‘Never Trumper’s’ Hate and Racists Claims Miss the Mark, But China Thanks them!

We have President Elect Biden in Georgia calling for Unity in front of 12 people, and one with a car horn that actually works! We have the polls calling the race for the 2 Senate seats being too close to call, and again that close because the ‘Red State’ of Georgia and its citizens, like all the people that voted in the 2020 Presidential election because they believe that America should be 2nd behind China and their documented human rights abuses that include coercive population control methods, forced labor, arbitrary detention in internment camps, torture, physical and sexual abuse, mass surveillance, family separation, and repression of cultural and religious expression, and because as we all know, this is what America and the American people strive for, want to be like, and want to be known for around the world!

Update: Proof that America’s 2020 election stolen!!

Hey Joe, if you want to unify the country than concede the race to President Trump who will continue to make and keep America great again, and take that unconstitutional Vice President Kamala Harris with you because the Second you’re sworn in the Dems are going to go after you using the 25 Amendment so that the 47th President of the United States who’s known for the most Progressive voting record in the Senate, can complete the clean sweep using their now patented ‘Vote by Mail’ Voter Fraud, if they can get away with it a 3rd time if they manage to take those 2 seats needed in the Senate!

If I had to take a wild guess here, I would have to say that the chances of that happening knowing what I do now, is like the House in 2018 and the White House supposedly in this election cycle, that our Republic can say a fond farewell, and I can guarantee you that first act will be to Pack the Supreme Court so that those guaranteed rights that has now become the American people’s true ‘Implicit Bias’ would be lost forever, and more than that though, not even a footnote in future history books because the future of having to follow instructions and do what you’re told can’t afford to have any trace of a time in this world where people at one time could think for themselves and determine their own futures!

Like everything else the Mainstream Media pushes to help support the ‘Radical Left’s ‘Racist’ Claims about America, and that we all know is not a label that America deserves, but in fact it’s quite the opposite! I’m not or never will be ‘Racist,’ however I’m sure I’ve been the target as being one, but let me tell you this about myself, if your black or any other color and you’re an asshole, or if you’re full of yourself, disrespectful, or just being a ‘pain in the ass,’ I’m going to tell you no matter what ethnic background or color you might be, and if that makes me a racist, then so be it!

Hey, it’s all about someone’s individual perception being their personal reality, and whether or not that perception is based on lies that you are repeatedly told until those lies might be perceived to being the truth, then consider yourself as being what’s described as being thin skinned complete with an ‘Egg Shell’ personality!

The problem with today’s America is that political correctness, identity politics, and the always hidden but easily blamed for Racism, and that’s having or being ‘implicitly biased’ when all else fails when it comes to being called a ‘racist!’ The truth of the matter though is that if you are poor and living in America, and you want to blame ‘racism’ for your situation, than you should know that you’re living in a better level of poverty than 60% of what’s considered to be developed nations!

Now with the most recent report coming out saying that America is considered to be the least racist country in the world, than you had to have figured out that Obama and Hillary were using Alinsky’s strategies that divide and hopefully conquer, to bring the level of America’s poverty and hate down to the same level as the rest of the world, especially if your goal is to successfully create any form of a New World Order!

What’s been missing while all these accusations of ‘Racism’ have been easily hurled at America and it’s people is that China’s now loyalist follower George Soros has thrown in his own family’s past Nazi history to add a little of Hitler’s finest propagandist’s strategies to the mix, and now I’m seeing how the ‘Hate’ that it causes still has these ‘Never Trumpers,’ who have been and still are addicted to the Mainstream Media version of the truth, completely missing the boat when it comes to what’s truly going on in America today, especially when it comes to China’s infiltration into our own government, and our elected officials from both side of the aisle taking the ‘Big Bucks’ over honoring their sworn oaths to protect and defend the Constitution, but what’s even worse than that, is that it is actually happening within the highest levels of our government!

Here are just a couple of their biggest achievements when it comes to America’s Mainstream Media, but what makes this even more upsetting is that people that I once knew that believed in the same America that I believed in haven’t figured out yet that a President is only responsible for America’s future for only 4 or 8 years, and for all those ‘Never Trumpers’ who are still high-fiving President Trump’s intentionally manufactured loss created by members from both sides of the aisle, know that the Constitution has already lasted 244 years, and unless these ‘Never Trumpers’ wake up they will never understand that the same America that was handed down to them by their parents, and who in turn was handed down to their parents by their grandparents, then they they won’t be able to hand over that same America to their children because they’ve decided, which was the goal of the ‘Deep State’ run ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media, to believe every word they were told by the Mainstream Media!

I wanted to end up this segment on ‘Racism’ on a happy note before moving on…. Click the ‘title’ link…

America – The World’s Least Racist White Majority Society!

