‘Jim Crow’ Lies and ‘Consent Decree’ Ties, Alive and Well in Cuba!

(2,203 Words) Democrats historical and long known for ‘Racist’ tendencies reveal Biden’s excuses for “Blaming Republicans for What Democrats are Guilty of!” It all started with the 1982 ‘Consent Decree’ that gave the Dems a 36 year window of ‘Election Fraud’ bliss that could be rolled out at anytime and anywhere they needed, but what … Read more

Bush 41’s ‘Bipartisan’ 1992 Goals Makes ‘We the People’s’ Rights Targeted Today!

(2,181 Words) Surprise, surprise, and I’m not going to tell you I told you so, especially when I’ve been going on about Bush 41, a.k.a. George Herbert Walker Bush and his signing back in 1992 of the United Nations UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development which is the action plan implemented worldwide to inventory and control all land, … Read more