that the IRS already has his taxes because he is under audit, just proves that when Biden doesn’t want to give the American people a list of possible candidates that he would consider to replace a sitting member of the Supreme Court should the need arise, and then not telling the American People if he plans to ‘Pack’ the Supreme Court, and by not answering either of those two very important question just proves that the election was fixed because there is no way a Democrat or Republican would risk their guaranteed Constitutional rights, by not knowing the answer to either of those 2 questions, and would error on the side of caution and vote for Trump everytime, and we know that because he’s given his list that consists of all Original Constitutionalists who will make their decision based on our founder’s intent and interpretation, and the only purpose of Packing the Court would be to eliminate those same guaranteed Constitutional rights!

Biden today has still not given the American people a list of who he intends to pick for SCOTUS should the opportunity arise, or has he answered the question, because the Mainstream Media refuses to ask it, and that’s whether or not he intends to ‘Pack the Court, but if I had to guess, and now seeing the reaction to Bidens ‘Great Reset’ plans to use American taxpayer dollars to continue to do what Obama did, and what Hillary couldn’t do because of the landslide victory by President Trump, and as a result of Hillary’s loss in now 4 years behind their Globalist plans, have doubled down with double the pain for all ‘Deplorables!’

After hearing Biden Speak yesterday I’m beginning to think that ‘Packing the Court,’ as was the case in Venezuela back in 2004 when George Soros helped Socialist pushing Hugo Chavez win the election using voter fraud, who then went on to pack the Venezuelan Supreme Court, and I beginning to think will definitely be the only course that Biden/Harris can possibly take, and that’s because if you could read between the lines of the Globalists ‘Trojan Horse’ Joe Bidens memorized words, you would see that those Democrats and illegals who helped rig the election are now, because they are no longer needed, those same ‘Useful Idiots’ that Stalin says Socialism couldn’t survive, let alone exist without!

I think that if the SCOTUS isn’t ‘Packed,’ that Democratic House members who have been told to sit down, shut up, and vote the way they’re told for all these last 12 years, will after the death of the Pelosi and Schumer version of the ‘Radical Left’ Democratic Party, will find their way back into the light of our founder’s American Dream with all the guaranteed rights that come with it!

The ‘Implicit Bias’ accusations by the ‘Radical Left,’ and their Mainstream Media’s lying and ‘Fake’ just about everything that they perceive to be the truth, works in two different but very similar ways, and kind of reminds me of what’s been called a double edged sword! First we have the Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, and Nadler who over the last 4 years have accused every American of being born ‘Racists and White Supremacists, but then we have the same ‘Implicit Bias’ that caused Pelosi to alter Obama documents to show he was a ‘Natural Born Citizen,’ and that’s because a candidate who is a ‘Natural Born Citizen’ might have the same ‘Implicit Bias’ that he was born with that makes him believe that America is exceptional, first, and has always been great!

Now we have Kamala Harris who is thinking that because Obama set a precedent of being the President of the greatest nation in the history of the world without being a ‘Natural Born Citizen,’ that she now can freely violate the Constitution with no repercussions, even though the Constitution hasn’t changed when it comes to having to be a ‘Natural Born Citizen,’ and run for the office of either President or Vice President without the fear of being dragged out of the White House by the citizens of the greatest country in the history of the World!

I know what you’re thinking, and that’s here we go again, right? I also know that you know that this is one of my original pet peeves, that along with a possible Senator from Chicago Illinois who I saw hanging around with one of my generation’s co-founders of the ‘Weather Underground,’ and that’s the Bomber himself ‘William ‘Bill’ Ayres, but if you recall it was because the Mainstream Media in their what’s becoming another lie, being blessed with ‘infinite wisdom,’ chose not to share his true identity or any identity at all when they should have!

Did any of you catch this past September’s 2020 bit of information update about that same ‘Bill’ Ayres?’

Weather Underground Terrorist Bill Ayers Suggests the Civil War Has Already Begun!

As violent and destructive antifa and Black Lives Matter riots continue to ravage American cities like Portland and Kenosha, a self-described communist who plotted to blow up the U.S. Capitol in the 1970s suggested that America’s second Civil War has already started.

“Am I the only one, or do you feel eerily that we’re living in Kansas, 1859, and that tensions are boiling over, but only years later will people say, ‘Yes, the Civil War began there and then?’” Ayers posted on Facebook. He posted the same statement on his website,

Ayers, who co-founded the Weather Underground in 1969, took part in the bombings of the New York City Police Department headquarters in 1970, the U.S. Capitol building in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972. Since the FBI used illegal tactics against the Weather Underground and the New Left, the government dropped key charges against the Weather Underground and Bill Ayers.

