Trump Adm. ’38 Days’ Ahead of Slow Acting Dems and the Coronavirus Threat to America!

You would think that when it comes to the possible threat that the Coronavirus might have on the America that the Dem’s leadership by Schumer and Pelosi would have cared enough to be up to date with everything that the Trump Administration has done since the first patient, a 35-year-old Washington, D.C., man visited an urgent care clinic on Jan. 19, a few days after returning from Wuhan, China, and how the Trump Administration handled it!

Can you imagine if President Trump and his Administration had waited the extra 38 days that it took the Pelosi and Schumer led Democrats to accuse this President’s Administration of dragging their feet, where we would be right now?

While I’m at it, could you imagine if the Obama Administration had sent tank missiles to Ukraine instead of blankets during the height of the Russians invading Crimea how many thousands of lives would have been save? Could you imagine that if the Obama Administration had acted after promising to step in if Syria’s leader Assad gassed his people, but didn’t, how many innocent men women and children would still be alive today? Could you imagine if Hillary had won in 2016 when Hillary had no intentions to rebuild the military, had no intentions of cutting regulations, had no intentions of lowering corporate or personal tax rates, had no intentions of bringing back manufacturing jobs who were forced out of America because of those same regulations and high taxes, had no intentions of controlling America’s borders or protecting our sovereignty, and definitely never had any intentions of ‘Making America First and Great Again!

Wouldn’t you think that Schumer and Pelosi’s Progressive Party of ‘No’ would want to come up with a couple of ‘yeses’ once in a while so that the American people ‘might’ think that they actually care about America being first and great again, but it seems that all they can do is put politics ahead of America’s safety!

With today’s announcement by CDC, and the President doubling his request for funding from Congress when it comes to combating the Coronavirus, and Schumer trying to use this possible tragedy as a political excuse to take another swipe at the Trump Administration, and the same happening with what’s left of the ‘Deadpool’ candidates who are running to be the next loser to President Trump after Hillary in 2016!

I’m beginning to think that when it comes to the Pelosi led Dems taking back the House, Senate, and White House, and learning that 20 to 25 percent of those attending President Trump’s rally’s are actually Democrats, I’m thinking that the odds of taking back those 3 branches of government isn’t looking all that good right now, especially after what we all just saw, if you bothered to watch the last debate before ‘Super Tuesday, just how desperate Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff and Nadler truly are!

Now President Trump is being blamed by Schumer for not acting quickly enough when it comes the Coronavirus, but wouldn’t you think with as many Partisan bills as the Dems say they’ve passed that they keep complaining about because McConnell keeps tabling them because they falsely keep claiming that they’re bipartisan but only because they get that occasional Republican to agree! Wouldn’t you think that while President Trump has been on the top of the Coronavirus since its inception that Pelosi and company would be working on some bipartisan legislation to help expand the funding that President Trump and the Republicans have already gotten approved weeks before Schumer proclaimed that the Trump Administration has been dragging its feet! Really?

Trump’s War Against the Coronavirus Is Working!

A 35-year-old Washington, D.C., man visited an urgent care clinic on Jan. 19, a few days after returning from Wuhan, China.

After undergoing testing, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention determined that he had contracted the 2019-nCoV coronavirus—the first such case in the United States.

Since surfacing in Wuhan in December, the 2019-nCoV coronavirus has spread to nearly 30 countrieskilling 565 and infecting more than 28,000 worldwide. As of this writing, 12 cases have been confirmed in the U.S. Note that these numbers are changing almost every hour.

As cases began to emerge within American borders, the Trump administration took quick and decisive action.

By creating a coronavirus task force, issuing stringent travel restrictions, and offering to aid the Chinese in combating the outbreak, the White House has made every effort to protect the American people and stop the virus from spreading. 

First, on Jan. 29, the White House announced the formation of the task force, designed to facilitate inter-agency coordination while keeping President Donald Trump informed on the epidemic.

The task force, coordinated through the National Security Council, includes a variety of public health officials, regional experts, and national security specialists. Trump tapped Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar to lead the group.

As The Heritage Foundation’s Peter Brookes has pointed out, it’s somewhat odd that the task force did not initially include officials from the Department of Defense. Not only does the Pentagon have immense logistical resources at its disposal, it also has been requested to provide housing for individuals under quarantine. Perhaps by now, the Defense Department is represented on the task force.

Overall, however, the creation of the task force should be considered a success. Continued collaboration between government agencies will be essential for containing the spread of the virus.

Then, on Jan. 31, Trump signed a proclamation restricting travel from China to the United States.

I hope you noticed that it took 38 days before Schumer decided to Chime in on the Trump Administration dragging their feet on the threat of the coronavirus! It was addressed by the Dems 3 weeks after President Trump headed to India to live up to his campaign promises to fix the long neglected and ignored one sided Trade Practices by past Administration’s that have been on the American peoples books as a taxpayer funded debit since who knows for how long?

