Dems Using ‘Aid Money’ on Voter Fraud Aids For 2020, Will 2018 Election Results be Repeated?

Before we move on I have just one thing to say about the states opening up. Our founders risked their lives to create a government that was built on ‘By the people and for the People,’ and they understood the risks before challenging ‘Mother Nature’s’ obstacle course way before the advantages of technology and knowledge were even available. I would have to believe that today’s informed Americans know how to make it on their own themselves and their families without the help of today’s corrupt Mainstream Media, who get their instructions from the ‘Deep State,’ before being told otherwise!

The American people know the risk and the precautions they need to take to stay safe, and they know the consequences without having to be reminded by the MSM that they could die. I think we all know about that possibility of dying was the reality that all Americans were forced to live with under those minute to minute threats that were heaped on the American people on a daily basis, and for the 8 years that Obama and his corrupt Administration were destroying America from within!

Why didn’t Pelosi insist on closing down the economy in the winter of 2018 when 80,000 died of the Flu instead of 2020 where to date only 54,000 have died of the COVID-19 Virus? Why didn’t the Dems take a stand then instead of relying on taking down a duly elected President with proven to be false accusations of colluding with the Russian to win an election, and before trying to impeach the same duly elected President without giving him the same due process and the same constitutionally presumption of innocence guarantees that are given to every American citizen at the drop of a hat? I guess when it comes to being caught between a rock and a hard place, the Pelosi Dems will continue to rely on their obstructing and resisting platforms, and could care less about how much taxpayer dollars they spend to buy votes because there is no other way they can win votes with a nonexistent agenda for America and its people!

In the Winter of 2018 that 80,000 Americans died From the flu?

That’s more than the number killed in traffic collisions, from gun violence, or from opioid overdoses.

I hope the Truth Will Help the American people see that they’re being blindly led down a path that doesn’t mirror our founder’s vision for America!

Pelosi Progressives are panicking because they know that without something in the news to take the attention away from the findings of the soon to be released Durham-Barr criminal investigation into the corrupt leadership of the Obama Administration’s DOJ, CIA, and FBI. I have to believe with the proven past history of the Pelosi Progressives and their ‘Deep State’ Mainstream Media puppet with their back to back to back to back false allegations, accusations and lies about the Trump Administration, I have to believe that their grand plan for America and the New World Order will be exposed for all to see, and thankfully able to be seen before the 2020 elections!

Does anybody actually believe that Joe Biden can win the election to be President of the United States, especially when he’s being accused of sexual assault, being shown on TV using a ‘Quid Pro Quo’ shake down of Ukraine’s leadership to protect his son, and now learning other family members also who are equally suspect in their own business dealings?

Does anybody believe that Joe Biden, especially after the effects of the COVID-19 Virus has had on the economy, can do what President Trump was able to turn around the Obama ‘Doom’ economy into President Trump’s ‘Boom’ economy, and doing it in the shortest period of time in History? How about President Trump driving ISIS out of existence within a year when Obama couldn’t do it in 8 years? You also need to know that the Obama Administration directly or indirectly financed the rise of ISIS with the $6 Billion dollars that went missing from the Hillary Clinton State Department, and the $400 Million in weaponry that the Obama White House admitted to giving ISIS that the Mainstream Media never reported on to the American people!

It was President Trump who rebuilt the military to levels of strength never achieved by any President, and doing it after Obama did the opposite intentionally when he lowered the military’s size and capabilities to levels not seen since WWII with the Navy to a lower levels that haven’t been seen since WWI? Obama also removed America from the world stage, changed the rules of engagement that put our fighting soldiers lives in danger, and sat by and watched as more soldiers were being killed by the unmaintained equipment they were being trained on than were being killed by the enemy!

President Trump has these dark side of the Mainstream Media reporters chasing their tails with every word he utters, and showing every American that by staying with Joe Biden as their candidate, that Pelosi and company think they already know the fix is in and can’t lose!

Their plan is to take back the Senate and the White House in the same way they took back the House in 2018, and the reason why they’re still pushing for more money that isn’t intended for the economy or the COVID-19 Virus but for multi-language interpreted absentee and early voting ballots, for more money for more mail-in voting, same day registration, and same day voting after registering! The ‘Tell’ for all you poker players out there is how neither side of the aisle are concerned about or pushing for any kind of a federally mandatory Photo voter ID Law to protect our election and selection process, especially with the Dems holding the American people hostage in exchange for their cash demands that aren’t for the American people in these times of uncertainty, but for their agenda of gaining power no matter what the cost, and no matter who it hurts!

