‘Freedom’ and ‘Not’ Free is the Key to America’s Success!

Anybody that’s falling for this promise of endless riches if you vote for a Democrat for President has shit for brains and could care less about the Individual Rights that are guaranteed to every American Citizen that’s being provided by our Founder’s Constitution!

When it comes to the American Dream there’s a process, and that process doesn’t include ‘Free,’ but instead opportunity and hard work. The Constitution is all about smaller government and giving the ‘Legal American Citizen’ an opportunity to be who and what they chose to be, and not Government who believes in control and  programs, which we know start with the word ‘Free,’ because it’s the only thing they’ve known from the first time they sold that ‘Free’ Snake Oil to the first group of uninspired and less enthusiastic who would rather watch work all day then work, and take and then take little portion of those who do care about those possible opportunities that the Constitution guarantees if one chooses to take advantage of what’s offered!

Dem’s have gone full blown Socialism and now including free college, a.k.a., another 4 years after the Free education that they’ve already received through K-12! I guess the Dems feel that another 4 years of not learning about or being refused to be taught the benefits of Conservative values or why Capitalism made this country what it is today is the American way! Democrats are pushing ‘free’ because they know that if they take back the Senate and the White House through the use of unchecked ‘Voter Fraud,’ as they did to take back the House, that there will no longer be the need for the American Dream or the money that comes from Capitalism and individual rights that create that money that gives this country the power and generosity that it has demonstrated for generations!

The Dems want 18 years old’s not to be held responsible for their decisions! I guess they can join the Army at 18 and choose to get themselves killed or make that decision to vote for whoever they want, and they can buy just about anything they want when it comes to a car, Home, boat, and just about anything else that just requires a signature! I guess when talking about the American Dream and following the protocols that are required to be a Doctor, Lawyer, Architect, or even. in a lot of cases, an actor that requires a degree let alone some advanced degrees!

The Facts About Who Pays the Most in Taxes in America. The top 10 percent of income earners, those having an adjusted gross income over $138,031, pay about 70.6 percent of federal income taxes. About 1.7 million Americans, less than 1 percent of our population, pay 70.6 percent of federal income taxes.

I guess because of the successes of the top 10% that the taxpayer should be on the hook for their unqualified access to that unproven lofty goal or unobtainable skill set as is the student athlete whose odds of making the pros is considered an almost unobtainable long shot!

What’s makes this even worse is that these Dems are trying to eliminate the option of exactly what the Chinese are being charged with stealing, and that’s the highly touted ‘Intellectual Property, and for all of you that think, but not actually sure what that means let me help you..  

 ‘Intellectual Property,’ Intangible rights protecting the products of human intelligence and creation, such as copyright-able works, patented inventions, Trademarks, and trade secrets. Although largely governed by federal law, state law also governs some aspects of intellectual property.

Now that you know what ‘Intellectual Property’ is, why do you think China has to steal it?

China doesn’t guarantee the same individual rights that allows its citizenry to expand their own horizons in search for the same ‘Chinese Dream that our founders, via the Constitution’s guaranteed rights, that the American people find comfort and guarantees in their search for the ‘American Dream!

“Give me just one generation of youth, and I’ll transform the whole world.”

― Vladimir Lenin

‘Millennial’s: Are We the Fools Stalin Hoped for in America?’

-By Amy J. Hawkins

I fear we are in the day that Stalin hoped for: as a Millennial generation, our patriotism is waning, morality is lacking, and spirituality is muddied. This status report applies to my generation but also to those preceding, let alone those who are watching and following us.

What I Want of Us.

I want my generation to cherish America and not dismiss it as an entitlement or a worthless cause. But most importantly, I want my generation to recognize what light is and come to the revelation that they are standing in deep darkness and, with the help of a Savior, to then embrace their God-ordained destiny and purpose on this earth.

Considering the despair, I observe, the grief I feel and the agony for my generation I work to expose, I am resolved to rely on the God of Hope. And I know based on history, even with only a remnant, this nation can be restored. This can also be true about a generation.

With the revelation of a Mighty God, and repentance towards his Principles, I am confident that America is not done, that we can do better, that my generation can become the second Greatest Generation. But the question of so many conservatives, including my own heart, remains: Where do we go from here? How do we reach the younger generation? And who will listen to those of us who “get it”?

