Did the ‘Billionaire’s Boys Club’ Help Tank World Markets to Push Their Global ‘New World Order’ Agenda?

There is no doubt that the Coronavirus is the real deal, but is it the unknown about the virus that’s pushing the markets down, about the deaths it might cause in the future, or is it possibly this new conspiracy theory of mine that possibility deserves a little attention?

Last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu, and it averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year that die every year, but nothing is shut down as life & the economy continued to go on. How is it that these updated numbers of 1,037 confirmed cases of Coronavirus with 31 deaths, and the Dems ‘Billionaire’s Boys Club’ basically control the message with their personally owned Mainstream Media, and then freely predicting that the world’s coming to an end, and then having the bulk of the American people still believing that the Dems and the Mainstream Media aren’t corrupt, but on top of that have always had different plans for America that aren’t quite in line with our founders, our founder’s Constitution, or the ‘Rule of Law?’ Now think about that for a second…..

Is it time for the World Leaders to come together and pull the plug on the World Markets temporarily to investigate the possible involvement of ‘Billionaire’s Boys Club’ members and having the SEC, DOJ, and an honest version of the ‘Deep State’ run ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media so that the real truth behind this over reaction to what the real effects on the Coronavirus really are!

We’ve lived with and know what the original Flu is capable of that we’ve lived through for years, and we already know that those numbers are far greater than what appears to be what the Coronavirus is going to be. We also know who it attacks, which is already beginning to look like not the youth of the world like the Flu, but the elderly where those in the over 60 range with a special special attention to the ones closer to 80 and those individuals with health issues, are ones who are more in the cross-hairs of the Coronavirus!

We also got a glimpse into the possibilities of how the computer based trading system can run amuck when a couple of years ago, as I recall, the market hit some trading point anomaly that triggered the instant 1,000 point drop within seconds that caused the SEC and the Stock Exchange to call for a do over and undue what that computer glitch created.

We also know that George Soros has some computer expertise in his repertoire, especially when it comes to voting machines, and when you add that Soros was Caught Installing Remote-Access Software on U.S. Voting Machines–July 17, 2018

**Please note that if you don’t look carefully enough to verify this information you’ll see that the company involved is ‘Election Systems and Software (ES&S),’ but the Mainstream Media’s reporting on this doesn’t always make the connection with ‘George Soros,’ and if you look into the company you’ll see that he is!

Is it possible that the hate for this President, along with the known facts about a few of these members of the ‘Billionaire’s Boys Club’ whose long time plans have been interrupted by a certain President who defies these same members resolve about the future of America and the world?

President Trump believes he’s successfully making America first and great again, and he is, and as a result it’s actually spreading around the world like the Coronavirus, and just as contagious when it comes to those immigrants who are risking their lives to come to America to catch a little of those contagious Constitutional guaranteed Individual rights that all American Citizens enjoy!

The highlights of the biggest yet questionable agenda by the different members of the ‘Billionaire’s Boys Club’ would be George Soros whose had it out for the world’s nations since his Grandfather taught him how to make a buck or two off the misery of the Jews who were lined up for the Nazi’s Gas Chambers! Next we have Michael Bloomberg who coincidentally was making Billions of dollars in China before President Trump put a stop to the one sided unbalance of trade between America and China, and costing the American taxpayer the $500 Billion dollar deficit that past Presidents, and their Administrations, did nothing about!

Now let’s go to Jeff Bezos, the 3rd in the round of top 3 who owns Amazon, bought the Washington Post for $250 million in 2013. At the time, The Post was a legacy media company facing years of decline, while Bezos had no prior experience in the newspaper business. and given a $600 Million dollar contract by John Brennan’s CIA to post disinformation about first candidate and then President, Donald J. Trump, the SEC should be checking all of these arrangements out before they just get chalked up to the collateral damage caused by the Coronavirus!

CIA Paid $600 Million To WaPo To Publish Trump Disinformation!

If this alliance between the CIA and Bezos isn’t illegal, then it is certainly unethical and displays a huge conflict of interest while also exposing the corruption existing within the MSM. The main sources of news and information Americans sought and believed, until the rise of alternative media outlets.

Alternative sources of information the MSM bash and attempt daily to discredit as “fake news,” when “fake,” misleading and sometimes right out lies being spread across social media come out of the MSM and pseudo extremist left-wing sites erected simply to misinform and confuse the American voter.

Many Facebook pages and websites that have “popped” up over the past several years whose resources and money are being funded by George Soros’s well oiled “Media Matters” machine. Just one of many “nonprofit” organizations extending from his Open Society Foundation.

