Packing the Court, SCOTUS Roberts Doing his Job, Masks About Control, Joe’s Mental Capacity to be Prez?

Before I get on with today’s article I thought I would give you the heads on something I’ve noticed, and that’s not because the Mainstream Media is continuing to pass their lies off as the truth, but about what they’re not mentioning, and that’s the unanswered question about if Joe Biden about whether or not he would ‘Pack the Court!’

Update: Proof that America’s 2020 election stolen!!

I guess with the 2 Georgia Senate races on the block, and if the dems take the both of them will create a scenario where the Vice President would have to break the tie, but with Kamala Harris being the deciding vote, and by the way has not only the most progressive voting record in the Senate, but more than that not constitutionally qualified to be the Vice President, like Obama wasn’t qualified to be the President! What’s disturbing is noticing a pattern that on the surface doesn’t seem like a big deal, but when you realize that this is the 2nd time that a President or Vice President in a very short time hasn’t met the constitutional requirement to have to be a Natural Born citizen if looking to run for the Presidency or vice Presidency only, and after everyone that’s come before has always been, then it’s time to do a little research into why this is the case!

I have a theory that might explain it, but then again it’s only conjecture, but if every American is a racist because of ‘Implicit Bias,’ I would have to assume that the same ‘Implicit Bias’ would stand up and fight to protect and defend the land they love and its constitution, Which I have to believe is the reason why the ‘Deep State,’ and the reason why Nancy Pelosi instead of finding another candidate chose to alter Barack Obama’s documents, and why Kamala Harris couldn’t possibly be permitted to be a constitutionally qualified ‘Natural Born’ Citizens!

There are also a couple of blaring facts that have been conveniently overlooked by our elected Officials and the Mainstream Media, and that has to do with the appointment of now Chief Justice John Roberts! John Roberts was appointed to the Supreme Court by the Bush 43, the son of President Bush 41 who was the President who launched the United Nations Agenda 21 back in 1992, and as President himself has fought against the American people supporting a Nationalistic form of governance. but instead pushing for more of a Global reality!

There are also a couple of blaring facts that have been conveniently overlooked by our elected Officials and the Mainstream Media, and that has to do with the appointment of now Chief Justice John Roberts! John Roberts was appointed to the Supreme Court by the Bush 43, the son of President Bush 41 who was the President who launched the United Nations Agenda 21 back in 1992, and as President himself has fought against the American people supporting a Nationalistic form of governance. but instead pushing for more of a Global reality!

Chief Justice John Roberts, for his part, is not likely to want the election to come down to himself and his colleagues, and instead of doing his job will not only skirt the issue when it comes to Kamala Harris being disqualified due to her citizenship to be the Vice President, but in the past Justice Roberts has often tried to distance the court from the political branches of government and the politics he thinks could hurt the court’s reputation. The problem with this for every American should be that Roberts himself with his distancing practices and not wanting to get his colleagues involved, is the intentional equivalent to ‘Packing the Supreme Court!

Where the ‘Rub’ lies with Roberts stance is that he’s basically come out and admitted he also is part of the collusion of the last 28 years, and more than likely appointed by Bush 43 for that exact reason.

Updated this section 12/27/2020

That’s not all though that exposes Chief Justice Roberts intended plans moving forward after the holidays should the need arise to block President Trump’s challenges to the election.

Justices Won’t Hear Texas Challenge to Election!

Oh, a late Friday ‘News Dump’ I see that happened on December 11, 2020 at 6:42 pm EST, and of course intentionally so that the public wouldn’t see it unless they looked for it, or the Mainstream Media gave the American people the heads up, which is something they haven’t done from the first time Barack Obama’s ‘Citizenship’ was questioned by Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Advisor somewhere back in the early to mid 2000’s!

The Supreme Court has denied Texas’ last-ditch effort to overturn the election results in four battleground states that voted for Joe Biden.

The court’s ‘unsigned order‘ was short: “Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another state conducts its elections. All other pending motions are dismissed as moot.”

New York Times: “The move, coupled with a one-sentence order on Tuesday turning away a similar request from Pennsylvania Republicans, signaled that the court refused to be drawn into President Trump’s losing campaign to overturn the results of the election last month.”

