Why Isn’t Common Sense More Common, Especially When it Comes to the ‘Swamp’ and Lying Media?

Common sense is needed  when trying to figure out the real agenda of politicians running for office by allowing us, through personal experience, to see the true agenda behind these political candidate’s and their canned rhetoric. Next comes recognizing the obvious faults and criminal intent of their hidden message, and last would be wondering why we deplorables are subjected to the ties and lies of these politicians and the already known fake news, deception, and innuendos when we already know that the false accolades and credentials that are being created for these individual political hacks by the ‘Paid to Report’ Media’s agenda journalist’s hype, and doing it all for a price? We’ve all been through this before, and know that the ‘Paid to Report’ Media is shoving their B.S. down the throats of the uniformed political neophytes to make them think they’re making and educated decision when voting for a specific candidate, when in fact, they are just being lied to so they can be led down that political ideological path of Socialist change that the bipartisan swamp wants them to go down, and embrace.

Common sense should be telling you that something is really wrong when the Progressive Democrats would rather obstruct and resist anything Trump instead of creating jobs, lowering the poverty rate, don’t want to participate in the repeal and replacement of healthcare, don’t want to eliminate the regulations or lower the highest corporate tax in the world that were driving the suppliers of jobs and healthcare to able body workers out of the country, but in return gets the wanted the fall out of the left behind workers because these companies are leaving or closing, and forced to depend on government’s entitlements for those everyday needs, because that’s what Socialism thrives on, and that’s dependency!

Common sense should tell you that what’s going on in America, and the never Trumpers, has nothing to do with making America great again, and the obstruction and resistance is attempting to discredit the exceptionalism of America so that other countries who haven’t fallen yet to the pressures of the new world order, will follow suit once Reagan’s shining  city on the hill becomes a footnote in history. Common sense should also tell you that America is still that beacon that the oppressed peoples of other lands want to come to experience the rights and freedoms that allows people to achieve the American dream, and able to practice whatever floats your boat and makes you happy and free to believe in whatever you want!

The left intentionally didn’t want to enforce the immigration laws that were already on the books, but chose to come up with their very own unconstitutional version to control the border, and regulate who comes and goes freely at their preplanned convenience. This is why Obama increased the debt ceiling, and why financing his ‘pay to vote’ scheme and support the unvetted illegal immigrants and refugees, is more important then backing a Federal Voter ID Law or keeping America safe.

Obama purposely diminished  America’s military strength, and had America take a backseat on the world stage, and force other countries to step up to fill the vacancy. America stood tall in that role of world leader, but once Obama went on his apology tour, declared that America wasn’t exceptional, and intentionally used the funds for defense to finance his immigration policy, those leadership days were over, and by taking away that privilege and pride of America’s military reputation in the world, and then Obama doubled down, and disrupted the status quo by Socially engineering the mission of keeping America safe, and causing a distraction to the task at hand! From day one of Obama’s inauguration it was apparent that America’s reputation and power on the world stage wouldn’t be what it once was, and the respect would be slowly drained from the opinion of America’s protection of our allies was dramatically changed, and when Obama, with the recommendation of Hillary started pulling our troops out of Iraq, and Obama firing some 197 high ranking officers with military know how and experience because they didn’t agree with his foreign policies or his handling of the situation that was getting out of control in the Middle East, Obama chose to replace them with ‘Yes’ men that would be at Obama’s beckoning call, and who Obama could now boss around with no feedback, and the rest is history!

Obama and Hillary caused the rise of ISIS and other radical groups that didn’t look kindly on America’s Constitutional Republic’s ideology, or the rights it granted women, but when Hillary, witnessing the rise of ISIS around the world she had no plans to rebuild our military, and never intended to have a plan when she decided to run for the presidency in the 2016 Presidential election. Common sense should be telling you now that if Trump didn’t win then all hell was going to break loose, and our Constitutional Republic had a really good chance of being wiped from the face of the earth, and along with it the common sense protections we gave our allies would no longer exist.

Common sense should tell you that the destruction of historical statues will only lead to the destruction of fundamental rights of artists, sculptures, and the building of walls, which can be justified with the simple accusation of not being politically correct, or you being displaying implicit bias behavior that anyone can call you out on! The right to privacy and the first Amendment should be the counter defense and end the argument, but if nobody cares to listen. and if you think it stops there, you’ve lost your fu*king common sense mind.

