Executive Orders cannot defy Congressional or Constitutional intent!

AGAIN, Note: Executive Orders/Actions by the president were not designed for, nor do they give a president the authority to use as, a means to override or alter legislation or any other ‘CONSTITUTIONAL VIOLATION!’  Executive Orders cannot defy Congressional or Constitutional intent!

Update: Proof that America’s 2020 election stolen!!

How to Amend the Constitution!

Amending the Constitution was never meant to be simple, and certainty not by a President Elect who has yet to be Constitutionally certified by Congress but thinking he can use executive power he hasn’t even gotten yet, or even if he did have Executive Power, he couldn’t use it Constitutionally or legally to defy Congressional or Constitutional intent! Although thousands of amendments have been discussed since the original document was approved in 1788, there are now only 27 amendments in the Constitution.

Though its framers knew the Constitution would have to be amended, they also knew it should never be amended frivolously or haphazardly. Clearly, their process for amending the Constitution has succeeded in meeting that goal.

In simple terms, Article V prescribes that amendments may be proposed either by the U.S. Congress or by a constitutional convention when and if demanded by two-thirds of the legislatures of the states, and again not by any President using Executive actions.

Click on the link in the title of this section to get all the information you’ll need to know in order to see that this obvious attempt to overthrow the Government of the United States of America by trying to stick a square Socialist New World Order Peg into a Constitutional Republic’s Round hole that comes complete to all elected officials from all 50 states, an instruction booklet on the constitution, understanding the ‘Laws of the Land,’ and understanding that you represent the people of your district and state who elected you to represent them, but even more than that, to protect and defend that constitution that you as an elected official took an oath to follow in those same footsteps that those elected officials from your state followed before you!


Trump Should Have and Did Reverse Obama’s Executive Actions. Here Are 7 Areas to Start.

The proof that President Elect Joe Biden is following his partner in crime Barack Hussein Obama during the time that the pair of them during the Obama Administration, and proves that the oversized China compromised Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Chief Justice Roberts, along with ex-Vice President Joe Biden and ex-President’s Administration corrupt leaders of the FBI, DOJ, and CIA, were in the bag for the New World Order is when Obama after stating that he could act on Immigration without Congress 22 times, that he decided to violate the constitution and the laws enacted by Congress through using an illegal and unconstitutional Executive Order!

Under the U.S. Constitution, Congress, not the president, creates the laws. Article I of the Constitution grants enumerated legislative powers to Congress. The Constitution assigns the executive the duty to enforce the law, and Article II, Section 3 requires that the president “shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.”

However, throughout the last eight years, we have seen the Obama administration continually abuse the power of the executive branch by issuing unconstitutional, unilateral executive actions to push its agenda. The “old days” of Congress creating our laws have become a distant memory.

President Barack Obama even went so far as to announce his unilateralism, saying, “We’re not just going to be waiting for legislation to make sure that we’re providing Americans the kind of help they need. I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone.”

Well, it appears that American voters have their own pens, too, and they’ve put them to their ballots now in a stunning and decisive way. On Tuesday, the American people elected Republican outsider Donald J. Trump to serve as the 45th president of the United States, and on November 3rd 2020 the members of the ‘Swamp’ had to steal not 1 but 3 elections that when the Supreme Court was called upon to protect our Constitutional Selection and Election Process, but when Chief Justice Roberts refused to allow the Supreme Court Justices to hear the case, and then sending those cases back to the lower courts in those same states who were being challenged to make the final ruling, you had to have known right there that something was wrong with the process, and the one person that was supposed to overseeing the Process wasn’t, and that was ‘Chief Justice Roberts!’

Did the 2020 presidential election in four states follow the Constitution, or not?

That is the question 126 Republican members of Congress, including myself, asked the Supreme Court of the United States in an amicus curiae brief in Texas v. Pennsylvania, et al. The amicus brief asked the court if the U.S. Constitution was followed in the November 2020 election in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin.

This is an important question that needs to be answered, for this election and all future elections.