Chief Justice again engineered/manipulated another Decision like he did with ‘Citizens United’ Decision to avoid being ratted out, but it’s too late, and that’s because the American people already know that Chief Justice Roberts like many of our elected Officials have abandoned their oath, and unless something happens like President Trump taking a page out of Obama’s playbook and declare his own version of peacetime Martial Law, then expect to be locked down for another year while the Biden Administration reestablishes the United Nations ‘Strong Cities Network’ to make you heel when you finally are allowed to come out of your homes!

In the ‘Citizens United’ decision back in 2010  when the Justices produced both secret unpublished opinions and a rare rearmament of a case. The case, too, reflects the aggressive conservative judicial activism of the Roberts Court. It was once liberals who were associated with using the courts to overturn the work of the democratically elected branches of government, but the current Court has matched contempt for Congress with a disdain for many of the Court’s own precedents. When the Court announced its final ruling on Citizens United, on January 21, 2010, the vote was five to four and the majority opinion was written by Anthony Kennedy.

Above all, though, the result represented a triumph for Chief Justice Roberts. Even without writing the opinion, Roberts, more than anyone, shaped what the Court did. As American politics assumes its new form in the post-Citizens United era, the credit or the blame goes mostly to him.

There are more than a few challenges that these ‘High Fiving’ ‘Never Trumpers’ have chosen to ignore, and that they should thank their lucky stars that President Trump’s team is basically first using what referred to as ‘Kid Gloves’ to challenge these 2020 elections results by just going after the intentionally engineered ‘Vote by Mail’ voter fraud vote tally that supposedly put Biden and his constitutionally unqualified to be sworn in as the Vice President Kamala Harris in the win column!

Taking the ‘Kids Gloves’ off will mean President Trump using his Constitutionally Authorized Executive powers that are granted solely to him by the founder’s constitution to protect America’s Sovereignty, and to keep the American people safe and out of harm’s way, is definitely warranted with what’s going on with the Pandemic, and these governors of ‘Blue State’ run Sanctuary Cities now closing down small businesses under the guise of protecting the People, but now with the scientists that Biden says he will follow, like a dog in heat when making his decisions about what should be done about the pandemic, are now taking back their recommendations to close the Public schools and split on the wearing of masks!

Mandatory Masks Aren’t About Safety, They’re About Social Control!

A new refrain in public discourse is growing in volume by the day: “Things will never be the same.” The certainty with which we are assured of this predetermined future is perplexing. Whether or not “things” will ever be the same is not at all clear, but that some people hope things will never be the same is certain.

To those looking to benefit politically from emergencies, COVID presents an opportunity to advance plans targeted to transform American freedom and the American way of life. Mandatory-masking policies provide a valuable foundation to weaponize the virus against American liberty—now and in the future.

It appears that it was OK for Obama to use his Executive Order power on immigration to allow who are known as the DACA recipients to violate existing Laws on immigration that had already become the Law made by past illegal immigrants, but are now, and through a legal path to citizenship are the ones who wrote, negotiated, and eventually passed those Laws on immigration! And for all of you ‘Never Trumpers’ that keep claiming that America is a nation of immigrants, and decided that they will keep using that excuse to defend Obama’s open border agenda free for all! What they don’t realize is that their is a big difference between then and now, and that back then to settle in an undeveloped land and building a civilization, is not comparable to showing up in a post-industrial nation and signing up for benefits!

We all know that due to the preponderance of the evidence and using the smallest amount of common sense that there is no way in hell that Joe Biden, with his Unconstitutionally qualified Vice President Kamala Harris, who has been credited with the most progressive voting record in all of Congress, could have possibly won the 2020 elections, and that’s just based on a simple observation and having the smallest understanding of what the constitution requires of a candidate that’s only looking to be the President or Vice President, period!

Unfortunately where this gets lost in translation is when the now to be known as the corrupt, and rightly called out by President Trump, Mainstream Media! The Pelosi and Schumer led ‘Radical Left,’ and of course the corrupt Mainstream Media have taken more than a few pages right out of Hitler’s historically known and documented Propagandists handbook, which has now become part of, if not entirely now the ‘Radical Left’s’ playbook!

Joseph Goebbels: On the “Big Lie!”

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie.