For all of you that didn’t know this, ‘Bill Ayres was the one who arranged the financing of Obama’s Harvard Law school. In 1987 Bill Ayers solicits Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour (a.k.a. Donald Warden) to raise money for Obama’s Harvard Law School education. al-Mansour is an orthodox Muslim, a black nationalist, an outspoken enemy of Israel, and mentor to Black Panther Party founder Huey Newton and his cohort, Bobby Seale.

Before I get ahead of myself, and because I know it’s me that’s been watching this Cabal of Anti-American Pro-Globalists members of the ‘Radical Left’ from way before the now President Trump with his America first and great again agenda came down that escalator in Trump Tower to announce his run for the most powerful position in the history of the world, but not before the American people started to catch on about there being something that just wasn’t quite right!

What ‘Never Trumpers’ want you to believe because they do is that it was President Trump that caused the division in this country, but they’ve turned a blind eye to is that before the 2016 elections the American people were already on the record with the disapproval that they had for government as a whole with an approval rating of just 12.8%!

Where were these ‘Never Trumpers’ when Obama for 8 years, and now knowing that with the help of not only a corrupt Mainstream Media, but with the 3 biggest and most respected Intel and National Security agencies in the world that are made up of the FBI, CIA, and DOJ, that were being led by corrupt leadership who were helping Obama by protecting Obama when he was routinely and intentionally destroying America from within by violating, bypassing and eliminating the Constitution mandates and Directives that our founders ‘Blueprint for America had laid out for the American people to follow!

By our elected officials ignoring their oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution, America’s sovereignty, and while we’re at it keeping the American people safe and out of harm’s way, just know that the American People are not being kept safe, especially in the ever growing rate of Sanctuary Cities that are already popping up all over the country along with the constantly increasing crime rate in those same Sanctuary Cities also going up proportionally!

I think it might be time to take a page or two out of the History of America’s Wild Wild West, when there was a Constitution and set of laws that were two fold, first was the law that was interpreted by the ‘Law of the Land,’ and second was the interpretation of the law based on common sense justice that every rancher in that same Wild West, relied upon with his neighbors and fellow ranchers when it came to dealing with cattle rustlers stealing their cattle!

If you think about what’s going on in these Blue Sanctuary Cities and States where these ‘Radical Left’ members of Black Lives Matter and Antifa, and who by the way are funded by George Soros, seem to now only pushing to defund the Police, but now running roughshod over every owner’s once American Dream’s small business with no repercussions, because the police are no longer anywhere to be found or these Blue Sanctuary State Governors or Mayors have instructed the police to stand down and not interfere because it’s their constitutional right to protest!

I have to believe that where these American people are forced to live should be considered the Wild Wild West and that these same Sanctuary Blue Cities and States proverbial ranchers, should confront those proverbial rustlers of their constitutionally guaranteed rights, and be shown what happens to those who want to fu*k the American people out of their rights, freedoms, and liberties!

It’s not as if we don’t know who these leaders are because we can see them all with proverbial pants down while they’re violating there very own lock down laws as they munch away unmasked, and in the highest and most expensive restaurants using taxpayer dollars to pay for the Science that Joe Biden says he is going to rely on 100% of the time when making his decisions on what’s best for not America, but what’s best for the world, especially China now that they lived up the their end of the bargain with their manmade designer virus, and now the ‘Radical Left can weaponize to control America’s economy and its people!

Now if you think that’s scary, than just think about Joe Biden continuing to use Obama Blueprint, and decides to use the same ‘Peacetime’ Martial Law that Obama had put in place that the American People didn’t know anything about? What this would mean is that Joe Biden, unless the American people like the ‘Radical Left’ branch of the Democratic has since Obama arrived on the scene, just treated it like it wasn’t even there let alone thinking they had to follow anything it had to say, would have complete control over everything that makes America tick, and the American people would just have to sit there and shut the f*ck up!