“America is now the least racist white majority society in the world, has a better record of legal protection of minorities than any other society, white or black, offers more opportunities to a greater number of black persons than any other society, including all of those of Africa”

You’re probably wondering how that’s possible with the ‘Left’s’ racist rants since President Trump came to town to make America Great Again back in 2016, and that it’s Trump’s Racism that is responsible for dividing this nation, especially after it was his Booming economy that elevated every identifiable classification of minorities to levels never seen in the world or any other country in just under 2 years? Could it possibly be due to the 90% of President Trump’s cabinet that had private sector business experience and a complete understanding of the simplest theory in economics known as the ‘Law of Supply and Demand or…..?

I don’t know if you’ve been paying attention to the real facts over the last couple of days, but I’ve been watching some of the video’s coming out of China about what we can expect coming from a Biden Administration! Believe it or not you’re living it right now as we speak, and every American is now being forced to experience it first hand due to the Intentionally man made creation and release of the Designer ‘China Virus’ a.k.a. the Coronavirus! If you haven’t figured it out yet with the clues I’ve given you then let me summarize if for you in general terms, “You better follow the instructions and do what you’re told, PERIOD!! Hmmm, sound familiar?

What I’m tired of hearing is about wait until 2022, or that our elected officials actually believe that Joe Biden and unconstitutionally unable to be the Vice President Kamala Harris could possibly have won on a platform that openly puts America 2nd behind China, and opens the flood gates to the same swarm of immigrants that polluted the exceptualism, character, and culture of all those nations of the European Union, who didn’t get the same 4 year reprieve that America and the American people got because we had enough ‘Deplorables’ to elect an outsider non-politician Billionaire that when push came to shove he didn’t need the money that bought off past Presidents, or today with Joe Biden and his family business that was peddling his past, and now his present position, for a paycheck!

Our own elected officials have set America and the American People up to take a fall, and it all began with Bush 41 back in 1992, and has continued on intentionally behind the peoples back for the last 4 Administrations with the signing on to with 177 other countries to the George Soros sponsored United Nations Agenda 21, which was upgraded in 2015 with ‘The 30 Agenda’ which they intended to roll out when Hillary finally got her long awaited for Coronation Ball when she won the Presidency back in 2016!

We should all know this because as early as 2017 President Elect Joe Biden was not only financially in the ‘red’ but pretty much done physically and mentally after all those 47 years of being the butt of jokes because of his gaffing, groping, and generally continuing to forget due to the number of years that have gone by since his 2 brain surgeries that he had back in the late 1980’s!

I guess even Joe forgot that this is America, and all Americans cheer for the underdog, and that’s even if he running to make China first over his own country that has put up with all his imperfections for all these years, but until Joe is sworn in we still have an American Dream that we can believe in, and when it comes to Joe Biden being the President when he’s pushing 80, and with all of his physical and mental issues, just know that anything can happen in America, especially if you have the willingness to sell your soul, and your country out for a buck or two because you might need that buck or two when you’re forced into retirement in the closer than you think near future!

I don’t know about you, but I think it’s time to for President Trump to pull one of Obama’s rabbits out of his hat, and that ‘Rabbit’ should be his very own version of Obama’s ‘Peacetime’ Martial Law! The first thing you have to realize before you show me the hand is to understand that if you think that Joe Biden isn’t going to use Obama’s ‘Peacetime’ Martial Law in his own repertoire you’re out of your mind! If you think that’s not possible because of the constitution won’t allow that to happen, then you’ve really been asleep at the wheel for the last 28 years, but especially for the last 15 years when the Obama Administration used the Constitution like it was toilet paper!

The Constitution was rendered useless and nonexistent during the Obama Administration, but what makes this even worse, is that the Republican Party who was first led by John Boehner as Speaker of the House at one time, and then his replacement Paul Ryan who had to be basically bribed to take Boehner’s place, and of course the man of the hour, and now Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who we can all now call ‘Beijing’s Bitch Mitch’ because we all know that he will be given instructions and told what to do, and will obey as he has for all these years!

If I had to take a wild guess, and now knowing that Mitch McConnell, and now John McCain’s ‘best Bud’ Lindsey Graham who for some reason has been made the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary in 2019, but for some reason giving the chairmanship back to its rightful owner Senator Chuck Grassley when the new 2021 congress was sworn in!

Let’s call it for what it is, ‘Aiding and Abetting,’ and taking part in what’s already known to be committing a criminal offense during this suspicious election period that was obviously anticipated in advance because they had to have known about the ‘Vote by Mail’ voter fraud was going to happen!

They knew there might be a need for some work to be done by the Senate Judiciary Committee, and/or by the Senate where we already know that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who is ‘Super Sized China Compromised,’ has an opportunity to maybe block, like chief Justice Roberts appears to be doing when it comes to any challenges about the results of this fixed election, any legislation or any legal issues that might call for the Senate or the Senate Judiciary to make some kind of decision in regards to the same fixed election! Hmmm, Do I have to mentioned to you again that this is not a ‘FU*KING DRILL??