Did Trump’s MAGA ‘Wins’ Expose Obama, Biden, and Pelosi’s Hidden Agenda?

Internet Surrendered by the Obama/Biden Administration to the United Nations in 2016, the 2009+ ‘Fast and Furious’ Obama non-existing scandal arming drug cartels, Pelosi’s father’s mob ties to drug cartels, Open Borders, Racism, COVID-19, and the intentionally targeted once 4th richest nation in the world Venezuela so that all immigrants and refugees would head North … Read more

To Even Think That SCOTUS Should be ‘Packed’ ‘Is’ a Slap to Every American’s Face!

With Biden and Harris being silent about whether or not they will pack the court if elected, has elevated the once believed to be Progressive Branch of the Democratic Party to the now now ‘Radical Left’ Branch of the Democratic Party that’s decide that instead of coming up with a new platform that isn’t Socialism, … Read more