Schumer and Pelosi’s Party of ‘No!’

You would think that Schumer and Pelosi Democratic Party of ‘No’ needs to come up with a couple of ‘yeses’ so that the American people, know that America, and not the rest of the world actually comes first, and not just being used as a wealthy stepping stone to finance their Socialist and Globalist New World Order agenda, right?

Today, or the next couple of days, or the next couple of weeks or months as it turns out, will be the next make or break time frame for immigration and the Party of ‘No’ Democrats, and whether or not the American people are going to show their frustration and continued disappointment with the Democratic Party with their inability do anything more than obstructing and resisting anything President Trump, will be known the day after the Midterm elections in November! 

Congress only needs 9 to 12 Democrats to pass immigration, but the Party of ‘No’ still won’t lift a finger to do anything for anyone because obstructing and resisting is the only thing they have left to convince the American people that they are still relevant, but at the same time showing the American how little they care about the lives of the 10,000 children who came to America by themselves without a parent for Asylum, which the ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media is not telling or showing the American people through any of their venues that are supposed to educate and inform the American people so that they can make a decision in November that will benefit the future of America!!

We already know that the Party of ‘No’ has no interest in making America first and great again, and we all know they have no interest in changing their focus and platform from the Socialist transformation of America to anything that would ensure a better and safer future for America! that is of course if you don’t think that Karl Marx’s version isn’t the version you want to go with for the future of America!

I think that anyone that’s not going to vote for President Trump because of President Trump’s targeted character flaws as pointed out constantly by the ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media, I would like to be shown any actions, since President Trump took office 17 months ago where Democrats, other then their actions that follow their ‘Never Trump’ excuse to do absolutely nothing when it comes to America first, especially when President Trump is delivering on just about every promise, except the ones where they need some Democrats to think for themselves, which they don’t have the ‘balls’ to do!

Democrats, and that’s the Traditional and not Progressive Democrats, should make a list, and check it twice, to see which branch of the Democratic Party has been naughty or nice to America and the American people, and not for the worlds best interests first while America’s needs and wants are put on the back burner to be addressed at a later date after the Party of ‘No’ accomplishes their goal of transforming America to Socialism, and for the sake of the world, comes to fruition!  

Schumer and Pepsi’s party of ‘No’ needs to come up with a few ‘YES’es” if they intend to remain relevant in the eyes of the American people, and believe it or not, America needs them to be relevant because America needs a 2nd political party to take on the role for America’s two-party dynamic to keep the Republican Party in check, but with what I’m seeing since the 2016 elections, where the American people just barely dodged Hillary’s Socialist bullet by her losing, beginning to think that this remedy might be impossible and not a possible or practical resolve!  

The one lesson for every American to learn here is that to think that our founding fathers vision and blueprint for America is not  done deal, and that our elected officials taking the oath to protect and defend the Constitution doesn’t mean that they believe or follow that oath! It should also be known that the ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media to keep the American people informed or even up to date with what our elected officials are doing, is not their main goal because ratings and profits have taken a front seat while the important 1st Amendment has taken that proverbial back seat!

President Trump, by signing the Executive Order to not separate the children from their parents when seeking asylum at our Southern border,  just showed that the hoodwinked Democratic leadership of Schumer and Pelosi just got played again, and with the followers and supporters of the Democrats Socialist agenda, thinking that they won the war by having President Trump just sign an executive order to make sure that what the past Democratic leadership had put into play when they decided to separate the illegal immigrants parents from their children?

President Trump’s executive order to not separate the parents from their children during the process when applying for asylum in America by illegal immigrants, which he did, but What’s going on now, according to  the ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media, is that President Trump’s Executive Order doesn’t do enough, and that their call for open borders is what their interpretation was when they thought they could corner President Trump into sighing that Executive Order! I’m having a hard time believing that they actually believed that they, by forcing President Trump in a corner to have to sign that Executive Order, thought that had basically expedited the stoppage the proverbial non-existent wall from being built, repaired, or what’s been built already to come down! 

What Schumer and Pelosi failed to recognize is that the possibility of looking victorious after having President Trump was, by appearance only, being forced to sign the executive order to reunite the parents of immigrants looking for asylum with their children, but never had anything to do with forcing President Trump moving the the goal post or changing his resolve by discontinuing his ‘Zero’ tolerance resolve of the border’s unsustainable situation and his commitment to America and its future!