The nothing new Democrats have decided that they would still continue to run on their same old endangering our fighting men with rules of engagement that threatened their lives, and being the perpetrators of death when allowing  hundreds to die while serving America because of not maintaining the equipment needed to aid our fighting men’s during their job of protecting and defending America, and its allies, because of the lack of funding, or the mechanical skill sets in the military to keep them safe, and keep their chariots of fire in working order.

I mentioned this before, but with another military accident on the high seas killing 10 more soldiers yesterday, you have to believe that Obama’s foreign policy is still killing more soldiers than enemy bullets, and is still, because of the drain during the Obama years of trained mechanics, and IT specialists, are still not up to snuff under President Trump, but getting there!

The liberal left used political correctness and implicit bias against our 80% Christian base belief to eliminate and rename our Christian days of celebration so that it wouldn’t offend any other religious beliefs, but took the time to ignore the rights of anyone supporting President Trump, a.k.a. Deplorables.

Common sense should also be telling you that there is no way any true American can possibly vote for anyone on the left who continues to threaten our sovereignty, our borders, our safety, our freedoms, rights and liberties, and should believe that anyone obstructing and resisting the mandate of the American peoples electoral landslide victory in 2016, should receive any votes to continue on with the lies they told their constituency to get elected, and their betrayal to their oath of office!

I don’t know how anybody, with using a little common sense, can possibly think that the Trump campaign, that is under the investigation of 6 committees investigating the Russian collusion, and have come up with nothing, can possibly believe, using common sense, that the investigation by Robert Mueller will be forced to, because of all the taxpayer’s money being spent on digging up any facts at all, will be forced to fabricate charges based on the left’s interpretation and intent of non-existent hypotheticals, lies and innuendos to justify their existence. We all know that the progressive left will never acknowledge that President Trump is doing what he said he was going to do, and doing it in historical record breaking timeframe because he always has delivered on a private sector business timeline and deadline, and when politicians can only kick that promise ‘can’ down the road without any consciousness of time-line obligations or meeting the demands of their constituency on a timely basis, they expect accolades and pats on the back for trying!

Common sense should also tell you that with President Trump is checking off the promises that he made during his campaign’s ‘to do’ list, and that the left’s rhetorical attacks about President Trump not checking off any of his major legislation, being the repeal and replacement of Obamacare, or tax reform, which by the way will happen eventually, is because of the intent to delegitimize Trumps Presidency through obstruction and resistance from both sides of the aisle, and from the feckless fake political leadership who have been in office so long, that their ass prints are permanently etched in the thrones of their over the hill non-existing term limit existence, and then their use and abuse of their unthinkable power and deception to stroke they’re high and all mighty egos!

Another weekend of banging that little white ball around and avoiding anything the Media tells me about ‘Political Correctness,’ how I should be living my life, and adjusting my opinion to whatever these paid off ‘pie holes’ tell me! What really scares me is that many people who don’t really agree with the facts presented by the agenda journalists, still rely on the ‘Paid to Report’ Media’s negativity, but won’t use their common sense when it comes to all of the accomplishments that President Trump has done in the first 7 months of his administration. How much longer will Americans blindly accept the conclusions of agenda journalism, and not using their common sense to see through the lies and obvious ‘Fake News’ that is attempting to create hypothetical negatives of President Trump’s positives, while trying to project the same negative vibes towards the upbeat environment of today’s America under President Trump’s ‘America first’ platform?

Common sense should tell Americans that what’s going on in America today, can’t possibly be going on in America today because of the checks and balances that our founding fathers set us up in the Constitution to protect America from exactly what’s been going on for the last 8 years under the Obama Administration. Where we went wrong was trusting and believing in the system that had worked, and worked well for the last 244 years, and because of that belief in the system, let our guard down because there was no way in hell that the political ideological status quo could ever be changed without the approval of the legal voting American citizens mandate,’ and to ignore and bypass the ‘Will’ of the American people’s mandate is not only criminal, but outright treasonous!

To every American common-sense dictate that our elected officials have always followed the constitutional blueprint that was given to us by our founding fathers, and for our elected officials to stay the course that has worked for the last 244 years, but the swamp has decided without asking for the American people’s approval to use the lies and deception of the ‘Paid to Report’ Media’s ‘Pay to Play’ to back their transformation of America. The ‘never Trump’ bias is attempting to steer American’s loyalty away from President Trump, and might have worked if President Trump was doing a terrible job delivering on his promises, but common sense should tell you something different, and that’s President Trump is living up to his commitments and promises, and therefore tell you that the Progressive left has no plan ‘B’ to take back the House and Senate other than Socialism, and their obstruction and resistance hit parade will get them nothing more than a footnote of obstruction and failure in the history books of the future.

