America’s Exceptional ‘Implicit Bias’ Exposes Globalist’s NWO’s Achilles Heel!

(Post Labor Day Series Part 9) 


Before I start I just wanted to share a comment that somebody posted on an article I wrote as ‘Unknown’ that I just read for the first time on a post I did back on September 15, 2016 titled:


“Excellent post. you have answered many of my questions, and confirmed many others. The fact that Multi-Billionaire George Soros said in an interview in 2009 that Barrack Obama was picked at this time, to fully bring in the One World Order. Followed up by (The only thing standing in our way of going full scale right now is America.”) That with no vetting done on Obama for President, and learning all of his records were sealed with millions spent, the question was what does he not want us to know about him. Reviewing the One World Order members, and plans for wide open borders, and mass depopulation, held my interest. Those trying to hide information from us, are the very ones that make people say things like ( no way, use common sense, that is impossible.) an the conspiracy is born. Thanks to the (FOIA) in the 1970’s, they can no longer tell you to get your foil hats. There are hundreds to thousands of Conspiracy Theories proven true by The Freedom of Information Act. Just google it. As far as Obama Birth Certificates, multiple sites said many forensics specialist verified both were forgeries. The media covers for everything, and is only allowed to report on what they are told they can. Enjoyed your post.”


You can believe what you want, but when it comes to the ‘Radical Left’s’ need to push their agenda’s lies about America being a ‘Racist’ nation, but then taking it one step further by blaming America’s White and Christian based majority on the ‘implicit bias’s’ that through birth has automatically passed ‘Racist tendencies on to our now declared to be ‘Racist’ children?

America has a huge problem, and that problem is the steady diet of believing everything the Mainstream Media and ‘Big Tech is telling ‘We the People,’ and our children. It seems that we’ve all become MSM addicted Americans who need just a little more common sense added to their daily diet, especially now with Biden declaring that our founder’s ‘Constitutional Republic’s’ Constitution isn’t absolute!

Years ago when I first heard the term ‘Implicit Bias’ it was being thrown around by the leadership of the ‘Radical Left’ who were using the term to back their accusations about America being a ‘Racist’ Nation! I didn’t know what ‘Implicit Bias’ meant, but if you know anything about me you got to know that possibility be an unknown for very long! What’s important to know is that the reason why our children are being forced to wear masks and swallow this Critical Race Theory’ Bull Sh** is so that our born to be same patriotic children that their ‘Implicitly Biased’ Patriotic parents can be erased from their little subconscious minds!

Mandates, Open Borders, defunding the police, Obama shrinking of our military, ordering our Border Patrol, and the Indoctrination of our children are all the intentional ways the ‘Radical Left’s’ Global NWO musts in order to eliminate ‘We the People’s’ 245 years of those favorable ‘Implicit Bias’ that have been developed out of our founder’s constitutional guaranteed rights, freedoms and liberties, and without being able to accomplish this goal taking the only path they have left, and that’s to burn it all down, and then hope that through intentional and orchestrated Chaos that hey can ‘Build Back Better’ via a Socialist failed 100% of the time tried New World Order!!

If you’re a man or woman serving in our Police force, our Military, or a member of our Border Patrol. this is why you are being targeted, defunded, and being falsely charged with being ‘Racist!’ You also need to understand that Obama was the first President in the history of Presidents that wasn’t a Constitutionally required ‘Natural Born Citizen,’ as is Biden’s ‘Vice President’ who’s inflicted with the same Unconstitutional history as the Vice President that until now the significance of that problem doesn’t seem to have any relevance to being important to ‘We the People’ or intentionally poo-pooed by both the Mainstream Media or Big Tech!!

You see that in order for the dream one day of creating a New World Order, which by the way the Mainstream Media or Big Tech again intentionally refuses to acknowledge as the reason for what’s going on in America today that started back in 1992 with Bush 41, a Republican, just know that with the push for gun control/confiscation that it’s all about creating a force on American soil that will be willing to shoot Americans if called upon to do so.

The United Nations ‘Strong Cities Network’ that Obama’s 2nd AG Loretta Lynch approved to be unconstitutionally on American soil to work with cities to fight against exactly what Pelosi and now Biden’s AG Garland who is a strong gun control/confiscation advocate called those January 6th and now Parents of our children, and that’s ‘Violent Extremists’ that believe in the constitution which is now considered by the ‘Radical Left’s’ to be what those now manned by Communist China United Nations ‘Strong Cities Network’ role will be in the NWO, and that’s to fight against ‘Violent Extremism’ anywhere in the world if called upon!

You also got to believe that the reason for those ‘Blue’ Cities and States local, city, and state police, our men and women in the military and Border Patrol Agents who are now being threatened with their jobs if they don’t get vaccinated, is stage 2 of an attempt to find a way to replace every one of our dedicated American servants who risk their lives everyday to protecting America’s sovereignty, borders, and our 245 year old constitutionally guaranteed rights, liberties, and freedoms!

The ‘Radical Left’s’ United Nations Agenda 21/30 New World Order’s goals, especially now after their 1951’s ‘Operation Aggressi’ failed, to create a New World Order, but now after their plot has been revealed and knowing that they are dead in the water unless they can get their own police, military, or equivalent Nazi Gestapo on the ground in America and on American soil!

The United Nations ‘Strong Cities Network’ has answered that call, the only problem they have is that ‘We the People’ know about the plan, and they also know that Everything that has to do with China since Obama’s 2009 inauguration when George Soros, both Hillary and Obama’s financial backer and NWO guide to the New World Order, traded in America’s exceptionalism for Communist China’s ‘Worst Human Rights’ record in the world, that something would have to give, and as we all know, it did!

Since 2009 ‘We the People’s’ America has been under attack by Soros’s influence over Obama’s plan to destroy America from within while at the same time mentoring Xi Jinping’s Communist China on how to be the recipient of all those benefits that came out of Obama’s destroying America from within!

