The Dem’s ‘Paris Accord,’ ‘New Green Deal,’ and ‘The Sky is Falling’ Lies!

America needs to wake up and see that from day one of Alinskyite Barack Obama’s first term as President with sidekick Secretary of State Alinskyite Hillary Clinton, and being sponsored openly now with the passage of ‘Citizens United’ in 2010 by ‘New World Order’ and ‘Open Border’ advocate George Soros in the hopes of destroying the American people’s Constitutionally guaranteed individual rights because they know that without that happening that the other 7.7 Billion people in the world who didn’t have the same guaranteed rights couldn’t be persuaded to fall in line and follow silently into the Socialist abyss where one size, one thought process, and one resolve for every problem fits all!

China Emits More Carbon Dioxide Than The U.S. and EU Combined



For all of the attention and federal funds given to renewable energy, it remains a blip on America’s energy radar: solar power represents less than 1 percent of U.S. electricity generation. Wind and solar power together generated less electricity in the first half of 2015 than in the first half of 2014, and investment in the industry has been flat for almost five years, domestically and globally.

U.S. greenhouse gas emissions have fallen significantly since their peak in 2007—more than in any other country. The biggest cause is America’s fracking-led natural gas boom: solar power is responsible for 1 percent of the decline in U.S. carbon-dioxide emissions; natural gas is responsible for nearly 20 percent.

Neither renewable-energy generation nor investment is growing rapidly—or at all.

•Year-over-year growth in the generation of wind and solar power has consistently fallen since 2008. Generation in the first half of 2015 was lower than in the first half of 2014.

•Global investment in both wind and solar declined in 3Q:2015 compared with 3Q:2014; in the U.S., investment grew slightly but remains below the 2011 peak.

Carbon dioxide emitted by the United States reached its lowest level since 1992 earlier this year (2012), according to a U.S. Department of Energy report.

This shift in energy use is part of a trend toward the use of natural gas in the United States, said A.J. Simon, an energy systems analyst at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California.

The price of natural gas has dropped as natural gas from shale rock has become available through a technique called hydraulic fracturing. Hydraulic fracturing, which uses water and other substances to create cracks in rock formations permeated with natural gas so it can be extracted, is controversial because it has the potential to pollute water sources. ~~


By Erick Erickson

President Trump has decided to remove the United States from the Paris Climate Accord. Given the hysteria over his decision, you would think he just launched a nuclear war. Instead, he exposed how so much of the left’s agenda is meaningless virtue signaling.

The Paris Accord is a voluntary agreement to which every nation has joined except Syria and Nicaragua. No nation that signed the Paris Accord can be compelled to do anything and, in fact, not a single nation that has signed the accord has done a thing. You read that right. Though every nation except two have signed the agreement, not a single signatory nation has taken any action to comply with the accord. Every action thus far has been an action already begun before the accord was signed.

What’s more, there is little evidence that the actions President Obama proposed prior to leaving office would have caused us to meet the carbon emission goals of the accord. Concurrently, there is plenty of evidence that even without implementing those actions the United States will follow the accord. The reality is that our national emissions continue to go down and are less than they were a decade ago.

So why the outrage? The left is upset because President Trump has shown the Paris exercise to be meaningless. No country intends to comply with the accord, and most Western nations will meet the emissions goals set in the accord without taking any action. The whole process was an exercise in virtue signaling. By signing the accord, nations were agreeing with each other that climate change is a problem. By not signing, countries are deniers. For an increasingly secular left, the act of signing the Paris Accord is salvific and withdrawing from it could cost us our salvation.

Truth be told, the planet is warming. The science is too consistent to deny that humanity plays some role. We do. But how much of a role do humans play? It is telling that when the scientific community believed the world was cooling, they proposed a series of actions to stop it. Those same actions are now proposed to stop global warming. When the problem changes and the solutions remain the same, the public has a right to be skeptical.

In every case, the environmentalist left insists on a highly regulated command and control economy with abortion on demand and other measures to institute population control. Large families are a blight on the planet as is capitalism. There is a reason so much of the environmentalist movement is referred to as a watermelon movement. They are green on the outside, but still red from their days of communist activism on the inside. Much of the modern environmentalist movement derives from Soviet era funded leftwing movements. Western communists turned into environmentalists after the Soviet Union collapsed. Now, instead of seeking to destroy capitalism in the name of equality, they seek to destroy it in the name of the environment. Instead of targeting large Christian families for ideas, they target them for resource consumption.

Even removing the ideology behind the left’s environmentalist hysteria, we should keep in mind that we are now beyond the point at which the models have been predictive. Going back a decade ago, environmentalists were claiming 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011… were each year the last year we could do anything to stop climate change. It is amazing how the goal posts keep moving. Each year environmentalists would show horrifying charts of what the temperature would be a decade hence.

We are not at those future projected points and it turns out the actual temperature does not match the scary scenarios projected a decade ago. Perhaps climate and weather are far more complicated than the earth worshipers realize.

All of us are supposed to be good stewards of our planet. We should conserve our resources and raise our children to appreciate God’s creation. No want wants to see the world uninhabitable. But you’ll have to forgive me for not caring about global warming. I trust the science. I just do not trust the supposed scientists.