Just maybe one of those bills that the Dems claim are being tabled, and as Harry Reid did when the Dems controlled Congress, might see clear to come up with another bipartisan bill in the House as they always have after a Hurricane wipes out a portion of our country that costs 10 times more than what the $2.5 Billion dollars, and now the Dems are upping the anti to $8.1 Billion Dollars because Schumer led Democrats don’t want to look as bad as they did after lying about the Trump Administration not being all over the threat of the coronavirus when the first 35-year-old Washington, D.C., man visited an urgent care clinic on Jan. 19, a few days after returning from Wuhan, China.

Here a real kicker, Schumer and company not only accused President Trump of not acting quick enough, but thinking that because President Trump hadn’t returned from India yet, that the money president Trump asked for in the beginning of the coronavirus threat could be another opportunity to undermine the Trump Administration by adding he should have asked for $3.1 Billion dollars instead of the $2.5 Billion that President Trump asked for, which now Schumer has raised in a pissing contest to $8.1 Billion dollars!

Pelosi and Schumer, with Schiff and Nadler somewhere in the background, are trying to turn this potential crisis into a political weapon, but for once and a chance to redeem their feckless attempt to impeach this President need to answer the bell for the American people this time, and stand together with Republicans to do whatever needs to be done without having the ‘Deep State’ Mainstream Media spinning into something more than it really is!

what this really is has nothing to do with Political Correctness, Identity Politics, or what what the Dems consider every one of those 63 Million Americans who voted for President Trump were forced to do because of Implicit Bias, which means you were born with that propensity to be ‘Deplorable!’

Even though the leadership of the Democratic Party haven’t figured out yet that making America first and great again is a good thing their base has, and are already beginning to realize that they’ve been conned by the current leadership of that once great Democratic Party that mirrored what I would consider my father and his father’s Democratic Party! The leadership of today’s Democratic Party is now the leadership of the New but used Socialist Party of America that has failed everywhere its been tried, but still manages to hang on because of what Stalin called his ‘Useful Idiots’ that keep supporting a failing cause because they know no better!

And the Dem Debate goes on, and on, and on….

What we’ve all been watching with the juxtapositioning of certain Democratic candidates in order to get the biggest bang for their Social Globalist buck is convincing a couple of these long shot candidates to drop out of the race so that the DNC leadership, like they did in 2016 when Hillary and Debbie Wasserman Schultz tried to fix the selection process in favor of Hillary over Bernie Sanders!

The leadership of the DNC are saying that these candidates that are being supported and represented by a certain slice of America that are now being defined as being in the way of their anti-American Globalist agenda choice of Billionaire Candidate Michael Bloomberg! Perez and the DNC elite pray that Bloomberg will rise to the top when the selection process is forced to be decided by a brokered convention, and that they have to stop Socialist Bernie Sanders because they know, after Hillary’s loss in 2016, that selling Socialism over their preferred Globalization won’t get them the win they desperately need to finish off our founder’s Constitutional Republic’s guaranteed individual rights that every American has enjoyed for over 240 years, but have that chance of losing in 2020!

I hoped you’ve been paying attention to the fact that everything you hear, read, or watch on TV, that both sides of the aisle never seem to include the ‘American People by name, and with everything you hear being about the world, another country, our allies, our enemies, and any generality that fits their narrative without having to tip their hand about where the American People fit in their plans, then know that when it comes to making any decision about the future of America, the American people will have no say!

We now have Senate Minority leader Chuck-e ‘Cheese Cake’ Schumer being exposed for spending $9,000 dollars over the last 10 years of his undeserved, or worked for taxpayer funded salary, and doing nothing over the last 3 years to earn that salary while he fought tooth and nail against the American People’s 2016 election mandate to make America great again, but spending that ill gotten money on, and you probably already guessed it with my earlier clue, Cheese Cake!

If you missed it ‘Cheese Cake’ Schumer is now blaming President Trump for the Coronavirus, but that by President Trump not including that in the budget, and now asking for money, just shows you how irresponsible President Trump is, but in reality Trump’s been on this coronavirus for 38 days before the Dems even brought it up! You can’t make this shit up, but I can’t let ‘Cheese Cake’ Schumer get away with sitting by while Obama gave Iran $150 Billion dollars, Hillary lost or misplaced $6 Billion dollars when she was Secretary of State and gave another $400 million dollars worth of weaponry accidentally to ISIS that the Obama administration admits doing! How about the $200 Billion that is paid to illegal immigrants in exchange for their illegal votes in 2020 in the form of entitlements and benefits?