Let’s see, while Obama was shrinking our military with the Dems sequestration to levels not seen since WWII, and with the Navy being shrunk even further to levels not seen since WWI, Soros’s Communist China was transforming islands in the Philippines into Navy bases that had been bolstered by the gift of ‘We the People’s’ missile technology by past President Bill Clinton, and if you were paying attention last week you would have seen Communist China successfully flexing their nuclear muscles thanks to President Clinton by using one of ‘We the People’s’ top secret pieces of intellectual Property without again our knowledge or permission!

There was the custom designed Communist China’s ‘China Virus’ known as COVID, the Cyber-attack on our elections that you had to know had to come from decades of Soros’s history of stealing elections around the world, and then we have Obama because of the Highest Corporate tax and C02 regulations forcing American made companies to look to other countries for tax and regulatory shelter, but then we found out after COVID hit ‘We the People’s’ America that when it came to the supplies we needed to combat the virus, that all those manufacturers had been redistributed, and not to be mistaken for being relocated to Communist China, which after being chased from American shores due to C02 emissions, was now on the soil of the worst emitter C02 in the world, but as it turns out, and when it comes to the Paris Accord,’ didn’t have to meet any of the regulation goals to cut C02 emissions or financially pony up any money until 2030!

Hmmm, isn’t that the same year that the members of the ‘Squad’ have been preaching to ‘We the People’ that if we don’t address ‘Climate Change by that the same year of 2030 that the world will be coming to an end???

And that’s without the worst polluter in the world Communist China not having to lift a finger to cut back on anything, especially their C02 emissions!

I could go on when it comes to my opinion on Communist China and the Obama/Soros connection, and you know I will, but for now let’s stick to the United Nations ‘Strong Cities Network’ and the George Soros inspired New World Order that can’t happen without a fighting force of their own shoving international law down every American’s throat!

“One if by Land and Two if by Sea,” is ’45’s’ ‘Censored’ Message!

11 January 2021 by Jonathan E. P. Moore

I’m hoping that after all these years and pushing my obsession with Obama not being a constitutionally required ‘Natural Born Citizen,’ and tying the reason why ‘Implicit Bias’ is the key to everything that the Obama/Biden Administrations, Hillary’s loss cause, and now the continuation of Obama’s destroy America from within through the Biden, and his same unconstitutionally qualified to be Vice President Kamala Harris, who is also not a ‘Natural Born Citizen,’ is the ‘KEY,’ the whole ‘KEY,’ and the ‘KEY’ to the truth to unravelling the why our elected to office oath taking ‘Glorified Pencil Pushing Order Taking’ frauds that not only to be removed for violating their oath, but more than that, betraying ‘We the People’s’ ‘Will,’ and jeopardizing not only the future of our children, but the future of America’s ‘Shining City upon a Hill’s’ beacon to the world!

Do you remember when Obama’s ‘Blame Game’ heroics were Hillary’s ‘Political Correctness’ and ‘Implicit Bias’ talking points, and do you remember when Hillary continued to use them both to further divide and deceive all Americans when she launched her ‘Basket of Deplorables’ campaign strategy that accused every Trump supporter or Sander’s Millennials of being racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic because they all were afflicted with being “Implicitly Biased!’

Being ‘Implicitly biased’ is when someone consciously rejects stereotypes and supports anti-discrimination efforts, but also holds negative associations in his/her mind unconsciously! ‘Scientists’ have learned that we only have conscious access to 5 percent of our brains—much of the work our brain does occurs on the unconscious level. Thus, implicit bias does not mean that people are hiding their racial prejudices, but literally do not know they have them.

More of the now ‘Paid to Support’ Obama and Biden Scientist’s say that 85% percent of all Americans consider themselves to be unprejudiced. Yet researchers have concluded that the majority of people in the United States hold some degree of implicit racial bias……. You can’t make this stuff up…. right?

For Pelosi and Schumer’s ‘Radical Left’s’ plan to work, at least in their minds, ‘Racism’ through all Americans being afflicted with ‘Implicit Bias’ was just one of their many strategies they need to convey to anyone in the world who would listen!

The same ‘Implicit Bias’ is why Speaker Pelosi needed to alter the documents of Barack Obama to show he was a ‘Natural Born Citizen when he wasn’t, and the same reason why America’s local, country and state police, our fighting men and woman of the military and Border Patrol who are risking their lives on foreign soil in order protect our liberties, freedoms, and rights are also being targeted because of the favorable Implicit Bias that’s existed for generations of Americans that go back 245 years ago when our founders put pen to parchment and inked what we now know today is our Constitution and its ‘Bill of Rights!’

Biden’s ‘Build Back Better’ has everything to do with weaponizing vaccine mandates and the masking of ‘We the Peoples’ children so that they can eliminate that same ‘Implicit Bias’ that can’t exist in a Socialist driven ‘New World Order!’ ‘Build Back Better’ is synonymous with the United Nations Agenda 21/30 directive/mission statement that specifically is directed toward America and its people:

We have the U.N. Agenda 21 citing the affluence of Americans as being a major problem which needs to be corrected. Agenda 21 calls for lowering the standard of living for Americans so that the people in poorer countries will have more, a redistribution of wealth.  Although people around the world aspire to achieve the levels of prosperity we have in our country, and will risk their lives to get here, Americans are cast in a very negative light and need to be taken down to a condition closer to average in the world.  Only then, they say, will there be ‘social justice’ which is a cornerstone of the U.N. Agenda 21/30 plan.”