Both Voter ID and Term Limits are at the top of every American’s to do list if they were ever bothered to be asked, but with years of having no say at all, and their election day mandates being intentionally ignored because it will hinder the coming of the ‘Deep State’s’ New World Order, the Mainstream Media is intentionally not bothering to even look into the reasons why these two very important concerns are being ignored, and as a result should be another ‘Red Flag’ for all Americans when it comes to what our elected officials have in store for America’s future!

A Major Need to Know That Needs to be Known Before the 2020 Elections!

Are the McConnell led Republicans helping Pelosi, Schumer, and the Obama ‘Deep State,’ with the money from backer George Soros who seems to have his fingers in every ‘Never Trump’ and pro ‘New World Order’ agenda, on the side of the American people or siding with the New World Order?

The reason I say that now is because McConnell just threw a little more gas on the ‘Never Trump’ fire by suggesting that states should go bankrupt, and even though that logic behind that statement might be true, it sends a negative message to the American people!

**These comments and others, with the Mainstream Media focused on taking out this President at all costs, only gives the American people another reason to not vote for Trump because of the Senate Majority Leader, who to me is beginning to show his true colors, and those colors are beginning to possibly not be Red, White and Blue!

Are Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, and the already gone Paul Ryan, who have been documented supporting Progressive agenda’s, just role playing as the good guys who really care about the American people when they really don’t! How strange was it to see for years the GOP run their mouths about repealing and replacing Obamacare, but after Donald J Trump won the nomination, and then won the election to be the next President, why didn’t McConnell, Ryan, Graham and other Republicans have anything pre-planned to repeal and replace Obamacare when Trump did win?

Heidi Cruz, wife of Ted Cruz who was a Republican that wasn’t ‘Natural Born’ and a past presidential candidate, spent five years at the council of foreign relations helping to write the North American Union, which was posted in March before the 2016 elections. That filthy sovereignty destroying piece of legislation eliminates the borders between Canada, Mexico and the United States, and if Hillary had won we would have become the now failed American version of the European Union!

Those 5 years of Heidi Cruz’s work started in 2011, which draws my attention to the 2010 passage of ‘Citizens United’ which was the disastrous Citizens United Supreme Court decision, by a 5-to-4 vote, the U.S. Supreme Court essentially said to the wealthiest people in this country: you already own much of the American economy. Now, we are going to give you the opportunity to purchase the U.S. Government, the White House, the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House, Governors’ seats, legislatures, and State judicial branches as well.

The Citizens United decision is ruining America

 by Jonathan E. P. Moore

2006 Wall: A $800 Million Dollar Taxpayer funded bipartisan Hoax that was never going to happen!

Over the years the Democratic Party has been slowly moving away from traditional governance to the 3rd world countries progressivism and have doing it for least the last 4 Administrations. What the American people do not realize is that the change has been slow and gradual with just the occasional legislation that would support such a more lenient immigration law without actually passing any legislation that would be blatantly obvious. In 2006 they passed a bill that would build a 700-mile long fence on the southern border but got lost somewhere in the more important financing and support of the same unvetted illegal immigrants and refugees! 

The Feds approved 800 million dollars to be allocated to build 700 miles of fence on our southern border to help Border Patrol agents do their job, but when Obama reported back that 95% of the fence was complete, but when the real number came out to be only 32 miles were completed you have to be asking yourself what happened to the rest of the money:   ~~

The answer is the DHS added an Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R.-Texas) slipped into an omnibus appropriation bill that Congress passed on December 18, 2007.  Hutchison’s amendment put a loophole in the fence law that allowed the secretary of Homeland Security not to build the fence Congress had mandated the year before.

The Secure Fence Act of 2006 specifically ordered DHS to build two layers of reinforced fencing along 700 specific miles of the nearly 2,000-mile U.S.-Mexico border.

“The Secretary of Homeland Security shall provide for at least 2 layers of reinforced fencing, the installation of additional physical barriers, roads, lighting, cameras, and sensors” along 700 miles of designated border areas, the Secure Fence Act said.

