Independents: The 38% That Don’t get a say in the Selection Process! (Update)

In 2016 the Democrats relied largely on opinion polls, as they did ‘Fake’ news, ‘Fake’ Sources, innuendo, half-truths, and outright lies to try and convince the American people to join Hillary’s pro-Socialist team! Election forecasters put Clinton’s chance of winning in 2016 at anywhere from 70% to as high as 99%, and pegged her as … Read more

Should Our Elected Officials be Able to Vote ‘Present’ Instead of ‘Yay’ or ‘Nay?’

Should Our Elected Officials be Able to Vote ‘Present’ Instead of ‘Yay’ or ‘Nay,’ and should they be able to remain in office representing us instead of defending their egotistical power grab and financial reward for bucking their very own constituency when it comes to tax reform? Should our elected officials be bursting this current … Read more

Do Democrats Only Pretend to Care About the Hoodwinked Middle Class?

Democrats only pretend to care about the hoodwinked middle class, and that’s because it’s not in their Socialist’s genes! So, how much more can the Liberal Left pretend to care about the middle class when it comes to taxes, and why do they pretend to care when they couldn’t care less? We have the Democrats … Read more

It’s Forks, Cell Phones, Video Games, and Hollywood That Need to be Controlled, Not Guns!

Do guns need to be controlled, or should forks, knives, and spoons, the time our kids and grand kids spend on cell phones, or playing violent videogames and watching gun infested violent Hollywood Movies? Lack of control of any of the above will hasten a ‘slow’ death by either neglecting your health, Social ignorance, or the need for perceived violence … Read more