Do you remember after the first couple of weeks after Soros’s Communist China’s ‘Cyber-Attack’ on our 2020 election delivered Biden and unconstitutionally eligible to be the Vice President Kamala Harris to the most powerful positions in the world? Do you remember that immigration and opening our borders was the first order of business for the Biden Administration, and like Obama, Biden is now started off his illegitimate Presidency with bypassing congress and governing using both Executive Orders and Presidential Memoranda…..

Biden: “I’m not making law. I’m Restoring Obama’s Illegal and ‘Unconstitutional’ Policies (on Immigration)!”

5 February 2021 by Jonathan E. P. Moore

Biden: “I’m not making law. I’m Restoring Obama’s Illegal and ‘Unconstitutional’ Policies!”

There were more than a few of those violations to the constitution on immigration that you can credit the Obama/Biden Administration with, and the same violations to the constitution that Biden is either reestablishing or bringing back from the dead that now both the Obama/Biden Administration and now Biden Administration believed would have been protected when they packed the lower courts with the Senate Majority Leader at the time Harry Reid’s Nuclear Option (Simple Majority) rule change that he had originally used to pass Obamacare without a single Republican vote!

Update: Proof that America’s 2020 election stolen!!

I guess Biden’s comments about the ‘Constitution not being absolute’ should be considered the updated version of Bush 41’s 1992 when he signed away our Founders Constitutional guaranteed rights, but more than that what’s been known throughout the world for the last 245 years as the most successful experiment in governance in the history of the world, and all because America, and any other country in those last and same 245 years, and if they wanted to, could have been that country like America that from day one has been built of the people, by the people, and for the people!

How is it that over the last 20 years we had 9/11 when America was being attacked by terrorists from terrorist nations that who of had to make connecting flights to come so far when there are so many more American Embassies, military bases, or international Corporations that they could have hit that would have sent the same message! Hmmm..

Aggressive Deception of the American People Concerning 9/11

There was a picture that was formerly available from the Bush Presidential Library which shows George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, and Prince Bandar, Saudi Arabia’s U.S. Ambassador, on the White House balcony two days after September 11, 2001. The men are smoking cigars. Reporters inquiring about the photo more recently have been told it is no longer available from the Bush Library. Maybe the picture in this case says more than a thousand words ever could. Again, two days after almost 3,000 Americans were murdered by 19 hijackers, 15 of whom were Saudis, the Saudi Ambassador yucks it up with the President, Dick Cheney, and the National Security Adviser on the White House balcony.

Immediately after September 11,2001, Bandar arranged for a mass exodus of Saudi royals, intelligence personnel, and other Saudi nationals from the United States, including members of the bin Laden family, with the full cooperation of the United States government. He placed them beyond the reach of any future inquiry.

It is obvious that the 9/11 terrorists did not emerge out of bat caves in Afghanistan. They lived here in the United States training for a suicide mission [sic.] which required massive logistical support, but more than that needed a excuse for why our what we now know were corrupt leaders of our FBI, and CIA, and with a little common sense and 20:20 hindsight if you recall, drum-roll please….


If intelligence and law enforcement agencies had shared information, they may have foreseen 9/11 hijackings, unless of course this was also part of the plan to intentionally divert the attention away from the same corrupt leadership of the DOJ, FBI, IRS, and the CIA that were caught spying on the Trump Campaign, creating a non-existent Collusion case between the Russians and the Trump Campaign, and then Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, and Nadler changing the rules in the House by not going through the House as a whole deciding if an inquiry should be initiated into a duly elected President should be impeached for a phone call with a foreign leader where 13 known to be in advance listening eavesdroppers to the phone call couldn’t agree on what they heard, but instead to the 2 Democrats in Schiff and Nadler who even before the phone call were fighting over who would be leading the Judiciary of the House to impeach Trump!

When the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and other U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies had pieces of information before the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks that, had they been shared, might have led to the unraveling of Al Qaeda’s plot, I thought immediately about the 3 stooges back in the day with their antics and getting nothing done in the end, but I knew that was just and act when it came to the 3 stooges, but more than likely laid out in advance of the attacks of 9/11 and the Cyber-attack of our 2020 elections!!

FBI Director Robert Mueller, acknowledging serious lapses in how the FBI mishandled some information prior to Sept. 11? and to that I say what Arnold from Diff’rent Strokes said, “Wha’choo talkin ‘ ‘ bout, Willis ?”

Robert Mueller was “the master when it came to covering up” 9/11 systemic efforts by the Saudi government to assist .. the 9/11 attacks Mueller .. covered up evidence pointing back to the Saudi Embassy and Riyadh — and may have even misled Congress about what he knew, which is the reason I’m sure he got the lead role in the Russian collusion with the Trump Campaign Investigation of a never happened con on ‘We the People!’

When it comes to who was the director of the CIA, it was George J. Tenet (July 11, 1997–July 11, 2004) A 2005 Inspector General’s report found that Tenet bears “ultimate responsibility” for the United States intelligence community’s failure to develop a plan to control al Qaeda in the lead-up to 9/11. Tenet has been criticized for personally authorizing the CIA’s use of brutal and ineffective torture techniques during his tenure, in contravention of international law.

Only in my opinion first of all, but is the common bond between Mueller and Tenet their propensity to using brutal and ineffective torture techniques during their and individual roles, in contravention of international Law and American’s ‘Due Process!’

Robert Mueller: The Dem’s Last Hope to Stay Relevant?

20 May 2019 by Jonathan E. P. Moore

ROBERT MUELLER: UNMASKED by Congressman Louie Gohmert.