Hutchison’s 2007 amendment neutered this language. It said: “Limitation on Requirements.–Notwithstanding subparagraph (A), nothing in this paragraph shall require the Secretary of Homeland Security to install fencing, physical barriers, roads, lighting, cameras, and sensors in a particular location along an international border of the United States, if the Secretary determines that the use or placement of such resources is not the most appropriate means to achieve and maintain operational control over the international border at such location.” ~~By Ryan Byrnes, a Friend of America!

Just know that the Wall was never going to be built unless President Trump built it, and that any other commitment to building one before President Trump was just another lie by a bipartisan attempt to keep the American people convinced that while the Congressional Cabal had no intention of ever building a wall/barrier, that they had to make the American people believe that they were working for the American people when in fact, it was all about protecting the New World Order and its need to keep the American people in the dark about its plans, but also because of the fact that the American people would be hurt the most because of their Constitutional guaranteed individual rights that would no longer be, and for obvious reasons, not allowed to continue to exist!

There are 3 Republicans, McConnell, Lindsey Graham, and the deserting Paul Ryan who’ve been calling the shots for the GOP since now President Trump took the helm, and if you just look back 4 years you can see how they’ve gone from hating President Trump to trying to convince the American people that they were now backing President Trump and his plan to ‘Make America Great Again!’ Is that possible though or are they just playing their part in the deception that if successful, will bring the end to our founder’s vision for a nation that can be run ‘By the People and For the People? Here are some of the past history of the 3 that might be considered questionable when it comes to their loyalty to their oath, or the future of America!

Whose ‘Left’ on the ‘Right,’ Ryan and McConnell?

 by Jonathan E. P. Moore

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Monday, June 12, 2017


Where do we go from here?….. more obstruction, more resisting, and hopefully more lies being exposed when the findings from the Durham-Barr criminal investigation are released.

We have the Dems now looking to create a 9th oversight committee to be the oversight overseeing the oversight that will focus on President Trump only, as the Dems try to build on their pile of lies, innuendo’s, and those non-existent sources that don’t need to exist because they’re protected from their identity being revealed, so hey, why do they have to exist at all to fabricate a lie!

“The ninth is political. Eight committees looking out for the taxpayer, the ninth looking out for Joe Biden. The ninth to go after President Trump!” Rep. Jim Jordan, the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, laid out why he believes the new select committee on the coronavirus, that was approved by the House on Thursday, was created as a continuation of the attack that the Democrats have had on the President for the past four years. It started before he was president.”

“A select committee in the summer of an election year to attack the President, when we already have eight different entities doing the oversight we’re all supposed to do to look out for the taxpayer best interest! The Democrats want a ninth because the ninth is political, and the ninth will be chaired by our colleague [Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC)], the biggest supporter of the Democrats’ nominee for president,” Jordan concluded.

What are the Biden Administration’s plans to rebuild economy after the COVID-19 Virus if he wins in 6 months?

We know what President Trump can do with a failing economy, and we know how quickly he’d be able to turn things around after Obama intentionally drove the America’s economy into the ground, and we know this because Obama owns the worst economic numbers in the history of America.

Are we just supposed to forget how the American people just recently weren’t able to get the medical supplies needed for of COVID-19 Virus because during Obama’s tenure, and because of his hidden agenda mission to transform America to a Socialist reality, he intentionally redistributed those American made Healthcare supply chain manufacturers to China, and around the world, by charging those same American made companies the highest corporate tax than any other nation that’s considered our competitor equal, but If that wasn’t enough intentionally adding a little more motivational reasons to leave by over regulating by weaponizing their own ‘Green Agenda’ hoax in order to charge huge fines for not being able to comply with the Obama Administration EPA’s unrealistic and unobtainable C02 deadline demands!

The other unforgivable, but also intentional is the level of fear that the Mainstream Media, the Dems, and the Oligarchs who have been in the shadows for the last 20 plus years pushing their New World Order Agenda that would have been up and running if Donald J. Trump hadn’t come down that escalator in Trump Tower to announce his run for the Presidency!

Climate Change: When Push Comes to ‘Shove-ling’ Sh*t!

 by Jonathan E. P. Moore

Why hasn’t anybody in the Mainstream Media asked Biden or the Dem policy makers about what their plans are to reopen the economy, and then what their plans are to get the American people back to work? Has anybody asked Biden and the Dems what they intend to do with their plans, especially now with the 2.9 Trillion dollars that were needed for the American people during the COVID-19 Virus, and the 26 Million American are that filed for unemployment, about where they intend to get those big bucks they now need to finance their Healthcare for all, which includes illegals, and for the Climate Change hoax that they intended to pay for the world by using American taxpayer dollars?