Here are more than enough information I’ve provided about the ‘Climate Change’ Hoax if you still want to see how these ‘Democrat Candidates’ are trying to separate the American taxpayer’s from their hard earned American Dollars!

NASA admits that climate change occurs because of changes in Earth’s solar orbit, and NOT because of SUV’s and fossil fuels

The same ‘Global Warming’ that Vice President Al Gore started pushing on the American people is the same ‘Climate Change’ Hoax that Bush 41 kick off when he signed the Rio Accords at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro that opened the path for the United States to implement U.N. Sustainable Development Agenda 21, which was and executive order President Clinton then signed that launched the United Nation’s ‘Agenda 21,’ and the rest is history!

Global warming data FAKED by government to fit climate change fictions

If any of you have watched ‘Ancient Aliens’ over the years you would know that what science and the scientists have determined to be our humble beginnings couldn’t be further from the truth! There have been at least five major ice ages in the Earth’s history (the Huronian, Cryogenian, Andean-Saharan, late Paleozoic, and the latest Quaternary Ice Age).Outside these ages, the Earth seems to have been ice free even in high latitudes. There have also been many civilizations that I believe had to come before, after, and even in between these events. My point here is that up until this civilization there hasn’t been plastic invented and left by other civilizations, which I’m sure when we’re all done in by nature or any other means that nature, as it has done for millions if not billions of years will survive, and survive under its own terms!

Climate change hoax COLLAPSES as new science finds human activity has virtually zero impact on global temperatures

By dating the rocks in Earth’s ever-changing crust, as well as the rocks in Earth’s neighbors, such as the moon and visiting meteorites, scientists have calculated that Earth is 4.54 billion years …

Was There a Civilization On Earth Before Humans?

– The Atlantic

When it comes to direct evidence of an industrial civilization—things like cities, factories, and roads—the geologic record doesn’t go back past what’s called the Quaternary period 2.6 million years ago. For example, the oldest large-scale stretch of ancient surface lies in the Negev Desert. It’s “just” 1.8 million years old—older surfaces are mostly visible in cross section via something like a cliff face or rock cuts. Go back much farther than the Quaternary and everything has been turned over and crushed to dust.

And, if we’re going back this far, we’re not talking about human civilizations anymore. Homo sapiens didn’t make their appearance on the planet until just 300,000 years or so ago. That means the question shifts to other species, which is why Gavin called the idea the Silurian hypothesis, after an old Dr. Who episode with intelligent reptiles.

So, could researchers find clear evidence that an ancient species built a relatively short-lived industrial civilization long before our own? Perhaps, for example, some early mammal rose briefly to civilization building during the Paleocene epoch about 60 million years ago. There are fossils, of course. But the fraction of life that gets fossilized is always minuscule and varies a lot depending on time and habitat. It would be easy, therefore, to miss an industrial civilization that only lasted 100,000 years—which would be 500 times longer than our industrial civilization has made it so far.

Given that all direct evidence would be long gone after many millions of years, what kinds of evidence might then still exist? The best way to answer this question is to figure out what evidence we’d leave behind if human civilization collapsed at its current stage of development.

Now that our industrial civilization has truly gone global, humanity’s collective activity is laying down a variety of traces that will be detectable by scientists 100 million years in the future. The extensive use of fertilizer, for example, keeps 7 billion people fed, but it also means we’re redirecting the planet’s flows of nitrogen into food production. Future researchers should see this in characteristics of nitrogen showing up in sediments from our era. Likewise our relentless hunger for the rare-Earth elements used in electronic gizmos. Far more of these atoms are now wandering around the planet’s surface because of us than would otherwise be the case. They might also show up in future sediments, too. Even our creation, and use, of synthetic steroids has now become so pervasive that it too may be detectable in geologic strata 10 million years from now.

And then there’s all that plastic. Studies have shown increasing amounts of plastic “marine litter” are being deposited on the seafloor everywhere from coastal areas to deep basins and even in the Arctic. Wind, sun, and waves grind down large-scale plastic artifacts, leaving the seas full of microscopic plastic particles that will eventually rain down on the ocean floor, creating a layer that could persist for geological timescales.

The big question is how long any of these traces of our civilization will last. In our study, we found each had the possibility of making it into future sediments. Ironically, however, the most promising marker of humanity’s presence as an advanced civilization is a by-product of one activity that may threaten it most.

When we burn fossil fuels, we’re releasing carbon back into the atmosphere that was once part of living tissues. This ancient carbon is depleted in one of that element’s three naturally occurring varieties, or isotopes. The more fossil fuels we burn, the more the balance of these carbon isotopes shifts. Atmospheric scientists call this shift the Suess effect, and the change in isotopic ratios of carbon due to fossil-fuel use is easy to see over the last century. Increases in temperature also leave isotopic signals. These shifts should be apparent to any future scientist who chemically analyzes exposed layers of rock from our era. Along with these spikes, this Anthropocene layer might also hold brief peaks in nitrogen, plastic nano-particles, and even synthetic steroids. So if these are traces our civilization is bound to leave to the future, might the same “signals” exist right now in rocks just waiting to tell us of civilizations long gone?