MSM: ‘Socialism’ has a Chance, and the Race is ‘Too Close To Call!’ REALLY?

The Mainstream Media’s polls keep pretending that Joe Biden, and his unconstitutional eligible to be his Vice Presidential running mate Kamala Harris, actually has a chance to win the election with running on a platform of Socialism, raising taxes, reestablishing regulations based on their ‘Green Agenda’ that forced our American made manufacturing companies to be Socialistically redistributed around the world, but with a majority of them, as we now know because of the China Virus, going to China!

Update: Proof that America’s 2020 election stolen!!

China, the same favorite nation of Obama and Hillary backer George Soros that he declared should replace America as the new world ‘Economic Superpower’ and since 2009 has, until President Trump’s upset win over Hillary, stuffed America with trade deficits with China that the Obama/Biden Administration did nothing to rectify, allowed China to continue to steal America’s intellectual Property that again the Obama/Biden Administration did nothing to rectify, and finally allowed the Biden, but more than likely Harris Administration, profit from influence peddling that made the Biden ‘Crime Family’ band of mobsters extremely wealthy, that the Mainstream Media and the ‘Radical Left’ refused to be allowed to be rectified, and in the same way Benghazi, that happened just weeks before the Obama reelection in 2012, was not only not rectified, but blamed on a video instead of the obvious fact that it happened on the anniversary of 9/11!

What your seeing with the Democratic Blue State ‘Rule Changes in the way votes are cast and counted, and only able to get away with it because of there being no Federally mandated photo Voter ID Law, or enforceable term limits being legislated by any of our elected officials from either side of the aisle, should send up the largest ‘Red Flag’ in the history of ‘Red Flags,’ and for more than obvious reasons!

With the House being won by the ‘Radical Left’ using ‘Vote by Mail’ back during the 2018 Midterms, and now using the same ‘Vote by Mail’ strategy for the 2020 elections to steal back the Senate and the White House so that they can transition America’s constitutional Republic to their George Soros’s backed New World Order through their Socialist Agenda that’s not only failed 100% of the time its been tried, but watching Venezuela being it most recent victim with going from the 4th richest country in the world to not even to be seen in the rear view mirror in just under 20 years!

What you also need to know, and that’s if you don’t remember, is that just a week to 10 days before the 2016 elections, and in those same 16 swing states that the Mainstream Media keep claiming are up for grabs, they discovered George Soros ‘Voting Machines’ set up in 307 voting districts in those 16 swing states! Those voting machines were the same voting machines that George Soros used in Venezuela to allow Chavez to swoop in with his Socialist platform, and then finish off what was left of Venezuela by ‘PACKING’ Venezuela’s Supreme Court to not only eliminate the voice of the people, but to beat down any opposition to his Socialist agenda!


The most recent proof that the Democrats used voter fraud in the 2018 Midterms happened in Pelosi’s state of California when 6 Republican House seats that were won by Republicans on election day were all reversed within the next two weeks due to the 5 million absentee ballots that were allowed to be counted if postmarked by election day and received within 3 business day of election day in 2018, but now extended because of its success to now 17 days because they missed what’s estimated to be 100,000 votes in 2018 which ended up to be 40% of the total votes cast in California!

Another ‘new’ twist to the California voting rules is that absentee ballots no longer had to be delivered by a family member as before, but now by anyone! Oh, did I forget to mention that Nancy Pelosi needed 216 House votes to be the speaker, and just happen to get an extra four, and not the 6 that were stolen away from Republicans in California! The Mainstream Media when they had the chance to right their credibility ship failed again, and failed because they didn’t bother to report that Pelosi got the 216 votes needed to take back the Speaker-ship with 220 votes, and got those 6 votes needed to be speaker of the House from the Republican House seats that were won on election day, but all reversed because of the new rules in the voting process in California, and I guarantee you in additional ‘Blue States’ by the time the 2020 Presidential elections comes to town!

I’ve attached some recommended reading links for you to consider reading before you vote, and if you haven’t voted by mail yet!

Joseph Stalin — ‘Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.’

“It’s not the people who vote that count, it’s the people who count the votes.” ~Joseph Stalin

30 October 2020 by Jonathan E. P. Moore

Pelosi’s Masked ‘Radical Left’s’ ‘Blue’ State’s ‘Vote-By-Mail’ ‘End Game’ Fraud!

30 July 2020 by Jonathan E. P. Moore

‘Undecided Voters’ Should Vote For Preserving their Constitutional Rights! …Right?

26 October 2020 by Jonathan E. P. Moore

Dems Using ‘Aid Money’ on Voter Fraud Aids For 2020, Will 2018 Election Results be Repeated?

27 April 2020 by Jonathan E. P. Moore

Voter Fraud in Blue States Rears its Ugly Head Again!!

11 November 2018 by Jonathan E. P. Moore

George Soros’s ‘Citizens United,’ Voter Manipulation, MSM, China, Schiff, and Bribing GOP Elites to Fast Track TPP!

8 May 2020 by Jonathan E. P. Moore

General ‘Census’ Says Dems Not Catering to American Voters in 2020!

8 July 2019 by Jonathan E. P. Moore