I can almost guarantee you that the Dems Will blame the COVID-19 virus on Climate Change and not China’s Wuhan labs that are supported by Billionaires like Bloomberg who made billions in China before President Trump leveled the playing field with tariffs and new trade agreements?

Is it just a coincidence that in the past Bloomberg has said and supported the notion that senior citizens that get ill should be allowed to die because of the huge financial burden it has on Society? especially now with the COVID-19 Virus specifically attacking Senior Citizens with pre-exiting health issues? Is it just a coincidence that Bloomberg says that Society is not ready, or should I say willingly or able to make that decision for Society yet, but appears he is! What about the Trillions they say they need for Healthcare for all, and that the Obamacare they touted as the cure all turned out to be the catalyst that forced doctors and Healthcare workers out of the field!

Now Pelosi and Schumer going back to the taxpayer coffers for more money by exploiting the COVID-19 Virus to buy more votes for bonuses for Healthcare workers and police and other agency workers for doing their job, and that Obama tried to eliminate by using racist accusations against all police departments in order to replace them with the New World Order’s call for one international police force, and then watch AG Loretta Lynch announce the cooperation with the United Nations to work with American cities to fight against extremism on American soil using U.N. Troops called the United Nations ‘Strong Cities Network!’

Obamacare: The Lie of the Land!

 by Jonathan E. P. Moore

Do you remember when Pelosi ripped up the copy of President Trump’s SOTU Address, and claimed President Trump’s cost for Medicare was going up under his Administration? Well the truth of the matter is that While spending would still rise under Trump’s plan, it would not climb as much as it would under current law, which would be the Obamacare Law!

Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced that the Department of Justice is launching a global police force in order to combat “violent extremism” in the United States.

A proposal such as this, with all of its various implications of an overreach of power, should be front-page news everywhere, but unfortunately, not many noticed. And that’s a concern to constitutional attorney KrisAnne Hall who released a video to make the rallying call.

“Something happened that I’m afraid will go completely unnoticed,” Hall began. “The Department of Justice, several cities within the United States, several municipalities, linked up with the United Nations to form a global police initiative. It is called the Strong Cities Network.”

“This is such an attack on our Constitution. This is such an attack on the sovereignty of our states,” she added. “This will eliminate the rights of the people as we know them under a constitutional republic.”
Hall warns that this initiative will be the vehicle used to usher in the UN arms treaty and the UN controlling America. She says it will bypass Congress and the treaty process, and will be implemented on the local level “so people will never even notice.”

Helping her get this message out is noted fighter against the Islamization of America, Pamela Geller. In her latest piece for Breitbart, she sends out a similar warning:

The groundwork is being laid for federal and international interference down to the local level. “The Strong Cities Network,” Lynch declared, “will serve as a vital tool to strengthen capacity-building and improve collaboration” – i.e., local dependence on federal and international authorities.

Lynch made the global (that is, United Nations) involvement clear when she added: “As we continue to counter a range of domestic and global terror threats, this innovative platform will enable cities to learn from one another, to develop best practices and to build social cohesion and community resilience here at home and around the world.”

Geller notes the oddity that the Strong Cities Network wasn’t announced at an appropriate national venue, such as the White House or FBI headquarters but “ominously” before the UN.

It didn’t help that the DOJ press release accompanying the announcement read, “While many cities and local authorities are developing innovative responses to address this challenge, no systematic efforts are in place to share experiences, pool resources and build a community of cities to inspire local action on a global scale.”
Geller writes: “This amounts to nothing less than the overriding of American laws, up to and including the United States Constitution, in favor of United Nations laws that would henceforth be implemented in the United States itself – without any consultation of Congress at all.”

Making sure her battle cry isn’t misconstrued as yet another conspiracy theory, Geller points to Lynch’s own words from her speech:

“As we continue to counter a range of domestic and global terror threats, this innovative platform will enable cities to learn from one another, to develop best practices and to build social cohesion and community resilience here at home and around the world.”

And just to be sure, Geller adds additional quotes from the DOJ press release:

“[The Strong Cities Network] will strengthen strategic planning and practices to address violent extremism in all its forms by fostering collaboration among cities, municipalities and other sub-national authorities.”