For ‘Cheese Cake’ to throw stones when he lives with Pelosi in a Democratic control ‘Glass’ House does more for President Trump then just winning his reelection bid, but now showing why he’ll win because we’ve just learned that 20% to 25% of those attending Trump rallies are Democrats who are looking to be part of the celebration of largest economic boom in the history of America!

The Pelosi and Schumer led Democrats are so desperate to find away to take back the Senate and the White House, and holding on to the ill gotten House that they stole by using the same voter fraud they intend to use in 2020 to take back the House in 2018 and give Pelosi her 2nd gavel! To control the House means controlling the taxpayer’s purse Strings while at the same time being the only branch of government that can call for the impeachment of a duly elected President, and do it for any reason at all as every American got to witness! Want to talk about an abuse of Power, the Schiff, Schumer, Pelosi, and Nadler attempt to take down President Trump will go down in History as the biggest abuse of power in modern day American History!

This taking back the House came when a combination of recent changes in California election rules that lengthened the ballot counting process, and some Republicans believe, disadvantages their Party, “You think!’

While all the attention was on Brenda Snipes in Broward County Florida, Nancy Pelosi’s home state reversed 6 California House that were won by Republicans on election day, but within 2 weeks and with the discovery of more provisional ballots, all 6 races were reversed in favor of the Democratic Party candidates, and those were the 6 votes Nancy Pelosi needed to take back the Speakers Job, and her 2nd Gavel after she received 220 votes where 216 were needed to win, a Coincidence, and how can that be?

A stunning 5 Million ballots, more than 40% of the overall total were counted after November 6th!!  In many places Democrats got a significantly larger portion of the late votes than those counted on election day! Those later votes helped Democrats capture a string of GOP held U.S. House seats!

The Democratic legislature approved changes allowing any-mail-in-ballots post marked by election day to be counted up to 3 business days later!

Another provision allows voters to let anyone drop off their absentee ballots rather than a family member as previously required. That has opened the door to so-called ‘Ballot Harvesting’ by campaign operatives!             

“Study: More than 7-in-10 California Immigrant Households Are on Welfare

More than 7-in-10 households headed by immigrants in the state of California are on taxpayer-funded welfare, a new study reveals.

The latest Census Bureau data analyzed by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) finds that about 72 percent of households headed by non-citizens and immigrants use one or more forms of taxpayer-funded welfare programs in California — the number one immigrant-receiving state in the U.S.

Illegal Aliens tell of ballot-harvesting in California to flip the House blue

In Orange County alone the Democrats harvested 250,000 absentee ballots—enough to kill off four members of Congress, a State Senator and Assemblyman.  Now we find out, through a technicality in the law, the harvesters in many cases were illegal aliens!!

“The Times describes how California’s famed ballot-harvesters, who flipped places such as Orange County blue in the last midterm, aren’t actually citizens. They did it by “helping” voters fill out, and turn in, and continue to turn in, ballots from otherwise uncommitted voters until they got the result they wanted. Here’s the DREAMers “helping” the voters vote the way they wanted, in action:

In California, Dreamers like Cruz phoned voters, walked precincts and protested outside Republican lawmakers’ offices, reaching people who had not been called or visited by either party. Their efforts helped boost turnout among Latinos in this year’s midterm election — 29 million nationwide were eligible to vote, according to the Pew Research Center — which is projected to surpass levels higher than in past presidential election years, political analysts said.”

Now let’s go back to Brenda Snipes in Broward County Florida where she’s been caught stuffing the ballot box before, but now also helping

Facts matter, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s only offset for not knowing the facts is using the patented accusations of ‘Racism’ and ‘White Supremacy’ because the Progressive Left have no policy or agenda that puts America, our founders, or the ‘Will’ of the American people first as one of their top priorities!

Debbie Wasserman Schultz is just another ‘Deep State’r’ that earned her political wings through Brenda Snipes and her repeated violations of Voter Fraud in Broward County Florida! What should you remember about this loyal Obama administration’s soldier who like most of the Obama sponsored Gestapo only have an arsenal of racist accusations and a propensity to be able to lie without having any command of the facts and/ or a dedication to the oath of office they pretend to adhere to, but whose actions prove otherwise!

Just a little refresher course on how Wasserman Schultz got her sea legs in Pelosi’s voter fraud take back of the House!  Chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, the leader the Democratic Party from 2011 until she resigned in 2016. Wasserman Schultz resigned from her position after WikiLeaks released a collection of stolen emails indicating that Wasserman Schultz and other members of the DNC staff had exercised bias against Senator Bernie Sanders in favor of Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Democratic primaries.

