‘Radical Left’ Using ‘Scorched Earth’ and COVID-19 Strategies to Kill MLK’s All American Dream!

**I’ve been missing in action for the last week or two because I’ve been working on a project that will be finished by the 4th of July. I will be back in full time then, but in the mean time have a great 4th of July weekend!

A scorched-earth policy is a military strategy that aims to destroy anything that might be useful to the enemy when retreating from a position.

It appears that the enemies are the American people, the American Dream, and the believers in Martin Luther King who stated that his first dream in his famous ‘I Have a Dream’ Speech was:

I say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.

What these agents of the Pelosi led Progressive Left are looking to destroy are all those things that dreams are made of, and can only be realized in today’s world in America and on American soil!

First to go are the memories of America’s past history no matter if it’s it good or bad, the dreams of owning your own business, and the belief that our elected officials aren’t behind all of the misery that the American people are being forced to endure, and for their ambitious but clandestine bipartisan effort to deliver America and the American people to that long list of member nations that have already succumbed to the dictates of the George Soros sponsored United Nation’s numbered Agendas that will eventually end up as the inevitable New World Order!

That only will happen if the American people choose to elect Joe Biden as the figurehead whose job it will be to just do what he’s told by the hidden from sight powers to be that have no interest of preserving our Republic, but to only to leave it broken the way they left Venezuela after just a short 20 years after once being considered the 4th richest country in the world!

I’m only bringing this to everyone’s attention because we don’t have our elected officials leading the nation in its hour of need, while the Mainstream Media continues to leave us in the dark by not delivering the truth about what’s going on in America to the people! MSNBC prime-time ignore Seattle’s plans to dismantle ‘CHOP’ zone after shootings, and in the same way the Mainstream Media’s hatred shows negatively in 92% of the time that President Trump’s presidency is covered!

Speaking of George Soros, the financier and puppet masters of both BLM and Antifa who seem not to have done their homework, especially when it comes to both of these domestic terrorist groups whose leader, Hawk Newsome, head of Black Lives Matter of Greater New York, wants to “burn down the system” if the country “doesn’t give us what we want!” Now am I supposed to believe that this man shouldn’t be labeled the same as Osama Bin Laden, al-Baghdadi, and all the others that have died threatening America and it’s people, and am I and the rest of the American people supposed to believe that he also should be dealt with accordingly!

Now we have the Pelosi Progressicrats using, as a last ditch effort to steal another election, the COVID-19 virus that is supposed to be the ‘cats meow’ when it comes to viruses, but instead being proven to be just another prop that that’s numbers can be played around with to get the biggest bang for their buck, especially when there are only 4 months left until the 2020 elections, and all the hoopla is beginning to run thin with the American people!

Of course the COVID-19 virus is real and contagious, but we’re finding out that more cases are being uncovered because of the testing is findings that the number of deaths ratio to the number of new cases being discovered are lower than what the common flu numbers are, which by the way no Mainstream Media seems to be reporting on! How many of you knew that in the winter of 2018 that 80,000 Americans died from the Flu? Crickets is what I heard, and they sure as hell didn’t close down the economy and open the gates to all Antifa and Black Lives Matter to help themselves to anything they wanted from these local mom and pop small businesses!

I played golf on Sunday with a friend who lost his uncle because of a bad heart that resulted in a heart attack, they all knew this but when they got the death certificate the cause of death was listed as by virus, and when they went to get the cause of death changed they were told that they would have to take them to court to get that change made……

Move ahead to Wednesday to a golf league I play golf in to hear a conversation going on about how hospitals receive somewhere around $14,000 for every patient that dies of the COVID-19 virus….Hmmm…

Now add that to ‘Blue’ State Governors and Mayors like Bill DiBlasio of New York City telling his trackers and testers not to ask those who tested positive for the COVID-19 virus whether or not they participated in a Antifa or Black Lives Matter Protest!

The point that I’ve been trying to make over the last 3 paragraphs is that if the number of deaths compared to the number of people who have tested positive for the COVID-19 virus is much lower lower than we originally feared — and highly concentrated in the very elderly and people with serious health problems. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ­estimated in May that the coronavirus kills about 0.26 percent of the people it infects, and as the number of people test positive for the virus increases and the number of deaths keep lowering, it seems more than likely that the 0.26 rate will go a lot lower!

Let’s not forget the hospitals who are getting paid if a death is related to the Coronavirus, and if the number of people infected are violating the Social Distancing that’s being mandated but not followed by these protesters, looters, and rioters, than what should these manipulated numbers mean when it comes to the future of America, and the upcoming 2020 elections?

