You Have to Hit ‘Rock Bottom’ Before you can Accept an Intervention!

Chapter 1, Facts of Life: You Have to Hit ‘Rock Bottom’ Before you can Accept an Intervention!

I want to thank these young Freshman ‘House’ Democrats and their pie in the sky Socialist platforms that have opened my eyes, and proving to the American people that in order to believe this shit they are either on ‘Candid Camera,’ ‘Ripley’s Believe it or Not,’ or ‘As the World Turns,’ which by the way if you don’t jump  on the ‘New World Order’ ship to suppression, oppression, rejection if you don’t sign up to join!

The American people need a little dose of ‘What’s Old is New Again’ and fight for what our parents, their parents, and even their parent’s parents gave up to come to this country, and from the very beginning was based not on ideological presets but by individual self-determination by finding your own path through life without the restrictions of others who believe they have the power to control the lives of others, while stifling and oppressing those individuals that might threaten their power!

The mouthpieces of the Democratic Party keep telling us that they’re not Socialist reminds me of the time when Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama were shoving Obamacare down the throats of the American people by Obama first saying if you want to keep your doctor you can keep your doctor, and then following that up with it you want to keep your plan you can keep your plan, and then had Nancy Pelosi following that up with if you want to know what’s in the Obamacare Law you have to pass it! The problem with all of this is that we Americans are still being lied to all these years later, but after I spent 5 days of writing an article that I was going to post over the weekend, and trying to adjust it because of all the different avenues of facts I’ve uncovered over the years of research, totaled close to 5,000 words,  that I decided were actually pieces of a puzzle of the truth about what’s really going on here, and as a result scrapping the original for a few shorter ‘Cliffs Note’s’ versions!

What really threw me was this ‘Dog and Pony’ show presentation of what’s been going on for years, at least for the years that it took 4 Administrations to complete their New World Order agenda, and doing it with both parties playing ‘Good Cop, Bad Cop’ in their efforts to get what’s best for the world, but not America, because we are the only nation left standing that actually honors individual rights while limiting government oversight, and that doesn’t fly when you’re looking to create a nation of zombies who are willing to accept whatever their told, a.k.a. today’s Mainstream Media’s reporting to the American people!

I know you know what comes next on my ‘Hint’ Parade that seems to be more than a pet peeve for me, and that’s voter fraud, the only was a political party can do absolutely nothing for two years and take back the House by refusing to adhere to the American Peoples mandate of making America great again, and willfully supporting every illegal and unconstitutional action that their leader, Barack Obama, bypassed and ignored for the entire 8 years, and what’s shocking here, is that the Republicans are doing nothing and did nothing to push back on Obama’s concerted effort to destroy America from within!

The 2018 Midterms just proved to all Americans that it was never about Democrat vs Republican but America against the world, and that the world needs to be the priority for obvious reasons, especially if you are in favor of the New World Order! My first hint was how is it possible that this diverse class of Democrats believes in some version of Socialism as they keep moving further and further left, and as I see it the equivalent of the ‘Shock Jock’ who pushes the envelope of possibilities, but in this case after taking an oath within the last month that is completely opposite of what they’re supposed to be supporting, protecting, and defending, and that my friends is the Constitution!

Let’s Go Deeper into Proving exactly what’s going to be passed in other states and used against America’s Constitution when it comes to the election process!

While all the attention was on Brenda Snipes in Florida, Nancy Pelosi’s home state of California was reversing 6 California House races where on election day 6 Republicans appeared to have won their seats in Republican Strongholds, but within 2 weeks and the discovery of more provisional ballots, all 6 races were reversed in favor of the Democratic Party! Those 6 seats turned out to be the 6 votes Nancy Pelosi needed to take back the Speakers Job and the Gavel when she received 220 votes where 216 were needed! A Coincidence, Hmmm, only time will tell!

Conspiracy Theory, or just plain Common Sense using the per ponderous of the evidence?

A combination of recent changes in California election rules have lengthened the ballot counting process, and some Republicans believe, disadvantages their Party, “You think!’

A stunning 5 Million ballots, more than 40% of the overall total were counted after November 6th!!  In many places Democrats got a significantly larger portion of the late votes than those counted on election day! Those later votes helped Democrats capture a string of GOP held U.S. House seats!

The Democratic legislature approved changes allowing any-mail-in-ballots post marked by election day to be counted up to 3 business days later!

Another provision allows voters to let anyone drop off their absentee ballots rather than a family member as previously required. That has opened the door to so-called ‘Ballot Harvesting’ by campaign operatives!

“Can you imagine if Brenda Snipes had 3 extra days, especially when the voter rolls in Broward County haven’t been scrubbed of dead voters for over 100 years, and the damage she could have done in Florida, and the future damage that could be done if these changes that occurred in California are adopted by other states?”


Now knowing that the changes made to the election rules in California as I mentioned above, and obviously led to Nancy Pelosi regaining her ‘Gavel Wheeling’ Speaker of the House position, we as Americans can only hope that are elected officials aren’t going to pass similar election rules legislation in their home states behind the backs of their constituency!

These ‘Blue States’ that are automatically registering Illegals to vote, and still claim that illegals aren’t voting, is beginning to take on a life of its own, especially when you have a House freshman neophyte from New York laying out a future program of insanity tied to her ‘Green’ Agenda, but more concerning that she is shown in a picture with other ‘ranking’ Democrats who appear to be backing her play all the way!

The ‘why’ has me believing that the reason illegals are being registered to vote automatically has nothing to do with whether they are voting or not, but bodies to assume the identity of the ‘dead’ voters who are citizens and still on the voter rolls, and not only that but also on the registered list of legal drivers, which would be scrubbed upon the death of an individual whose auto/auto insurance would be more than likely immediately canceled upon the death of that individual!  Hmmm, at least food for thought!

In the end it will all come down to whether bipartisan legislation to Federally mandate a Photo Voter ID Law can be worked out, and whether either side of the aisle care if America’s sovereignty is as important, along with the safety of the American people, then the agenda of a New World Order? My guess would be after witnessing the outrageous attempt by these new Democrats openly trash what’s made America the greatest country on earth, and being backed by the Mainstream Media, and the years of orchestration planning that enabled the heads of our top Intel Agencies to come together at the same time under the same President who believed his first mission was to take a world tour to apologize for America’s past and at the same time getting no push back again from the Republicans led by Mitch McConnell who today controls what legislation gets to the floor of the Senate to become law!

You decide….