What comes next for Debbie Wasserman Schultz is another ‘Brenda Snipes’ repeat performance in Broward County Florida!  If you recall Brenda Snipes was Supervisor of Elections for Broward County, Florida. She was appointed by Governor Jeb Bush in 2003. Snipes is registered as a Democrat. Broward County encompasses the 20th, 22nd, 23rd, and 24th congressional districts. On November 30, 2018, in the aftermath of the controversial 2018 Florida elections, Snipes was removed from office by Governor Rick Scott.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz next gig after stepping down as the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee for her role in the Bernie Sanders primary fixing for Hillary Clinton charge, was to run for the U.S. House’s 23rd District, which is also under the watchful eye of, you guessed it, ‘Brenda Snipes!’ Now you would think with a little 20:20 hindsight that the people of the 23rd District of Broward County Florida would be in the know? However, it is important to remember that Wasserman-Schultz and Snipes are merely the public faces of an extensive, deeply problematic system of corruption. It is then also essential to understand who, and what mechanisms, have allowed figures like Wasserman-Schultz, Snipes, and the Awan brothers to get away with what they thought they got away with, at least that’s what they thought!

I guess Yogi Berra, the famous ‘Hall of Fame’ Yankee catcher and manager when he said ‘It’s like Deja vu all over again,” especially when you see the names involved with non-prosecution of Debbie Wasserman Schultz and others for their role in the Primary fixing scheme for the Hillary Campaign to be the Presidential candidate nominee for the Democratic Party, and against the hard charging Socialist Bernie Sanders! 

Pelosi Led Dems Caught in Another Lie!

Dems candidates for President are running on open borders, spending hundreds of Billions of dollars on illegal immigrant taxpayer funded entitlement and benefits in exchange for their votes in 2020, and then sitting on their hands and looking the other way while the Obama Administration that promised to cut the national debt from $10T to $5T, but managed instead to raised it to $20T!

In an interview given earlier on CNBC, he said, “The media has created a perception that the voters will decide the nomination, and that’s the conflict here.”

“Political parties choose their nominee, not the general public contrary to popular belief,” he went on to say.

We have a system that for decades has pretended to be following the guidelines that were laid out by our founding fathers Constitution and abandoned by the greed and power of these so called elected officials we call politicians. The truth of the matter is that we didn’t vote for any of this, and by all accounts the current bipartisan establishment who perpetrated this fraud can’t be allowed to continue and ousted!! We pay dues, known as taxes, to be fraudulently represented in a non-existent agenda of following the ‘will’ of the American people.

Schumer lives up to his reputation again, but this time it’s about him abandoning his New York City Jewish base when he decided to hide for weeks after Ilhan Omar suggested GOP support for Israel is driven by campaign donations from a prominent pro-Israel group.

If you recall Omar singled out AIPAC, one of the most influential lobbying groups in Washington as the source of those donations.

Schumer has always sided with everything and anything Israel since the beginning of time, but now a freshman Muslim Congresswoman has exposed his anti-Antisemitism cowardliness! By Schumer not having Ilhan Omar removed from the House’s Foreign Relations Committee just proves that both Schumer and Pelosi are at the mercy of America’s first generation to come out of our finely tuned educational system that used ‘Common Core’s repetitive brainwashing using testing, testing, and testing instead of allowing our children to first learn and then using what they’ve learned to come up with an answer through natural and logical reasoning, and not driven deep into the mind by repetitive testing!

What this newly born again pro anti-Semite supporting Senate Minority Leader Chuck-e Schumer has come out with is that he only wants the facts to be considered when in a regular court of law where every American would be subject to, would be considered to be hearsay, unverified facts and sources, or just plain innuendo that would be thrown out of any court if an American Citizen were on trial!

The facts that were entered by the Dems at the time of the ‘Left’s’ misguided but hopeful Schumer, Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler impeachment Hoax aren’t facts, but an abuse of power that the misguided leadership of the Dems used because they controlled the House, but that doesn’t give them the right to bypass the Constitution and the ‘Rule of Law,’ or the ideals that are supported by common sense and fairness, and shouldn’t be tolerated!

Schumer said he only wants or needs the evidence that the Schiff and Nadler committee’s uncovered in the House’s investigations, and not the far reaching conspiracy theories that include the role that Hunter and Joe Biden Played in Ukraine’s part in influencing America’s 2016 elections. What doesn’t help Presidential Candidate Joe Biden’s claims of no wrong doing is the fact that in 2017 Ukraine was found guilty on interfering in America’s election!

The Pelosi and Schumer Dems continue to not only lose their American made base, but are now showing their disdain for the American people in exchange for their support for illegal immigrants who have been cleared by the ‘Deep State’ to illegally and unconstitutionally vote in the upcoming 2020 elections!

Another Conspiracy Theory or a warning that every American who’s a ‘Never Trumper’ should heed when thinking about going with erroring on the side of caution or throwing caution to the Socialist winds of the Progressive ‘Left?’