Biden’s NWO Agenda: Arming Terrorists Against ‘We the People’ and Our Allies!

The Blowing off Steam Intro (1,960 Words), Today’s Blowing off Steam expanded Article (2,521 Words) Total (4,481 Words) First things first, and when you know that when it comes to Obama and now Biden and their top priority being ‘GUN CONTROL’ in America….. Did you see that in Afghanistan that the Taliban, and this is … Read more

MAGA: The Constitution and ‘Rule of Law,’ Not Pelosi’s ‘Rule Changes and ‘Packed’ Courts!

(2,207 WORDS) It’s time for ‘We the People’ to understand that America’s supposed to be ‘Due Process,’ can’t be trusted to be dished out from today’s official Justice Department, which is not only an unfortunate reality, but being aided by an inept President, and unconstitutional Vice President, and a 3rd time Speaker of the House … Read more

‘Jim Crow’ Lies and ‘Consent Decree’ Ties, Alive and Well in Cuba!

(2,203 Words) Democrats historical and long known for ‘Racist’ tendencies reveal Biden’s excuses for “Blaming Republicans for What Democrats are Guilty of!” It all started with the 1982 ‘Consent Decree’ that gave the Dems a 36 year window of ‘Election Fraud’ bliss that could be rolled out at anytime and anywhere they needed, but what … Read more

Did Trump’s MAGA ‘Wins’ Expose Obama, Biden, and Pelosi’s Hidden Agenda?

Internet Surrendered by the Obama/Biden Administration to the United Nations in 2016, the 2009+ ‘Fast and Furious’ Obama non-existing scandal arming drug cartels, Pelosi’s father’s mob ties to drug cartels, Open Borders, Racism, COVID-19, and the intentionally targeted once 4th richest nation in the world Venezuela so that all immigrants and refugees would head North … Read more

Not the ‘Season’ to ‘Forgive’ Those Who Trespass Against ‘We the People!’

It’s been two days since Easter Sunday 2021, and now ‘We the People,’ and who at one time believed in those Easter messages like when Jesus showed his first followers how to pray, and when he included a plea for forgiveness with “Forgive us our sins, or we should forgive everyone who sins against us” (Luke … Read more