Coronavirus: Giving Us A Glimpse Into the Possible Future of America’s Leadership on 11/3/2020!

As the world fights this real, but what I feel little overblown when it comes to the markets, battle against the Coronavirus, I find myself concerned about how the Dems keep carrying more about finding another way to exploit any possible situation for political gain as they’ve done time and time again since now President … Read more

“DINO” (Democrat in Name Only) Conor Lamb: A Conservative in Lamb’s Clothing?

“DINO” (DEMOCRAT IN NAME ONLY) CONOR LAMB: A Conservative in lamb’s clothing or the beginning of a cooperating bipartisan Congress that’s not been answering the bell for the American people for a very long time? As Yogi Berra once said “It’s like Déjà vu’ all over again. We have a ‘RINO’ that’s President because in … Read more

He Said, She Said: No Room for Sexual Misconduct in America’s Politics!

I’m beginning to think that these ‘He said, She said’ progressive liberals that have taken over the once honorable and proud Democratic Party, have adopted some of the habits practiced by the once free flowing open access to america being taken advantage of by unvetted and illegal immigrant’s and refugee’s! ‘Never Trumper’s’ constant narrative of being … Read more

President Trump Takes Back Abandoned Leadership Role on World Stage!

President Trump is taking back the reins of the long-abandoned leadership role on the World Stage after it went missing, intentionally, under the not so caring watchful eye of the Obama administration! We don’t have to pretend anymore that these bipartisan obstructionist leaders should never have been allowed to stay in office after two terms, and … Read more