Soros also has embedded ties to many MSM outlets including The New York Times, the Associated Press, NBC and ABC and here it is again, the Washington Post. Readers are urgently encouraged to research Soros, his history and his worldwide organizations.

Altnet also writes, “Amazon’s offer wasn’t the low bid, but it won the CIA contract anyway by offering advanced high-tech ‘cloud’ infrastructure.”

So how is at a time government should be pinching pennies due to the increasing national debt, the CIA passed over lower bidders for the contracted services?

The answer tracks back to the infamous blocking of the WikiLeaks website by Bezos’s company Amazon Web Services (AWS), a service Bezos personally and publicly brags is the most advanced and best high-tech “cloud” infrastructure on the market.

“WikiLeaks was booted from Amazon’s web-hosting service AWS. So, at the height of public interest in what WikiLeaks was publishing, readers were unable to access the WikiLeaks website,” reported watchdog group Fair in 2013.

So why did AWS give WikiLeaks the boot? Most likely at the bequest of the CIA, whom Bezos has been doing business with since 2013 when the $600 million contract was awarded to AWS. Bezos also has close ties to the Clintons and backed Hillary in her failed run for the presidency, both in the 2008 primary campaign and in 2016 as the Democrat nominee.

Bezos also publicly voices open contempt for President Trump, and his policies. He recently was behind the Washington challenge to Trump’s 90-day immigration ban and threatened suit himself in an email to his employees, as was reported on this site.

Bezos, without any reference to stock holders input or lack of agreement, said he will put the full resources at Amazon to defeat the policy and implied his mission of taking down President Trump.

It was Bezos’s Washington Post that first leaked documents and led the charge to discredit Trump’s national security advisor cabinet pick. General Michael Flynn was forced to resign due to the unverified information touted in the “leaks.” Flynn was cleared by the FBI of any wrongdoing in those leaks. But the damage was already done.

In recent days, it has been revealed the CIA has full intention of attempting a coup to remove Trump from office, even though “The Donald” was democratically elected by American voters in a free election.

And it appears in the CIA is in conspiracy with Bezos’s plan to use the Washington Post to achieve a mutual goal: to disrupt and destroy President Trump and his administration. A goal that has no regard or concern for national security or the safety and well-being of American citizens.

Any impact on the average citizen, including possible loss of life by terrorist attacks is considered “collateral damage.”

Before we move on I thought I would point out a little ‘Wikileaks’ piece of information that might give you a little insight into the Russians interfering in the 2016 elections, and the DNC supposedly being hacked by those same Russians with them handing the info over to Wikileaks to be distributed! Not!


Was Seth Rich murdered by Hillary’s order? Was he fatally shot by her people, or he was a victim of a robbery? These are very debatable questions. Many people debated what happened to the
DNC employee, including the WikiLeaks founder-Julian Assange. WikiLeaks even announced that they would reward a $20,000 for information that lead to a conviction in the Seth Rich case.The case has no witnesses, clues, or evidence which is very suspicious to the American people and it has sparked many to revisit claims of a possible Clinton kill list.

VIA Conservative Daily Post Clue #1: Less than a week after the initial WikiLeaks email dump, Rich was shot in the back of the head late at night while walking back to his apartment. He was not robbed nor was his apartment broken into.

Clue #2: Julian Assange has never offered a reward of any kind and has never spoken on behalf of anyone being named as a source.When you watch the two-minute video below, notice Assange’s mannerisms and how careful thought out his answers are. He is struggling to keep Rich a secret, but we can clearly see he was the source that played a major role in taking down Hillary Clinton.

Clue #3: Hidden Americans recently released investigative analysis on the multiple ways in which Seth Rich was connected to Hillary Clinton’s campaign. They showed a link between Julian Assange and Seth Rich, and that Assange had all but confirmed Rich was helping him.After all, Seth worked in the voter database division, so he had access to the database centers–which could be how Assange gained access to all the DNC’s data materials and emails.

Clue #4: John Podesta, Hillary’s campaign chairman and top ally, emailed about “making an example out of the leaker.”

One can easily see how quickly this can go from a conspiracy theory to a strong argument. There are many clues here that point to the Clintons having Seth Rich murdered. The evidence appears to be strong enough for Julian Assange to risk it all by trying to help solve this murder.

Although Julian Assange has not officially indicated that Rich was his source, he did admit that Rich was murdered assassination style, and that points a giant finger towards the Clintons and their long history of “mysterious murders.”It was reported that Rich was shot in the back of the head while he was leaving his car. He was not robbed, moved, or anything. His apartment was not broken into, nor was any evidence left behind indicating he was robbed.