The Boston Globe noted Robert Mueller’s connection with the Whitey Bulger case in an article entitled, “One Lingering Question for FBI Director Robert Mueller.” The Globe said this:

“[Mike] Albano [former Parole Board Member who was threatened by two F.B.I. agents for considering parole for the men imprisoned for a crime they did not commit] was appalled that, later that same year, Mueller was appointed FBI director, because it was Mueller, first as an assistant US attorney then as the acting U.S. attorney in Boston, who wrote letters to the parole and pardons board throughout the 1980’s opposing clemency for the four men framed by FBI lies. Of course, Mueller was also in that position while Whitey Bulger was helping the FBI cart off his criminal competitors even as he buried bodies in shallow graves along the Neponset…”

Mueller put people in prison for crimes they did not commit:

“Mueller was the head of the Criminal Division as Assistant U.S. Attorney, then as Acting U.S. Attorney. I could not find any explanation online by Mueller as to why he insisted on keeping the defendants in prison that FBI agents—in the pocket of Whitey Bulger—had framed for a murder they did not commit. Make no mistake: these were not honorable people he had incarcerated. But it was part of a pattern that eventually became quite clear that Mueller was more concerned with convicting and putting people in jail he disliked, even if they were innocent of the charges, than he was with ferreting out the truth,” Gohmert said.

The question is, was Whitey Bulger’s Prison Murder a Deep State Hit to Protect Mueller?

Moving On:

The immediate conclusion of anyone thinking through the plot, is that this had to be state-sponsored terrorism!

Question(s) to ponder….

Is what’s happening today in America the beginning to the ‘End Game’ that originated with the attacks of 9/11 that should be interpreted as that equivalent shot across America’s bow warning to the American people about when it comes to terrorism in the future, it just won’t be happening across the pond, but more likely here on American soil?

How is it that there is a candidate who didn’t qualify to even run for the Presidency because of his inability to meet the founder’s Constitutional mandated requirement to be a ‘Natural Born Citizen,’ but more than that used ‘Racist’ accusations, as did his protectors the Mainstream Media, against anybody that challenged his disqualifying and unconstitutional ability to be the President because of his citizenship!

America with Obama at the helm has never been so divided, but when we peel back the layers of deception to get to the reason why America has become so divided we find a common thread with crooked Hillary Clinton, and that thread is Saul Alinsky, and his 2 disciples Cloward and Piven! Hillary learned her trade of divisiveness from Saul Alinsky himself, while Barack Obama learned his trade of divisiveness from Alinsky’s 2 disciples of Cloward and Piven, and who were Obama’s ‘Political Science’ professors at Columbia University!

You really need to follow me here, and that’s because in my opinion the following is the ‘KEY’ to what’s going on in America today, and that’s to set ‘We the People’ up for a forced upon with no say New World Order!

Obama couldn’t be a Constitutionally required ‘Natural Born Citizen’ because if his parents had been American citizens as constitutionally required he more than likely wouldn’t have been, at least in my opinion, willing to destroy America from within by intentionally violating the ‘Constitution and/or the Rule of Law’ anytime he felt the urge to or because he needed to advance the United Nations and New World Order’s Agendas!

The same holds true with our men and women in Blue, Camouflage, or wearing the Border Patrol Patch on their sleeve, and that’s all because of that same Pro-American exceptionalism’s Implicit Bias that comes from generations of parenting who actually don’t have to be ‘Natural Born Citizens,’ but only ‘Naturalized Citizens’ which is only what Obama and Kamala Harris are considered to be by our founders!

What is also important to understand here is that this constitutional requirement of being a ‘Natural Born Citizen’ ‘ONLY’ applies to the positions of President and Vice President, which should give the importance of that requirement greater meaning and respect by every American and wannabe American Citizen!

To protect both Obama and Speaker Nancy Pelosi who altered Obama’s documents to show that he was a ‘Natural Born Citizen, the Mainstream Media, again in my opinion, started what still continued on throughout the entire next 8 years and beyond, and that’s playing the ‘Race’ Card’ any and every time the first Black President ever needed cover to advance his now revealed Socialist New World Order Agenda of destroying America from within!

Let me close on this portion of this I know is too long Article with this one absolute that you need to be paying attention to and remember when deciding to vote for in the 2022 upcoming Midterm elections:

‘We the People’s’ men and women in blue aren’t racist, and both the Critical Race Theory, along with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of staff Milley, don’t need to be guiding our military, and when you have a President whose Avatar believes that he can, like his mentor and unconstitutional President Barack Obama, reinstate his unconstitutional and illegal Immigration policies upon our men and women who wear that Border Patrol Patch on their sleeve by using Executive Orders and those not so known about Presidential Memoranda!

*Used Executive Action in direct opposition to the law, and unilaterally changes the law for at least five million illegal aliens; Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress; “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3; Article I Section 8

*Executive Order Bypassing Congress on immigration – Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress; Article II Section 3; Article I Section 8

*Unilaterally issued new exemptions to immigration restrictions law that bars certain asylum-seekers and refugees who provided “limited material support” to terrorists. – Article 1 Section 1; Article I Section 8 Congress shall have the Power. To establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization.

*Issued directive instructing ICE to NOT enforce immigration laws in certain cases. Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress; “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3; Article I Section 8

*Release of convicted illegal aliens ordered in direct opposition to Law-Article II Section 3

*Executive action directing DHS that almost all immigration offenses were unenforceable absent a separate criminal conviction. Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress; “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3; Article I Section 8

*Used DOJ to prevent Arizona and Alabama from enforcing immigration laws. – 10th Amendment

*The Senate/Obama immigration bill (approved by both) raises revenue – Section 7. All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives

***Expanded executive action for amnesty to illegal immigrant relatives of DREAM Act beneficiaries. Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress; “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3; Article I Section 8

***This is the Executive Order that promoted Drug Cartels to buy Children, and use them to get across America’s Southern Border, and ‘THIS’ is why reuniting children with their parents is just another Biden ‘Window Dressing’ lie to flood America with illegals in the same way the borders of the Member Nations of the European Union were eliminated without the people of those nations even knowing what hit them!