Translators Among Us..

There are a small few of us as millennial’s who want to serve as translators of three worlds: we appreciate the past; recognize the danger of the society we’re living in today and yearn to turn things around for tomorrow’s history books. We have one hand gripping on the truth of yesteryear, trying during this whirlwind of a culture to understand the truth of today, and with the energy that is left attempting to plant seeds for the future while hunkered down fighting for our lives. And sometimes it feels like we are losing.

If leaders took time to help us process all the, understand our culture, determine how to translate the never changing absolute standards into language we understand, they might find the next American greats. The future George Washington Carvers, Ben Franklins, Harriet Tubmans, and Abigail Adams are diamonds in the rough waiting to be discovered.

We must work – and pray – to awaken a generation so that Joseph Stalin’s dream does not come true. I do not want the founding fathers’ America to die. The agenda and marching orders of the 21st century’s Stalin must not win. I do not want to lose more of my generation mentally, spiritually and physically.

The Threat Among Us.

Relativism. Our world is very convoluted. Everything is relative. There are few absolutes and of those that do exist, many are morphed from their original intent. We have been raised on crumbling bedrock of diluted and re-created “truths”. It would not be surprising if we have the most dis-discombobulated worldview since the fall of the Roman Empire.

This young adult generation has grown up in a culture of death. Our understanding of the value of life, from the unborn to the aging senior, is non-existent because we do not value our own. And, sadly, many times death is more appealing than life.

Our standards of right and wrong have been reconfigured, and the recognition now of the consequences of broken standards is slow to hit our consciences. Truth has been redefined to fit our cultural definitions. And any repercussions of our decisions is mocked and wrestled to push aside feelings of discomfort.

Those with liberal agendas use bold and voracious attempts to claim our minds, hearts, spirits, and souls. They might be winning the airwaves, our attention, and the conversation but they are not winning our spirits. Deep down inside we know that something is still amiss.

You and I Must Do Something.

The good news is that no matter how many redefinition’s of standards, or absolute morals they do not change what is written on our hearts by a Holy God. What we do not need are “adults” to allow us to change right and wrong. We need leaders, young and old, to keep your eyes on the higher purpose and goal and challenge us to rise to the level of excellence that we are capable of achieving among our peers. We need examples to follow.

Sex only after marriage? Impossible? No, possible. Cutting corners and cheating at work and school, and in our relationships? Possible of getting by with? Yes, but it cheats us as much as it is wrong, of the experience and growth that comes with doing things with honesty and integrity. Getting something under the guise that “we deserve it” – is it attainable? Sadly, yes. But if it does not fit within the boundaries of responsibility, we do not need it. Life is not fair. Do not “trick” us into believing otherwise. Honoring both women and men and their different roles? Is it challenging? Sure but it is the way of nobility, wisdom, and honor and can be done.

Set examples. Find the few odd ducks in this generation who walk to a different beat and invest in them. Encourage those who are doing things the right way. Strengthen those who are doing things with honor and integrity even if they are alone. Encourage us that we are on the right road. Support our marriages. Show us how to have healthy home lives with our children. Demonstrate what it means to value and cherish life at all stages. Talk to us about your stories, and the rewards of doing things right.

Too much blood has been spilled and sacrifice made for me not to do my part in fighting to save our freedoms and preserve this country. A healthy nation comes from a healthy people. A healthy people walk in sound heart, mind, and soul. And that comes when walking in step with God, truth, and His standards.

So, I guess you could say, this is a call to war.

Joseph Stalin and his like – must not and will not win my generation or my nation. Things are not over. Believe me, I know that we can do things so much better than what Stalin hoped for us. We are Americans.

– ajh

The lie that Dems believe the American people believe to be true is why this outsider non-politician, with these same so-called Democratic who already, with a 12.8% ‘approval,or if you prefer, a 87.2% ‘disapproval’ rating of Congress’s performance! I guess that saying that goes ‘You can lead a Horse to water by you make them drink’ holds true when talking about how America isn’t taking the bait when it comes to what’s driving everything the Democratic Party has been about for the last 27 years starting with Bush 41 back in the 1990’s, and then Bill Clinton approval via an Executive Order that supported the United Nations Agenda 21, a.k.a., Socialism be rationed through a ‘New World Order!!’