The Dem’s ‘Paris Accord,’ ‘New Green Deal,’ and ‘The Sky is Falling’ Lies!

America needs to wake up and see that from day one of Alinskyite Barack Obama’s first term as President with sidekick Secretary of State Alinskyite Hillary Clinton, and being sponsored openly now with the passage of ‘Citizens United’ in 2010 by ‘New World Order’ and ‘Open Border’ advocate George Soros in the hopes of destroying … Read more

Climate Change: When Push Comes to ‘Shove-ling’ Sh*t!

The Dems last stand is just another attempt to use the past as they’ve done via the ‘Me Too’ movement that denied American Citizens their right to due process and the presumption on innocence that we all got to witness during the confirmation hearings of Supreme Court Justice candidate Brett Kavanaugh, and then watching our … Read more