What also needs to be known is that not one email was released that was dated after Seth Rich was murdered!

This raises some serious questions, because he was murdered just after WikiLeaks started to releasing the emails. He knew that the Democrats were corrupted as hell, and made the right decision. Because of him today, the President of the U.S. will be Donald Trump. Thank you, Seth Rich, prayers for your family!

Michael Bloomberg’s ties to China!

Bloomberg’s recent comments on China are distressing for three reasons. First, they deny the reality that China is a Communist dictatorship, run without the consent of its people, and that what popular legitimacy it does have comes partly as a product of how it has degraded said people. Secondly, they seem to deny the existence of tyranny as a category, to be an assertion that there are no captive peoples. The Third would be my addition to the first two that would be about how if it weren’t for President Trump pushing against Obama’s ‘Magic Wand’ comments about what President Trump would need to get American made manufacturing companies to return from China, which he’s doing by using lower Corporate tax rates and less regulations, then know that the severity of the effects on our supply chains would be much worse then what it’s been limited to considering the circumstances!

When it comes to America’s supply chain for medication and medical supplies, it’s all about China, and when it comes to the majority of antibiotics, its China, and when it comes to those Antibiotics coming from China and the Coronavirus popping up in a majority of American states now without a path to why they’ve contracted the Coronavirus, would it be a stretch to think that just maybe it’s coming via the China supplied medication and/or medical supplies?

Would it now surprise you that China and Bloomberg’s connections would make you forget President Donald Trump’s worldwide resorts. Or former Vice President Joe Biden’s son’s dealings with Ukraine and China.

Would it just be a coincidence with what we know about Bloomberg’s feelings toward the elderly, and his ties to China, that 2019-nCoV, the coronavirus that emerged in China last month, continues to spread to other countries? Would it be just a coincidence that it’s becoming increasingly clear that the “ELDERLY AND CHRONICALLY ILL” are at a greater risk than the general population? Would it be further just a coincidence that Michael Bloomberg believes that at a certain age elderly Americans become a burden to taxpayers, and should be denied medical treatment and left to die, but then adding to that “Society’s not ready to do that “YET?”

Now add to that the timing of all of this happening right before Super Tuesday with Bloomberg now ‘Doubling Down’ on attacking the Trump Administration for their handling of the Coronavirus? I say it’s time to vote for Sanders because at least you know what your getting, and when it comes to anything that the ‘Billionaire’s Boys Club’ has anything to do with, know that it’s time to error on the side of caution, and send Joe Biden, the 3rd in a line after Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton who were bought and Paid for, packing!

Billionaire Steyer is just another one of those members of the ‘Billionaire’s Boys Club’ that believe the American people can’t do what needs to be done for the sake of the world, and probably the reason why my mother’s home state of South Carolina caused him to hit the road as member Michael Bloomberg took his ‘short lived’ place!

Here’s the real question that every American should be asking themselves after seeing all these coincidences, and than after analyzing it all without allowing your political preference to get in the way, and than admitting to yourself “That you can’t make this shit up?”


George Soros has been called a God-hating atheist, a self-hating Jew, a capitalism-hating socialist, and an America-hating globalist. That is just the beginning. He supports euthanasia, legalizing drugs, socialism, and global governance.

He opposes free enterprise (even though that is how he gained his wealth), Israel (even though he is Jewish), and U.S. sovereignty. He describes himself as leaning towards Marxism. Soros learned how to manipulate people and events early in life. His actions are destructive, yet he admits he feels no remorse. He claims to believe he is actually helping the people he harms because he is punishing the evil government that created their poverty. He funds hundreds of progressive activist organizations and has stated publicly that he has messianic tendencies.

For decades, multi-billionaire George Soros has been quietly bringing down world governments. He is now targeting the United States. Soros wrote that the global flight from the weakened dollar will have “far-reaching political consequences and raise the specter of a breakdown in the prevailing world order.”

Soros is worth more than the gross domestic product of three-quarters of all nations in the world. He helped to bring down the Russian government in the late 1990s. He is famously known as “the man who broke the Bank of England” by shorting the British pound in October 1992. The international banking community now calls it Black Wednesday. Soros brags about making a billion or more dollars by crashing the Bank of England, and says it is fun to bring down entire nations that he labels repressive,based on his “Marxist ideology.” He even chuckled about it in an April 10, 2008, inter-view with TV talk-show host Charlie Rose.