After failing to deliver a win using any of the Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, and Nadler attempts to take down this duly elected President over the last 4 years, Pelosi and Schumer have decided to go with their ‘Scorched Earth’ strategy to try and draw favor from the American voters. Now if that wasn’t enough bad news, the Dem’s replacement base of illegal immigrants who were to replace their once American made minority base, and who are not getting their share of the COVID-19 monetary Aid package because they’re not citizens first of all, but the jobs they held before the virus are now being killed across the nation, and as a result their call to go back home from whence they came is sounding better every day!

Now add the China inspired COVID-19 virus nipping at there heels because to get sick is to expose themselves to the illegal status that they all carry with them, and the label of supporter that Pelosi and Schumer have tattooed them with! Pelosi and Schumer keep shooting themselves in the foot, then know that when it comes to immigration President Trump offered 3X the amount of illegal immigrants a path to citizenship than Pelosi and Schumer were looking for, but instead of negotiating just ‘Pulled up stakes’ and moved on to the next ‘Never Trump’ debacle hoax!

Was 9/11 the catalyst that gave the George Soros’s of the World ‘Billionaire Boy’s Club’ the opening to finish off what Bush 41 started back in 1992 with Bill Clinton seizing the moment in 1995 to ink the Executive Order that launched the George Soros sponsored Agenda 21’s ‘End Game’ New World Order?

Is this the first time the American people finally realizing that it’s not president Trump they’re trying to take down, but the American people’s Guaranteed Constitutional rights that will hinder the New World Order’s ability to control the masses? Will those same rights and the people that continue to follow them be the once undefined definition of extreme by the United Nation’s ‘The Strong Cities Network’ whose job description has always been to fight against an undefined at the time of its inception, ‘Extremism’ which is beginning to be defined as anyone or thing that follows our founder’s lead, Capitalism, or conservative values?

Biden’s going back to the 3 R’s, Russia, Racism, and ruining my fathers once respected and admired Democratic Party!

Are you ready for this one……

‘Joe Biden slams Donald Trump over report Russia put bounties on US troops in Afghanistan!’ Really?

As I recall it was the Obama/Biden Administration that targeted America’s state and local police using racism in order to replace them with United Nation’s international forces that they intended to use for the world to enforce one set of laws for the world to follow! If I’m not mistaken wasn’t it the Obama/Biden Administration who promised to come to the aid of the Syrian people if the Russian backed leader of Syria dare gas his own people again, but when they did, Obama and Biden did nothing to answer the promise they made on behalf of the American people?

If I’m not mistaken wasn’t it the Obama/Biden Administration that sold 20% of America’s Uranium to Russia without congresses approval, and wasn’t it the Obama/Biden Administration when asked by Ukraine for weapons to fight against Russia’s advance into Crimea chose to instead sent them blankets instead?

How about just one more? How about the hack of the DNC during the 2016 election that was blamed on Russia who was supposedly using Wikileaks as their outlet, but later discovered, but not reported to the American people that a new addition to the DNC’s IT department that went by the name of Seth Rich, would have been the cure all that could of solved the case in a very short period of time, but NOooooo, that would let an opportunity for the Progressive Left to exploit another piece of ‘Fake’ News from another ‘Fake’ or non-existent possible source!

Seth Rich Who?

Some are speculating that Hillary Clinton is behind the murder, because Rich could have been the DNC staffer responsible for leaking the 20,000 damaging DNC emails to Wikileaks. The allegation is that powerful Sanders allies convinced Rich to leak the data.Washington, D.C. Metro Police are baffled by what they found and calling it a botched robbery made no sense since nothing was taken and his watch was even still on his wrist. All that was left to be said was that a 27-year-old Democratic staffer Seth Conrad Rich was murdered in Washington DC.

The killer or killers took nothing from their victim, leaving behind his wallet, watch, and phone.Shortly after the killing, Redditors and social media users were pursuing a “lead” saying that Rich was en route to the FBI the morning of his murder, apparently intending to speak to special agents about an “ongoing court case” possibly involving the Clinton family.

[via The Gateway Pundit]

Conspiracy theories started, but now, four months later with no leads and the case going conveniently cold, his parents are starting to act. Keep in mind that Rich was working on election data for the DNC, and remember, at that time, the DNC was conspiring to help Hillary by sabotaging Bernie Sanders.

Many now believe this is what Rich ran across, and he was a whistleblower.

By Rachel Alexander, a Friend of America!

Seth Rich was previously employed at a data firm that had worked with the Clintons. After news of possible corruption emerged between the Clinton Global Initiative and Kleeb, supposedly that led to Sanders’ cronies pressuring Rich to leak what was going on.