We have a state senator who thinks President Trump should be assassinated, and then 4 days later rescinding her rhetoric that I believe is not sincere enough for her to keep her job! We have the Senate majority leader, who like many other RINOs, also known as conservative hacks, are backing and financing the sitting Arizona Senator who is up for reelection and believes in open borders, open immigration, and against the building of the ‘Wall,’ instead of President Trump’s candidate who believes in following the mandate of the electorate, and following President Trumps campaign promises to build a border Wall, enforce the already existing immigration laws that Holder, Lynch, and President Obama ignored for the last 8 years.

America is being inundated with ‘fake new’ and negative forces that are trying to convince Americans that our Constitutional Republic, President Trump, and Capitalist values are not all that it is hyped up to be, and that the alternative to exceptionalism isn’t about following our Constitution and Bill of Rights, but to surrendering the ‘Will’ of the American people to the ones who know what’s best for America, and everyone else in the world. Lawlessness is the battle cry of the left, and Sanctuary Cities and the murders and crimes being dealt with is the responsibility of the feckless leadership of the Democratic run cities, and the reason for the failures exhibited by their Socialist ideological leadership that is being run up the flag pole by Schumer and Pelosi.

Where common sense should be coming into play in America today is understanding that there is no way that American’s will vote to go back to the days and lies of Obama’s Socialist definition of change, and the last 8 years of a intentionally oppressing economy, shrinking our military, giving up our leadership role on the world stage, financing our number one enemy (Iran) so that they would be able to have their always wanted nuclear capabilities, raising the debt so that America could pay for and support the unvetted illegal immigrants and refugees, and telling the America people in his last United Nations speech that America should succumb to the international laws while asking illegals to vote with no consequences for doing so illegally, and then undermining our military superiority to help keep America safe along with our ally’s around the world!

So, where am I wrong, and are you so entrenched in the never Trump rebellion that you can’t see using Common Sense, and that there is no way the progressive movement will ever succeed! The last 8 years of lies and the left’s interpretation of the constitution has created a sink hole, and as the sink hole gets bigger and bigger it’s destroying the base of our countries foundation of rights, freedoms and liberties

Common sense should tell you that if an outsider non-politician can become President, and within 7 months gave all small businesses and corporations who were either closing or moving out of the country hope, then common sense should be telling you that the ‘Silent Majority’ saved America from a Socialist reality in the last Presidential election, and the reason for today’s 4.3% unemployment rate, and the projected 3.7% GDP in the third quarter. Obama couldn’t get to 2% GDP in the last 8 years during any quarter, and common sense should make you think that if he chose to, Obama could have had the same results, but instead decided to go the ‘Alinsky’/Cloward and Piven way, and force people onto the entitlement rolls, force small businesses and Corporations to close or leave America for cheaper labor and less regulations, and should tell you that the prosperity of America was not on Obama’s to do list, and with just using a little common sense and hindsight should enable you to see what America would have been if Hillary’s coronation happened!

The last Administration tried to hide their true intent when they created the highest level of unemployed and underemployed in the history of America, the largest amount of people on government welfare and public assistance in history, the highest level of poverty in the history of this country, and how can we forget the largest amount of debt in the history of America because of the unconstitutional immigration policies used to override the existing immigration laws already on the books to fund the illegal immigrants and refugees in history. I could go on and on, but if you understood their intent to ideologically change America, then maybe your common-sense abilities are not dead, and will help you make the right decision come the 2018 midterm election!

Your perception is your reality and if only a little common sense was just a small part of that reality then America will always be protected from the outside interests that think Americans can’t make up their own minds when it comes to the decisions that control your own lives, and not the decisions and direction that government tells you it should be, and that’s because government thinks you can’t make those decisions that allows you to control your own life and destiny!

Common sense should tell you that it’s time for America to take the high road back again and not let agenda journalists and the swamp tell us what road we need to take moving into the future, and common sense should tell you that everything this President does is helping America to be great again. Common sense should tell you that the bipartisan ‘Swamp’ have made a financial agreement with the devil to deliver our Constitutional Republic to the dark side of Progressive Socialism, and it’s time for common sense to be telling you that the actions of these politicians who inhabit the ‘Swamp,’ and the ‘Paid to Report’ Media, never planned to deliver on the mandate of the ‘will’ of the American people because everything they thought would happen with a Hillary victory, never came to fruition! Common sense should be telling you that once you realize, hopefully by now you do, that the swamp and agenda journalists were never on your side, and once you understand, then everything they do makes perfect sense.