Soros was accused of collapsing the national currency of Malaysia in 1997. Years later Soros denied this, but at the time it was reported he had casually justified his actions by saying that if he hadn’t speculated with the Malaysian currency, someone else would have.

Soros wants to devalue the dollar and see it replaced as the world’s reserve currency with a new currency system. In the Rose interview, Soros referred to the reserve status of the dollar in the past tense, as if its demise was already a done deal. He told the Financial Times in October 2009 that “an orderly decline of the dollar is actually desirable,”even though Americans would suffer if it were to happen.

How the Hunt Brothers Cornered the Silver Market, and Then Lost it All !

There is just one question that comes to mind when seeing the Mkt. heading South on what’s real but unjustifiably being blown out of proportion by fear? I remember seeing this happening once before back in the 1980’s when the Hunt Brothers attempted to corner the Silver Market, but that turned out to be short lived because the board of the COMEX (Commodity Exchange) met and decided, because they knew what the Hunt brothers were trying to do, required/demanded that full margin of the face value of the ‘Spot’ contract had be put up in full in order to trade or hold a position!

Needless to say the Hunt Brothers couldn’t come up with the funds to meet the margin call and as a result were forced to liquidate their positions which sent the market down from around the $852 dollars an ounce to much lower prices, which forced them into bankruptcy!

Until his dying day in 2014, Nelson Bunker Hunt, who had once been the world’s wealthiest man, denied that he and his brother plotted to corner the global silver market. 

Sure, back in 1980, Bunker, his younger brother Herbert, and other members of the Hunt clan owned roughly two-thirds of all the privately held silver on earth. But the historic stockpiling of bullion hadn’t been a ploy to manipulate the market, they and their sizable legal team would insist in the following years. Instead, it was a strategy to hedge against the voracious inflation of the 1970s—a monumental bet against the U.S. dollar.

Whatever the motive, it was a bet that went historically sour. The debt-fueled boom and bust of the global silver market not only decimated the Hunt fortune, but threatened to take down the U.S. financial system. 

The panic of “Silver Thursday” took place over 35 years ago, but it still raises questions about the nature of financial manipulation. While many view the Hunt brothers as members of a long succession of white collar crooks, from Charles Ponzi to Bernie Madoff, others see the endearingly eccentric Texans as the victims of overstepping regulators and vindictive insiders who couldn’t stand the thought of being played by a couple of southern yokels.

In either case, the story of the Hunt brothers just goes to show how difficult it can be to distinguish illegal market manipulation from the old fashioned wheeling and dealing that make our markets work.

I’m Feeling a little Deja Vu here when it comes to the Hunt Brothers, the ‘Billionaire’s Boys Club, and the Market’s questionable motives for moving the way they are, especially when these two groups of people were doing it for their personal benefit, and not for the benefit of America or the American people!

When looking at how the Hunt Brother’s tried to corner the Silver Market in the 1980’s, I’m reminded of the possible pressure on the markets that could have been applied by the ‘Billionaire’s Boys Club,’ and how with the over the top reaction by the somewhat unwarranted cause and effect, that I believe it should be enough to cause the SEC to want to do a little checking into the accounts of the members of that same ‘Billionaire Boy’s Club to see if they were more than just participants when it comes to the extra momentum it took causing the over reaction impetus to the downside of the Market!’

The Coronavirus is real, but after being a floor trader on the Commodity Exchange for 25 years in an earlier life, something is telling me that this over reaction to not as serious as both the ‘Billionaire’s Boys Club,’ and the message that their basically privately owned Mainstream Media are making it out to be, at least in my mind, just doesn’t add up!

++or just another extension of their mission to not only take down President Trump, but finishing up with what Obama couldn’t because Hillary didn’t come through with her part of the bargain by winning the 2016 election over newcomer outsider and non-politician Billionaire Businessman Donald J. Trump!

Instead of the Hunt Brothers doing their thing back in the 80’s, we now have the ‘Billionaire’s Boys Club’ doing their thing today, and when you think about George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Tom Steyer, and all the other Billionaires who more than likely have shares in the future of the proposed New World Order, you got to know that when it comes comparing the Hunt Brothers to the Billionaire’s Boys Club, that there’s no comparison to what’s at stake for these ‘Shorting the Market’ Power Brokers who have no interest at making America first or great again ever!

When You control the Mainstream Media you control the message, and if you’ve been delivering the message for generations without being ever questioned about the validity of the message, then those who continue to base their opinions on that message are easily swayed to believe in anything their told!