Before Obama America and the American People had no problem with a daily dose of “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” And with that in mind you have to remember that it was a unified America that came together as one to help win 2 World Wars!

It’s the same America that is, and always will be, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all, which in my opinion is why, as I already explained to you, the reason why Speaker and treasonous Nancy Pelosi needed to alter Obama’s documents in order to proverbially sneak him in the back door of the White House under the guise of being a ‘Natural Born Citizen,’ so that he could lead the insurrection that was created and paid for by the ‘Deep State’ whose mission it was, and still is, to create a Soros inspired United Nations driven New World Order!

The ‘Final Nail!’

They all lied about Obama being a constitutionally required ‘Natural Born’ Citizen when they knew he wasn’t, and why the Mainstream Media did their job with coming up with the beginnings of what would be a common knee jerk reaction to everything they didn’t want to be caught doing, and that’s playing the ‘Race Card’ which grew out of the Mainstream Media’s created ‘Birther’ Issue!

As one of the Democrat scholars testified to during the Impeachment Hoax of the duly elected President of the United States of America for a ‘PHONE CALL’ with a foreign leader, and with the usual number of people doing their jobs and listening in!

As I sat there listening to this parade of ‘Never Trumper’ Law Professors trying to interpret our founder’s articles of impeachment and the founder’s general intent! Professor Karlan, a witness for the prosecution steps up and says that she is a Scholar of the Law of Democracy, but then went on to explain why our founders included in the Constitutional requirement of having to be a ‘Natural Born’ citizen over a ‘Naturalized’ citizen in order to be the President or Vice President of the United States!

Then she went on to say that it’s to ensure that America isn’t corrupted by foreign influence and the reason why that individual who’s not a ‘Natural Born’ citizen can’t become President!

What Schiff and Nadler’s impeachment witness Prof. Pamela S Karlan just gave the American people is the ‘How and Why’ after 11 years of being kept in the dark, why Barack Obama, who spent $36.5 Million dollars to keep his records sealed during his last year in office, and whose father was a well-documented British Citizen, is that same corrupted foreigner who not only tried to influence America to follow a Socialist New World Order, but was exactly what the founder’s tried to warn us about then, and now today again with Kamala Harris suffering from the same anti-America agenda infliction of like Obama, not being a ‘Natural Born Citizen!!’

Moving on Again…

With Biden declaring the Constitution no longer ‘absolute,’ and that’s after 245 years of being the guiding force behind everything the world has envied and admired from afar for almost all those years, but more than that now the ‘BAIT’ that the ‘Radical Left’ is using for their ‘Bait and Switch’ attempt to force Socialism down the throats of what they hope will be their new, but unfortunately unconstitutional and illegal base of immigrant voters, and is the reason they need to ‘Pack the Court’ and find a way to pass ‘H.R.1’ before their free, free, free runs out of other peoples taxpayer dollars, and those same people lose their patience with the elected officials in Washington that have not only abused their position for greed and a false perception of their own power, but have abandoned their oath to protect and defend the Constitution! Can anybody say ‘Pink Slip’ please, especially for both Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Roberts?

After all these years, and especially now that you know the ‘intent and interpretation’ of having to be a constitutionally required “Natural Born Citizen,” and why the United Nations and NWO’s agenda with the help of the Mainstream Media and ‘Big Tech’ needed to lie about that requirement being met if a candidate like Obama, and now Kamala Harris who also doesn’t fit the bill, was born on American soil when in reality it not only has nothing to do with where the candidate for the Presidency or Vice Presidency is born, which makes you a ‘Naturalized Citizen’ but only about the citizenship of the parents, which determines if you are a ‘Natural Born Citizen!’

In this clause and in Articles I, III, and IV, the Founding Fathers distinguished between “Citizen” and “natural born Citizen.” Per the Founders, while Senators and Representatives can be just “citizens,” the President must be a “natural born Citizen.” Through this clause, the Founders sought to guarantee that the ideals for which they fought would be faithfully preserved for future generations of Americans. The Founders wanted to assure that the Office of President and Commander in Chief of the Military, a non-collegial and unique and powerful civil and military position, was free of all foreign influence and that its holder has sole and absolute allegiance, loyalty, and attachment to the U.S. The “natural born Citizen” clause was the best way for them to assure this.

“That the “natural born Citizen” clause is based on undivided allegiance and loyalty can be seen from how the Founders distinguished between “citizen” and “natural born Citizen.” This distinction is based on the law of nations which became part of our national common law. According to that law as explained by E. Vattel in, _The Law of Nations_ (1758), Vol.1, Section 212, Des Citoyens et Naturels, a “citizen” is a member of the civil society.

To become a “citizen” is to enter society as a member thereof. On the other hand, Vattel wrote that a native or indigenes (written in French as /les naturels/ or /indigenes/) or “natural born Citizen” as the term later became translated from French into English, is a child born in the country of two citizen parents who have already entered and become members of the society.

Vattel also tells us that it is the “natural born Citizen” who will best preserve and perpetuate the society. This definition of the two distinct terms has been adopted by many United States Supreme Court decisions. (The Venus, 12 U.S. 253 (1814) and Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. 162 (1874) to cite just two.) With the presidential qualification question never being involved, neither the 14th Amendment (which covers only “citizens” who are permitted to gain membership in and enter American society by either birth on U.S. soil or by naturalization and being subject to the jurisdiction of the United States), nor Congressional Acts (8 U.S.C. Sec. 1401), nor any case law (e.g., U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898)) has ever changed the original common law definition of a “natural born Citizen.”