What makes this even scarier is that with Biden saying he’s going to follow the lead coming from his scientists is that now he, if ‘Peacetime’ Martial Law is even Constitutionally possible, that he can lock down the American people, the American economy, and eventually take advantage of the deal that Loretta Lynch, Obama’s 2nd criminal treasonous AG, when she Okayed a deal with the United Nations to allow United Nations troops on American soil known as the ‘Strong Cities Network’ to work with cities to fight against at the time an undefined ‘Extremism,’ but now in in my opinion has now been defined as anybody that thinks about pushing the teaching of Conservative values or Capitalism, and doing it before Obama left office back in early part of 2016! I would have to guess because of the anticipation of HIllary winning, and after defunding and then driving the Police out of business, which is what we’ve been witnessing over the last year so that ‘The Strong Cities Network’ could move in and enforce international law, which will include confiscating America’s legal gun owners guns!

FLASHBACK: You might have to substitute a *name or two here and there to get the full effect of what I’m trying to point out here…LOL!

Friday, January 13, 2017

Twitter on Thursday, In an all-caps tweet; O’Donnell says that she “fully supports” imposing martial law in the United States and delaying the inauguration until Trump/*Biden is “cleared” of all charges.


What charges O’Donnell is referring to are unknown, but the tweet she quoted cited the Russian meddling with the election. Trump/*Biden is not currently facing criminal charges.

Just gonna go out on a limb here–martial law is not something anybody should be pining for.

Before continuing on here I thought I would remind you of a meeting that was held in the Oval Office 8 days earlier on January 5th, 2017!

January 5, 2017. Oval Office. Vice President Joe Biden was in on the meeting with President Obama, FBI director James Comey, anti-Trump DOJ official Sally Yates, unmasking queen Susan Rice, virulent trump hater CIA director John Brennan and Director of National Intelligence turned CNN talking head James Clapper.

The topic was the Russia investigation. Sort of. The true topic was what to do about President-elect Trump. How much were they going to tell him about the investigation into the Russians? Or what we now know was a counter-intelligence operation against him.

I Just thought I would throw that little piece of information in there for you to do with what you want……

Let me ask a common sensicle kind of question to every American and wannabe American who believes America deserves to be first and great again as it always has been, until these same illegal and criminal elements, along with the stalling on election night by FOX News’s Chris Stirewalt who was the chosen ‘one’ who came out from behind the curtain from the ‘Decision’ Room when people started asking why certain states weren’t being called for what appeared to be the obvious, and easily the most ‘Common Sense’ winner for a particular state that should have gone into the Trump win Column!

Would anybody would had bet that on the eve of election day, and with the turnout at President Trump last minute rallies, and while Joe Biden was napping in his basement, especially in the states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin which will be the states that will be hit the hardest when it comes to job loss and the closing of industries dealing in the energy field if these phony election results are allowed to stand!

It appears now with Biden, and completely plagiarizing Obama’s ‘Great Reset’ that these elected officials of all of our states have not only neglected their duty and oath to protect and defend the constitution, but who should all be cornered now by everyone of their constituency and given just 5 minutes to explain what they were thinking, and then check the bank statements, changes in his or hers net worth since the decision by the Supreme Court back in 2010, that was a year after Obama’s first Inauguration, and the same year after George Soros announced that his new favorite Economic SuperPower of choice would be none other than China!

If you didn’t know that since 2009 that China has become the benefactor of a one way trade surplus deal of over $500 Billion a year and climbing with the United States, and it’s been China whose been the benefactor of all the intellectual property they could either steel, or willingly handed over to by the Vice President at the time who was put in charge of overseeing the relationship between the United States with China and Ukraine, and who by the way is now the President elect Joe Biden who is running on what’s called the ‘Great Reset’ that’s making sure that America won’t be first or great again, and has the Scientists who can shut America’s economy down anytime they want with just having China coming up with another man made designer China Virus that Joe’s Scientists can weaponize to pull the plug on any future Trump like Economic ‘Booms!

Does anybody recall hearing Joe Biden claim that he had ‘Zero’ knowledge of his son’s business dealing, but now smart enough after Hunter Biden’s Laptop was discovered and turned over to the FBI, who did nothing about it during President Trump’s impeachment Hearings that would have basically stopped this impeachment Hoax, but needed something to fill the time void to keep the American People distracted until they could work out the kinks of their ‘Vote by Mail’ voter fraud trial run data that they received from their successful attempt to steal back the House in 2018 by using the same plan, but now needing the money to fund the idea which they were able to get by holding the American people hostage for 7 days while Nancy Pelosi was having her gourmet Ice Cream at home, and until she could get the funds she needed to back her already tested ‘Vote by Mail’ voter fraud, before the American People would be able to get a fu*king dime!

