With Temperatures Rising, Tempers are Rising, and so Goes ICE?

I spent 3 days away from the news and computer this weekend, partly because of FB, due to a 3-day forced hiatus, and partly because of the planned 3 days I spent chasing that little white ball around in 90+ degree heat. I see nothing has basically changed in the news for the last 3 days except for the concentration of some believers of lawlessness who don’t think ICE is showing others around the world how they should be handling illegals crossing our borders, while our ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media still makes no attempt to show the American people what’s going on in the European Union, and the fact that just yesterday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel balked on her signature immigration policies just yesterday in a bid to stay in power, agreeing to create border camps for migrants and enforce tighter border control! I have to believe that other countries, and leaders, will also be forced to do the same, and the people’s of those countries wished that they had an ICE to protect them from their open border policy disasters of these same ‘Never Trump’ leaders who are now beginning to see the light!

Democrats could care less about the truth behind Progressive’s true Socialist’s agenda and their open border policy to try and convince fence sitting Americans under the guise of that’s ‘who we are’ to push America’s open arms and welcoming smile! What needs to be understood here is that it’s all about our American bred Liberal’s dream of Socialism for all!

Obama worked over time with Holder to accuse the police in Ferguson Missouri a black youth before the facts of the investigation were even released about the murder of Michael Brown. After watching that debacle, and seeing that the officer involved being vindicated, you had to realize that Obama and Holder’s agenda was all about getting rid of our men in blue, just as they were attempting to do in other murders of other Blacks by police officers around the country! They’re main mission was to try and show the American people that our men in blue couldn’t be trusted due to racism and that an international police force from the United Nations who was Okay-ed by Obama and Loretta Lynch, would do a better job fighting extremism on American soil then out men in blue could do!

Now add to that Obama intentionally dismantling our military and shrinking the size down to the levels of WWI, firing our top military minds who didn’t agree with his unpatriotic and feckless foreign policy, and endangering our men on the front line by establishing rules of engagement that put our fighting men in danger, allowing the tools they need to do their job by not supplying the mechanics or parts that ended up costing the lives of more of our military personnel than was caused by our enemies! 

Obama’s intent was obvious, but when the ‘Swamp’ backed his every move, and the ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media kept these facts out of sight and away from the American People, you have to know somethings wrong with our founding fathers proven to work 245 year system! If you heard or read Obama’s farewell speech to the U.N. you know he tried to encourage the American people to succumb to International law, and abandon our sovereignty for the sake of the New World Order!! 

We have until the November Midterms, 4 months, and who in their right mind would consider voting for a political party candidate that has no interest in contributing anything to America or its people that might be of some small benefit to the future of our country, but instead threaten the core of our Constitutional existence for the benefit of an ideology that has a 100% failure rate?

Our relatively elected officials bought into this bipartisan ploy being led by the overstayed status quo of elected officials who should have been long gone if term limits had been in place and required, but since they aren’t, and probably never will be, is something that all Americans should vote to have interjected into our political selection process for the future! We have the equivalent of the “Four Horsemen: Criticism, Contempt, Defensiveness, and Stonewalling,” a.k.a Schumer, McConnell, Pelosi, and Ryan who make bipartisanship look like the same ‘Never Trump’ one way against traffic street when it comes to making America first and great again!

The ploy by the left by doing absolutely nothing is not to keep America safe from the true collusion between the Obama leftovers known as the ‘Deep State,’ but to try and persuade and intimidate their followers into believing that this outsider non-politician President is the mutual target to unify behind, like the Jews in Hitlers’s Germany, like Blacks in the eyes of the KKK, and like the unborn children in Margaret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood! It doesn’t matter what you believe or don’t believe in today’s political arena, but if you didn’t know by doing nothing but obstructing and resisting this President’s attempt to only wanting to make American first and great again, and you don’t see anything wrong in that, then our children and our children’s children are in for a very sad life where they never get a chance, like the generations that came before, to be all that they can be!  


In his final speech to the United Nations General Assembly, President Obama laid out what he views as his foreign policy legacy — and in so doing, highlighted how America itself still has much work to do.


In his final speech to the United Nations General Assembly, President Obama laid out what he views as his foreign policy legacy — and in so doing, highlighted how America itself still has much work to do. Specifically, Obama found 11 separate opportunities to talk down his own country.

1.In America, there’s too much money in politics.

2.There’s also too much “entrenched partisanship.”

3.Too few Americans are civically engaged.

4.A “patchwork of laws” in America set out to make it hard for Americans to vote.

5.Considering our founding ideals, America has made “our share of mistakes over these last 25 years.”

6.The only way the world will become more secure is for powerful nations like America to “accept constraints.”

7.For believing that all countries must adhere to certain “international norms,” many Americans criticize Obama.

8.Too many in Washington believe all of the problems in the world can be solved by Washington.

9.As president, he’s helped “curb” America’s “excesses of capitalism.”

10.America has “undermined unions,” which has destroyed manufacturing jobs.

11.In calling for greater respect and tolerance, Obama also likened racial discrimination in the U.S. to ethnic discrimination in Burundi and religious discrimination in Burma.~~~

I don’t know if anyone’s noticed but it seems that the people out there protesting ICE are the millions of illegals that having nothing to lose, or the senior citizens who are afraid of losing Obama’s guarantee subsides that were actually caused by Obama’s economic policies that gave them no return on their life savings, and the millennial’s who never, until President Trump’s economy, had a chance to experience what true America is all about when the economy is not being intentionally stifled by an unconstitutional President’s whose been oppressing America’s domestic and economic policies so that the American people would have be dependent on Obama and Hillary’s dreams of our Government’s Socialist reform!  

Socialism has a 100% failure record, and for the last President, because of his Socialist agenda where he needs all us to be controlled on every aspect of our lives, then you’ve haven’t been made aware that Socialism’s latest victim Venezuela was once 4th richest country in the world!

I was just bumped for 3 days by Facebook, and with the Midterms being 4 months away I’m sure I’ll be bumped again! When you’re sent to the FB bench you can only post to pages that your an administrator on, so if you would like to have me continue to post on your page then just add me to your Admin list….   

To find me on Facebook check out “Independents Making America First and Great Again,” or check out my blog at www.jonathanepmoore.com