In other words that same ‘Implicit Bias’s that the Radical Left’ claims is the reason for America being a ‘Racist’ country is due to its ‘White Supremacist’ subconscious upbringing! But now they’re following that up with that it isn’t the fault of the child but the fault of the parents and their grandparents who did the same to today’s parents! Now if you believe that’s possible than the following has to be true also based on the same logic, and If proponents of the ‘Radical Left’ claim that ‘Racism’ is the product of an individual’s subconscious ‘Implicit Bias’s,’ then you got to believe that those founder’s rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are the same subconscious ‘Implicit Bias’s are the reason why our founders made it a requirement to be a ‘Natural Born Citizen’ in order to be only the President or Vice President of the greatest country in the history of the world!

Barack Obama, and his understudy and self proclaimed ‘half-wit’ based on his own confession about what his brain surgeon told him back in 1988 after having 2 brain surgeries about that at best he would only have the mental capacity of between 35% to 50%, but never 100%, are the same side of a two headed coin, and as a result expect the exact same data base that I’ve created since Obama showed up on the stage of Democrats 2004 Convention to give you the ‘Keynote’ Speech, to be still intact and bringing you a few either forgotten or intentionally erased details that with the internet that was surrendered to the United Nation by Barack Obama before leaving office, and now ‘Big Tech applying their knee to the throat of our now censored 1st Amendment rights, that I still have a few than just a little tid bits of information that this obvious attempt to hoodwink ‘We the People’s’ beliefs when it comes to the fact that the Radical Left along with a few high positioned RINO’s who have the power to shove an unfavorable socialist driven New World Order down every American’s throat!

Now with that being said coupled with witnessing first hand his obvious problem with speaking as the supposed leader of the free world, should prove to every American that after just 10 months, and based on his illegal and unconstitutional agenda where Executive Orders, Presidential Memoranda, or using what’s known as the ‘Nuclear Option’ to separate the American taxpayer from their hard earned tax dollars for an agenda that in no way is intended to put America or the American people first, or make America great again, just proves that ‘We the People’ are those same ‘Patriots’ that are now tasked with repeating history when it comes to the reasons behind the ‘Boston Tea Party,’ which is the exact same ‘Taxation without Representation!’

Now that we know why having to be a Constitutionally mandated ‘Natural Born’ Citizen is important, we can now appreciate the reasons why ‘implicit bias’s’ that favor America are also important!

How can we forget shortly after his first inauguration back in 2009 when Obama apologized to the world for America’s past, but just after returning home from that apology tour, chose to declare America as not being exceptional!

Now with a little 20:20 hindsight and a little common sense we all should know now why Nancy Pelosi had to alter Barack Obama’s documents because a constitutionally qualified ‘Natural Born Citizen’ President would never of had the same hate that compares with Obama’s ‘implicit bias’s’ against America!

The fact that hate came from his father who was not a citizen of America should proves why both parents have to be American Citizens before one can even think about being the President or Vice President of the greatest nation in the history of the world, and you should also know that it’s the only 2 positions in our Governments Constitutional Republic that requires it, but now I’m beginning to think it needs to be a requirement for any appointed and not elected members of a presidents cabinet!

I have to believe that this time around that Speaker Nancy Pelosi 3.0 believes she didn’t have to alter Biden’s Vice President Kamala Harris’s documents because by originally altering Obama’s records and getting away with it, that Pelosi believes that a precedent has been set, and with being able to get away with it the first time that both herself and Kamala Harris are in the clear!

You can’t make this sh*t up, right??

I think every American Citizen needs to ask himself or herself…

Who’s Looking After Our Founder’s number #1?

Who’s looking after and over ‘We the People’ representation and the protections afforded to those same ‘We the People’ if we already know that our elected Officials, and who for the 8 years of the Obama Administration’s corrupt leadership of the FBI, DOJ, and CIA were spending more time intentionally looking the other way then not living up to the expectations of the people by not only honoring their oath to ‘Protect and Defend the Constitution, but instead intentionally not performing the ‘We the People’s’ founder’s constitutional ‘Checks and Balances’ as they swore to not only do, but to uphold as the job description calls for?

We already know that ‘Speaker Nancy Pelosi 3.0,’ that when she was version 1.0 altered candidate Obama’s Citizenship Documents, but what they failed to recognize, which was and still is today a character flaw that comes from either jumping the gun or having that constant affliction known as that impossible to get rid of ‘Foot-in-Mouth’ disease that never was a problem with my parents version of the Democratic Party back in the 50’s, but in this ‘Radical’ version of the same Democratic Party could result in their very slow and painful and diagnosed stage 4 death due to not staying relevant to ‘We the People’ with any platform other than the one they’ve been pushing since Barack Obama’s all in Socialist leading to his Financial handler George Soros’s New World Order, and guaranteed to be their self-inflicted ‘Death Knell’ when the time comes!‘

We the People’ already know that the Mainstream Media, ‘Big Tech,’ Communist China, Hollywood, Major League Baseball, the NBA and the kneeling for the National Anthem NFL, and all of this happening while America’s California teens can go to an amusement park but can’t go to math class, are all part of the shove Socialism down the throats of every American!

We the People’ also know that these leaders of the teacher’s Unions who were refusing to open schools in Blue States were, and probably still are if they haven’t already been added to their school districts, still going to the border to help teach illegal immigrant children, and by the way those children whose parent’s don’t pay taxes in order to have their children taught anything of value anymore in those ‘Blue States’ that will prepare our children for the real world, but is instead indoctrinating ‘our’ children using a well known ‘Brain Washing’ technique known as ‘Common Core’ where answers to question that need to be known for their futures, are being forcefully committed to memory without the parents knowledge or approval in advance!

Let’s not forget about our elected Officials, the leadership of the Joint chiefs of Staff over our military, the ‘Mainstream Media’ or ‘Big Tech,’ or even the supposed to be President and Vice President being too busy with making sure our borders are open, and our taxes and regulations with Biden at the helm are reverting back to the days of the intentionally stifling ways of the non-existent Obama economy years when our jobs and ‘American made companies were intentionally being redistributed around the world in preparation for Hillary’s guaranteed coronation is it hadn’t been for the discovery of those Soros Voting machines before the 2016 election!