The U.S. Constitution clearly states that presidential electors must be appointed according to rules established by each state’s legislature. In other words, state law determines how presidential elections are conducted.

This did not appear to happen in at least four states during the 2020 election.


In Georgia, state law prohibits the counting of absentee ballots until after the polls open on Election Day. In clear violation of the law, and thus the U.S. Constitution, the State Election Board, not the legislature, allowed processing of ballots up to three weeks before Election Day.


State law states that the deadline for a county board of elections to receive a mail-in ballot is 8 p.m. on Election Day. Instead of following state law, judges, without any authorization by the Pennsylvania General Assembly, usurped legislative power by extending that deadline to three days after Election Day.

In another violation, Pennsylvania’s secretary of state violated Pennsylvania state law, and thus the U.S. Constitution, by removing the state law mandate that requires all applications for absentee or mail-in ballots for non-disabled and non-military voters be signed by the applicant.


State law requires that all absentee ballot requests be requested by the voter through a careful and secure application process requiring a signature. The Michigan secretary of state violated this law, and thus the U.S. Constitution, when she instead set up a website where people could request an absentee ballot.

In Wisconsin:

State law prohibits the use of unmanned drop boxes for ballots. Nevertheless, the non-legislative Wisconsin Elections Commission and other local officials unconstitutionally created hundreds of drop boxes to collect absentee ballots, including the use of unmanned drop boxes.

The amicus brief concludes, “Our constitutional republic has endured for nearly two and a half centuries based on the consent of the governed. That consent is grounded in the confidence of our people in the legitimacy of our institutions of government. Among our most fundamental institutions is the system of free and fair elections that we rely upon, and any erosion in that foundation jeopardizes the stability of our republic.”

I couldn’t agree more.

What you really need to know ‘NOW’ about those 4 states is that Kamala Harris, the still only Vice President elect because Congress never certified the election due to an obvious and perfectly timed storming of the Capital by what was supposed to be a ‘Trump Mob’ that turned out to be a well organized and planned out BLM and Antifa organized ‘Violent Protest’ that was led by a Utah man who was found in the Capitol on January 6th, but also known to be a high ranking organizer for both BLM and Antifa!

‘Capitol Riot Was A “Planned Attack,” Can’t Blame Trump; What Did Pelosi and McConnell Know?’

Kamala Harris illegally and unconstitutionally didn’t bother to disclose her own or her husband’s ties to those Dominion Voting machines that had control over those voting machines in those same 4 states plus in NV, WI, PA, GA, MI, WI, or her husband’s ties, and like Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to Communist China!

I hope you’re getting what I’m trying to tell you here….


Election security: July 27, 2019

The ‘Left,’ with more than a little help from their friends on the ‘Right,’ have declared war on our culture, but we should never back down, nor compromise our principles.

Now, with control of the presidency, both chambers of Congress, and soon the Supreme Court, conservatives across the country are looking forward to repairing some of the damage Obama has inflicted on our constitutional system.

As long promised, Trump should use the first 100 days of his administration to repeal every illegal executive action the Obama administration has issued while in office.

Here is a list of the seven areas with the most damaging Executive Orders or Presidential Memoranda Actions’ that were signed during the Obama administration that must be repealed, and President Trump did:

(Also keep in mind that by Biden, and like Obama, who are trying to change the election laws and the Supreme Court, there won’t be another President Trump to repeal those same Biden Executive Orders or Presidential Memoranda, and that’s why it’s all about stopping this attempt to overthrow our constitutional Republic from within, TODAY!!)

1. Crony Exemptions to Obamacare. While Trump works with Congress to repeal Obamacare, he can start by issuing an order to halt some of Obama’s executive actions that created special exemptions to Obamacare for his favored constituencies.

2. Executive Amnesty. The new president must repeal Obama’s unilateral changes to our nation’s immigration laws, which exempted certain categories of illegal aliens from being deported. (This bar on deportations was halted by a court order, but the underlying exemption remains on the books.)