Why does the Party of ‘No’ think that their constituency is going along and supporting their do nothing, but obstruct and resist anything that will help anyone, even if that anyone is an illegal immigrant children that made their way to the American Southern border on their own without be accompanied by a legal parent or guardian? 

The truth of the matter is that as a result of President Trump signing that Executive Order It appears that the ball is now back in the Dems court, and when the supposed 2 immigration bills are introduced to the House and Senate in the next couple of days for passage, will President Trump’s 4 pillars on immigration be that ball that the Democrats pick up and deliver to and for the American people, or will they continue to do nothing in the hopes that America hates President Trump more than they love America so that they’ll have a chance to take back the House and Senate or both this November when the midterms elections come rolling around!  

I believe that with the Midterms not that far away that the American people need to see how willing or unwilling the Schumer and Pelosi led Democratic Party care about the safety, the sovereignty, the future of our founding father’s Constitutional Republic, and whether the party of ‘No’ has a chance of being that  party of ‘YES’ when it comes to making sure America has a chance of being first and great again! If they can’t then the American people need to find a way to get President Trump the Super Majorities he needs to finish what he started and promised by getting him the House (Over 218 seats) and the Senate (Over 60 seats) so that the Progressive Democrats obstruction and resistance can be bypassed, and bypassed in the same way Obama bypassed America’s ‘Rule of Law’ and Constitution for the entire 8 years he remained on the proverbial throne, and got us to this unsustainable debacle at the border today!

What needs to be understood is that the Progressive branch of the Democratic Party ‘is’ the Party of ‘No,’ and when it comes to anything that’s going to make America prosperous, safe, remaining sovereign, keeping our military strong, and the leader on the world stage as we were before Obama decided that we weren’t going to be any longer, isn’t something that Schumer and Pelosi are hoping for the American people let alone America!

Obviously after Obama went around the world apologizing for America and its past actions against only his interpretation of what the world needs now, he’s either selectively ignored or forgot the fact that Americans droped whatever they were doing during WWI and WWII to help our ally’s who were in need and being attacked, just like the way we are being attacked today by those same outside interests that believe, like Obama and the ‘Deep State,’ that America’s example to the world is not what’s good for the world or adds to their New World Order’s bottom line, and also believes that America, and it being that ‘shining city upon a hill,’ needs to be extinguished!  

Progressive Democrats are still marching lockstep behind Obama’s transformation of America to Socialism, leading to Communism, and then to the ‘New World Order,’ but following the lead now of Schumer and Pelosi to their ultimate ‘End Game’ of destroying America from within, and we should all start heeding the warning signs so that we’re able to see the truth before it jumps up and bites us on the ass, and the reason I’m saying this is because if you ever bothered to notice that Schumer and Pelosi have avoided changing their parties anti-American Socialist message, and doubling and tripling down on their ‘Do Nothing’ obstructing and resisting anything and everything Trump, especially with the revelations coming out of the recent IG report in the last week or so, you have to know that the ‘Deep State’ is more than alive and well, but thriving behind every American’s back! 

When it comes to what’s left of the Democratic Party and their message, nothing has changed, and nothing has changed for the better for the American voter to gravitate too, and if you haven’t noticed they’re still pushing Alinsky’s Socialist goals to destroy America from within for one huge reason, and that’s to get the biggest prize known as America in their countries ‘transformation to Socialism trophy cabinet’ so that other countries will follow suit, and by doing so hoping that the elitist Oligarchs, like outside interest’s George Soros and others, will be able to sell other country’s people on the same opportunity that America had bought into!

Who would have ever thought in a million years that a President of the United States first road trip would be an apology tour for past actions of the country he’s President of, and then proclaiming that America isn’t exceptional and better than any other country, and again against the Country he’s President of! I have to believe that this President’s past actions should be concerning to any and every American who has the 20:20 hindsight common sense ability to see and understand that America dodged a bullet!

After the last 17 months of a President showing America what caring, following the ‘Rule of Law’ and Constitution, and living up to the promises he made on the campaign trail, is the reason why this country and its people are exceptional, admired, and envied by the world, and even though came close to being on the brink of being that ‘Socialist Trophy’ in the Progressive’s trophy cabinet, were rescued by the Silent Majority that came out of the shadows to put a stop to Hillary’s predicted and expected coronation!


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