The ‘Great Reset’ is upfront attempt, and that’s instead of behind the American peoples backs, the same Obama over taxing and regulating by using unconstitutional and illegal ‘Cap and Trade’ regulations pertaining to C02 levels to than financially fining and basically force these American made companies with their jobs either out of business or to Socialistically redistribute themselves around the world to selected countries that by coincidence had the perfect Tax free and little to no regulations when it came to C02 emission requirements?

Now when it comes to China and the ‘Paris Accord,’ which Biden says he’s going to reinstate even though it was never a binding treaty and never approved by Congress, which by the way is another reason why Georgia’s 2 Senate seats can’t be won by the Democrats with Kamala Harris as Vice President having the final say in a 50 to 50 tie vote in the Senate, which could be the deciding vote on the ‘Radical Left’s goal to have the American taxpayer dish out another $10 Trillion dollars while they have their knee on the throat of the American economy by continuing to weaponize the Coronavirus Hoax against America and it’s people!

What you also need to know is that in the small print of the ‘Paris Accord’ it says that when it comes to China, who is probably the biggest C02 pollution violator in world, don’t have to pay a dime or meet any of the C02 guidelines until 2030! If the year 2030 rings a bell, it should, and that’s because by a coincidence it’s the same year that AOC and other members of the ‘Squad’ say that the world will be coming to an end if we don’t enact their ‘Green Agenda’ immediately! Hmmm, talk about a political party that will supposedly leading the country into the future when one hand doesn’t know what the other hand is doing, but who cares, afterall it will be the American taxpayer who will pay for whatever mistakes are made!

I decided to, and even though the title of this article suggests another round of me boring you with my pet peeve about the ‘Natural Born’ citizen constitutional requirement by our founders to be either the President or Vice President, and that Kamala Harris should be denied her voted for position of being the new sitting Vice President because of this intentionally misinterpreted fact by not only the Mainstream Media but our elected Officials that know if this constitutional requirement is enforced everytime, like it’s been for every President and Vice President before both Obama and Kamala Harris, that they know that just based on this one fact that the chances of this country ever being part of a global New World Order is pretty much non existent, and that is why I decided to lose the original title of this article which was going to be:

“Natural Born Citizen’: The Radical Left’s and Globalist’s ‘Tell All’ ‘Achilles Heel!’

Joseph Goebbels: On the “Big Lie!”

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie.

Hmmm, does this sound like a contender for why the constitutionally requirement of having to be a ‘Natural Born’ Citizen, especially when it came to Barack Obama, and now Kamala Harris that have been and now are still being ignored completely by both sides of the aisle, but also being reinforced that it’s where a candidate is born and not the citizenship of the parents by the corrupt ‘Mainstream Media?

The ‘Achilles Heel’ for the Radical Left’ and the World’s Billionaire Globalists is first the Constitution, and with that the interpretation of that constitution by the Supreme Court, and because of the 3 new additions to the Supreme Court being original constitutionalists, their ability now to interpret the Constitution based on our founders intent and interpretation as written, and not a Progressive justification of what they want you to believe, as was the case with the stacked with Progressive Judges 9th Circuit Court of Appeals when blocking President Trump’s Travel Ban, and trying to justify that decision by using the now President of the United States rhetoric during a campaign stop as the grounds for that Block, and more than likely the reason why the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has the record for the most reversed decisions by the Supreme Court, and that’s over 85%!

You would think that when it comes to the qualifications of either the President or the Vice President to be challenged that there would be no reason, with a case as important, for Chief Justice Roberts to send that decision to be made by the same lower courts that Obama and Harry Reid stuffed with Progressive Judges by using the same Nuclear Option(A Simple majority of 51 votes instead of the customary 60 votes) rule change that they used to pass Obamacare, but when they lost the Senate Majority to the Republicans in 2014 they chose to use the same rule change to appoint judges to the lower courts without one Republican vote being cast to approve or disapprove the candidate! Nor would that decision be left up to the Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell who for 8 years, and for who knows for what godly reason, sat back and watched as the Obama Administration slowly and systematically eliminated portions of the Constitution without once coming forward oir saying something that would show that he cared about his oath when it came to Protecting and defending the Constitution!

What you also need to understand is that there probably would be no chance that if the President or Vice President had to be Natural Born, that America could ever possibly be a willing member of any form of global New World Order, and therefore the reason for why for the last 15 years there’s been a concerted effort by our elected officials to either do a way or violate portions of our constitution that wouldn’t be missed, and then having a hired gun like Barack Obama who is not a Natural Born Citizen, and for the same reason the ‘Radical Left’s Black Lives Matter and Antifa blame all Americans of being racists, or ‘White Supremacists,’ and that’s because of a perceived ‘Implicit Bias’ that’s unfounded and definitely not scientific, but instead only to create a self-serving falsehoods to protect both their ‘Never Trump and Anti-America narrative and agenda!

