Thanksgiving’s ‘End Game’ Giveaway Great with Turkey, Not Biden’s Global Reset!

I thought that on this Thanksgiving morning that I would open up the ‘whine’ cabinet for all those ‘Useful Idiots’ that Stalin claims Socialism can’t survive without, and who have for the last 4 Thanksgiving morning have decided to back and supported the obstructing and resisting the resolve of 63 Million American who voted back … Read more

Obama’s ‘Rule of Law’ and U.N.’s 3 Agenda’s ‘Scrap’ All ‘Constitutional Guaranteed Individual Rights!!’

The New World Order, and our elected officials who’ve caved to the perceived notion that America’s ‘By and for the People’s’ 240+ years of self determination can’t be trusted to decide anything when it comes to the future of America let alone the world, which is proven by their reaction to President Trump’s victory over … Read more