3. Environmental Protection Agency Overreaches. Trump must repeal Obama’s multiple illegitimate expansions of EPA rules. These new rules have imposed huge costs on society and are crippling the U.S. energy sector.

4. Appeasement of Iran. Trump must repeal the executive order that single-handedly removed U.S. sanctions on Iran. These sanctions provided key leverage to the U.S. in negotiations with Iran, and their removal has cleared Iran’s path in developing a nuclear weapon.

5. Climate Change Bureaucracy. Trump must repeal the executive order that purports to “prepare the United States for the impacts of climate change.” This action from Obama created manifold new justifications for government spending based on inconclusive science.

6. Life and Religious Liberty. Trump should reverse Obamacare’s unprecedented taxpayer funding of abortion. He should also direct the secretary of Health and Human Services to undertake a rulemaking process that will end the mandate for insurance to cover abortion-inducing drugs and contraception, along with “gender transition” therapies and surgeries.

7. “Gender Identity.” Trump should repeal the Obama administration’s Title IX guidance equating “gender identity” with “biological sex.” The Department of Justice and Department of Education have wielded this guidance to punish educational institutions for “discrimination” under Title IX, simply for having separate showers, locker rooms, and bathrooms for men and women.

I think we now know why the ‘Radical Left’ went with Groping, Gaffing, and after 2 Brain surgeries where he told a White House audience that his surgeon said at best he would on be able to expect to get 35% to 50% of the 100% of his brain ever being normal again, and that’s because he new the in and outs of Obama’s plan, and how to executive power, especially when you knew that you’re back was being covered by those same insiders in high places that have the power that those Chinese Professor’s bragged about having in the United States government! They own Chief Justice Roberts, Senate Majority Leader at the time Mitch McConnell, and all the in-betweens that by just using a little hindsight with a touch of deductive reasoning I think you can figure out who those other bad actors are!

Continuing on with, FLASHBACK November 10, 2016..

By making the repeal of these executive actions a priority, the Trump administration will have an easy opportunity to right some of the wrongs of the past administration.

As Henry Ford once said, “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” It’s been a while since conservatives have had an opportunity like this one, and it is imperative we take advantage of it.

Where was the constitution’s oath being implemented by our elected officials in all 50 states then??

It appears they don’t care…but do our Joint Chief’s care?

The only pictures that I’ve seen of the ‘vetted’ National Guards men have been from the back, can anybody tell me if they are Chinese? 

Time for America’s people’s Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) which is the body of the most senior uniformed leaders within the United States Department of Defense, to recognize that what’s going on within our government and past election is an attempt to overthrow America’s government and act according to their oath to protect and defend the Constitution which is being attacked from within by members of both sides of the aisle and the Supreme Court!

When the legislators, courts and/or Congress fail to do their duty under the 12th Amendment, it must the President, but since Congress didn’t certify the election it appears that we don’t have a President right now, and so it’s up to the people using America’s men and women of our military who took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution to immediately declare a limited form of Martial Law, and temporarily suspend the Constitution and civilian control of these federal elections, for the sole purpose of having the military oversee a national re-vote.”

Hey, I’d be happy with just those 4 plus states that Kamala Harris illegally and unconstitutionally didn’t bother to disclose her own or her husband’s ties to those Dominion Voting machines that had control over those voting machines in those same 4 states plus in NV, WI, PA, GA, MI, WI, along with the 7 voting districts during the 2018 Mid-terms that were won by Republicans on election day in Republican Strong holds, but due to the same rule changes that stole the elections in 2020, that were tested in 2018 in California that worked to steal the House back, those same changes back in 2018 reversed all those election day wins for Republican within the next week or so, which enabled Nancy Pelosi to win her 2nd Speaker’s job by 4 votes!!

If you want to check out how we got from the years 1992 to present, then check out my book… ‘The End Game’ along with the 35+ articles I’ve written since turning in the manuscript in the beginning of October, than click this link … ‘The End Game’ Updates.