Hmmm, does this sound like a contender for why the constitutionally requirement of having to be a ‘Natural Born’ Citizen, especially when it came to Barack Obama, and now Kamala Harris has been and now are being ignored completely by both sides of the aisle, but also being reinforced by the corrupt ‘Mainstream Media?

“Accusing the other side of that which you are guilty.”

This quote has bopped around for quite some time. It is at times attributed to Communists Vladimir Lenin and Karl Marx, National Socialist Joseph Goebbels and sometimes even modern Leftist godfather Saul Alinsky. Regardless of its origin – Leftists are so very excellent at it.

How many times are the ‘Never Trump’ Pelosi Led ‘Radical Left’ going claim that everything President Trump or his Administration does either threatens our Democracy, is creating a Constitutional crisis, or the result of the Russians having something on President Trump that makes him do whatever they want him to do?

Where do I begin… We had the exiting President Obama and his Vice President and now President elect Joe Biden 15 days before President Trump’s inauguration back in 2017, going along with the idea coming from sore loser Hillary Clinton’s Russian collusion Idea that I’m sure she got from candidate Trump’s tongue and cheek comments about maybe the russians could get into her computer like all these other countries who made huge donations to the Clinton Foundation in exchange for something, to possibly find those missing emails that Hillary conveniently lost or intentionally erased!

Does anybody think that eliminating the ‘Electoral College,’ or eliminating the Constitutional rights of due process and the presumption of innocence when first Schumer tried to get Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanagh during the confirmation hearings to believe that he had to prove his innocence because of some made up story about there being two seperate sets of laws, and then again during President Trump’s impeachment hearing where his lawyers weren’t allowed to be present or ask questions, when Nancy Pelosi invited President Trump to hand over any relevant information that would prove his innocence!

Now when it comes to the impeachment inquiry you have to remember that it was Nancy Pelosi who said that she wouldn’t move forward on the impeachment without the bipartisan and general consensus of the House agreeing, but the minute the ‘Whistle Blower’s’ made up assumptions and facts, about the phone call that President Trump had with the leader of Ukraine with another 13 known about people in advance were listening in were released, took a page out of the Democrat’s retired Majority Leader of the Senate Harry Reid, and changed the rules of the House by instead of listening to what the bipartisan consensus that was coming from the members of the House, decided to leave that decision up to the House Judiciary Committee’s leadership of Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler!

I could go on, but I think you have the general idea of what I’m getting at when it comes to the Pelosi and Schumer led ‘Radical Left,’ and their adopting the same strategies that Hitler used to rally the German people behind the lies they used to target the Jewish people, and now appears to be in the same way they targeted President Elect Donald Trump and his following ‘Deplorables’ with their fictitious hoax about the Russians colluding with the Trump Campaign, then the impeachment delusion over a phone call that 13 known about people were listening in to but couldn’t seem to come up with a matching version of the intent or interpretation of that same phone that everybody heard!

The Hitler comparison also seems to ring true with the ‘Radical Left’s same perception of their two main goals of ideological purity with just one overall religious belief that doesn’t include anything that has to do with conservative values or even allowing the term ‘Capitalism’ to be uttered in Public Places! I don’t know if you read about the article I did on the United Nations when Obama laid out the 11 reasons why America basically ‘sucks!’

Now you have to remember that this is after 8 years that President Obama took his first 5 Stop all expenses paid international trip around the world at the expense to the American Taxpayer to officially apologize to the world for America’s past shortcomings, and then come home to a nation of people who had just elected him to the most powerful position of the most powerful and generous nation in the history of the world, only to come home to declare America not being exceptional! Maybe now you can begin to appreciate our founder’s constitutional requirement for anyone that wants be to be the President or Vice President, has to be a ‘Natural Born’ Citizen, which again has nothing to do with where the person is born, but the citizenship of their parents!

