I Thought When it Came to the Constitution There is Only One Interpretation?

Last Friday America got what its been waiting for ever since the question of why did Hillary lose the election, and was it the Russians colluding with the Trump campaign, or just the Liberal Left attempting to bypass the Constitution and ‘Rule of Law’ again?  Is it possible that all 17 Intel agencies that were backing the fact that the Russians were interfering with the election in 2016, which we all admit happened because they pretty much have done it every election in every country since the beginning of time, or are the Progressive Branch of the Democratic Party just going out of their way because they got caught trying to bring home the bacon through corruption and deceit, which if you think about it actually goes hand in hand with what the Russians have done via voter fraud in the 2008, 2012, and then openly being caught trying to do it again in 2016!

Ever since the Progressive Branch of the Democratic Party started calling the shots for the new ‘America Socialist Party’ they’ve been doing everything in their power to pull a fast one over on the American people, and when you see that the DNC financed ‘Dossier’ was the only guiding force behind the FISA Warrants to eavesdrop on Americans to get to Trump, you know that Carter Page, the Liberals first target to get the ball rolling in the Russians colluding with the Trump Campaign accusations, you have to wonder why Page, to this day, was never arrested for anything to do with the Russians, and because of that should agree that the final stake in the heart of Robert Mueller’s investigation witch hunt should come to a close.

Now with this information coming out you’ll find a new twist from the Liberal left declaring that it doesn’t prove that there wasn’t any collusion by the Russians with the Trump campaign, and that’s because of the number of indictments Mueller handed down to Americans keeps proving time and time again to have nothing to do with collusion or the Russians, and only past infractions that came before Candidate Trump came down that escalator to announce his run for the Presidency! The other reason the American should be scratching their heads is over the Putin invitation to  Mueller and his team to come observe the questioning of these Russians who were indicted by Mueller in order to assist the Mueller Investigation of getting to the truth! I don’t know about you, but with America’s history being of dropping what ever they’re doing to run off to war to defend our allies against the aggression by every boogeymen in the world, I would think that the Mueller Investigation would jump at the chance to get to the truth, wouldn’t you? 

Obama’s Lawlessness has been embraced by the ‘Deep State’s’ willingness to constantly bypass our Constitution and ‘Rule of Law’ while at the same time taking a knee every time our once respected ‘Pledge of Allegiance’ and National Anthem show their faces at any national event! You have to believe though that if the Mainstream Media wasn’t pushing for ratings and profits that they would be actually exposing instead of protecting Obama’s nonexistent Sources that are generating ‘Fake News’ in their attempt to push American people over the brink of complacency by making them think that the protections granted by the Constitution to protect our Republic from the treasonous actions by these past four Administrations and our INTEL Agencies are intact and have never been threatened as President Trump, and the American people that gave Congress a 12.8% approval rating before the last election, says it is!

Now with President Trump considering stripping these ‘Bad Actors’ that orchestrated the attacks on the Trump Campaign and Presidency by launching an investigation using a DNC and Hillary financed ‘Dossier’ to give the tools of treason to the Leadership of the FBI, DOJ, and CIA, to use at their discretionary power to blindside the American people’s trust, and at the same time hiding behind the past reputation of these agencies to undermine our Constitution and ‘Rule of Law,’ I would have to believe that stripping these leadership ‘leakers’ of their Security Clearance would be the least of the punishments they all should receive and deserve!   

Democrats, or should I say the New Socialist Party of America, know that if President Trump pulls their Security Clearance that they would lose their Open Communication line to America’s Top Secrets, and have nothing to leak! I say let’s expose the second line of traitors that are hiding and working side by side with the first line of Socialist kamikaze pilots who are doing every thing in their power to undermine America’s exceptionalism, which includes weaponizing their ‘End Justifies the Means’ to stuff the ballot box in 2018, as they did in 2008, 2012, and would have done it again if George Soros’s Voting Machines weren’t discovered to being used in 16 States in 300 plus districts just a week or two before the election! 

One of the attacks coming from the Progressive Left is on Capitalism because of the few at the top that add millions and even billions to their personal bottom lines, but what they fail to mention is that these individual titans of Industry, because it’s America, started out with a dream in their garage, and because it’s America got that shot at the American Dream and achieved it without the government telling them how to do it, or how to spend and invest their money so that they could do it! I guess you won’t these individuals taking a knee or disrespecting the flag and National Anthem, but when the titans of Pro-Football and Hollywood’s elitists add nothing to society or its financial upside spew rhetoric about overthrowing our Constitutional Republic, you have to know that the future of our family, community, and national dynamic at home and around the world, especially after 8 years of Obama pulling the rug out from under our Constitution and ‘Rule of Law,’  that the world, let alone America need to get back to ‘GO,’ and correct the undermining of America by making it first and great again! 

It’s time for the Constitution to be appreciated and adhered to, especially after the Obama Administration decided to use their Socialist intent and interpretation via Marx’s Socialism, Alinsky, and his disciples Cloward and Piven at Columbia University where Obama learned his trade before getting the insider go ahead job by the powers to be to finish off what the last 4 Administrations couldn’t do! The difference is that our past Presidential Candidates actually had two Parents who were American citizens, which made them ‘Natural Born’ citizens, which makes them eligible to become President based on the Citizenship requirement that’s outlined in our Constitution!

The truth of the matter is that these ‘Swamp’ dwellers who were on board to have America turn the page and move on to Socialist Globalism because they didn’t have the balls or know-how needed to override our Constitutional Republic, which is why Obama, who wasn’t raised by two parents who were citizens of United States, would have been disqualified from ever being President, which we know now after living through the 8 years of Obama disrespecting every thing America represents and stands for on the world stage!

I Thought When it Came to the Constitution There is Only One Interpretation?

My High-school days were a long time ago, but with that being said I don’t ever recall having any of my Civics classes back in the good old days in GR New Jersey teaching more than one interpretation of the Constitution, but as the years go by, and nobody questioning the inch that the Progressive ‘left’ keeps taking, makes me think that the mile that follows is getting worse by the day, and as a result not making me optimistic that I’m going to be leaving this world for my children and their children’s children in a better place!  

Unbeknownst to the Progressive Left is that most, if not all Americans believe in ‘Legal’ immigration, which is a fact that the left seems to enjoy leaving out of their false narrative! They continue to eat their own and anyone from either side of the aisle that has the smallest bit of common sense, especially when it comes to tolerance and bipartisanship resolve for any problem America needs fixed, but instead they keep doubling down and attacking any citizen who doesn’t believe in what Liberals believe when lying about immigration, and continue to ignore the fact that these same immigrants that they boast about when talking about America being a land of immigrants, are the same land of immigrants are the same immigrants that are charged, when elected to government, with making the laws that govern and regulate our immigration policies!

Our founding father’s Constitution has been both the guiding force and Achilles Heel of the greatest country on earth, but when it comes to the rantings of an unhinged Political Party that sold their base and beliefs in this countries long history of success for ideological change that has failed 100% of the time its reared its ugly head, you know the ‘Swamp’ needs to be drained, and the radical left and right need to be exchanged for more moderate members from both parties to ensure the peaceful sleep of the American people again, and as we all did before the very unsettling events of 911!