Common sense should tell you that at the end of the 2016 Presidential election when progressive lawlessness reigned supreme over America, that the left’s full court press was about doing anything and everything ‘never Trump’ in order to save the asses of the traitors to the rule of law like Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, Lois Lerner, and then our Intel biggies, Comey, Clapper and Brennan. I think we all know by using just a little common sense that there’s going to be a separate ‘Hell’ for Hillary once common-sense rules Supreme in the new leaders of our Intel agencies and department of Justice, and for that I say Amen.


America has become a Banana Republic. You know, the kind of place where the media doesn’t report the news, they instead decide what news you should be allowed to hear.

The Mainstream media determines the headlines. And since 99.9% of the people who run the media are either liberal Democrats, or crony capitalists in bed with the DC swamp, they purposely choose headlines to confuse you, distract you, or sadly, outright mislead you. That’s called fraud.

Case in point. What have you heard about for a solid week? A small KKK protest in Charlottesville. And then this past Friday a quick interruption for Steve Bannon’s firing.

But isn’t news about jobs and the economy dramatically improving under President Trump much more important to the average American?

Under President Obama we had the eight worst GDP (Gross Domestic Product) years in the history of America. Our GDP was under 3% for all eight years of Obama. That’s never happened since the day our country was founded in 1776.

And during the 1930’s (the entire decade of The Great Depression) our combined GDP for the decade was 1.3%. Guess what our combined GDP was for eight years under Obama?

1.3%. We just lived through an “Obama Great Depression.” Except this time the media never reported it to the people.

Barack Obama destroyed the US economy and killed the entire American middle class with his obsession with social justice, green energy, open borders, big taxes, big regulations, Obamacare and big government.

Yet the media said nothing. They never reported all this. Instead, the media used the words “in recovery” thousands of times during Obama’s eight years. How could the eight worst years since 1776 be called “a recovery?” It’s all about what headlines the media chooses.

This was a massive cover-up of the failure of Obama’s policies.

Obama was a dream killer. A curse. He was Freddie Kruger.

If Obama’s economy was a movie, it would be “Night of the Living Dead.”

But this week the Atlanta Fed reported something remarkable. They predict the 3rd Quarter GDP of America will be 3.7%. That’s explosive growth. That’s like the Reagan years.

President Trump has changed everything in only seven months. Just by cutting a bunch of regulations and giving entrepreneurs, risk-takers, CEOs and small business owners “hope,” President Trump has brought us back from the dead.

Donald Trump is a magician. He proved that with the right attitude towards business, you can erase eight years of disaster and failure and misery, in record time.

But has this been a headline in the news? NO. It’s nowhere to be found.

But it’s not just GDP. Corporate earnings are setting records, job growth is phenomenal, there are more manufacturing jobs than at any time since before Obama took office, border crossings are dramatically down, and food stamp use is down by 1.3 million. Trump accomplished all of this in only seven months.

Has any of this been in the headlines? NO. It’s nowhere to be found.

Instead we are fed a steady diet of one protest-gone-bad in Charlottesville. And Donald Trump’s views on white extremism, the KKK and Neo Nazis.

Are you starting to get the picture?

On the same weekend as the one heinous protest and tragic murder in Charlottesville, we had 9 murders and 33 shot on the streets of Chicago. This happens every weekend in Chicago- a city run 100% by Democrats for the past half century.

Did you see that in the headlines? No.

Why was one tragic murder at a protest in Charlottesville far more important than nonstop mayhem and murder on the streets of Obama’s hometown of Chicago every single week, 52 weeks a year?

At the same time, Debbie Wasserman Shultz is involved in what might be the biggest scandal in political history- allegedly involving bank fraud, extortion vs. 30 Democrat Congressmen, possible funding of terrorism with taxpayer money, espionage, a gigantic breach of national security, and the sale of state secrets to foreign enemies of America.

Not in the headlines.

At the same time, the FBI has re-opened the investigation into the meeting on the airport tarmac between Attorney General Lynch and Bill Clinton.

Not in the headlines.

At the same time, Julian Assange and Kim DotCom of Wikileaks claim they have news that will shock the nation over the DNC leaks, Seth Rich’s murder and Robert Mueller’s entire case against President Trump. Again, no headlines in the media.

It kind of makes you wonder…

Why is the mainstream media committing fraud? ~~By Wayne Allyn Root, a Friend of America!

Common sense isn’t common anymore, and until it finds its way back into the political beliefs of all Americans that have a say in the future of America, then we are going to be in a world of hurt when it comes to the future of America, and the ones we leave behind to fight the fight over common sense, and what that entails.