The 44% Of America That the Polls and Primaries Ignore!

(Post Labor Day Series Part 7)  **New Poll: Most Say 2020 Election Was Totally Loaded with Fraud! (Townhall/Matt Vespa) First, when it comes to the selection and election process that’s supposed decides who will lead America into the future, just know that 44% of ‘We the People’s’ input into who’s running for the Presidency of … Read more

‘Outside Interests’ are empowered Because of the Lack of Term Limits!

The lack of term limits is what’s given the ‘Deep State’ the power they needed to build corrupt allegiances, lay out a path to destroy America from within, and make an end run around the ‘Will’ of the American people by abandoning and disrespecting the oath of office they took! The American people who sent … Read more