George Soros, That Proverbial ‘Bad Penny’ That Keeps Turning Up!

Do you remember the Ferguson race riots? Those flames were fanned to the tune of $33 million dollars of funding by groups run and financed by George Soros. Professional protesters were bused and flown in, some far as far away as the Middle East, to keep the people agitated and on edge. Remember those ultra-violent anti-Trump protesters in Chicago? Also funded by George Soros and his Far-Left operatives. Do you remember the police assassinations in Dallas has Soros’s filthy fingerprints all over it!

What Should America Expect Over the Next 6 Months!

The Virus is allowing government to do what Progressive’s dream about, and that’s control the American people’s lives! The only question every American should be asking themselves is whether or not this Is this going set a precedent for future Democratic Administrations to further control the lives of the American people to force their Globalist ambitions on the country?

Will future Administrations use ‘shelter in Place’ as a tool like they use political correctness, identity politics, and implicit bias to fulfill an agenda like gun control, freedom of religion/speech, or give them the time they need under the cover of the Mainstream Media’s lies and fake news, as they set up the Obama and Untied Nations NWO ‘Strong Cities Network’ that has permitted U.N. Troops to operate on American soil in partnership with American cities to fight ‘extremism,’ and of course approved by the Obama Administration’s 2nd AG Loretta Lynch in the last year of the Obama Administrations 8 year reign of terror! The one thing that’s been left out of their mission statement of fighting extremism is that its never been defined as what would be considered extremism!

Strong Cities Network is still up and running in some locations in America but and around the world, and was specifically designed to replace our local Police departments with a national/international force to fight that same aforementioned extremism, which Obama tried to force the need for by charging racism of just about every action by any police force in the country!

Shelter in place could be the pre-game show for the 2030 forecasted deadline that we’ve seen members of the ‘Squad’ predicting would be the end of the world if Climate Change wasn’t addressed immediately, and by coincidence the same 2030 that the financed by George Soros Agenda 21, that got its start back in the early 1990’s, and after a somewhat lack luster response by the American people to move in that direction got that needed warning shot across America’s Constitutional bow, which is now what I consider the attacks of 9/11 to help push Agenda 21 forward!

Next we have to economy taking a huge hit because of the war in Iraq, and then the arrival of hired gun Barack Obama who rode into town not being the constitutionally required ‘Natural Born’ citizen that Pelosi, instead of finding a candidate that was, decided to alter his documents to show he was a ‘Natural Born’ Citizen which proves 14 years later that the Mainstream Media, the supposed voice of the people who were definitely on the take, and as a result learning that the future of America might not resemble our founder’s vision for the same future for America!

The Pelosi Progressive’s ‘spin’ for the next 6+ months will be focused on drawing the American people’s attention away from their ultimate plan of taking back the Senate and White House, but with President Trump ability to use his Constitutional powers over illegal immigration to protect the sovereignty of America by just signing an Executive Order! especially after watching these Democrats catering to illegals for their votes, slow walking the COVID-19 Virus so that they could extract funding for increasing their voter fraud abilities for 2020 as they did in 2018 when they took back the House!

What every American needs to know is that these incidents of voter fraud always reveal itself after the fact, and as a result always too late to do anything about correcting it! You got to know that the individual states control their own oversight when it comes to the voting and selection process, and as a result does anybody really believe that those politicians who won by using voter fraud won’t have the political power to stop any possible investigation looking into that fraud, or doesn’t control those who would be doing the investigations, please? That’s why when asked about voter fraud they deny that it exists and if it does show up, it’s an isolated case!

Here are some after the fact voter fraud reveals that were after the fact, and has changed America’s political landscape over the decades……

Voter Fraud in Blue States Rears its Ugly Head Again!!

 by Jonathan E. P. Moore

America’s Constitutional Republic won’t survive another attack of ‘Voter Fraud’ or another rogue President whose main goal is destroy America from within! America can’t survive with another President weaponizing a corrupt leadership of the world’s considered top national and Intel security agencies known as the FBI, DOJ, and CIA by intentionally abandoning their oath of office and then eliminating our founder’s ‘Checks and Balances’ that we all believed would be protecting our nation no matter who was at the helm of our country, and thought that those ‘Checks and Balances’ would sustain our Republic for future generations to experience!

We are further being threatened this coming election to be forced to succumb to living in a New World Order without ever being asked by our elected officials for our approval!