We can’t forget about the corrupt leadership of the Obama DOJ, FBI, and CIA who are still walking free after getting caught plotting to take down a duly elected President of the most powerful nation in the history of the world!

And of course we have the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Roberts, who if you took the time to check out his record on the actions he took, or refused to take in crucial cases where the best interests of America and the American people were at stake, and when it came to those constitutionally guaranteed rights, liberties, and freedoms, that he either manipulated against or refused to allow the other Justices of the Supreme Court on crucial to the survival of our Republic to even be heard, you got to know that what’s going on in America today, and what the Mainstream Media and ‘Big Tech’ are obviously hiding, can’t be all that good or in the best interest for America or the American People!

There’s one comment that came from a Raymond F. who said:

“We need the military joint chiefs to declare Biden unfit to lead the military and send troops to CLOSE the border!”

My expanded comment back was:

I would have thought the same thing, and I would have thought that this is an easy fix, BUT!!!! The Problem here is that after hearing the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Milley said…

“We do not take an oath to a king or a queen, a tyrant or a dictator. We do not take an oath to an individual. No, we do not take an oath to a country, a tribe, or a religion…”We take an oath to the Constitution!

…..I’ve been reminded after hearing what I thought were comforting remarks by this Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, that during the Obama/Biden Administration that Obama…


What President Obama called “My Military” was cleansed back in 2013 of any officer suspected of disloyalty to or disagreement with the administration on matters of policy or force structure, leaving the compliant and fearful!

Does anybody care to guess where the Chairman and the members of the Joint Chiefs of staff came from, out of, and under which President? Hmmm, I wonder!!

I guess that ‘We the People’ need to start looking out for not only what’s in the best interest for ourselves and our families, but for America’s believed to be in total approximately around 340 Million ‘We the People’ strong, along with all those guaranteed rights that are under attack because they can’t be allowed to be encouraged to be followed by the rest of the 7.7 Billion People of the world!

The problem that the rest of the world’s leadership is because the internet, and again in my opinion, the obvious reason why Obama surrendered one of America’s greatest pieces of intellectual property in the world, the internet, to the United Nations!

The reason is that the internet gave the rest of the world a true picture of what they were not only missing, but what’s going on in the ‘Free’ World, but more than that what’s going on in the Free World that can be credited to America’s founders who had enough faith in the People, or should I say ‘We the People’ of ‘UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,’ to try an experiment in governance that was solely based on a premise that had never been tried before by the founders of any nation on such a large of a scale of an entire nation like America, and that was to trust the ‘PEOPLE” with the decision making along with the future of their own nation!

America is the only nation in the world to be built of the People, by the People, and for the People, which is being credited today for the same reasons as today’s immigrants who are risking their lives, to be a part of while deserting their now turned into 100% failed every time its been tried socialist homelands that due to the failed hand-me-down, outdated, and clueless leadership that would never give up control, have decided like ‘We the Peoples’ founders who had enough of the Bull Sh*t and now making a bee line straight for America’s shores!

I think we all know now why Speaker Nancy Pelosi had to alter Obama’s documents to show he was a ‘Natural Born Citizen’ when he wasn’t, and then understanding how Obama had no problem with making his first international trip to begin his mission to destroying America from within by first apologizing to the world for America’s leadership after helping European countries to stop the aggression against our ally’s in both WWI and WWII that resulted in more Trump like wins for America and our allies, and then apologizing for America and the American people for coming to the aid of our allies and other nations when ‘Mother Nature’ was having a bad day!

What really gets me though is apologizing for America for being that’ Reaganesk’  “Shiny City Upon a Hill’ example which is the reason why  our founders risked their lives back then, and why today’s immigrants and refugees are risking their lives today, and that’s to live the American Dream, and have the right to self-determination that is the direct result of being afforded those pesky Constitutionally guaranteed rights that the ‘Radical Left’ needs to eliminated if they hope to have a chance of having their dream of having a New World Order come to fruition!

Just know that when it comes to me and my ‘PERSONAL’ mission, that I have to believe every American has, especially today, on the first Monday after the birth of my first ‘Namesake’ grandson whose responsibility it will be, like it was mine and now my sons, to keep my family’s branch of the family tree not only alive and representative, but contributing to our America’s long history of immigrant roots by adding my mother’s family who were Norwegian and Swedish roots to my father’s proud to be, and what in most part what he claims to be, when he was alive, a you name it ‘mixed’ bred mutt with English, German, Italian, and like everybody else in America, Irish on Saint Patties Day, but that is only until the next morning when you forget who you are and where you came from all together!

America’s not a racist country and never has been, but like all countries we do have our fair share of ‘Racists,’ but the difference when it comes to America is that we, and by ‘we’ I mean all Americans, left those same countries that subjected them to the same racism, oppression, religious persecution and you name it to come to America in its beginning stages to escape from those same things that America and its people are being accused of today by the Mainstream Media, ‘Big Tech,’ and now the rest of the world because we have to be all the above if the world’s Globalist elitists hope to con/persuade the people of the world that their idea for a New World Order is what’s going to best for the world, let alone work for the world!

The Pelosi and Schumer led ‘Sh*t Show’ of hand me down world failures that Socialism is to be blamed for, is the reason why our founders risked their lives, and in the same way today’s immigrants and refugees are risking their lives to do the the same by leaving their homelands for a better life for themselves and their family, but more than that, their children’s futures of self-determination, following their dreams, and to experience again what today’s Radical Left’ needs to eliminate if the New World Order expects to succeed, and that’s those Constitutionally guaranteed rights, liberties, and freedoms that only exist in one place in the world, and that’s in the United States of America, where now Ex-President Trump showed the world that they were lied to and conned by the same corrupt leadership that’s still trying to impose their North American Union version of the ‘European Union’ when they’re borders too were bum rushed caused by the planning of their nations members of the same 1992 United Nations George Soros inspired New World Order!

