‘Never Trumper’s’ Hate and Racists Claims Miss the Mark, But China Thanks them!

We have President Elect Biden in Georgia calling for Unity in front of 12 people, and one with a car horn that actually works! We have the polls calling the race for the 2 Senate seats being too close to call, and again that close because the ‘Red State’ of Georgia and its citizens, like … Read more

Did the ‘Billionaire’s Boys Club’ Help Tank World Markets to Push Their Global ‘New World Order’ Agenda?

There is no doubt that the Coronavirus is the real deal, but is it the unknown about the virus that’s pushing the markets down, about the deaths it might cause in the future, or is it possibly this new conspiracy theory of mine that possibility deserves a little attention? Last year 37,000 Americans died from … Read more

Bernie’s ‘Socialism’ is Dead, But Obama, Hillary, and Now Biden’s Global Socialism’s NWO is Not!

With ‘Pocahontas’ finally dropping out, but not before hurting Bernie by not seeing the same light that Klobuchar and Buttigieg did before they dropped out before Super Tuesday and throwing their support to Biden, and then after Super Tuesday seeing Bloomberg doing the same, we now see this ‘Indian Giver’ Elizabeth Warren, who in my … Read more

Trump Adm. ’38 Days’ Ahead of Slow Acting Dems and the Coronavirus Threat to America!

You would think that when it comes to the possible threat that the Coronavirus might have on the America that the Dem’s leadership by Schumer and Pelosi would have cared enough to be up to date with everything that the Trump Administration has done since the first patient, a 35-year-old Washington, D.C., man visited an … Read more

Bloomberg: Hillary’s Pro-Globalist Replacement Will Try to Pick up the Ball That Hillary Fumbled Back in 2016!

Bloomberg agenda seems to fall in line with the George Soros funded United Nations plans for the Globalist New World Order that has been in the making since Bush 41 signed the George Soros funded United Nations start up Rio Accords at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in the early 1990’s! The proof … Read more