In the minds of the ‘Deep State’ members of the ‘Radical Left’ it’s the same ‘Implicit Bias’ that comes with being a ‘Natural Born’ Citizen that can’t be allowed to exist or part of the psychological makeup of a traitor like Barack Obama, and also can’t possibly be for the Vice President Elect Kamala Harris who suffers from the same unconstitutional and disqualifying ‘Natural Born’ determination, and as a result can’t be sworn in to be the next Vice President!

By stopping Kamala Harris the American people can prevent the continuation of the Obama Administration, but more than that stop her from implementing and delivering the final blow to our ‘Constitutional Republic’ that would had already happened if Hillary had beaten the now President Donald J. Trump in2016!

I think we all know how a Biden Administration plans to use Scientists if he is successful in stealing the election from the American people, but surprisingly doing it with the help of our very own elected officials, and doing it not for the benefit of the American people, but for the failed leadership of other nations who have not only failed their own people, but who still don’t trust their own people enough to follow in the footsteps of the American people that proved that a country that is built by the People and for the People can not only work and be super successful, but can keep doing it right for 244 years!

The importance of this one little ‘who  gives a shit’ about a little detail like having to be a ‘Natural Born’ Citizen is what enabled Obama, and because of Nancy Pelosi having his documents altered to show that he was a ‘Natural Born Citizen,’ goes to the heart of the hidden meaning behind the proverbial story about a Dutch boy who saves his country by putting his finger in a leaking dike. The boy stays there all night, despite the cold, until the villagers find him and repair the dike.

What I’m driving at here is that flood that followed the first violation of the constitution with Obama not being a ‘Natural Born Citizen resulted in this flood of Obama Administration violations that came complete with the 535 elected members of congress who didn’t bother to lift a finger to prevent it, The Mainstream Media that didn’t bother to report that it was going on to the American people, and last but not lease, the corrupt leadership of the FBI, DOJ, and CIA who were brought together at the exact same time by 4 Administrations to help Obama to carry out his mission of destroying America from within! Here are the violations that all these participants that I just mentioned, and who took an active part in hiding them  from the American people on their 28-year journey to get to where America is today!

Every American should take the time and go over this list, and then tell me how many of these violations are impeachment worthy, and if there is at least just one, which we know after reading them all that there are quite a few more than just one, then the next question you should be asking yourself is where was the DOJ, FBI, CIA, the Mainstream Media, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Paul Ryan, and the rest of the Republican Party who are supposed to be the opposition Party? Hey, and while we’re at it, where the rest of the 535 members of Congress who supposedly took the same oath to protect and defend the Constitution?

The Obama Administration’s unchecked Violations to the Constitution!

But it’s Trump right? Did I miss something here or did the lying Pelosi Democrats try to impeach a duly elected President of the United States over a phone call that he had with another nation’s leader where 13 other approved evesdroppers were listening in, but then even when President Trump released the transcript of the phone call almost immediately, which the left never saw coming because that is not what President’s do with phone calls with foreign leaders, the 13 evesdroppers couldn’t agree with the same version of what they all heard!

Did you know Obama weaponized the EPA to follow out his unconstitutional regulations, but used his army of unconfirmed by Congress 24+ Czars to act as his personal Gestapo to help enforce and collect those fines that were imposed on those same American Made Companies to force them to leave America?

The Obama Administration unchecked violations of the Constitution I just mentioned about C02…

◾Bypassed Congress and gave EPA power to advance Cap-n-Trade

◾Using EPA to “legislate” over States, Congress, and Federal Court; Article II Section 3; Article I Section 8; Direct violation of Presidential Oath.

◾Appointed 24+ Federal agency czars without advice and consent of the Senate; Violation of Article II Section 2

◾Obama has acted outside the constitutional power given him – this in itself is unconstitutional.

If you haven’t figured it out yet, or just maybe because you’re too young to remember, or possibly these facts have been erased from your history books before President Trump, that it was the OPEC Nations that controlled our economy by controlling the oil prices, and the more pain they could assert on America and its people the better they could spend that cash on advancing terrorism in the Middle East that was specifically used for targeting Israel!