After President Obama suggested that America should be ‘Bound by International Laws, and give up control, which is basically double talk meaning confiscating your guns, that the American people, and that doesn’t include the 535 members of congress who were already on board with the 28 year plan to force this Global New World Order down the throats of not only the American people, but the world! If you’re now asking yourself where’s the proof of this conspiracy theory, than just check out the number of times Obama violated the constitution without once being challenged or called out by any of our ‘Oath Taking’ elected officials who were supposedly protecting and defending the constitution while adhering to the ‘Rule of Law!’ What makes all these actions qualify to be what’s known as an official ‘Coup’ is knowing that the corrupt leadership of the FBI, DOJ, and CIA with the help of what’s now known to be the ‘Deep State’ run ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media who were supplying cover for all these once trusted Public Servants, should cause some major jail time, if not worse, for there treasonous behavior against the good and free to speak their mind people of the United States of America!

My point here with using Hitler’s ultimate goals is to show you that it’s not all that different from the pro-Global billionaire Oligarchs agenda of having to kill America’s exceptionalism, eliminate the American people’s constitutional guaranteed rights, and then ‘getting it done’ by using the ACLU, Black LIves Matter, and Antifa as Hitler’s equivalent Gestapo to bring America and the rest of the world’s people to their knees!


First I have to believe that every American Citizen wouldn’t knowingly vote for surrendering their constitutionally guaranteed rights, especially if they knew that voting for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, regardless of how much they might of hated ‘President Trump, would be the result! There is also no way they would have cast any votes for Biden and Harris if they knew what the ‘Deep State’s’ ultimate goal was about keeping the American people in the dark for the last 28 years, and them being used for those same 28 years as what Joseph Stalin called ‘Useful Idiots,’ but in this case useful and illegal Idiot Voters who are what the Dems must depend on in order to survive these days in any election, especially after their Socialist agenda was outed by just the common sense displayed and educated American People that the ‘Radical Left’ refuses to give them the credit that they deserve for actually do knowing!

The Dems have been lying to their base for the last 4 years, but when you have the ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media following and protecting their every lie and innuendo, you got to know that the future of America, even though 2020 elections have been already held, depends on the Trump team’s challenges, and the Supreme Courts, if not blocked by Chief Justice Roberts who has lately been on the record with sending slam dunk decisions that can easily be decided by the Supreme Court to the lower courts for god knows what reason, which by the way President Trump has pointed out to the Mainstream Media and like usual, done nothing to educate the American People, but now, especially with what’s been going on with these challenges to the election results, and watching Pelosi and Schumer’s agents on the confirmation committee questioning Amy Coney Barrett on whether or not she would recuse herself from any cases that could possibly come up pertaining to the election, which by the way were asked before the election was even held! Now if you add the fact that Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham are perfectly placed to stop President Trump challenging the election results, you not only have the ‘Perfect Storm,’ but what could spell the end for the continuation of the greatest experiment in governing where it’s the people who call the shots, and it’s the people who built this government that’s by the People and for the people!

I don’t know about you but I think I’m sending up at least 3 ‘Red Flags’ for me, and would have to believe the same for anyone else that considers themself an American citizen that believes in our founder’s constitutional Republic!

I think it’s very important to check out the 3 links in the 2nd to last paragraph to see why those ‘Red Flags’ are well deserved, and for all of you that checked out my last article and noticed that I’ve allowed anybody who chooses to find out what’s been going on for the last 28 years that’s been leading up to today’s election results, that you can access my 20 years in the making book for free until Sunday Night at 9PM by clicking this link to my book that’s titled ‘The End Game,’ and of course by yours truly!

For a neophyte like myself when it comes to the Law, it appears that more than the Law there is what’s known as Common Sense! The American People can see that Joe Biden in mentally impaired, and if not only due to his age, but by the fact that he’s had 2 brain surgeries to deal with cranial aneurysms that he needed in 1988!

Joe Biden’s Brain Surgeon Once Told Him He Had Less Than 50% Chance Of ‘Being Completely Normal’

In 2013, then Vice President Joe Biden told a story that was both serious and humorous about the two brain surgeries to deal with cranial aneurysms that he needed in 1988.

Biden to Surgeon: ‘What are my chances of getting off this table completely normal?’

Biden said before a the White House audience “they take a saw and they cut your head off” and “they literally had to take the top of my head off.”

When he was being wheeled into surgery, Biden asked the neurosurgeon, “What are my chances of getting off this table completely normal?”

According to Biden seven years ago, the surgeon told Biden his chance of being completely normal was in the 35 to 50 percent range.