What Happened to the people of the European Union was supposed to happen to America and the American people when Hillary’s coronation was officially on the books back in 2016, and I’m talking about that same storming of our borders by immigrants and refugees, and if anybody cared to read the outline of what could be expected to happen in the plans for the American version of the E.U. known as the ‘North American Union,’ you would have read about the plan that was posted 8 months prior to the 2016 elections, where in the small print it stated that there would be ‘NO’ Borders protected or closed between America and its neighbors to the North Canada, or our neighbors to the South Mexico!

If you really want to be pissed off about the crisis at our border than just continue reading on… Did you know…

With the signing of the Rio Accords back in 1992 by Bush 41 they knew, and by they I mean our elected officials from both sides of the aisle, that there would be no borders anywhere, but in 2006 when the American people wanted some kind of barrier, fence, wall, or even moat built on our Southern Border, but with those demands, even knowing but not telling the American people about the plans for the borders for all the world to follow for those previous 14 years since that signing by Bush 41 of what is now known today as those United Nations Agendas 21/30/50, they had to basically poo poo, continue to lie, or do what these same cowards today did back then, and that was to pass a bill that would build a 700-mile long fence on the southern border but got lost somewhere in the more important financing!


You need to follow me on this particular ‘precedent’ setting financed ‘Border Wall’ Bill that became ‘LAW’, but after it became LAW,’ defunded by the ‘Swamp’ just a year later!

My point here is that according to this ‘precedent’ setting achievement by what we now know is a very bipartisan ‘Swamp,’ you’d have to believe that whatever becomes of the $3.5T infrastructure or spending Bill, or even the more than likely passed $1T, that when ‘We the People’ take the House back in 2022, that we too can defund this Progressive boondoggle wish list of spending American tax payer dollars on bolstering their now ‘We are the World’ Agenda just like they did to the 2006 Secure Fence Act Funding that they unconstitutionally and through bipartisanship, willingly just violated and established and passed by Congress Law!


Over the years, especially with Barack Obama, the Democratic Party has been slowly moving away from ‘We the People’s’ traditional governance to those 3rd world countries progressivism, and have been doing it for at least the last 4 Administrations. What the American people don’t realize is that the change has been slow and gradual with just the occasional legislation that would support such a more lenient immigration law without actually passing any legislation that would be blatantly obvious, so again, in 2006 they passed a bill that would build a 700-mile long fence on the southern border, but than again got lost somewhere in the more important financing, but that’s because our elected officials were in support of allowing those same unvetted illegal immigrants and refugees into the country! 

The Feds approved $800 million dollars to be allocated to build 700 miles of fence on our southern border to help Border Patrol agents do their job, but when Obama reported back that 95% of the fence was complete, and the real number came out to be only 32 miles of the original 700 miles that were completed, than you have to be asking yourself what happened to the rest of the money?~~

Here’s a question for you, … How many of you saw that Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House 3.0, made a rule change in the House that reversed a long-standing House rule, known as “motion to recommit,” that permits the minority party to change legislation on the floor before a vote. Hmmm…

Do you think that maybe what happened to the financing for the 2006 Secure Fence Act could have been one of the reasons, at least in my opinion only, along of course to avoid the same defunding of their proposed $3.5T not infrastructure/infrastructure bill that they want to make law the that I’m sure got the approval by both Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Chief Justice Roberts because of what we’ve learned about them using their positions to both block and manipulate must constitutionally needed to save our Republic from the attempt to destroy America’s ‘Shiny City Upon a Hill’ image and reputation to the world for the sake of the creation of a New World Order?

The answer is the DHS added an Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R.-Texas) slipped into an omnibus appropriation bill that Congress passed on December 18, 2007.  Hutchison’s amendment put a loophole in the fence law that allowed the secretary of Homeland Security not to build the fence Congress had mandated the year before.

The Secure Fence Act of 2006 specifically ordered DHS to build two layers of reinforced fencing along 700 specific miles of the nearly 2,000-mile U.S.-Mexico border.

“The Secretary of Homeland Security shall provide for at least 2 layers of reinforced fencing, the installation of additional physical barriers, roads, lighting, cameras, and sensors” along 700 miles of designated border areas, the Secure Fence Act said.

Hutchison’s 2007 amendment neutered this language. It said: “Limitation on Requirements.–Notwithstanding subparagraph (A), nothing in this paragraph shall require the Secretary of Homeland Security to install fencing, physical barriers, roads, lighting, cameras, and sensors in a particular location along an international border of the United States, if the Secretary determines that the use or placement of such resources is not the most appropriate means to achieve and maintain operational control over the international border at such location.”

~~By Ryan Byrnes, a Friend of America!

By not fulfilling these mandates by the passed by Congress legislation known as the ‘2006 Secure Fence Act’ the President and the members of Congress violated the Constitution!

*Ignoring Law (2006 Secure Fence Act) “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3

I have one question for every American while not intentionally differentiating between Democrat or Republican, and that’s because I lived through with no problem at the time with a family that lived and breathed being a Democrat!

There always was the intention by both sides of the aisle to work through a ‘Bipartisan’ resolve to deliver for the American people towards whatever the peoples election day mandate turned out to be, but trust me when I say today’s Democratic Party with the Republican Party apparent leadership intentionally sitting by idly and not lifting a finger to protect and defend the Constitution as they took an oath to do, its now become more than obvious and before it becomes to late for ‘We the People’ to step up and take advantage of our founders 10th Amendment rights now!

**If you want to help me keep doing my thing than please click this link below to donate: ‘Exposing the Truth!’