You see that is what Joe Biden’s plagiarising Barack Obama’s original game plan that HIllary couldn’t complete because the American people sent her packing, is all about eliminating America’s Trump inspired energy self-dependency, and shift it back to the days of being dependent on the nations that run OPEC and fix the supply for greater profit while funding terrorists and not taking care of their own people’s needs!

Now this is shown to be the case with the $150 billion taxpayer dollars, along with an unmarked plane in the middle of the night delivering $1.7 Billion Taxpayer dollars in cash, gold, and just about anything else of value that fits the bill that both Kerry and Obama had freed up in order to give back the money that Iran had been paying for from the sanctions that were in place to stop terrorism in the Middle East because of Iran’s sole part in the hijacking of a plane filled with American Citizens back in the late 1970’s!

The fact that nobody seems to mention is that those sanction on Iran from the late 70’s were still working, and that there was no reason, other than both Barack Obama and his Secretary of State John Kerry decided to give Iran that money back for some nefarious reason, but also doing it without Congress approval, or without the pushback from any of those 535 elected officials whose job it was to protect and defend the constitution, along with protecting our allies, protecting our Sovereignty, and keeping the American people safe, seems to have moved much lower on their list of priorities ‘to do’ list!


Among the lies about himself, and that he constantly repeats even today, is that he was a constitutional law professor.


Obama was never a professor; he was a lecturer. He did not have the qualifications to be a professor. Obama never published a single law paper. He was hired by the University of Chicago when they learned he had been given a book contract on race and law directly after graduating from Harvard. There was no book – just the contract, which he later reneged on. This is not the normal level of accomplishment for a University of Chicago professor or even lecturer.

Obama was not capable of writing, and eventually, after failing to deliver, he changed it to a memoir, which he also struggled with. Finally, he asked Bill Ayers to write his memoir for him, using tapes that Michelle dropped off at the Ayers’.


Obama did not specialize in the Constitution. Obama cared about and taught only one subject: race. One course was about race in the Constitution. It is on this flimsy basis that he attempts to pawn himself off as a constitutional scholar.

As the New York Times explains, Obama the lecturer taught three subjects only: “race, rights and gender.”

His most traditional course was in the due process and equal protection areas of constitutional law. His voting rights class traced the evolution of election law, from the disenfranchisement of blacks to contemporary debates over districting and campaign finance. …His most original course, a historical and political seminar as much as a legal one, was on racism and law…

[In] one class on race, he imitated the way clueless white people talked. “Why are your friends at the housing projects shooting each other?” he asked in a mock-innocent voice. …

Mr. Obama was especially eager for his charges to understand the horrors of the past, students say. He assigned a 1919 catalog of lynching victims, including some who were first raped or stripped of their ears and fingers, others who were pregnant or lynched with their children, and some whose charred bodies were sold off, bone fragment by bone fragment, to gawkers. … “Are there legal remedies that alleviate not just existing racism, but racism from the past?” Adam Gross, now a public interest lawyer in Chicago, wrote in his class notes in April 1994.

In what even some fans saw as self-absorption, Mr. Obama’s hypothetical cases occasionally featured himself. “Take Barack Obama, there’s a good-looking guy,” he would introduce a twisty legal case.

Liberals flocked to his classes[.] … After all, the professor was a progressive politician[.]


Obama calls himself a constitutional law prof to imply that he loves the Constitution. Obama gives the lie to this himself. He is on record – literally, a radio interview done when he was a lecturer – slamming the Supreme Court’s interpretation of the Constitution because they never tried to invent a right to “redistribute wealth” – a failing he describes as a “tragedy of the civil rights movement.” Obama laments the constraints on government power (what we would call liberty) imposed by our Constitution. Obama himself contrasts following the Constitution with being a community organizer, creating “coalitions of power,” which could “redistribute wealth” and create “economic justice.”  

Why did it take so long after putting together these two pieces of information, with a couple of more pieces that were always there, and that I knew about, but now knowing why by putting these extra couple of the pieces together will it help solve the problem of why America and the American people are being forced to endure the lies and cover up of 535 members of Congress who have decided to ignore the Constitution with their 4 year, and stalling for time ‘Dog and Pony’ show, for greater financial reward, which is what the equivalent ‘Packed’ Supreme Court gave them with the thumbs up decision on ‘Citizens United’ back in 2010!

Which coincidentally just happened to be just one year after Obama’s first inauguration, and within that same one year after George Soros, who was both Hillary Clintons and Barack Obama financial supporter, announced that he was throwing his support for his new Economic Superpower of choice, China…. Hmmm, go figure right?