Bernie’s ‘Socialism’ is Dead, But Obama, Hillary, and Now Biden’s Global Socialism’s NWO is Not!

With ‘Pocahontas’ finally dropping out, but not before hurting Bernie by not seeing the same light that Klobuchar and Buttigieg did before they dropped out before Super Tuesday and throwing their support to Biden, and then after Super Tuesday seeing Bloomberg doing the same, we now see this ‘Indian Giver’ Elizabeth Warren, who in my mind isn’t necessarily dropping out to help Bernie, but costing Bernie the votes in some of these primary states that would have won some of those states for Bernie, but instead lost those states to Biden! Elizabeth Warren is only trying to save face……and trust me, won’t immediately be endorsing anybody unless she gets something for herself in exchange! She will not appologize and she won’t ever come around to support anthing that has to do with making America great again unless it includes the world first and before the needs of the American people are met!

With Bloomberg dropping out and throwing his support for Biden, know that nothing changes when it comes to the push by the ‘Deep State’ of their Social Globalist agenda using Agenda 21, Climate Change, and the Coronavirus as the ‘Fear Factor’ in there attempt to drive the American people toward their version of the ‘Light,’ a.k.a. Social Globalism’s open border policies and their proposed Agenda 21’s New World Order that the last 4 Administrations didn’t bother to share or get the approval of those ideas about the future of America with the American people! Why was that?

Joe Biden won’t have the same protection that Hillary Clinton had given to her by the same corrupt leadership of the Obama FBI, DOJ, and CIA! Obama and Hillary had the same financial sponsor in George Soros who protected her same as Obama Saul Alinsky agenda to transform America’s Constitutional Republic to a Socialist form of governance that she first learned from and worked for Saul Alinsky himself, and than what Obama learned from Alinsky’s disciples Cloward and Piven who were his Political Science professors at Columbia University!

With the Barr-Durham Investigation into that same corrupt leadership of the Obama FBI. DOJ, and CIA, and was there to protect Hillary when it came to her emails, the $6 Billion that went missing or lost from her State Department, Benghazi video lies, the 20% of Uranium that she sold to Russia where the Clinton foundation netted a cool $140 Million dollar finders fee, and all the others that are too many to mention, know that Joe Biden and Son will not be as lucky to have the same protection, and as a result will probably awaken the American People to the fact that candidates who are running for public office, especially for the Presidency, aren’t exempt from criminal prosecution for the crimes that both Joe and Hunter Biden got caught doing in both Ukraine and China using Vice President’s position to shake down foreign nations to benefit themselves and other family members!

The message has been sent! Socialism, at least Bernie’s Brand of Socialism, is dead, but When you have Biden winning states he never even bothered to visit due to his lack of money, or like Hillary, could have cared less because she thought the fix was in with George Soros voting machines being discovered before the election in 16 Swing States in 307 voting districts, then you got to know that Global Socialism’s New World Order, which is what Obama, Hillary, and now Joe Biden, will continue to shove down the throats of every American in 2020!

Joe Biden will be just another Puppet of the ‘Billionaires Boys Club’ membership of George Soros, Michael Bloomberg (Who just suspended his Campaign with throwing his support for Biden), Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, ‘Drop Out’ Tom Steyer, and owner of FOX News Rupert Murdock, and will continue to push their Agenda 21, New World Order, using their ‘End of the World Hoaxes down the throats of every American until they see it their way!

The only thing that can stop this piling on by these ‘Billionaire Boy’s Club members, who are using their money to hopefully buy their Globalist Dream of creating a New World Order, is for all Americans to come together again without the heavy hand of Political Correctness, Identity Politics, or Implicit Bias guiding their every decision, to come together as one nation as we were able to do for WWI and WWII, and we’ll all need to do for WWIII which will be fought on American soil for the first time in recent American history on November 3, 2020, a.k.a., election day!  

The piling on lies about the Trump Administration’s handling of the Coronavirus has been debunked while the Obama/Biden Administration, with the help of the ‘Deep State’ Mainstream Media, was able to hide their feckless handling of the H1N1 Virus back in 2009 when Obama waited until millions of Americans were infected, and a 1,000 Americans died before Obama was forced to reveal his hidden carelessness and lack of concern over the the American people’s health to the American public!

When it comes to the CDC’s withholding of funding, and employees being fired, know that those are also lies! The supposed firing was someone quitting, and the funding accusations happened before the Trump Administration was even in office! But it’s the Trump Administration, right? 

‘Super Tuesday’ exposed the Progressive ‘Left’s’ disdain they have for the American people’s choice, and will do the extra work needed to make sure that the candidate who will be running to run against President Trump in 2020 will be the candidate that’s derived from a Brokered Convention!

Will Ex V.P. Joe Biden if he wins the nomination and goes on to become the 46th President of the United States will he continue on with the same disrespect that his boss Barack Obama had for the Constitution that he had a ringside seat to witness as V.P., but like many others from both sides of the aisle, turned the other way and refused to use their oath to defend and protect the Constitution, and stop Obama from not only betraying the Constitution and the ‘Rule of Law,’ but intentionally screwing America and the American people in the process!

The DNC believes that after the 2016 election when the people elected now President Trump, that the American People should never be trusted to make the right decisions for not only what’s best for themselves, but the Nation or the World when it comes to the future!