“God Dam America,” $5B Too Much for the ‘Wall!’

Pelosi and Schumer have officially adopted Reverend ‘God Dam America’ Wright’s 2007 slogan when he was religiously advising parishioner and Presidential candidate Barack Obama and his family back in Chicago while at the same time the Obama ‘Deep State’ was plotting their attack to destroy America from within!

Let’s pretend that the Dems actually cared about the American people, but are just to stupid to understand how money works, how budgeting works, and like most American’s, don’t spend money they don’t have. Now let’s pretend that the American are so stupid that they believe the $5 Billion President Trump is looking for the ‘Wall’ is to much, and way to expensive for the American peoples ‘Wall!’

“Lets also understand that the Constitution give the President of the United States the constitutional right to on his own to declare whether or not immigration is threatening the safety of the American people or the sovereignty of the nation!”

“The exclusion of aliens is a fundamental act of sovereignty … inherent in the executive power,” the Supreme Court said in 1950. And lest there be doubt, Congress adopted a provision in 1952 saying the president “may by proclamation and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens and any class of aliens as immigrants or non-immigrants” whenever he thinks it “would be detrimental to the interests of the United States.”

Democrats keep insisting that ‘Walls’ in general are to antiquated when we can have a technical ‘Virtual Wall’ that would be cheaper, but cheaper compared to what first of all, and easily able to be ‘shut off’ at the flip of a switch should the winds of political change blow the Progressive Socialist’s way!

Now let’s not forget About Hillary’s mentor and employer Saul Alinsky where one of his 8 points to transform a nation Socialism is DEBT: Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty! Then he had following that act ‘Cloward and Piven’ who were disciples of Saul Alinsky who were at Ivy League Columbia University who mentored ‘Foreign’ Student Barack Obama for the 4 years he was there getting his degree in Political Science that believed in: Called for overloading the U.S. public welfare system in order to precipitate a crisis that would lead to a replacement of the welfare system with a national system of “a guaranteed annual income and thus an end to poverty”.

Now how is $5 Billion not the easy and cheap fix that all Americans want when Democrats have been, and always will be when taxing and spending without any regard to who it hurts, why it would hurt our Constitutional Republic, and why it’s not in the corner of the ‘will’ of the American people!

How much would medicare for all cost? An independent analysis of Sanders’s plan conducted by the left-leaning Urban Institute estimated that it would cost $32 trillion over 10 years. And those are just the financial costs!

Bernie Sander’s free college for all going to state schools would cost the taxpayer, Bernie’s numbers, $70 Billion a year!

Obama channeled $90 Billion dollars to shore up Obamacare without Congressional approval!

Obama’s top donors received 80% of his green energy contracts where 100% went bankrupt that cost the American taxpayer $36.5 Billion dollars!

Hillary’s State Department either lost or misplaced $6 Billion dollars while she was Secretary of State!

Obama delivered, without Congressional approval, $1.8 Billion to Iran that they used not on their people or the infrastructure of their country, but to sponsor terrorism, which Obama’s last Secretary of State John Kerry who confessed that Iran did and will use the money for that purpose!

Dem’s have somehow Okay-ed, or diverted, or Obama signed Executive Orders or Presidential Memoranda, to keep paying for illegals financial support, healthcare, welfare,etc to the tune of $200 Billion a year, and doing it before taking care our homegrown in need poverty-stricken Americans, homeless American vets, American’s trapped in Sanctuary cities with crime rates higher than ever in American history!


Remember the promise in 2006 of a fence on our southern border? Yes, it was the plan, but the $1.2 billion-dollar plan was never executed as proposed. See why below…


Where did the $792 Billion dollars of taxpayer money go for Obama’s ‘Fiscal Stimulus Plan’ by Democrats go? See where it all went on the link below…..


How can we forget the Obamacare Website contract that was given to a Canadian Company, not American, that cost $5+ Billion dollars, where the Companies CEO, I think that was her title, was a college buddy of Michelle Obama!

Let’s not forget where taxpayer money has gone in the ongoing bailout of the financial system. Our database accounts for both the broader $700 billion bill and the separate bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Let’s check these bailouts by checking out the link below!    Hmmm…


Let me see if I got this right, they, meaning the Dems, can’t come up with the $5 Billion for the ‘Wall”

‘Sleazy Slouching’ Schumer, along with the ‘Desperately Needing Prevagen’ Pelosi has made this fight personal, and by doing so, shitting on the American people, who they could actually care less about!!