Dems ‘Deep State’ Progressive Judges Strike Again!

Let me see if I got this right!! First we have an apparent made up charge to undermine a duly elected President of the United States using Intel from retired Russian Agents that admit themselves it can’t be verified, a special Counsel appointed to the investigation who picks a team without one Republican, and now … Read more

Where’s the ‘Push Back’ to Our Crisis at the Border?

How much more can the American people keep accepting our elected officials doing nothing about the invasion by these unvetted and illegal immigrants who are crashing our borders, threatening our sovereignty, and possibly harming the American people! I think that we all know that the leadership of both these poor excuses for representatives of the … Read more

Dem’s Talking Points: ‘Manufactured,’ Yesterday, ‘Vanity’ Today.

The other day the Dems word/phrase for the day was ‘manufactured,’ well today it’s ‘Vanity’ as in a campaign promise a.k.a. the ‘Wall,’ but to be more specific, The President’s ‘Wall!’ But wait a minute, isn’t the $90 Billion Dollars that Obama spent without Congressional approval, to shore up Obamacare not the same thing after … Read more