You have Amazon and Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos awarded a $600 Million dollar CIA contract to print disinformation about candidate and then President Trump. You have Facebook being called out for selling $135K to Russia during the 2016 elections, but never hear a world about how Bloomberg spent $35 Million dollars doing the same in 2020.

For your information, here are some articles I’ve written over the years that goes into a little more detail then I’m able to do in this article……

If that’s not enough to give me your undivided attention than let me give you a little heads up on George Soros and his favorite hobby:

How can we forget the recently exiting the race Michael Bloomberg after spending $500 Million, or $11.3 Million per delegate, and then his very profitable ties to China before President Trump came along and sliced the one-way trade deficit of $500+ Billion dollars a year with China in half, which you have to figure would have cut into some of those Bloomberg Billions in China profits!

Again, last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu, and it averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year that die every year, but nothing is shut down as life & the economy go on. How is it that at this moment there are 1.037 confirmed cases of Coronavirus, with 31 deaths and the Dems and Mainstream Media are predicting the worlds coming to an end, and the bulk of the American people still believe that both the Dems and the Mainstream Media aren’t corrupt and have plans for America that aren’t quite in line with our founders Constitution and the ‘Rule of Law?’ Think about that for a second and then check out the final stats for the leading causes of death for 2017!

Leading Causes of Death

Data are for the U.S.Number of deaths for leading causes of death

  • Heart disease: 647,457
  • Cancer: 599,108
  • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 169,936
  • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 160,201
  • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 146,383
  • Alzheimer’s disease: 121,404
  • Diabetes: 83,564
  • Influenza and pneumonia: 55,672
  • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 50,633
  • Intentional self-harm (suicide): 47,173

This is the final Data for 2017 by the CDC, and the last available data for a specific year that’s final! Hmmm, I don’t recall any markets crashing at anytime in 2017 because of these numbers, and do you see how the ‘Billionaire’s Boys Club’ possibly used the Coronavirus to stop America from ever being great again, and to help push their Global New World Order before President Trump got reelected in just 8 months?

What the Coronavirus Should Teach All of Us…

First, we should favor governments that are transparent in their distribution of information. China has been celebrated for its extraordinary crackdown on public life, which has brought transmissions down dramatically. But if it were not for China’s propagandistic efforts to quash news about the coronavirus in the first place, the epidemic probably would not have become a pandemic.

Second, we must stop humoring anti-scientific rumormongering about issues like vaccines. The curbing of the coronavirus will be reliant on the development of a vaccine, and Americans should understand that vaccines work, and that misinformation about vaccinations should generally be rejected.

Third, we should remember that crises exacerbate underlying issues; they rarely create them. Economic volatility in the aftermath of the coronavirus has merely exposed the underlying weaknesses of the Chinese and European economies; those systemic problems won’t be solved through Band-Aid solutions. The public health issues with homelessness will likely be exposed dramatically in the United States; they won’t go away when the coronavirus ends. The coronavirus should underscore the necessity for action in the absence of crisis.

Finally, we should remember that charity and local community support matter. Large-scale government response will never be as efficient or as personal as local response. Care for our neighbors. Care for our families. Implement personal behavior that lowers risk. And then wait for more information. Perhaps that’s the best lesson from all of this: Jumping to conclusions based on lack of information is a serious mistake. ~By Ben Shapiro|Mar 11, 2020

It’s about time every American, and I’m not talking about those Americans that are Politically Correct, follow an Identity Politics perception of life, or believe you had no choice and were born with a.k.a ‘Implicit Bias’ that Hillary referred to as being called ‘Deplorable’ that included being racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic” then said I don’t doubt that many of the Donald’s backers are terrible, racist, nativist, and misogynist people!

Hillary’s Podesta then went on to portray Conservative Catholicism members of America’s religious communities as a “bastardization of the faith” and seemed to imply that Evangelicals are a bunch of impoverished country bumpkins! Did you notice that Hillary never mentioned ‘Americans’ who have the 1st amendment right to believe in whatever they want? I’m beginning to think this is why Hillary believes that there is room in the constitution for regulation when it comes to the 1st and 2nd Amendment!

The following graphic is the real Blueprint of what a Hillary victory would have completed if it weren’t for a few members of the ‘Silent Majority’ that saw through the ‘Deep State’s’ plans for the future of America, and that once Hillary lost moved to Plan ‘B’ that I believe is what’s going on with this recent outbreak of the Coronavirus, and of course, just more of the same ‘Conspiracy Theory’ that I’ve been putting out there for quite a while now!

Here are just a few additional pieces of that same theory that might connect some of the dots that might just prove that not all I say is just plain ‘Bull Shit!’