“Those of you who are doctors know every profession has their sick jokes,” said Biden. “The joke among docs is: How do you know someone’s had a cranial aneurysm? On the autopsy table. Only 20 percent of the people have it even get to the table.”

“Well, one of the fascinating things is, that the second operation, after the first one, which was a bleed, and they gave me a relatively low chance of surviving,” said Biden.

Doc to Biden: ‘Well, they’re in the 35 to 50 percent range’

“And I’m thinking,” said Biden. “No, swear to God, I mean, you know, jeez. Well, I said, ‘Let me put it to you this way.’ It was a long road to the operating room. I said–this is absolutely a true story–I said: ‘What are my chances of getting off this table and being completely normal?’ He said: ‘Well, your chances of living are a lot better.’

“And I said, ‘OK. What are they?’ He said, ‘Well, they’re in the 35 to 50 percent range.’ And I thought, well–seriously, I was a born optimist–I said, well, hell, that means 35 out of 100, 50 out of 100 make it. I might as well be the one,” said Biden.

Biden finished, “I said: ‘What’s the most likely thing that will happen if I live?’ He said, ‘Well, the side of the brain that the first aneurysm is on controls your ability to speak.’ And I thought: ‘Why in the hell didn’t they tell me this before the ’88 campaign?’ It could have saved us all a lot of trouble, you know what I mean?”

“The only totally un-chartered portion of the universe is the brain,” Biden said at the time. “You know, as we used to say in the Senate, excuse the point of personal privilege here: I had two cranial aneurysms, and they literally had to take the top of my head off. I mean, they take a saw and they cut your head off, and go in to find the artery that is–one was leaking, the other that hadn’t, before it burst.”

Now with that being said, and there not being one American Citizen out there, or more than likely in the world, especially if they got a chance to see one of his performances, that when it comes to the world, I highly doubt it because it would make those Nation leaders who are now celebrating Bidens victory with a congratulatory phone call in one hand and the other outstretched at the end of one of their arms looking to get back some of those taxpayer dollars that Obama gave away with no expectations of every seeing any of it paid back!

If there is one thing we all should have learned over the last 4 years, and that’s now knowing that it wasn’t President Trump who was being blackmailed by the Russians to gain the upper hand, but Joe Biden as Vice President under Barack Obama and his family members who might have been taking advantage of Joes mental deterioration over the years due to the two brain surgeries, and the fact that Joe has been caught being compromised by not only the same Russians, but both Ukraine and China, and his family’s influence peddling business being the intermediators with Joe getting his ‘Fair Share!’

What’s remarkable is that Joe Biden as Vice President from 2014 his Net Worth Was Estimated at -$900K, but Now It’s Much Higher, but it couldn’t have gotten much higher with the Obama Administration’s intentionally suppressed economy until President Trump reversed the policies of over taxing and over the top and unobtainable environmental regulations that not only choked our American made companies to the point of being forced out of business, but instead made them look to move to other countries where there would be more of a friendly economical and financially environment that would be more profitable for their bottom lines!

The last time Open Secrets estimated Biden’s net worth was in 2014, when the site ranked his net worth at -$947,987. At the same time in 2014, ABC News estimated his net worth was between $39,000 to $800,000.

Back in June 2014, Biden referred to himself as “the poorest man in Congress,” ABC News reported. He said that he only wears “mildly” expensive suits, especially when compared to other Congressmen. He said he doesn’t own any stocks or bonds and he has no savings accounts. The Washington Post reviewed those claims more closely and found them to be mostly true.

The Center for Public Integrity noted that in January 2017, he was still likely in the hole, with his assets valued between $303,000 and $1 million, and his liabilities ranging from $545,000 to $1.15 million.

So what changed?

The world coming out of the closet with their ‘GREAT RESET’ plans is what changed, and that the American taxpayer will be on the hook for!

Now if you haven’t figured it out yet, this is the same ‘Great Reset’ that for the last 28 years our elected officials were trying to sneak by the American people because they all knew that it was the ‘American Dream,’ the Constitutional Guaranteed Rights, and the ‘Will’ of the American People that would have to go if the New World Order expected to have a chance of working!

I now think that this would be a good time for the American People to ‘WAKE THE F*CK UP!!!