Rich was a data analyst, so it is very possible he could have had access to the DNC’s emails. Julian Assange of Wikileaks said recently on TV that it wasn’t Russian hackers who intercepted the emails, as the Hillary Clinton campaign has alleged; instead, any one of several staffers within the DNC could have leaked them.The myth-debunking site Snopes labeled the suspicion over Rich’s death as false.

This is strange, since how does Snopes know that it is false? The police haven’t even completed their investigation yet, which Snopes admits. Many murders go unsolved, including several of the strange deaths of people associated with the Clintons. A $25,000 reward is being offered for information about who killed Rich.


Was Seth Rich murdered by Hillary’s order? Was he fatally shot by her people, or he was a victim of a robbery? These are very debatable questions. Many people debated what happened to the

DNC employee, including the WikiLeaks founder-Julian Assange. WikiLeaks even announced that they would reward a $20,000 for information that lead to a conviction in the Seth Rich case.The case has no witnesses, clues, or evidence which is very suspicious to the American people and it has sparked many to revisit claims of a possible Clinton kill list.

VIA Conservative Daily Post

Clue#1: Less than a week after the initial WikiLeaks email dump, Rich was shot in the back of the head late at night while walking back to his apartment. He was not robbed nor was his apartment broken into.

Clue #2: Julian Assange has never offered a reward of any kind and has never spoken on behalf of anyone being named as a source.When you watch the two-minute video below, notice Assange’s mannerisms and how careful

thought out his answers are. He is struggling to keep Rich a secret, but we can clearly see he was the source that played a major role in taking down Hillary Clinton.

Clue #3: Hidden Americans recently released investigative analysis on the multiple ways in which Seth Rich was connected to Hillary Clinton’s campaign. They showed a link between Julian Assange and Seth Rich, and that Assange had all but confirmed Rich was helping him.

After all, Seth worked in the voter database division, so he had access to the database centers–which could be how Assange gained access to all the DNC’s data materials and emails.

Clue #4: John Podesta, Hillary’s campaign chairman and top ally, emailed about “making an example out of the leaker.”

One can easily see how quickly this can go from a conspiracy theory to a strong argument. There are many clues here that point to the Clintons having Seth Rich murdered. The evidence appears to be strong enough for Julian Assange to risk it all by trying to help solve this murder.

Although Julian Assange has not officially indicated that Rich was his source, he did admit that Rich was murdered assassination style, and that points a giant finger towards the Clintons and their long history of “mysterious murders.”It was reported that Rich was shot in the back of the head while he was leaving his car. He was not robbed, moved, or anything. His apartment was not broken into, nor was any evidence left behind indicating he was robbed.This raises some serious questions, because he was murdered just after WikiLeaks started to releasing the emails. He knew that the Democrats were corrupted as hell, and made the right decision. Because of him today, the President of the U.S. will be Donald Trump. Thank you, Seth Rich, prayers for your family!

The Dems Russians are coming, the Russians are coming, is now officially a Hoax, and has no legs to stand on!

It appears now that it was never about the Radical Left’s accusations against the Trump collusion with the Russia to win an election, but about protecting the radical Left’s own commitment to the New World Order! Back on May 6, 2017 and even before the election of 2016, that the ‘Deep State’ was trying to tie Putin’s negative position on the New World Order with President Trump’s negative position on the United Nations 3 Agendas leading to the same long awaited New World Order!

How is it that the Mainstream Media thought that an alternative motive to the Russia colluding with the Trump Campaign wasn’t needed to be known by the American people by the 2018 Midterms let alone the upcoming 2020 Presidential election, which is now just a couple of months away? I don’t know about you but what the Pelosi led ‘Radical Left’ is planning to do is the equivalent of a individuals rights ‘Dead End’ where being a number is more important than having a name with charisma, character, and a sense of humor!

World Gets Behind Putin’s Vow To Destroy New World Order!

Brave Vladimir Putin has rocketed up the popularity charts of world figures according to a British poll, proving that his determination to destroy the New World Order has started to resonate with people all over the world.

This international poll shows that people all over the world have started to wake up and notice, and they are now backing Putin in their droves.

Do not be surprised if the mainstream media attempt to convince you of something deeply disturbing in the near future.  We’ve had the Panama Papers leak and the mainstream media’s attempt to smear Putin.  Never in history has the New World Order had such a firm grip on Western media operations.  At the same time the New World Order has never had such a committed and formidable enemy as they have in Vladimir Putin.

Are we supposed to believe now that Putin is a bigger enemy to America than the tag team of Xi, the self proclaimed life time leader of China, and his biggest advocate George Soros who said back in 2009, the same year Obama was sworn in for his first term: