‘Globalist’ Bush 43’s Chief Justice Roberts: An Extension of Obama’s ‘Never-Trump’ 9th Circuit Court of Appeals!

It appears that another Justice to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals equivalent appears to have revealed his true identity, and it’s none other than Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Roberts!

You remember the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals that Obama and exiting Senate Majority stuffed with progressive justices and judges after they changed the rules to only need a simple majority of 51 votes (Nuclear Option) in the senate to approve an addition to the lower courts when the standard has always been 60 votes! The reason was to to stop anyone who dare attempt to undo any of Obama unconstitutional or illegal actions by using their Progressive interpretation of founder’s constitution and ‘Rule of Law’ instead of the intended letter of the law interpretation of the same constitution!

Obama’s Progressive interpretation was to stop rookie President Trump at the time from temporarily banning Muslims along with other refugees and unvetted illegal immigrants from certain nations from entering the country because of the back up in requests to enter the country, and the history of those countries past anti-American unknown intentions!

Do remember when President Trump was trying to execute his Constitutional responsibility to protect and defend not only America’s sovereignty, but to ensure the safety of the American people when….

A Judge Just Cited a Trump Tweet When Ruling Against Him. Again.

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals cited a recent tweet from President Trump in a decision to block his revised travel ban.

The three-judge panel concluded that by passing a revised version of executive order suspending refugees from six majority Muslim countries, Trump exceeded his authority, violating immigration law and discriminating against people based on their nationality.

The judges concluded the order was discriminatory in part because there is no evidence that allowing the people blocked by the order is detrimental to the United States. Part of their justification, they explain, rests on Trump’s own tweet from June 6, where he cited the dangers posed by the countries, not the citizens of the countries.

Doesn’t anybody think it strange that any time Pelosi and company need something to hold over someone’s head that they go back not only days, months, and years, but decades to dig up the darkest and deepest secrets to force whoever that might be to cave to their demands, but when it comes to going back and finding past passed laws that would hurt their cause that you are all of a sudden a ‘Racist,’ ‘Bigot,’ and all the other members of Hillary’s basket of ‘Deplorables’ if you’re on the right, or Joseph Stalin’s considered ‘Useful Idiots’ if you’re on the ‘Left?’

The truth of the matter is that …

ISLAM WAS BANNED FROM THE USA IN 1952, but Obama didn’t want you to know that at the time, nor does he respect or uphold US law. The Immigration and Nationality Act passed June 27, 1952 revised the laws relating to immigration, naturalization and nationality for the United States. That Act, which became Public Law 414, established both the law and the intent of Congress regarding the immigration of aliens to the US and remains in effect today.

Among the many issues it covers, one found in Chapter 2, Section 212, is the prohibition of entry into the US if the alien belongs to an organization seeking to overthrow the government of the United States by force, violence or by other unconstitutional means.”

This, by its very definition, rules out Islamic immigration to the United States but this law is being ignored by the White House.

Islamic immigration to the United States would be prohibited under this law because the Koran, Sharia Law and the Hadith all require complete submission to Islam, which is antithetical to the United States government, the Constitution and to the Republic.

All Muslims who attest that the Koran is their life’s guiding principal subscribe to submission to Islam and its form of government.

Now the politically correct crowd would say that Islamists cannot be prohibited from entering the United States because Islam is a ‘religion.’

Whether it is a ‘religion’ is immaterial because the law states that aliens who are affiliated with any organization that advocates the overthrow of our government are prohibited.

When the Trump administration announced its controversial travel ban in January 2017, suspending immigration from several predominantly Muslim countries, it cited a provision enshrined in U.S. law six decades earlier.

Specifically, the executive order cited a section in the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, also known as the McCarran-Walter Act, which gave the president power to “suspend” or “impose…restrictions” on the entry of all or certain immigrants, if he finds that such entry “would be detrimental to the interests of the United States.”

Now if that doesn’t do it for you than know that like Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, and Nadler, I can go deeper and with just as much, if not more, gusto……

The Obama Administration went out of its way by ordering Homeland Security to scrub those files of the whereabouts of Muslim terrorists on American soil?


Not only did the Obama administration scrub counter-terror programs of jihad and Islam, now we find out that his administration scrubbed the records of Muslim terrorists. If the enemedia were not aligned with the jihad force, this would be front-page news across the nation.

An agent of the Department of Homeland Security, or DHS, for 15 years, Philip Haney, reported Friday that after the Christmas Day underwear bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, tried to blow up a crowded passenger jet over Detroit, “President Obama threw the intelligence community under the bus for its failure to ‘connect the dots.’ He said, ‘This was not a failure to collect intelligence; it was a failure to integrate and understand the intelligence that we already had.’”

Haney revealed:

“Most Americans were unaware of the enormous damage to morale at the Department of Homeland Security, where I worked, his condemnation caused. His words infuriated many of us because we knew his administration had been engaged in a bureaucratic effort to destroy the raw material – the actual intelligence we had collected for years and erase those dots. The dots constitute the intelligence needed to keep Americans safe, and the Obama administration was ordering they be wiped away.”

After Obama, like Joe Biden did when he bragged about his Billion dollar Quid Pro Quo against the Ukraine President to protect his son on live and in living color TV, and then deny it, we have Chief Justice Roberts seeing Barack Obama on the same live and in living color confess to his illegal and unconstitutional actions when it comes to immigration and the already known by law fate of the DACA recipients, but Roberts pulled an audible and just proved to all America that his true colors are not Red, White, and Blue!!

Obama Said 22 Times he Lacks Power to Change Immigration Law!

Ted Cruz Completely DESTROYS John Roberts on Senate Floor Over DACA Decision


In a remarkable moment on the floor of the U.S Senate, Ted Cruz (R-Texas) used his ten minutes to take a flamethrower to the Supreme Court decision over Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).

Calling Roberts’ repeated siding with the liberals on the court a charade, he said, “Everyone knows the game they’re playing. They’re hoping that, come November, there’s a different result in the election, that a new administration comes in and decides that amnesty is a good thing.”

His fiery speech began:

Mr. President, today’s U.S. Supreme Court Ruling, in the Department of Homeland Security versus the University of California Regents, is disgraceful. Judging is not a game. It’s not supposed to be a game. But, sadly, in recent years, more and more, Chief Justice Roberts has been playing games with the court to achieve the policy outcomes he desires. This case concerned President Obama’s executive amnesty. Amnesty that President Obama decreed, directly contrary to federal law. He did so with no legal authority. He did so in open defiance of federal statutes.

He then tore apart the decision itself:

President Obama’s executive amnesty was illegal the day it was issued, and not one single justice of the nine Supreme Court justices disputed that. Not a one. Chief Justice Roberts wrote the majority opinion, joined by the four liberal justices on the court. This is becoming a pattern. The majority believes that Obama’s executive amnesty is illegal, and then, bizarrely, holds that the Trump administration can’t stop implementing a policy that is illegal.

Cruz points out the legal knots into which Roberts tied himself:

The majority holds that, of course, an administration can stop an illegal policy. “All parties agree”—that’s a quote—all parties agree that “DHS may rescind DACA.”


The majority then says, “You know what? The agency’s explanation wasn’t detailed enough.”

He also reflects on the pattern of legal mumbo-jumbo Roberts has engaged in to side with the liberals on the court:

That is exactly the sleight of hand that Chief Justice Roberts did, almost exactly a year ago today. In another case where the Chief Justice joined with the four liberals and struck down another one of the Trump administration’s policies. The Commerce Department, which is charged with conducting a census every ten years, wanted to ask a commonsense question: “Are you a citizen of the United States?” That’s a question that has been asked in nearly every census since 1820.

Calling the Democratic Party and the press the party of illegal immigration, Cruz proceeded to destroy that argument too:

What did John Roberts do? He wrote an opinion that says, “Yes, of course the Commerce Department has the authority to ask in the census if you’re a citizen.” Of course they have!


But, no, John Roberts, a little twist of hand. You know what? The Commerce Department didn’t explain their reasoning clearly enough.

Cruz is clearly onto the game Roberts has played, piercing the veil to reveal him as a pro-amnesty Never Trumper. Roberts gave us Obamacare, and now he’s given us amnesty too. This allows the Democrats to run out the clock until November, hoping that Uncle Joe can take the White House and save them from the Bad Orange Man, implement permanent amnesty, and turn the United States into the illegal immigration utopia they all envision.

Like Chuck Schumer telegraphed his intention to impeach Supreme Court Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh if they dare mess with Rove v. Wade, Ted Cruz has given a better reason for why the Republicans should take back the House, and that’s so they can impeach Pro-Globalist and ex-president George W. Bush’s Pro New World Order ‘Plant’ Chief Justice John Roberts!