I Guess it Doesn’t Matter if You’re Comparing Apples to Apples if You’re a Liberal!

The biggest and most obvious comparison when it comes to Apples to Apples is how America’s elite members of Congress, who flick their noses at the common people on a daily basis, that is of course unless they’re need to show up in exchange for some kind of entitlement to vote for something they think the American people are to dumb to understand that it’s good for them, are the same elite members of Congress’s politicians whose ideas were replaced by an outsider ‘non-politician’ Billionaire Businessman ideas who was only forced to come down off that shelf of candidates for President who actually care about what the American people care about, and listened!

You would think that after the American people gave Congress as a whole an approval rating of just 12.8% that the status quo, especially after the last 21 months since President Trump won the election, that maybe it would be time to move on from the Obama and Hillary decision to run on Socialism, to something with more substance and based on something more in line with our founding fathers original vision that’s worked for some 240 years plus!

Apples to Apples?

I think to start off with some possible new ideas to run on that maybe something along the way of dealing with some kind of ‘Term Limits,’ and that’s the lack of term limits have given these ‘Barnacles’ on the Hill  plenty of time to make those outside interest’s ties that finally made their unforced decision to stay in office financially worth their while because they could finally get paid for the whims and terms of outrageous fortunes given to them by the passage of ‘Citizen’s United,’ that made their decision to serve the people and marketing their influence to outside interests a very profitable endeavor!

After all these years of public service and getting paid what our elected officials getting paid what they consider minimum wage compared to the people they’re forced to gravel to for donations, its nice to see now that they’re getting what they deserve while deserting their oath of office, and understand that the corruption that went on behind the Obama Administrations closed doors is real, and that the truth and lies behind the Russian colluding with the Trump Campaign is not only the biggest hoax by an opposing Party to dethrone an elected by the people President, but something we’re all  beginning to see a little more day in and day out for every day for the last 21 months, with I’m sure to come and more people being exposed that are higher up on the food chain!

Apples to Apples?

I guess Apples to Apples means when it comes to the Progressive Left it has nothing to do with a Progressive President vs. a Conservative President ,but whether or not they care about the truth, care about defending and protecting the Constitution, choose to abide by the ‘Rule of Law,’ and care about the peoples mandate more than making it a contest to prove who is right or wrong when it comes to using one or the other sides intent and interpretation of our founding fathers vision in order to cancel out our founding father’s vision! Now that to me is about Apples to Oranges and not Apples to Apples, especially when it comes to the way Obama and Trump handled those items listed above individually and definitely differently!

How about the way either one of these sides defended and protected the Constitution when pertaining to the handling of immigration, and the sole responsibilities of the President to protect America’s sovereignty and the American people from forces outside the United States of America that might have some different ideas when it comes to the protocols and laws that give America its character?

I just hope that there’s not a chance that the American people won’t wake up in time to see the light about the obstruction and resistance preventing the truth behind the corruption of the leadership of the FBI, DOJ, and CIA to be revealed and the guilty to get their day in court, which in my opinion after watching the ‘Me Too’s’ movement rise to the status of that of the Black lives matter, the ACLU, and the Black Caucus members who actually get a vote in the future of America while standing up for the beliefs of Louis Farrakhan, and probably will never get their day in court because they’ve already been found guilty in the court of public opinion of some indiscretion from decades ago!

I guess you could say when it comes to Apples to Apples that yesteryear’s ‘due process’ is today’s  ‘Court of Public Opinion,’ now add the Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media raising the level and degree of every President Trump happening to a crime in the ‘Court of Public Opinion’ using innuendo, nonexistent sources, ‘Fake News,’ and even throwing the kitchen sink at him is finally being exposed for what this bias truly is, and that’s called a lot of baloney! The ‘Never Trumpers’ who condemn just about everything this outsider Non-politician President does to the level of being criminal, but when in reality it doesn’t even qualify to get to the level of what might be a good story!

Apples to Apples?

When it comes to the Progressive Left, those Apples are dead and buried, and when it comes to the possibility of these attacks continuing on with these now Apples to Oranges discrimination against this outsider non-politician ‘Peoples’ President you know that enough is enough! Progressives behind their ‘end justifies the mean’ motto considers these small losses as small speed bumps on the way to the coronation of the next one in line to take the lead who’s  going to push America and its people to accept the way of the rest of the world and its laws, it’s only accepted one religion, one language, and the designated role you will be assigned to play in society without a chance of you being whoever you want to be! 

The pressure will remain on the American people by the ‘Swamp’ to accept the Socialist change that will eventually win out, and that the American people, like the Venezuelan people,  will accept falling in line to get your daily bread, orders, and a dose of motivational speakers who are reconfirming your commitment to whatever the flavor of the month cause is to keep you in that line!

America will fight against this attempted transformation to Socialism as long as this ‘America First’ President doesn’t step down, get impeached, or worse, which I wouldn’t put by anyone that gets the idea that the Progressives view of America’s future isn’t on the right track if the right track is attempting to being first and great again!